Friday, January 12, 2018


At least one Connecticut Mayor is doing the right thing.
Dear Kevin,
We have spent the past year getting to know the people of Connecticut and listening to them. In nearly every town and city in every county, we met people who believe in Connecticut. It has been a tremendous honor to do so.
After discussions between us and with our families, we have decided to end our campaigns for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut. Ultimately it became very difficult to raise the required funds to qualify for public financing. Other campaigns are on their way, and we look forward to supporting the Democratic team.
Most of all, we want to thank you so much for your support. Hundreds of volunteers came forward. The people made more than 4,000 contributions, and we raised $280,000 since the start of Dan’s exploratory committee in January of 2017. We have appreciated that grassroots support so much.
On a personal note we want to thank our spouses and children. Campaigning is a major commitment, and they were incredibly supportive throughout.
We are proud of running an issues-based campaign focused on middle class economic equality, working people’s rights, and creating more opportunity for the people of Connecticut.
We believe in that future because we believe in the people of Connecticut. We believe that our best days are ahead of us and that we should all be proud to fight for a society that understands that healthcare is a right, that the middle class shouldn't be paying more in taxes than the wealthy, that our air & water should be clean, and that education should be wonderful for every child. While some people will denigrate anyone who fights for those things, we will stand with you and proudly proclaim those values.
We’ll continue to work for a society that protects people who need it, provides opportunity, and that doesn’t exploit the vulnerable. It’s been an honor to pursue that goal. We will be by your side in pursuing it in the future.
To you who supported us, thank you. It means more than we can ever express.
Dan Drew & Liz Linehan


  1. THANK YOU DAN DREW!!! I can now breathe a sigh of relief!!! Kev, and all others PLEASE Google “Arrigoni Bridge Lights” and PLEASE read first result titled “ Residents Critical Of Mayor’s idea to light up Arrigoni Bridge” . Please note that in 2013 (the year the term fiscal responsibility was surfacing) Dan Drew was aggressively trying to secure a minimum of $750,000 of taxpayer money to put decorative lights on the bridge. The Courant reported that in 1996 C L AND P estimated installation costs at between $500,000 to $1 million !!!! While Dan Drew was a guest on a radio show I called and asked if he would be fiscally responsible as the governor of CT ,of course he responded yes , I quickly followed up with this nonsense Bridge Light Project and THEY quickly hung up on me ! Dan Drew did not own his poor decision in trying to facilitate this waste of taxpayer money. (Wait ! Maybe he would have fit the mold of a CT governor. I especially enjoyed these quotes to the Courant ,”For the Fourth of July,,you could color the bridge’s lights red,white and blue,with options like green and red for Christmas and orange and black for Halloween” I probably would have voted for him if he ELIMINATED THE LIGHTS “UNDER” THE BRIDGE ON ROUTE 9 INSTEAD OF ADDING UNNECESSARY BRIDGE LIGHTS !!! Thanks again Dan Drew . You people in Middletown have your hands full with this guy!

  2. Hmmm a new bridgegate ? Maybe he should get together with Governor Christie in New Jersey


  4. I hope Luke doesn't drop out..I want him to suffer a humiliating loss in the primary or even better in the general election...then he will come back here even weaker and we can get rid of him....

  5. @11:35 How can Luke Bronin get weaker than what he's now?
