Friday, December 8, 2017


Hartford's Police Chief James Rovella is set to retire from HPD February2, 2017.

As of yesterday, Chief Rovella will be adding a new title to his resume. This title will probably be the most important to the Rovella's as Chief Rovella and his wife Sandy prepare to enter the next chapter in their lives.

Chief Rovella will now assume the title of Grandpa after the birth Thursday of their first grandchild, Kali at 8 pounds 4 ounces. Congratulations to both Grandpa and Grandma Rovella and the Rovella family


  1. Congratulations Grandpa and Grandma Rovella! The best days of your life have begun.

  2. Now's the time for enjoying the sweet stuff of life, Chief. You're going to love it!

  3. Three Year’s ago yesterday I learned the wonder of being a grandpa. I can only hope it’s as good for you. It couldn’t be better!

  4. What a Christmas gift!! Sincere congrats and well wishes to you and Sandy both, Chief, and your family. Nice career-ender or fourth "act" (HPD, CSAO, HPD, HOME taking care of #1 grandchild)

    Hyacinth will probably put her on the January MARG agenda . . . :-))

  5. Hey vinni.
    I voted no.
    I got your back fella
    Stay strong 66!!!!!

  6. 0-2 vinni has no more juice left. The cheddar is gone. Game over. 66 out of 265 is pretty weak. Minus the recruits at the academy that he tried to lie to. I could only wish i saw that train wreck used car salesman routine for myself. The new academy Lt is a stand up guy. He will tell vinni to go back to his rabbit hole. Im sure vinni will muster his merry men against the new chief. Defiance will not work on the next chief buckshot is a catholic nun compared to rosado when it comes to discipline.

  7. I guess you were never on the receiving end of discipline from a Catholic nun
