Thursday, December 7, 2017


Bronin " It's time to get Hartford working once again"...And when is that expected to begin Mayor?
Luke Bronin today announced his exploratory effort for Governor and also revealed his unethical side, for those who haven[t seen it to this point, but trust me , it is there..
Bronin appears to want to win the Governor's Office the same way he won the Mayor's Office in buying it.
It must be something they teach in Mayor's School and Bronin took a page from the Dan Drew playbook. Drew ran afoul recently of FOI laws and ethic laws when he abused his position to obtain the home addresses of Police and Firefighters employed by his town of Middletown, where he is the Mayor to push them to donate to his campaign.
Bronin apparently dialed it back a notch and put the squeeze on Hartford employees by e-mail, at least so far. 
Less than four hours after announcing his intent, Bronin's campaign fired off an e-mail fundraising letter addressed apparently to all Hartford "Department Heads2" and all employees at "Hartford
A note to all City employees, please be sure to address those checks to "Luke for CT" otherwise your layoff notice may be on the way, but please don't feel intimidated by the Mayor putting the squeeze on you. It's only Hartford politics.


  1. Without Words. Couldn't believe it when I got the pitch today.

  2. Someone should file a City Ethics Commission complaint. and a State SEEC complaint. against Luke and his committee.

  3. He won't make it out of the dem primary. Guy is a classic 3rd way dem like clinton. We need a real lib to fix ct.

  4. Hahahahaha! And the Hartford Beat goes on. Never a dull moment. To think that when I was younger I thought the people in that building were royalty, special, honorable, ethical, but come to find out only a few are scattered throughout the building. Very few and mostly all are in lower level positions. Not politics. In politics I don't need all fingers on one hand to count them. And my thumb is not a finger.

    Please don't use Bronin as a role model children of Hartford. I'm sure somewhere in him is a good guy. I see it in his smile sometimes but his politics SUCK!

  5. 11:15PM

    The Mayor appoints the members of the Ethics Commission, How do you think that will work out?

  6. Kevin- either way it is a win win.....if the ethics commission rules for Bronin then " the fix was in" and if they find against him then he gets a stain on his race...

  7. Looks like the CT GOP got their Christmas gift early this year

  8. 12:54PM

    Only if they take advantage of it and nominate a decent candidate

  9. Hey congrats on selling the kirkley-bey story to the Courant. Oh wait, they forgot to give you credit.

  10. I don't sell anything to the Courant. It is somewhat gratifying though that I usually beat them by a few days and they are left behind to follow me. And I don't think it is so much their reporters taking info off my bog, it is their editors refusing to let them do their jobs from what I am told.

  11. I really thought he was above that kind of influence peddling

  12. I can’t wait to see who’s going to run for lieutenant governor,maybe Sandra Borges can fill Nancy Wyman’s stripper heels and stand next to the podium listening intently to governor Bronin’s bullshit. This state is doomed. I’m glad my friends are truer than Luke’s,how can they in good conscience encourage a incompetent and failing mayor to run for Governor ? Does anybody really believe he’s being inundated as he says with calls to go forward with this pipe dream. I do believe he got at least one call from his “Daddy” ,DanWillLie Malloy.

  13. I've seen this fundraising pitch before...3 years ago. All Luke had to do this time was to replace the word "Hartford" with "Connecticut". How easy for him!!

  14. A stupid decision for Mayor Luke Bronin. How can Hartford voters and residents forget what Bronin promised them? If he lies to Hartford what on earth will he promise to residents of the State of Connecticut. Sorry Bronin you are not going to be the next Governor.

  15. I am not surprised Mayor Luke Bronin wants to be Governor. He pulls a Dan Drew within hours of his announcement. Is he kidding? He lost the respect of Hartford voters. At this point there is no turning back. You mad a very bad political move Mayor Bronin.

  16. I think Luke knows Hartford doesn’t vote in the Gov. The ‘ Gold Coast’ does.

  17. I wish there was a way to "FOI" all these hundreds(!) of people who've been urging him to run for governor. I'm willing to bet that very few of these (most likely) imaginary friends are Hartford residents, or folks outside of the political arena.

  18. Greenwich and out of state folks are Bronin's supporters. He'll be able to raise millions of dollars. I agree. I would love to know who the hundreds of Hartford voters and residents want Bronin as the next Governor. Bronin is dreaming. He showed Hartford how lying got him elected. He has lost respect of hundreds of Hartford voters and residents.

  19. Money talks everyone else walks. Hartford was deserted by Mayor Luke Bronin. However, the useless Hartford Democratic Town Committee will raise tons of money and get the vote out for Bronin. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha these dedicated thugs don't even know what a Town Committee's mission is suppose to do. In Hartford NOTHING ever makes sense. Bronin has Hartford extrememely fustrated. Hartford voters and residents got sold a dirty bag of goods once again.

  20. I have always been willing to give Luke the benefit of the doubt with regard to his commitment to Hartford. But blind ambition has crossed his path and now he could give two shits about Hartford. But maybe it's too much to ask of a person to run for office and be honest. These two concepts may not be congruous in the political theater. I could guess the conversation over dinner with Sarah;

    "So you think I should run for governor and let Hartford shift for itself?"

    Sarah: "They don't like you here anymore, Luke. No future. You will probably lose in a primary. So there is no choice. Run to be governor. If you don't get it, you have the law firm to fall back on. Screw Hartford."

    Luke: "If Ned Lamont runs independently for governor, he will split the vote three ways and I will get in."

    Sarah: "Oh honey, that's why I love you. You're always strategizing."

  21. Shut the front upstairs window. He's a democrat. You can not hold him accountable for his malfeasance. Besides, I'm sure he was just following orders from Sarah.

  22. It is a shame. Hartford has so many outstanding treasurers. Mayor Luke Bronin started the process to brighten the street lights in every Hartford neighborhood. As any ambitious politicians he is looking for a better future as Governor. He is a disappointment to Hartford voters. As written in US history there are few American great political leaders. Among them are Former President Franklin D. Rossevelt and John F. Kennedy. Go in peace Mayor Bronin. Hopefully, your golden grass is paved with a silver lining.

  23. This guy looks like he had academic challenges

  24. @1:15

    Oh really? So the moral compass is based on party? At least we democrats get rid of our sexual Assaulters unlike republicans who not only keep them, but elect them to the highest offices as in "They let me grab it" Donald Trump.

  25. 2:10 pm , Since your keeping score on what’s right and wrong , congratulations, you Democrats win! You people voted and fortunately lost to put Bill “let me decorate your blue dress and show you my disappearing cigar trick” Clinton back in the White House ! What were they gonna do ,get rid of every female staffer if Hillary won? If Michele Obama’s idea of “ going high” is putting that predator Bill Clinton back in Washington and your ok with it ,then you liberals are more of a mess than I thought. Do you liberals really think that a “your creeps are worse than our creeps” narrative is gonna be productive?

  26. @1:10

    I agree the FDR was a visionary as I define it. JFK is another story. Those of us who lived through that moment will always have a tender place is their hearts. But Kennedy wasn't alive long enough in his office to be a great president. His greatness lay in him being Assassinated and therefor, giving his life for his country. But I would argue that Kennedy would not recognize this country today. It's become so nationalistic. Not patriotic. Nationalistic. That is what Populism engenders.

    1. Well said, but I would argue that Kennedy was crucial to the recognition of civil rights WHICH IS A GOOD THING, and he wanted to rein in the Intelligence Agencies influence on foreign and DOMESTIC control of our lives. Our past several presidents, most likely in fear of being assassinated as well, have bowed to the Intelligence community, including our sitting president and I assure you, our current president is sitting if he's not golfing. Any non-Fox News analysis of his accomplishments attest to that.

  27. Disgust and anger is apparent with Hartford voters. Lied to again by Mayor Luke Bronin. It will come back to haunt the Mayor. You said one thing and now are doing another. Please I won't hold my breath concerning the trust and respect you have lost. You are a typical POLITIAN. Go back to Greenwich where you belong.

  28. It makes me sick to watch what goes on in the USA today. Serious issues persist in every state. No where is safe. Cities like Hartford are an example of poverty and many years of abuse and mismanaged money from elected politicians. Mayor Luke Bronin promised to finish his first term. He lied. Bronin is consumed with greed. He needs to grow up and be responsible. However, this will never happen. Failure is in his future. He has lost trust of worthy people. I feel sorry for his young children who have and will continue to walk on a golden path.

  29. I agree. To lie is terrible. Mayor Luke Bronin joined the nasty political gang. Broken promises and lies are what politics is all about.

  30. Eagar beaver Mayor Luke Bronin is ringing Christmas bells. Hey, I am looking for support. I am thinking about running for Governor. Whao, slow down. You haven't even got your feet wet in Hartford. You wanted this job. So the first chance you go running out the doors of city hall. Run hard so people will take you serious.

  31. Does Luke’s strategy stay the same ,only on a larger scale? He’s going to save Connecticut by encouraging neighboring states to “REGIONALIZE” . Remember what he THREATENED? I do,, if Hartford fails ,it’s going to take my hometown West Hartford and other surrounding towns down with them. Is he gonna run on a platform that if Connecticut fails it’s going take all of New England plus New York down too? I also witnessed and remember that Luke has no self respect or pride ,he will not hesitate to show up with his gold plated tin cup and beg for money. Luke’s biggest problem will be the inability to USE false promises like he did with the desperate and gullible voters in the Northend of Hartford.

  32. @2:36

    You're wrong. Luke and Sarah are highly successful and good natured people. They both work extremely hard and have succeeded with thir goals. I respect his intelligence. But he has few options now and I wonder how many others in his position wouldn't decide the same. Probably my friend, Bob Killian would have kept his promise to the people of Hartford. He loves this community. His father did also and so didn't his grandfather.

    Luke is not in a winning place. He may be primaried and might lose. If New Lamont runs on a third ticket, then Luke's chances improve. The republicans would do themselves a big favor to offer Lamont something big to keep him from running. You say Luke is a failure? He is quite successful. I personally never liked how he was always defensive when answering questions in town hall meetings. He never answered candidly to me. But don't call him a failure because he is very successful.

    From: 6:21 and 8:38

  33. Emails sent out by mistake.....Is this the same campaign manager Mayor Bronin had when he ran for Mayor? If so what do you expect. It is to late once it is done. The lie will hang over Bronin too. Stop now Luke. Finish your term. Then leave Hartford and go back to Greenwich. Maybe there they will put up with you Mr. Rich Kid.


  34. Mr. Brookman, I was in the audience for the community forum where the Mayor allowed his new police chief to speak (some trooper guy). Ummm...this guy is not qualified to be a city police chief, especially Hartford. He repeatedly talked about how he was from Hartford, and how much he loved Hartford and baseball. Then he said he worked in the insurance business, then left to join an agency where he could rise through the ranks. So I guess the logical decision was the state police...wait a minute...what? Oh, and he also said he spent one summer here in Hartford doing a joint initiative with the Hartford police and state police. Now I get it, he's qualified. Mr. Brookman, you know better. C'mon. You only have two months to put a stop to this. No disrespect, but you would do a better job as chief. Are troopers even Connecticut POST certified? Just tell the mayor to keep the current chief or allow one of the deputies to advance. Rally the community members Brookman.

  35. I'm not confident Golden Boy Bronin has the smarts to win a statewide race given his screwup right out of the gate..

  36. He’s going to win. Gold Coast backing makes CT Governors. The sheer amount of private money on the Panhandle is STAGGERING. You will swoon. He doesn’t need Hartford to win. He has the media and he’s on the CFR. He’s no dummy.

  37. @11:01

    Are you kidding. Who do you think Brookman is, King Tut? Brookman is a gossip columnist of the 21st century. He's feed tidbits of private I do and he makes it public.

    Now Brookman, I want to know, who was zooming who in council? Who is the aid that is accusing Clarke of sexual impropriety? That's all I want to know.

  38. The job of policing the City belongs to the Hartford Police Department. The men and women
    so assigned do a great job even with a lower number of officers on the street.

    In some years CSP troopers were assigned to augment the officers while patrolling high crime
    areas, during high level gang activity and in many joint investigations. Most troopers did a
    good job, some were lousy and a few never made the grade and got returned to their regular
    duty. But while we welcomed the increased resources the addition of troopers turned into political
    nonsense and it is well known that politics and practical policework don’t mix well.

    Except for a very few politicians that can be trusted (Harry Truman) Policing is best left to the
    people in this city who do it best. That’s the Hartford Police. That’s it.

    Merry Christmas
