Friday, November 17, 2017


A Minor accident became a serious incident Wednesday, details below

On Wednesday morning , the Hartford Police Dispatch Center received a call for a minor motor vehicle accident in front of 26 Wethersfield Avenue. It eventually turned out to be anything but a minor incident and resulted in the arrest of a Hartford woman on numerous charges.

According to police , two vehicles were headed north on Wethersfield Avenue near Wyllys Street. One vehicle was driving properly in its designated lane. The second vehicle operated by Amber Williams, 29, of Shultas Place in Hartford, was apparently improperly travelling northbound in the left turn lane to bypass traffic. According to witnesses , Police, and video recordings, Williams quickly veered over to continue northbound in the travel lane, striking vehicle number one in the front end when she cut him off.

Sounds pretty basic, doesn't it?

Well it quickly took a turn for the bad when Williams exited her vehicle and approached the vehicle she had just cut off and struck. A verbal altercation ensued, at which point, according to Police and witnesses ( and the video), Williams returned to her vehicle and retrieved a baseball bat and proceeded to strike the vehicle she cut off, hitting the grill and front end area of the car.

The operator of the vehicle she was hitting with the bat , apparently then yelled to his wife "Get the gun ready".

The operator apparently felt as though he was being threatened by an erratic woman swinging a bat and hitting his car.. Williams apparently told the operator that "she was not afraid of him" and could  "handle her own". As it turns out, the operator's wife did have a gun in her possession, a 357 Magnum and she was licensed to carry it and that was confirmed by HPD. The use of deadly force most likely would have been justified if there was any attempt to turn the bat on the operator or his wife or child. Fortunately, Williams only struck the vehicle and not the operator , his wife, or their child in the car and didn't physically threaten them aside from swinging at the car

Before Police actually arrived, concerned citizens observed the commotion and intervened to diffuse the situation.

According to operator number one and witnesses, Williams was extremely irate after the accident , even though it was clear she caused it. Williams was reportedly yelling obscenities and calling operator number one a "cracker". Witnesses claimed Williams continued to act "crazy". Once Police arrived, that craziness continued.

The arriving officer asked Williams what had happened and reportedly she began to yell "he hit my car , he hit my car", even though the facts showed that she caused the accident. The officer then tried to get Williams to calm down , but that didn't work. The officer tried to explain to Williams that it was "just an accident". Williams reportedly yelled at the officer "I see how you do, you are already judging me". according to the HPD incident report, Williams then called the Officer a "racist". The Officer walked away from Williams and requested a Supervisor.

A Supervisor responded, Sgt. Eric Smith. When  Sgt.Smith attempted to talk to Williams, again according to the incident report, Williams walked away and said Smith was too intimidating and then stated to HPD Officer Cunningham that  " that Officer is the type of Officer that kills black People". Not that it has any bearing, but Sgt Smith is an African American Officer with over 20 years on the Department.

The sequence of events as reported was also verified by numerous witnesses as well as video recorded by HPD's Crime Center cameras which cover that area and showed Williams acting erratically and aggressively.

Williams was arrested for the incident and charged with Breach of Peace, Reckless Endangerment and Interfering With Police.

Luckily HPD handled the incident quickly and professionally, and avoided an incident that could have turned out much worse.

William's "Easton"  Aluminum bat was confiscated as evidence.


  1. The"cracker" comment should make this a hate crime. She sounds like she is one disturbed individual.

  2. If there are no balls in the car with that bat then that bat is not for sport but intentionally a weapon.

  3. Look at who her mother is, like mother like daughter. Anger management appears to be a serious problem in that family.

  4. Who is her mother?

  5. Why do they still refer to this area of Hartford as “Little Italy” ??? What an insult to me and my family who had deep roots in the south end . No ethnicity is free from some form of bad behavior but the MAJORITY of people who now occupy the south end, and let’s be honest with ourselves, THE ENTIRE CITY have taken these types uncivilized actions you reported to the extreme. There is no doubt in my mind that “these people” want something,,,ANYTHING to riot over! Even if it’s some type of racial divide that “they” MANUFACTURED!!! I thanked my parents for many of the opportunities they facilitated in my life , I wish they were alive so they could appreciate their forward thinking decision to move their young family off of Annawan St. (They should re-name it Shit Hole Ave.) to a solid neighborhood. I would have first and foremost thanked them for that! Too bad this shitbag is gonna get a slap on the wrist ,then allowed to drive like an asshole around “Little Italy” and endanger my life as I attempt to visit a Franklin Ave bakery . Maybe we should reverse that famous line in The Godfather and “FORGET THE CANNOLI” !!!!! Seriously, To my friends and family of Italian decent, PLEASE stay safe while making your ritual visits to the bakeries this holiday season . Personally,,it’s just not worth it anymore!

  6. Christopher Lyons retired HPDNovember 18, 2017 at 12:29 PM

    The insane over reaction by nut job Amber Williams is not an aberration on the street and many police officers can attest to that. Police are either classified as racists or brutal and that is daily drivel by those who commit crimes and have no other excuse.

    A big mouth with a baseball bat going after someone she hit with her bad driving. She needs a trip to the Purple Pod and then straight to jail. There are too many Amber William's out in the public.

    Good restraint on the occupants of the other vehicle.

    Nice work by Hartford Police again.

    1. You were one of those racist Cops back in the day whom targeted many families and destroyed many families from the community. You should be a shame of yourself to even post that your a retired hartford police officer. Your response to a situation you clearly have no acknowledgment of is repulsive. This response should go viral so the HPD CAN SEE WHOM IS REPRESENTING THEM!! And good job to the crooked cops of Hartford, CT. The ones who set up "suspects" and do anything to get an arrest right! You were on the force when the HPD was under investigation for discrimination against the blacks and hispanics. So please do yourself a favor and remain professional as your comment is anything but that of a retired Hartford Pilice Officer.

  7. 9:37pm

    Janice Fleming is her mother from what she was telling officers at the scene

    1. This the real Shawn W.? I doubt it

    2. Janice Flemming of "Women of Color"?

  8. Why is it that when people act badly and are held accountable, racism is acceptable to try to deflect attention from their ignorant acts? How can anyone make a statement that a police officer they just met seconds earlier is a racist and is the type to shoot black people? And calling a white family "crackers" is about as ignorant and racist as one can be. Racism goes both ways, and as long as anyone is so quick to judge someone they just met perpetuates the stereotypes many claim they are fighting, but this incident just proves that many people still want the racial divide to grow rather than attempt to heal it.

    Ms. Williams your ignorance is astounding

  9. I would have added the charge of intimidation based on race / ethnicity. Of course, if the scary N word was uttered that charge would have been included.

  10. I️ think the words go “liberty and justice for all” laws should be enforced the same for everyone and all races if we really want equality. Whether it is a UHA student using racist words or Ms. Williams swinging a bat towards a white family while yelling racist terms , hatred and bias based on race swings both ways. Maybe she should be charged with a hate crime just to send the message that no one should be singled out based on the color of their skin or race, and no one is exempt based on the color of their skin or race

  11. Flashback to 2012 WTP Hartford.

    Local organizer Janice Flemming was charged with assaulting a board member from the Blue Hills Civic Association Friday afternoon. Flemming was charged with Breach of Peace ,2nd degree and Assault,3rd degree by Hartford Police.

    Flemming has been an organizer for several local organizations including H.A.R.T and the Blue Hills Civic Association as well as a founder of the "Voices of Women of Color".

  12. According to the police report, Williams did not say that Sgt. Smith was " the type of Officer that kills black People." She said that about the investigating/arresting officer.

  13. The first sergeant has a closet plump full of skeletons

  14. Eric Smith the police Sergeant who accidentally/intentionally
    dscharged his service weapon into a neighbor's house in Bloomfield/?

    Eric Smith who crashed his own vwehicle into a pole on the
    highway in Htfd off Duty?

    Eric Smith The Police Sergeant who was fired from
    Farmington Ct. Police Dept for Sexual harrasment on females?

    Eric Smith who treats subordinates/ fellow cops like dirt?

    Eric Smith should not be a Sergeant or even a cop. He should of been
    fired by Jimmy Rovella.

  15. Flemming has been arrested for assault. mother like daughter.

  16. Only one that was being racist here was Williams. She is the typical Hartford resident; breaks the law and then plays victim. And honestly I wish jane citizen with the 357 had used her weapon. Hartford would be a slightly better place without her and her erratic driving.

  17. What is the status of the Paul west "cracker" comment?????? And the harassment complaint that was filed to go with it??

  18. OH MY GOD! Christmas came early ! Luke Bronin ,Malloy’s mini-me is considering a run for Governor! I was praying Nancy Wyman “The Puppet Master” would run and there is no doubt that she would have LOST, So my sadness in her decision not to run was short lived thanks to that incompetent loser Luke throwing his bad name into the hat. MAYBE AMBER “ THE LOUISVILLE SLUGGER” WILLIAMS CAN BE HIS CAMPAIGN MANAGER!! I can’t wait to hear his LIST of ACCOMPLISHMENTS he facilitated in Hartford! MERRY CHRISTMAS MY CONSERVATIVE FRIENDS! HAPPY “HOLIDAYS” TO YOU LIBERALS ( I’m trying to conform to your PC demands) How did that PC crap work out for you in the presidential election?


    1. @ 11:38 AM: Make Connecticut great again? How? Connecticut is drowning in debt.

  20. @8:32

    Behave yourself.

  21. I would have stopped the woman with the bat.


  22. Paul West can say Cracker comment,
    but if a white cop made a racist comment He would be fired.
    Rovella allows racist comments to be made.

  23. Bet she was high as f#%!

    Yardgoat’s newest recruit!


  24. Double Standards ----Paul West fondly known
    as Sugar Bear can say anything. He said Cracker and Rovella
    is afraid to fire the dude. But he fired Kamil.

  25. Kevin, Will you post the entire transcript of the Billy Smith and Vinny Graves conversation if someone gets it to you ? Your blog visitors won’t believe what they are reading. Forget average losers like the civilian Amber Williams is ,,, the race hating,homophonic and threatening language was between a Hartford Fire Chief and a subordinate. You people haven’t seen or heard how bad it racism was and is in Hartford until you read this transcript. This was not a great time to be white,gay or having friendships with white firefighters..You in or out Kevin?

  26. Internet records show Janice "Twanda" Flemming is 42 or 44 years old. You folks sure this is mother of 29 yr-old perp? Flemming is on Lukey Luke's payroll to help him buy off more North end blacks, let's see how fast she falls off it.

  27. Kevin some.of your readers and followers are utterly disgusting and it's sad they are allowed to have a gun and badge in a predominantly city of color where they despise the very people they swore to protect and serve you let them post these disgusting commemts about Paul West and Eric Smith some of which is true and others are rumor how does one citizen breaking the law turn into lets bash the poloce officers in the PD that look like her and you wonder why the majority of the people in this city dont even want to be bothered with white police officers? This blog is living proof that person of color wether criminal or law abiding need to be on point and have their guard up when dealing with some of Hartford Finest that are of a certain complexion you have a good day sir

  28. I am a resident of Hartford and Black.
    Ms. Williams is wrong for the motor vehicle accident. She continued to do wrong and made matters worse when she retrieved a weapon from her car and began damaging the second car. She is again wrong as she made matters more worse by referencing the occupants of vehicle #2 with racial slurs. Ms. Williams' comments to law enforcement appear to be an attempt to deflect from her anti social behavior, intimidate law enforcement and falsely present herself as a victim. If she did yell these slurs at the occupants of vehicle #2 then she should also be charged with a hate crime.

    In response to the following,
    "Anonymous said...
    Paul West can say Cracker comment,
    but if a white cop made a racist comment He would be fired.
    Rovella allows racist comments to be made.
    November 19, 2017 at 7:43 PM"

    I respectfully disagree with your perspective. I'd like to draw your attention to a post on this blog a few years ago regarding an officer (who happens to be White) had complained a Deputy Chief of Police Ford (who happens to be Black) had made a comment to the officer that the officer found to be racially insensitive. Deputy Chief Ford was severely reprimanded for the incident and it cost him financially.
    In a more recent case, Hartford Police Chief James Rovella promoted two officers ( who happen to be White) to the rank of Sergeant.
    The police sargeant in this story stomped on the head of the handcuffed defensless man has he was knelling on the ground.

    In June of 2016, the two officers (who happen to be White) were involved in the pursuit of a suspect from Hartford into West Hartford. The two officers (who happen to be White) were disciplined for violating department standards. One could argue that the two officers could have been charged criminally for disrupting an investigation. They lied to investigators and turned off a patrol camera, subsequently destroying evidence. For more on the inexcusable behavior of the two officers present read the Hartford Courant article
    I do see that Whites have an advantage in the Hartford Police Department.

  29. 2:41pm

    you left out a few facts, and I am not sure where you were going with your comment in the first place.

    "The police sargeant in this story stomped on the head of the handcuffed defensless man has he was knelling on the ground." You forgot to mention that the Sergeant is no longer a police officer and was eventually charged criminally for his actions. Where is the advantage there?

    And for the other two who were promoted, violating department standards is not a criminal offense, And where was the criminal intent in their actions, and I don't recall anyone accusing them of lying to investigators.

    And give some credit to Chief Rovella, look at the incident involving former Officer Stackowitz's use of the "N" word. He was terminated by Chief Rovella for his actions, and you may not be aware, but he is white. How did his advantage work for him?

    Maybe we would be better off if we start judging people for their actions as individuals and not based on the color of their skin. Skin color is no justification for bad behavior

  30. 12:22PM

    where did you see in that posting any mention of the offenders race? Or are you maybe just making assumptions on the behavior of the people involved. That sounds a little racist to me.

  31. Kevin Brookman at 3:17 pm ,,,Recently I was invited as a guest to the affluent Avon Country Club by a friend who practices law in Hartford ,please note that the bulk of his clients reside in Hartford and have made him a very rich man. After our round of golf we had lunch with the two gentleman who had joined us on the course. Upon finding out I was a Hartford firefighter, my two new friends inquired about my experiences and encounters with the public . Keep in mind I was born,raised and lived in Hartford.. Well not even 10 minutes into the war stories,my lawyer buddy stops me mid sentence and calls me a racist! At this point i asked my interested lunch companions if I had incorporated skin color,ethnicity or religious affiliation while attempting to paint a picture of the incivility I was exposed to after a couple of decades at a extremely busy firehouse. Of course they laughed while answering no to my buddy’s embarrassing assumption,unfortunately his remark put our friendship in a different category. I wonder if his client base I had you take note of above affects his judgement of the people who reside in Hartford?

  32. It seems Ms. Williams’ must reapply for a new race card.

  33. The sad truth is that like every third call for police service is a situation of similar circumstances as far as the behavior is concerned! Underpaid and overworked babysitting ungrateful leeches to society sucking on the free government money nipple! I can't wait to retire and see the Welcome to Hartford sign in my rearview mirror as I burn rubber out of this state.

  34. Im going to be a future florida resident in 4 yrs. with my plump pension. So long turds.

  35. Can someone PLEASE explain how Luke Bronin and Hartford’s education system will support a couple of hundred displaced kids from Puerto Rico? Most will need to be in a bilingual setting. DanWillLie Malloy is the head of the Democratic Governor’s association right? THEN WHY DIDNT HE CALL ONE OF HIS LIBERAL FRIENDS IN A MORE FISCALLY STABLE STATE TO HELP OUT INSTEAD??? The Hartford Courant reports 1100+ kids came to Connecticut from the island,,,DID THEY COME ALONE??? WHERE ARE THEY LIVING???WHOS FEEDING THEM?? Where is this F%#KING MONEY COMING FROM??? Malloy just manipulated the budget yesterday and is gonna screw the few taxpayers left living here!!! If I had family in desperate times, the last place I would advise them to consider is Connecticut!! That would be like the SS Edmund Fitzgerald showing up to help out the RMS Titanic!!! And please no race card ,,,this is about common sense,practicality and THE ABILITY TO PAY FOR THIS!!!

  36. How about thinking "why" something is being done instead of "how"? The answer would be that they're human beings. Child human beings. Too bad your keyboard doesn't have those adorable Nazi lightning bolts instead of SS. That, I think, would be much more suited to your taste. And I'm white.

  37. Sounds like she was on angel dust. It's behind every aberrant crime. What is being done? Lots of concentration on fentanyl and heroin, but every time you hear one of these OUTRAGEOUS behavior stories, you can bet the farm that dust is behind it.

  38. Nazi? Really? You liberals have no shame in diversion tactics when faced with logical resistance to your misguided and idiotic beliefs. Does this blog use the same rules as Jeopardy or do I have to cater to your dense brain?? Alright 6:16 pm ,I’ll play the game by the “rules” ,,,WHY HARTFORD??? WHY CONNECTICUT??? This state is ALREADY struggling to support the people who EITHER can’t take care of themselves or those who can but took advantage of CONNECTICUT lucrative social services programs instead.If I were to accept displaced family members in my own home with my current financial situation,,I WOULD BE BROKE IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS!!!!! But this what I CAN do, I would facilitate the APPROPRIATE place for my loved ones to be safe and be on “SOLID GROUND” ,,Hartford and the rest of our inner cities are no place to invite “child human beings” and their escorts to start a new life!!!!! UNLESS YOUR LOOKING FOR VOTES!!!!! Maybe that’s the answer to MY “WHY” question for our welcoming politicians.. How ironic is it that we can’t AFFORD to keep rest rooms open at welcome centers along the highways but can find money for refugees and displaced families .

    1. Nor am I liberal. Not everyone fits a profile

  39. Then my second assumption was correct,,,,YOUR DENSE !!!!!!!

  40. No. I just believe in doing the right thing like your Bible says. And it's "you're", not "your". Try again.

  41. So another diversion!!! ,,,you have no ability to to answer my “WHY” questions at 8:53 pm BUT YOUVE SOMEHOW HAVE NOW MORPHED INTO A VERY TALENTED SPELLCHECKER,,,, oops ! I meant YOU’VE ! Also ,God is disappointed that your ignoring the “common sense” he blessed all of us with!!! When your done grading comments can you please address my comment at 8:53 pm !!

  42. I did. I believe in helping people in need, as you or I would want to be helped if our homes and families were destroyed. All humans on this planet are no more than 50th cousins apart. Like it or not you're related to all the people you disparage. Everyone deserves help when in need. In the form of welfare and handouts? Absolutely not. The welfare system should be abolished (that's NOT a liberal mindset). But these children had their lives destroyed. That means nothing? And I didn't morph. I've always been a phenomenal speller. Next we'll work on your (over)misuse of the comma.

  43. So Hartford ,,,,The number 1 LEAST charitable city in the ENTIRE country will be the number 1 city in Connecticut when accepting displaced “child human beings” and their escorts affected by hurricane Maria.Where was this community (I vomited a little while typing that last word) after hurricane Harvey hit Texas and Louisiana or when hurricane Irma hit Florida?? There are families STILL displaced and “child human beings “ STILL without schools. Did you see DanWillLie Malloy or Luke Bronin offer our resources to THOSE PEOPLE? Did I miss a press conference or press release?? These politicians are the ones disparaging and manipulating gullible people like you,,,,(sorry for the (over) use of comma’s),,,I know you NEED to be approached with the question “why” instead of “how” ,,,,,,So WHY DID’NT THE LEAST CHARITABLE COMMUNITY OF HARTFORD OR CONNECTICUT POLITICIANS REACH OUT TO THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS ,LOUISIANA OR FLORIDA ??
