Monday, January 1, 2018


There has to be a special place reserved in Hell for anyone that would leave a dog tied outside in this weather to eventually freeze to death. What kind of person would do that? Even to leave the dog in a basement would be more protection than leaving the dog outside with just an old sweatshirt to lay on as  protection from the cold.

No excuse for this treatment.


  1. Animals, that don't know how to take care of other animals.

  2. They are not animals!!! They are SAVAGES!!!!!! Animals take care of, and love their young! These scumbag oxygen thiefs, that unfortunately inhabit areas of the city ruin this once beautiful vibrant place for everyone. Dogs are one of the only animals on earth that have an inate desire to unconditionally love and serve humans. I would have burned that woman's house down to keep that poor pup from freezing to death. I will send a prayer up for that poor pup tonight.

  3. Typical hartford resident. No respect for their own homes, they are filthy cockroach hotels. No respect for other human beings, beating, robbing, shooting, and assaulting each other. Sadly no respect for animals either, pets left in the cold, forced to wear pounds of chains around their neck, barely fed and never taken to the vet.

    Before everyone goes nuts, there are plenty of great residents of hartford also, it's just that the shitbags outnumber the honest, good residents.

    What a shame.

  4. Put him in his skivies, give him a sweatshirt to lay on, and lock him in the doghouse.

  5. Typical hartford resident eh 7:02am ? Do you wear your white sheets when you come to Hartford or only in the backwoods where you are safe to do so?

    1. Why does 7:01AM have to wear a white sheet because he speaks the truth? He’s spot on. I know because I am a productive working city resident......for now.

  6. There are Hartford residents that should not have pet dogs or cats. Plenty of these residents cannot take care of themselves their children and families never mind a pet. Hartford is very poor and a drug haven. Plenty of children do not have a chance so why would an animal.

  7. I agree. You have to be a responsible person to have a pet. Cruelty to family members, friends and animals is not exceptable in our society.

  8. The real life Crooked Sara and Luke have been quiet. Not even a Happy New Years and promising good things for failing Hartford.

  9. 5:27PM they are too busy sending e-mails ad begging for money for his "Governor" run to worry about the peasants of Hartford. For someone that said he received "hundreds" of calls urging him to run for Governor, Bronin seemed to have a very difficult time of hitting his goal of 500 contributions by Monday's deadline and he was begging up until the last minute.

    1. Thank you for the update sir and Happy New Year, wishing you health and happiness.

  10. I would love to know who is supporting Luke Bronin for Governor. He has lied to Hartford residents. He has shown his real character as a loser mover and shaker. Hartford voter's are scarce. Yet, Bronin knows how to raise big money. It was ridiculous to raise a million dollars to run for Mayor of Hartford. At least he hired back the animal control officer. She should have never been let go. This is just one of many mistakes Bronin has done to harm Hartford.

  11. Can you print who has sent money for Bronin for Governor?

  12. Sure can, as soon as the reports are filed. Should be interesting where he is going to buy this election from

  13. 7:17PM I am told that Bronin also knew from the day he took office that the XL Center and CRDA was behind over $700,000 in payments to the City for Police Services that were past due. If he had tried to collect even a portion of that, the layoff of the two ACO's would have never been necessary, but he played politics instead with CRDA.

  14. Kevin, Why wouldn’t you post my comment about animal control officer Sherry Degenova and how Luke Bronin with the backing of Jimmy Sanchez gave her a pink slip ? Maybe it didn’t make it to you,let me know and I’ll send it again

  15. Luke Bronin and the entire city council has that dogs blood on their hands! We will never know if Hartford Animal Control Officer Sherry Degenova could have prevented this horrific death if she was on the job. But for those who don’t know or remember,the above mentioned A$&HOLES gave her and another AOC pink slips over a year ago ,IN ORDER TO BE “FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE “ !!!!! Here’s the F@#KED UP part , they made less than the council members unnecessary assistants! And believe me worked harder and worth a lot more than they were being paid. And again,,,SHAME ON YOU JIMMY SANCHEZ FOR ATTEMPTING TO PUBLICLY EMBARRASS SHERRY WHEN SHE COURAGEOUSLY WENT IN FRONT OF THE COUNCIL AND PLEADED TO KEEP HER JOB,,,,,,THE ONLY PERSON WHO EMBARRASSED THEMSELF WAS YOU!! I pray the next time Luke Bronin and Jimmy Sanchez go outside in these frigid temperatures that the image of that poor frozen pup entires their incompetent minds. Kevin , Thank God Sherry is back ,I truly believe she is one of Hartford’s most valuable employees.
