Monday, November 13, 2017


One thing the Hartford Police Department has done to be transparent  was to post their daily arrest logs on line.
For some reason, those logs were last updated on September 27, 2017
Maybe due to the shortage of staff , maybe the person responsible for the website retired.
Transparency is transparency and it needs to be consistent to be of any  value.
Maybe the Mayor's communication's staff could be taught how to do it, they don't seem to be
putting out much lately

UPDATE: 10:49am -Updating the website and "on-line" information is handled outside of HPD and apparently the Dispatch Center and MHIS (the City's IT Department) have been advised of the problem. In addition, the "COMPSTAT" reports and stats have not been updated for months on the HPD website, so could someone please take care of that also? Thank you. Within minutes of this post going up, City Hall was apparently reacting and phone calls were being made to fix the problem. The power of social media

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  1. Why are we closing the prison in Enfield? Maybe we should eliminate political positions like let’s say The Govorner of CT instead,we would save money and the state at the same time. How ironic is it that some of the politicians involved in closing the Enfield prison are corrupt and should be in jail themselves?

  2. Kevin, what's the murder rate in Hartford so far this year? What was Hartford murder rate in 2016?

  3. Foley is the issue. His cloak and dagger antics will soon reach a breaking point. Too busy doing media interviews. Unfortunately for him, those CHRO guilty verdicts are going to block any future employment and severe civil implications.
    Its time to find a rabbit hole in never never land brian .....

  4. Its 28. But the “ cook the books” number is 26 thus far. Vehicular homicide is not counted to fudge the numbers. 2016 was 14.

    1. Quiet an "improvement", going from 14 murders to 26/28 murders a year. Wow!

    2. Anonymous at11:55 AM:
      How is it possible that 28 murders are being calculated as 26? CPAs can "cook the books", but police? No. of murders?

  5. Foley is selective with the media. Since he cant get a job at nbc channel 30, he will role the dice with fox61 and cbs 3. Can u make a call to get him out of here. Morale would go up 15-20 percent with his removal.

    1. 15-20% is a small number, more like 60% right off the bat!

  6. You do realize that much of the transparency is due to the efforts of Chief Foley. Maybe morale would go up if people stopped with the childish High School personality games and did their own jobs.

  7. Hartford democtrates and state democrates and the govenor all pushed for and got the juvenile offender age increased toinclude more adults. So many violent crimes committed are now taken off the books and kept confidential. thus it appears to be a decrease in crime.

  8. I have said for a long time that Hartford crime is on the increase bigly. But we have a city that doesn't take it seriously because most residents view criminals as regular folks and cops as the bad guys. City Hall is a reflection of that.

  9. If the State actually sentenced people, instead of slapping them on the wrist, not only would Enfield still be open, they'd prolly have to build another facility.

  10. RB , we should also build a hospital specifically designed for criminals and deadbeats sponging off social services . Why should those of us who pay for our own health benefits be stuck in the waiting room while a gangbanger with a gunshot wound or a non-working able bodied adult afflicted with diarrhea are taken up resources????? WHY DOESNT OUR LOCAL MEDIA EVER EXPOZE WHAT THE COST IS TO TREAT AND HOSPITALIZE THESE DREGS WHO ARE SUCKING THE LIFE AND MONEY OUT OF OUR SOCIETY !!! Hey Len Besthoff ,GO DO YOUR JOB !

    1. On some weeks I send the same junkie homeless non working non taxpaying waste to society,to the hospital by ambulance 5 days in a row!!!! on the taxpayers dime! What a waste of true emergency services being clogged up by the dredges of society. If only the common citizen knew what really occurs out here they would be outraged!

  11. @7:25 AM

    Actually, I thought there was a campaign a few years ago that urged people to get a Primary Care Physician and see them, instead of going to the ER for minor things.

    I doubt Len Besthoff, or any other reporter would ever do a story on that. It wouldn't be PC.

    What I'd like to see, is a program not unlike the old WPA. My Father in law, who was unemployed, became a Master Carpenter working (And being paid a wage)through the WPA.

    Every able bodied recipient of any Gov't program should be required to give back to the community that supports them. There are plenty of leaves to be raked, snow to shovel, grass to be mowed, houses to be painted, etc.

    Maybe at the end of the day, they'd be too tired to get into trouble.

  12. RB @12:41 pm , Great idea but I truly believe if you implemented a program like that and “forced” able bodied adults to “payback” with manual labor they would use their savvy and acquire a work related injury.THEN WE’RE ON THE HOOK FOR EVEN MORE MONEY AND SERVICES! We’ll never come up with a viable solution.

  13. November 15 @ 4:57 PM,

    I see your point. With the lack of integrity that abounds today, your scenario is plausible.

    ALL their welfare programs should be linked to their work.
    And it should be made clear that anyone caught faking an injury looses everything; their job, all their benefits.

  14. Can I sue for negligence in a sanctuary city if an illegal immigrant commits a crime against me
