Wednesday, September 13, 2017


I don't think I have ever done this before, but this posting and this cause are very important to me.

I need your help and information.

I have received several calls over the past couple weeks regarding Animal Control in the City of Hartford and the killing of impounded dogs. The callers have claimed that captured dogs are not being properly advertised as required by Connecticut Law before they are killed.

Imagine your pet being impounded by the City of Hartford and killed before you could even get a return call to check on them or find out if they had been found

And I don't want to make this an indictment of Hartford's Animal Control Officer, I understand he is overworked as the only active ACO in Hartford since the Bronin budget cuts forced the lay off of two other ACO's last year and one more is out on some sort of sick leave.

If you have had difficulty in contacting ACO's in  Hartford or in trying to recover or adopt a dog or if you have information on dogs being killed while in the Hartford pound, please contact me either by e-mail or phone or if you wish, comments can be left on this posting also.

We need to be the voices for our beloved pets


  1. Hire sherri back. Cut sone of the library hacks making 160k

  2. This is horrible. I certainly have my stories about our animal control having no interest with cats. Anyways, count me in as an advocate and I will do want ever needs to be done, Kevin.

  3. There is potentially more to this story but I need to get my facts together before I speak.

  4. Be careful Kevin, the Courant will say they were working on this first

  5. They fired 2 ACOs due to budget constraints and the 3rd is out INJURED from being attacked by an 80lb pit in the hood that was terrorizing people so he's not just out "sick". His back is screwed. They're is only 1 left to work his ass off who should retire.

  6. It is a shame that Hartford has gone to this level. Thanks former Mayors Carrie Perry, Mike Peters, Eddie Perez and Pedro Seggara you spent taxpayers money like running water. I agree hire Sherry back. She can make a difference. I wonder if she would even consider returning. What a mistake it was to dismiss her? Yes, get rid of some of the Hartford Public Library top level and put some resources into Animal Control.

  7. All I know is my dog went missing and thank goodness we found her after a day. I called the Hartford pound 3 times and never, ever got a call back. I called West Harford and got a call back right away. My dog, if she had been picked up, was not a stray and my kids and I would have been devastated by her loss if put to sleep.

    But can we be clear? There was no need for Bronin to cut Sherry's ACO position which cost peanuts. He chose to do it, like he chose to cancel the fireworks and like he's choosing to close libraries, because he thinks by making residents miserable he's going to get Malloy to give him money. We're all just pawns in his game.

    We don't need the bloat at the City Hall or the library or anywhere else in this city but no one in power wants to lay off their spouse, their relative, or their friends' kid. It all seems to come down to nepotism and repaying favors - I don't see many decisions being made because it's the right decision for the City or its residents. Letting Sherri go was not the right decision for the City.

  8. Shut down all library branches, fire the staff and move all the money to animal control. This city has gone to the dogs so why bother with books, literacy and afterschool program.

  9. This is just another example of a city in decline. I had family and friends try and make a life in Hartford and all of them got out. Is it the lack of funds or the residents who determine if a city is going to become a decent place to live or just a drive by on the interstate highway? If Hartford was flush with cash would it really make any difference?

  10. 9:50 you are absolutely right. The city is beyond repair because its residents are broken. Most lack social/emotional maturity, financial strength and or education. We are the dumping ground of the suburbs for their undesirables. Thus we all have the services we deserve as we keep reelecting broken people to represent us. Intelligence is not the capital that Hartford was built on. Carpe Diem

  11. Hartford is a disaster. Just look at its leaders they are true representatives of the folks that elected them. The other problem is the massive crime problem the city has and the inability (or maybe they don't want to get a handle on it) of both the city and state to get a grip on it. No sane business will locate to a community that cannot guarantee in some form the saftey of its employees and most of all its property and lastly i see locals demanding all sorts of benefits but nobody is asking how will it be paid for and nobody wants to cut hartford top heavy management and pointless city agencies.

  12. Who is the active remaining ACO? Is that Mr Graybeard or is he the one who was bitten by a 200 pound pit and hurt his back?
