Saturday, December 23, 2017


One of the few shining lights in Hartford Government is celebrating a birthday today, in between supervising operations on our City's streets during an ice event.

Happy Birthday Reggie Freeman. Enjoy your day with your beautiful family, you deserve it.

And from what I am told , next year will be a milestone birthday for the Chief ( and no it is not 50)

Happy Birthday Reggie, and best wishes and good health for many more


  1. Brookman.
    Hpd santa wish list.
    1. Get rendock some fashion sense
    2. Where is the mertes report ?
    3. Help foley get a job , since flatliner is the new BOE Chief.
    4. Help get more 165k a year library staff members take home city vehicles
    5. Sing the national anthem at R jo ‘s swearing in as council prez

  2. I think the chief is doing a fantastic job of improving the image of the department. I'm in awe of him.

  3. The antics and coverups by dustin rendock will be ending in 2018. The amusing answers and excuses dusty will give at a pending external civil hearing will cost the city a lot of cabbage.
    Reports exist. Dozens of witnesses were never interviewed. Who gave the order to cover up the zero tolerance sexual related comments made by Lt mertes ?
    This is not going away dusty. The reports will turn up one of these days.
    Maybe a civil lean on property or a release of all reports to the nbc crew will change your foul thinking.


  4. For Htfd Ct Police

    Christine Mertes fondly known as PORK CHOP

    Should be demoted And Fired for her actions in the Police Academy.

    Racist Rob Ford should also be demoted and Fired.For his sexual Conduct on Duty with
    Mirella Gentry. Sal Gallo went to prison for 10 years for having sex on duty.with a


  5. The Problem is Jimmy Rovella
    wont do anything. the dude just wants
    his pension and medical for life.
    Chicken Rendock does nothing with an investigation.
    We need a Grand Jury to come in
    And investigate.

  6. Feb 2018. Hartford police chief Rosado will open an immediate investigation into supervisor misconduct by Lt Mertes in the police academy. New police chiefs usually hit the ground running as Harnett did with that racist steve miele ordering officers downtown to arrest everyone not wearing a business suit.
    Dusty and the rest of the club house on the 2nd will be gone by june. Long can stay, but any outside agency would be lucky to employ him as their chief. Foley can be a walmart stock “boy” far away.
    Rosado would be smart to purge the infections before they drag him down.

  7. The mertes law degree issued by the state of mass will strike fear into the heart of the new chief, just as it did to buc shot.
