Tuesday, November 21, 2017


After months of working without a contract and months of negotiations  with the Bronin Administration a tentative agreement has been reached between the HPD Union and the City of Hartford.  It's about time.

This tentative agreement comes after what many perceived as "Union busting" efforts by Bronin as soon as he took Office in an attempt to get union concessions to reduce his budget deficit.

In a text message sent earlier today by HPD Union Vice President Joseph Fargnoli he stated that "the Executive Board has  reached a tentative agreement with the City regarding our contract"

I haven't obtained specifics of the deal yet, but sources are telling me it involves no raises for 3 years and then 2% in the fourth and fifth year.It also involves an increased contribution for health care costs than one officer described to me as "maybe less than 30 dollars a week " out of his weekly pay.

An informational meeting will be held for HPD Union stewards on Monday November 27,2017 to have the agreement explained  so that they can take the information back to their membership for a Union vote on December 5, 2017.

The finalized agreement in principle is being completed at this time.


  1. DPW backbone of the cityNovember 22, 2017 at 12:11 AM

    Hard workers at DPW and Fire forced to give up money and raises and these hpd Jabronis think they're special dam your raise its time they gave back

  2. Do you know the terms of the contract? Three years of no pay raises seems like a giveback to me. Maybe DPW and Fire weren't as good at the negotiating table as the HPD Union reps. The City had to agree also to finalize it, and the Union membership hasn't accepted it yet. And maybe waiting until the State budget was finalized just might have been a wise strategy for the HPD Union negotiators to weed through the Bronin smokescreen

  3. Kevin - do you know if HPD had to go on a HDHP/HSA healthcare plan similar to Fire? If not, I assume all other unions are going to fight those healthcare concessions that are being asked by the City.

  4. I don't just want it explained. I want a copy of the tenitive agreement so we know exactly what we are voting on.

  5. Kevin

    PD more than 4% behind Fire. They lose as usual.

  6. Explain just how you think PD ever comes out behind FD.
    FD no raise big health care hits and no OT.straight time.

  7. Sounds like someone in the FD is jelous because they settled too fast and sold out non-vested members. HPD now has and will have a better contract.

  8. Does it not have to go through the MARB? Budget was passed with strings and there was no contract in place at the time of its passing.

    1. No it does not have to go through MARB just like the PPO was no longer existent according to Vinnie the Rat.

  9. Vinny never said it was gone, he said he was not willing to give up 2 companies to keep it. Can someone explain why this contract is exempt from oversight?

  10. Not necessarily HFD, there is a Vinnie the Rat in the HPD Union also

  11. from rumors vinnie hasn’t been heard from since the election results. I heard elected Diaz has taken role as HFD President. its sad i have to ask a blog to get my answer. VP Cook great job you’ve been a great mushroom.

    1. Diaz isnt anything until the 1st of the year

  12. "Vinnie did not want to give up 2 companies"
    That has been the problem for over a decade, what Vinnie or the other e board members want. HFD you dont work for 760, you are 760. You pay the officers and eboard to administrate the business of 760 not dictate or order you around. Now is the time to take back your union, end the bs antimidation and lies led by the Vinnies, Bradys, Toweys and the like. Demand everything be put to a vote of the membership from this day on. The membership is supposed to set policy, not the dictators. Close 2 companies, so what the numbers are down no jobs to be lost, close 4 companies. Just forget rushing in thats all.

  13. the closing of company’s was the tac 760 fear factor. when freeman came in he got the sky is falling speech. he said which is true the first company to be shut would be the tac. tac 760 vinnie scrambled to get guys previously he and his cronies wouldn’t of given the time of day (only if they drank his cool aid)they said screw so the first open enrollment into the tac happened to boost the numberst and give the hartford core training . what a slap in the face to they guys who earned there way there.the state gave there core training to hartford . the competent guys passed some didnt. ounce again the hartford standard was adopted because guys didn’t pass the state test. what’s funny is freeman had a hard on about swim test ant haz mat certificates took good guys off the trucks because the didn’t pass a faulty test.then vinnie comes up with a back door deal grandfathing all current not certified members in.im not shiting on the tac you guys know there’s too much patch sowing and special meal eating other than knowing your job and apperattus. how perfect force 60 senior members out because they got told if you don’t leave they will loose all there benefits . surprise hfd was the only one to loose on the contract.all of sudden this grant popped up let’s hire 110 with a shit contract. the reason the vote went how it did because your stance was if vinnie doesn’t win we’re out. shmiidt cook leave.

  14. I have just got my first look at the HFD contract in writing, What a total beating, 10% or more give backs across the board in salary, longer time to top pay, no medical retirement benefits for new hires, no raises, dismiss all greivences, why do new hires pay in 2 % for a retirement medical benefit they will not get? is that just to get a 500 a month stipend? locked career tracks, 25 yrs minimum, are you shitting me? Who is going to take this job in the future, the very bottom of the barrel that's who. I been thinking Bronin is dumb, he bent Vinnie and the other savvy leaders right over and did it in public. Ask yourself, why would Vinnie sell you this? No "union" man would ever even try to sell this to a membership. Watch you will find Vinnie up at the state level with the past cronies, Bronin, I apologize, you will now have my vote for Govenor, This is more savings to the City than you can imagine. Now just close a couple companies just for icing on the cake to finish the beating.
    In the future when the next bunch of cronies tell you here's a look at the contract vote in the morning, "Just Say NO"!
    And the next time they want to add a new service or training to do additional work in your job description, "Just say NO!
    How these men can sell you this and then look at you, work with you, ask you to vote them in again? And how you went for this and voted for it? You have a shit sandwich to eat for the next 4 yrs. I suggest you start planning your next meal now, you have 4 yrs to prepare it.
    Signed, glad I'm gone.
