Friday, November 10, 2017


The perpetrator's and failed politician's
A Hartford City Council Resolution originally introduced by Council President Thomas Clarke in February is being resurrected for action at Monday nights Council meeting.
The resolution appears to be directed at the Hartford Yardgoat's failure to comply with the City of Hartford's Living Wage ordinance for part time jobs at the stadium this year, their first year of operation.
 Clarke's resolution claims that compliance with the living wage is required by City Ordinance as part of Hartford's Municipal Code.
Clarke also claims in his resolution that "this is just another in a long line of broken promises to the residents of Hartford about the economic benefits they would receive from pouring over $100 million in taxpayers funds into one of the most expensive minor league baseball stadiums in the Country"
Clarke goes on further to state "The previous Administration entered into a poorly  negotiated deal for the development of the Stadium"
Finally, Clarke concludes " As of today, we are still unsure how many millions of dollars city taxpayers will have to pay to cover Construction completion, litigation, and the cost of land taken by eminent domain for the stadium"
It might have been nice if the Powers to be had listened to City residents concerns before jumping head first into this deal that will continue to cost Hartford's taxpayers millions per year with very little , if any, in return for the next couple decades.


  1. Hey, TJ, what's the problem, one of the poorest cities in the country builds one of the most expensive stadiums in the country.

  2. For the next quarter of century we will be paying for this miserable ballpark. Residents of Hartford, keep on paying for the next 25 years.

  3. Hah! That's funny...I've been saying pretty much the same thing for the past 3 years that TJ's saying here. TJ, how come you never mentioned any of this at the Stadium Authority meetings? I know you've only been at about 14 of them, but I've been at all of them and never heard you put these concerns before Solomon or anyone else. But you've heard me say them before council and elsewhere--as well as writing about them--pretty regularly. For that, I've had to take a lot of scorn, verbal abuse, and name-calling from the rah-rah squad that loves everything Yard Goats, no matter how many ways the city is getting screwed. Good luck with getting that living wage out of the team--not gonna happen.

    1. Anne: "The city is getting screwed."
      No, it's US, residents of Hartford, WE ARE GETTING SCREWED.

  4. What is the final bill? Cant wait to hear what it is.

    1. 10:39 PM
      There isn't really a final bill, there will always be something coming up. For example, mayor Pedro Segarra agreed that the city will be responsible for all the maintenance and all the repairs in the ballpark year after year, even after 15/20 yrs. as a result of aging and deterioration.
      The bottom line, the total cost of this ballpark would be way more than $100,000,000.00. Way more!


    3. I agree with 9:50. If you add up the interest over 25 years, the legal fees, the "consultants" (such as Sandra Kee Borges who rehired herself, and others), the land, yes, it's a $120 million affair or more.

  5. Is Solomon going to follow the city's living wage ordinance? Uh, no. He's already said that. Is the mayor going to take action if he doesn't follow it? Nope. This whole idea is a case of too little, too late. So you want to fight for the right of more Hartford residents to work these part-time, seasonal, minimum wage jobs? Go right ahead. That's pretty much who's been working them right along. Josh Solomon made the sweetest deal with the city: He invests pretty much no money, and he reaps pretty much all of the revenue, and that's the way it's going to stay for 25 years (unless he finds a reason to break the contract) You want to lay some blame for this debacle? Look no further than Stadium Authority chairman I. Charles Mathews. He is responsible for much of the huge mess that's come along with this doomed project. He was in Solomon's employ before the SA was even formed. He approved every check to Centerplan even when warned that the construction was over budget and behind schedule. He never--not once!--opened his mouth to say "I'm sorry, Mr. Solomon, but our budget cannot absorb any more of your seemingly endless change orders." He's a blowhard, a camera/microphone whore, a liar, and an unethical slimeball. And at Bronin's first town hall in January 2016, the mayor was asked if he would be replacing Mathews and some other SA members, due to the slipping deadline and the cost overruns. Oh no, he wouldn't do that, he said. They've been there since January 2015 and are too closely aligned with the project to make changes now. Pathetic. This bogus quasi-public/quasi-private entity the city formed to avoid a referendum has come back to bite them in the butt. A bunch of incompetent--and some semi-corrupt--fools.

  6. Local leadership is only as wise as those who elect them. In Hartford, the mean intelligence average is very low. Historically, so has been council and mayor. We may argue whether the current crop is much better. I will give them a passing grade but not high honors.

    We must always understand that in this country, companies and corporations hold sway over government. Lobbying with big money normally trumps the will of the people unless that will can be proven to be large enough to unseat leadership. With regard to previous council and mayor, a group that so lacked wisdom and fiscal prudence, the protest against the stadium lacked focus to bring home the message that the people didn't want it. Having the media on their side wasn't enough. Council always count the numbers and there was no proof that residents had become convinced that the stadium was bad vision. There was no petition drive. There was no telephone campaign, no emailing, nothing tangible except parading in front of cameras. So now, we are arguing over the crumbs; living wages, and law suits being made on all sides; Centerplan, the City of Hartford, Arch Insurance. And the stadium is recognized as being the best built in the nation.

    If the agreements are to pay "living wages" for part time work, which is a foolish notion to begin with, so be it. Enact an official document. And then sue Solomon and keep the lawyers employed. The Hartford Courant business editor once asked me for my opinion about the stadium. He insinuated that I should just look at the good results of the development and put aside my staunch opposition. No, I said. I am paying for it ( and you are not) and just because this ball park creates positive experiences for kids (which I understand), not at the price of 90 million and counting. Investing in such huge developments is not what government should be involved in unless the development serves the public as a whole. A ballpark does not fit this concept.

    I will never support it. My residency in Hartford is tenuous and will soon be history. Lastly, we were only one vote shy of ending this monstrosity. But Joel thought it was a good idea to create a place for kids to go. Cynthia Jennings said that jobs were needed for Hartford residents. Shawn Wooden probably thought a lot of legal work would be needed from his profession. And the good mayor Segarra probably thought that eventually, the ball field would be named Pedro Segarra Ballpark after Solomon moves his team to another gullible city and Dunkin (no longer Dunkin Donuts) ends their name sponsorship. So go ahead, force the baldheaded bastard to fork over more money to payroll. He can afford it.

    Play ball.

    1. Well said, Anonymous at 6:41 AM, very well said; exactly what many Hartford taxpayers feel.

  7. I agree with Anne completely. Did anyone really think Hartford was going to be making money on the Yard Goats. Please Solomon took advantage of Hartford residents. Residents were hired but not at a minimum wage. Former Mayor Pedro Seggara gave his blessing on this dangerous decision even though Hartford residents said NO. State Representative Edwin Vargas appears in the photo. Yet, he told residents he was not going to take a position for or against the stadium. Many other politicians did as well. The biggest joke Seggara did not get re-elected and Hartford residents are going to foot the bill for many years to come. The Yard Goats will eventually leave and the stadium will remain idol. Wake up President Councilman Clarke you are a little late to seek anything from Solmon. This is another gigantic blunder make by local politicians.

    1. Maybe it's time we start calling Solomon's team THE YARD RATS.

  8. Remember Pedro "Caviar" Segarra and Tom "Failure" Deller "The Seller" in front of the cameras when they announced "it's a done deal" and adding that they were "good negotiators."
    Shame on you!

  9. Kevin, I wonder what current or future developers considering involvement of the area around Dunkin Donut Stadium are contemplating now that the Rentschlar Field development of shops and restaurants has been scrapped ? They just had a “shovel” ceremony with all those idiot politicians who promised free money and tax breaks,AND THEY STILL STOPPED CONSTRUCTION,! I can’t wait to hear what the “Voice of The Yardgoats” Dan Lovallo has to say on his show ! He states that he reads this blog regularly . “Hey Dan ,tell me AGAIN how beneficial the stadium and team are for Hartford’s residents and its economy,PLEASE! “ When is the FBI coming in?

  10. Cynthia Jennings, Cynthia Jennings, what's going on with her non-residency in the City of Hartford?

  11. How is it possible that Pedro Peter Maria Caviar Segarra was never arrested? Not to mention Thomas Deller the Seller

    1. 10:25 AM.The authorities do not arrest for arrogance, incompetence or stupidity.

  12. What about the pending lawsuit of $90 Million dollars against Hartford by Centerplan Construction? Where are they gonna come up with that money if they lose? I really think the media and residents of Hartford will bury their heads until judgement day comes! Complete silence on a very serious matter ,it doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe all parties involved know they will be outta there before that time comes? Then whoever is in charge will pull a DanWillLie and his mini-me liar Luke mantra of blaming “PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIONS” !

  13. 3:57 pm ,Could the multimillion dollar Dunkin Donut Stadium be the first ever free of corruption taxpayer funded project of all creation? Segarra,Deller and others need to be investigated by the feds. I think the only politician innocent related to this mess is New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart ,,she’s so naive and squeaky clean she didn’t even see,hear or smell those “rats” from Hartford come in and steal from her cookie jar. Or then again , did she play everybody? Maybe she was happy to see sleaze ball team owner Josh Solomon take his manipulative shenanigans elsewhere. New Britain’s “LOSS” and Hartford’s “GAIN” , Erin must be laughing her ass off!

    1. New Britain Honorable Mayor Erin Stewart spent approx. 150,000 taxpayers dollars to improve her stadium.
      Shameful Mayor Caviar Segarra got Hartford taxpayers to spend more than $100,000,000 For his stupid fantasy and a luxury suite that we'll be stuck with forever.
      Erin is definitely laughing her ads off.


  15. Pedro Segarra, Thomas Deller, Shawn Wooden, Alex Aponte, Cynthia Jennings, Joel Cruz, Sandra Kee Borges, Linda Baer. These individuals, or as I like calling them "The Gang of Eight", should stand in front of a grand jury and try to defend themselves.

  16. Be patient everyone , I’m certain that the corrupt behavior with names attached will surface during the upcoming trial of Centerplan vs City of Hartford. Unlike the inability to voice their opinion on the construction of Dunkin Donut Park , the taxpayers who have been selected to serve on this jury WILL have the opportunity to speak . Even if it’s only one word,,,,,, GUILTY !

  17. 9:27am:
    Segarra must be investigated. Agree.
    Deller must be investigated. Agree.
    Wooden must be investigated. Agree.
    Aponte must be investigated. Agree.
    Jennings must be investigated. Agree.
    Cruz must be investigated. Agree.
    Borges must be investigated. Agree.
    Linda Baer? Why?

    1. Definitely Linda Baer! She was like a cockroach running around the mayor's office. She must have heard all the talks, secrets, lies, manipulation. Linda knows what was going on in dark rooms, behind closed doors more than all of us.

  18. I cannot wait to see what comes from the discovery process as the result from Centerplan's lawsuit.

  19. Is Linda Baer still getting paid to run around the mayor's office and other offices in city hall?
