Saturday, January 13, 2018


Some people run for political office to serve the public, others run to achieve their political goals and aspirations on the backs of the people they are supposed to serve.
Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin is the latter, or should I say "ladder" as in the next rung on his political ladder. I would fully expect the sense of entitlement and the arrogance of the Bronin's they see themselves in the White House someday (Hey, we all know now that crazy things can happen there)
The term "lying Luke" has started making the rounds on social media. I have been reluctant to start using it because I think we still have to show some respect for the Office, even if we don't respect the person in it. ( I am starting to sense a theme here).
But enough is enough, so lets talk about Lying Luke. Where do I begin. Let me start with Lying Lukes performance at HPD's Public Compstat Thursday night. In full campaign mode . Lying Luke stood up and professed his love and admiration for the men and women of the Hartford Police Department. I was waiting for someone who knew better to stand up and start handing out barf bags to everyone there who knew the truth..
This is the same Mayor who has allowed the numbers of Officers at HPD to drop to dangerously low levels. The same Mayor who refused to indemnify Hartford Police Officers sued over their good faith efforts in the performance of their duties. The same Mayor who has repeatedly refused the requests of Hartford's Police Chief for necessary promotions if Sergeants and Detectives, even just to keep pace with retirements and attrition.
And while I'm on the subject of crime, does anyone remember during the Mayoral campaign Lying Luke making the rounds to shooting victims and the families of Homicide victims with the TV cameras in tow? Did that sympathy end after the election or do we only show compassion when it means votes from the gullible?

I have my own issues with Lying Luke, but I won't rehash them all, but you can read it here.
Ok, now let me ask a couple more questions. In all seriousness, do you know where you live?  Do you know where you pay your car taxes? Have you ever had to lie about where you live or set up a phony job because you couldn't get a job anywhere else without lying about your place of residence?
Apparently that residency integrity is an issue with Lying Luke and the "good" people he has chosen to surround himself with.
It started with Hartford's, now former, Economic Development Director Sean Fitzpatrick. I first raised the question and began looking into his claims of residency, which eventually turned out to be bogus. Once Fitzpatrick realized the game was up he resigned before the Internal Audit Commission had the chance to fully expose his "alleged" fraud. You can read the full story here
How much time do you think Lying Luke spent socializing with his Economic Development Director sitting in Room 6 at the Town and County Club, the location Fitzpatrick claimed as his "residence". I would venture to say the Bronin's probably spent more time with the Fitzpatrick's at their Simsbury home than they did in Room 6.

I find it inconceivable that Lying Luke is unaware  as to where his key people actually live. Fitzpatrick is not the only questionable person  possibly perpetrating frauds on the taxpayers of Hartford.

Take for example Bronin's Chief of Staff , Chief Operating Officer and interim Finance Director and who knows what else, Thea Montanez. (Bronin isn't big on staff retention)
In September of 2016, Montanez signed the "affirmation of Residency " Form required by the City. Montanez signed the form that she was a Hartford resident and that her cars were registered, and therefore taxed in the City of Hartford. Apparently Montanez forgot to tell anyone else, including the Town of Bloomfield as well as the Hartford Tax Collector. As recently as July 29th , of 2017 Montanez was still paying her motor vehicle taxers in her town of residence, Bloomfield Connecticut, listed to her residence at 27 Norman Drive, Bloomfield, as evidence by the documents below.
And Montanez and Fitzpatrick aren't the only 2  allegedly engaging in the game of deception , I will be posting more documents and proof over the next couple days. It seems hard to comprehend that someone that wishes to be Governor would be so clueless as to what is going on around him or is it more likely that he was well aware and just condoned the frauds. Only Lying Luke will know, or just maybe we all will know eventually as more comes out.

UPDATE: I just received a call from Thea Montanez informing me that she was getting calls about this post. Thea claims it was a glitch with DMV that didn't transfer her taxes over from Bloomfield to Hartford. I informed her that I had been advised that she was in the Tax Office at City Hall Wednesday trying to change her taxes to Hartford, she admitted that was true and she also stated that she did pay her taxes in Bloomfield as I posted. I agree mistakes can happen and Thea has said she will send me confirming documents, Out of fairness, I will post those when I receive them. I also stated that she has been in City Hall for two years already and it is just being addressed now. While typing this I just received a text message showing that she has actually started paying her taxes in Hartford as of 1/11/2018

And so not to keep you in suspense, here is a hint as to who is next.

(you can delete things on Facebook, but the screen shots live on forever)


  1. CIA need to give you a job Kevin sheesh

    1. 1st Comment: CIA to give Kevin a job? No way.
      WE THE PEOPLE, THE VOTERS in Hartford need to give Kevin a job, elect him as mayor.
      Kevin will not allow this corruption, filth and inefficiency in City Hall.

  2. Oh Boy!! Liar Luke's Chief of Staff just became a Hartford tax-payer. Bronin caught again. Good reporting Kevin.

  3. Kevin, you very well are on the road to bringing the entire failing Bronin administration and crooked Sara down. Make sure you watch your 6 around them!
    Unbelievable work!

  4. Liar Luke's Chief of Staff Thea Montanez signed September 16, 2016 that her car was registered in the City of Hartford. However, according to Hartford records Thea car was registered January 11, 2018. Lier Thea should be immediately let go by Bronin.

    1. Thea is a liar and should be terminated as she lives in Bloomfield on Brighton Drive!!!

  5. On September 16, 2016 Chief of Staff Thea Montanez lied when she signed the document that stated her car was registered in Hartford. She must think she is above the law. Not until January 11, 2018 was her car registered in Hartford's Tax Office. A lie is a lie. She should be fined and fired for signing a document that was fraud.

  6. Yup here it is:
    OMB Director won't move in to the City.

  7. Chief of Lies Thea Mintanez must go in the same direction as Sean Fitzpatrick went.
    If Thea doesn't resign - she should be fired.

  8. Mr. Brookman: I totally agree with you that we have to show respect for the mayor's office, PROVIDED THAT THE MAYOR HIMSELF SHOW SOME RESPECT TO US, PEOPLE OF HARTFORD.
    At this time I still haven't seen any respect from the mayor to the people of this city.

    This round is you Thea, you and your nasty arrogance.

    1. Thea believes she is above the law, she should be fired and fined for lying. Everything about her is fake and slowly but surely she will continue to be exposed as the truth comes out about her in all aspects. Stay tuned everyone.....

  10. Hey, Thea Montanez is there for the money. Nothing else.

  11. Thea please furnish mr brookman proof of payment on your residence and a copy of the change of address that you would have given to the post office

  12. Tax Thieving Thea!
    Acting Director of Finance Leigh Ann Ralls does not in Hartford and she let Earl get all that money.
    Keith Chapman had to resign as Director of Public Works because he did not live in Hartford.
    Kevin, you keep forgetting that rules are merely suggestions and we decision makers don't have to follow the rule, it's not profitable to follow the rules.

  13. "Lying Luke 180" as he is constantly saying the opposite of what he did. Constantly doing 180. Lying Luke 180 when your term is up please do not campaign for a second term.

  14. The issue is that there are no consequences for any of these folks yet if it were any others there would be charges and monies paid back that were paid out on the basis of the fraud. Additionally for the mayor to know this and not be held to any accountability and think it is ok to be running for governor speaks volumes..

  15. I wonder what tone the Courant will offer her whereas she served on their Editorial Board during 2014. Maybe she’s one of his Courant connections which ensure the lukewarm posture towards his Administrations’ malfeascence....

  16. I NEVER have accepted that society is obligated to respect a office,title or position when the very people appointed or voted into them DONT RESPECT THEM EITHER ! I will turn my back to a Govorner,Mayor,Chief Of Police ,Fire Chief and even priests,minsters,rabbis etc. if they are criminal,corrupt or even incompetent! Especially the ones being paid on MY DIME !

  17. Interesting, 6:20. I have never understood why Luke has continued to get a pass by the Courant - isn't there any editorial integrity anymore? Maybe Thea's connections are part of the answer.

    My understanding is, and has always been, she lives in Bloomfield which was confirmed by one of her relatives a year or so ago.

    The fact that Bronin has hired so many people to run Hartford that don't believe in the City enough to live here, or move here, speaks volumes.

    Why can't Hartford elect an honest government? So embarrassing.

    1. Anonymous @ 10:57
      You got it right. These people don't believe in the City enough to live here. These people only believe in the money and benefits they are getting from this City.

    2. Luke gets a pass from that liberal left wing rag paper the courant because Luke is one of them, a failing liberal dem. The courant supports that and what Luke stands for. The courant is Hartford’s version of a local CNN. The courant definitely is the winner of the CT fake news award.

  18. What a fraud @ 12:32 AM
    Please make it way for Thea: Just submit your resignation!


    1st: S. Fitzpatrick
    2nd: T. Montanez
    3rd: who is it going to be?

    1. Melissa McCaw from Middletown and Elda Sinani from Glastonbury. T.Montanez please submit your resignation from our town.

  20. 11:56 am

    I have received several e-mails stating that. can you e-mail me, or send it as an anonymous comment if you want, just preface it "please do not post" of you want it kept private, Any verification or additional info would be appreciated.

  21. Brookman,

    Back off, you know I promised Sara she would one day be my little Melania, I mean First Lady and entertaining in the White House and that begins with becoming the next Dannel Malloy, I mean Governor of Connecticut.

    You will not be able to disrupt my planned meteoric political rise no matter how much dirt and corruption you expose on me. My donors will still support me and their money is more important than anything you can think about me.

    Lying Luke

  22. If any of Brookman's evidence presented here regarding Thea's "residency" is incorrect, please correct it accordingly and apologize.

    If Brookman's evidence presented here regarding Thea's "residency" is correct, then she must leave her job immediately and apologize to the People of Hartford.

  23. More "SCANDLE" at Hartford City Hall. Mayor Luke Bronin's Zero Tolerance is a joke. Councilman TJ Clarke and Coucilwoman Rjo Winch's aide Kelly Kirley Bey are accused of sexual harassment. Throughout the USA this is cause of termination. But not in Hartford city hall. Court of Common Council are weak and not leaders. Members of Bronin's administration Sean Fitzgerald and Thea Montanez are liars. Both have caused fraud. Bronin should have terminated them immediately. Fitzgerald and Montanez were and are key players in Bronin's cabinet. What else Liar Bronin are you hiding??

  24. I appreciate Thea's attempt to cover her tracks, but even her explanation stinks. If nothing else, it shows her inefficiency that it took her almost two years to correct a clerical error. Even more interesting is that only after she probably heard Kevin was nosing around, did she finally walk into the Tax Office and have them generate a tax bill for her, as Kevin posted ,on January 11, 2018. A full 2 years after she started collecting a City paycheck, knowing full well the rules for her employment. I would think MHIS could settle this by tracking the IP address Montanez and others use for remote access on their City laptops and Ipads and where do their cellphones ping at night. If Lying Luke is even remotely interested in the truth he will demand this info, but I doubt he will

    1. Thea lied all the way, from A to Z. Lies on top of more lies.
      Resign, Thea, RESIGN!!!

  25. I saw the two ladies from the city council interviewed by Dennis House this morning on Face the State. They both said they were surprised by Luke Bronins possible intention to run for Governor. Can you say one term mayor?

  26. Ol Lying Luke, lol, I do believe that is going to stick.

    1. Lying Luke and Crooked Sara.....absolutely

  27. Lying Luke already had the moving van backed up to his front door last year on election day, that was supposed to be his exit strategy from Hartford, to follow Crooked Hillary to Washington/ Sadly that plan imploded for the Bronin's and we were stuck with them so the new exit strategy, lie to the voters of Hartford about promising to fulfill a full term as Mayor
    and bail halfway through and run for Governor

    Lying Luke, Sara and Crooked Hillary would have been a good match, too bad the Donald ruined all that

  28. Hartford taxpayers, voters and residents must step to the plate. Mayor Luke Bronin needs to have heat from the neighborhood people.

  29. Enough is enough. Political fraud has been happening at city hall for decades. A bail out for Hartford is never going to happen. Fraud is prevalent now and in the past. Connecticut residents could care less about Hartford.

  30. I've got a different take on this and will present it to the Internal Audit Commission. Howard Rifkin, Sean Fitzpatrick, Thea Montenez and Melissa McCaw, are all VERY bright, hard-working and talented people. They would not have gotten the green light to come up with addresses and leases if not for some legal determination as to what constitutes Hartford residency from the outset. THAT is the smoking gun. There is a bigger story and a bigger FISH to catch, i.e. who cooked up the residency plan on the transition team? Because those executed affidavits and now 1-2 years later of not living at those sworn addresses has caused a high caliber professional or two to possibly commit fraud, in order to draw a salary. They were given bad advice.

    Get rid of the residency requirement but for a few department heads where it is critical they live here in case of emergency [HPD, HFD, DPW, DPH]. Then Hartford can recruit the best and brightest and MOST capable, no matter where they live.

  31. You cannot build a city up, based on LIES people!
    Thea Montanez lied when she signed that Affidavit about her residency. She lied when she said she pays her taxes in Hartford. Thea is a LIAR, finally someone has exposed her.
    Furthermore, she called Kevin trying to cover up the lies.
    Common sense is we all know in order to pay your taxes you have to do one of the few things,
    1. pay the bill online
    2. mail in a payment
    3. pay the bill in person
    Thea knew who she was paying her taxes to, as SHE made the payments herself. The town is printed boldly on the top of the tax bill, this is common sense!
    This is no clerical error at all.
    Then she tried to fix the mistake last week and most likely used her power to get the tax assessors staff to change the dates on the documents to cover up where she's been living.
    It is not a secret that Thea lives on 1 Brighton Park Way, Bloomfield with her "boyfriend" J. Stanford and has been living there since he purchased the property back on 6/15/15 according to tax records.
    She also stated she lived there when she got the call that she accepted the position in a published news article in 2016.
    Thea is sneaky and a liar and needs to do us all a favor and step down from her position.
    If Bronin wants a chance to become our next Governor he will do what's RIGHT and fire Thea. She lied, so she should lose her position. What type of example will he be setting for his other employees if she is not reprimanded?
    Kevin thank you for your continuous hard work and dedication for OUR people

  32. Chief of Staff Thea Montanez isn't very smart. She got caught with fraud. Kevin's Blog has exposed her dishonesty. Termination of her status is next for young Luke Bronin.

  33. What did Thea Montanez write on her tax payments checks:
    Bloomfield Tax Collector
    Hartford Tax Collector.

    If payments were made using credit cards: what appears in the monthly statements: Bloomfield or Hartford?

  34. What did Luke & Sara know about Fitzpatrick's No-Hartford residency and when?
    What did Luke & Sara know about Montanez' No-Hartford residency and when?

    Mr mayor, you response please.

  35. Notice to all the residential affidavit signers.......we are going to ask Internal Audit to vet every dam one of them....and I do mean a very good vetting...every one of them.

  36. Sarah said . . .
    Luke, I'm upset with you. Get in the Graco car seat, I'm bringing you to your parents for the weekend.

  37. Thea: swearing to tell the truth while knowing that it's all lies.
    What exactly were you thinking, that we are all stupid? Shame on you Thea Montanez.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. 2:38PM

    I'm not sure your information is accurate. The lat name is correct but I don't think the arrest is correct. Facts matter and I stand behind the tax issues and Bloomfield payments but I think you are confusing here boyfriend with someone else

  40. Hard to beleive Luke Bronin is not aware of where his administraters reside. Hartford is a small city. However, anyone invloved in city issues will not let go that Chief of Staff Thea Montanez is a lier and a fraud. She must be terminated tommorow Monday January 16,2018. It is time Liar Bronin. There is more to follow.

  41. Liar Bronin is going to sweep this situation under the dirty carpet in his office. He has no guts to do the right thing. It is apparent that Bronin is a follower and not a leader.

  42. Fair enough Kevin, I wouldnt want to spread false info

  43. Whatever the issue of the removed comment is, remember that the main issue here is Thea Montanez. Is she a Hartford? Did she lie in her affidavit?

  44. Ms. Montanez, looks like Hartford residents don't trust you any longer. It's time to resign. The sooner the better.


  46. Thea could now have the words BIG LIAR marked on her forehead. After All, if the allegations against her are true, then Thea is definitely a BIG LIAR.

  47. Thea is currently running around frantically trying to keep this information quiet and clean u up lies. The local news channels and EVERYONE needs to broadcast this information everywhere. Thea is liar and fraud and the People of Hartford will not be satisfied until she is GONE! Thea do us a favor and resign NOW! COME ON BRONIN do the right thing!

  48. Thea must be fired AND investigated. No deals, no discounts here. A fraud is a fraud, period.


  50. Why cannot there ever be justice in Hartford City Hall? Proof indicates that Chief of Staff Thea Montanez lied. Therefore fraud is prevalent. Mayor Luke Bronin you have left the Hartford residents and voters feeling betrayed. Bronin for once do the right thing and fire Thea Montanez immediately.

    1. This dude should fire himself! As if he wasn’t aware, puh-leeez! Can he run for Gov. and still be a double-talking Mayor or is that double-dipping something or other?

  51. No investigation is needed. Thea Montanez is guilty. She signed her name to a employee document and lied. When is she going to be terminated?

  52. Liar Thea Montanez should be terminate immediately.

  53. You are correct on McCaw, Sinani is technically a lateral promotion and since she was already employed by the City , I don't believe residency would apply. The same as in the past when Daryl Roberts was promoted internally as Police Chief he kept his home in Windsor and was not required to reside in Hartford

  54. The bigger scam has been Luke Bronin’s term in office as mayor.

  55. Kevin.. why is this information not all over the news channels and news paper?! What do we have to do in order to get our voices heard? We want LYING THIEVING THEA MONTANEZ terminated immediately! She needs to GO NOW!
    Come on Bronin do the right thing, don't let that liar get away with this!!!

    1. Maybe because she served on the Editorial Board of the Hartford Courent in 2014. I would take gander that this is how skewed reporting occurs. Go as far to think perhaps the monies Luke drums up is spent towards our news outlets. Now then,what bias could information be distributed. It’s fair to think if you want to control a political perception and control a narrative it doesn’t much to gain favor, just buy help. The Washington Post did this by changing their reporting rules. Their staff are, by contract ,not allowed to report negative stories about advertisers. Therefore, pay and be free of criticism. That’s power.

    2. Your spot on!!! That’s the fake news and crooked media, an absolute fact. Exactly what the Hartford Courant is and the type of crooked, biased, anti police, radical left wing liberals such as vinny and jenna.

    3. Guys, it's very eazy: BOYCOTT THE COURANT, just BOYCOTT THE COURANT!
      They should have been out of business quiet some time ago.

  56. I will work on getting this information to other major outlets nationwide. LYING THIEVING THEA needs to GO.
    Does she even live or visit her phony apartment on Park St? We saw her many times in Bloomfield for the last week or so.

  57. Thea changed her address to Park St?
    Where exactly on Park St?

    1. 1477 Park St.. Apt 6... She's a FRAUD!!!
      But she REALLY lives at 1 Brighton Park Way
      Bronin please terminate her already.


  59. Yo, Montanez, resign already.

  60. Mr. Mayor please repeat after me: Thea Montanez needs to go. Thea Montanez needs to go. Thea Montanez needs to go.

  61. 10:30pm you think mayor Luke is listening?

  62. Lucas won’t fire her, that is political Suicide. She has constituent immunity!

  63. He only listens if you are from Greenwich and have a check for him. "Bronin for CT" what happened to Bronin for Hartford , or was that just part of Lying Luke

    1. Bronin for Hartford or whatever was just a springboard to a bigger and better job, nothing else

  64. Terry Waller is gearing up to run for Mayor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Terry for Mayor? Is that the reason he removed the listing for 140 Terry Rd. earlier this month?

    2. I believe Terry has been trying to sell that house for almost 2 years now

  65. At least we already know Waller is a cheat and a fraud, instead of having to find out the hard way like we had to with Bronin

  66. Kevin Brookman: By characterizing Waller "A Cheat And A Fraud" you qualify him to be a future Hartford Mayor.

  67. The next thing you know, he will want to run for Governor on his record

  68. Waller for Governor. Sandra Kee-Borges for Lieutenant Governor. A NIGHTMARE.

  69. @Pericles 7:06 PM

    I can't stop laughing at the mental image of that bantam rooster strutting around in city hall. And Sandy as the first lady of Hartford.

  70. What's the story now with Thea Montanez, is she talking about her lies, about the signed affidavit, about a resignation? What's going on?

  71. Terry Waller is on the move !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He recently had a meeting of top north end political operatives at his house to discuss the local political situation,the chances of Bronin running again assuming a loss for Governor...north end support for him and the ability of him and Sandy raising money.I Charles stated that he would be a formidable candidate. Some outreach already has been made to the Voices of Women of Color...

    WALLER FOR MAYOR !!!!!!!!!!!

  72. I heard a firefighter was hired in the last class that at the time of hire he was a Virginia Beach firefighter. Prior to that he was a volunteer ff in Granby Ct. How can an individual be a Hartford resident and be working in Virginia?

  73. Look again, an awful lot of comments for no one caring

  74. Of course you don't care, You are the double standard King.

  75. Terry is on the move ? lmao

  76. Terry Waller for Dog Catcher. Mr. Stadium I Charles Matthews is the voice for Waller. This is the reason Hartford is a mess. Loser promoting a loser. Waller cry the blues in the Westend of Hartford. Matthews West Hartford is your home. So keep you mouth shut about Hartford. You have already cost the Hartford taxpayer millions.

  77. Terry Waller and Sandra Kee Borges have generous city pensions. However, they want to steal more from Hartford. Waller, Kee Borges and their buddy I Charles Matthews has done major damage to Hartford for many years as liars and cheats. Back off now!
    Hartford's educated young people are anxious to get involved. They do not need YOU.

  78. Terry will come into city hall and give ya'all an azz whoopin....well better Terry then Luke.....where do I sign up ?

  79. What's the update on LYING THIEVING MONTANEZ?' How long do we have to wait to know whether she is terminated or not? Are there any meetings taking place where a investigation will take place?! She's leaving Brighton Park Way in Bloomfield EVERY MORNING!!!!
    Resign. Thea. Resign!

  80. 7:07 PM

    Where exactly are the 9 men and women in the City council? Are they protecting LYING THIEF MONTANEZ or what? Did anyone ask LYING THIEF MONTANEZ about her false affidavit?

  81. Kevin do you have any information on an investigation regarding LYING THIEF THEA MONTANEZ???
    What do the People need to do in order to order to get our Mayor to listen to us?

  82. Something MUST be done with regards to the Theagate. It's unacceptable that these city employees m will continue lying and screwing us all up. It's simply unacceptable!

  83. Theagate is being deflected by the Hartford Courant’s half baked expose on the City’s employee residency requirements by Vella and Jenna. I never the story on why DPW previous director, Keith Chatman, was let go by Bronin. I heard it was because he didn’t want to move to Hartford because he was already established elsewhere with his family.If that is the case then it’s OK for some Directors to live outside of Hartford and not others. If you’re not on team Bronin, you can’t be a liar.I smell a lawsuit.

  84. I get a kick out of the Courant’s obvious bias in favor of the Bronins’ admin appointees. Referring to the Fitzpatrick resignation was due to a “flurry of acccusations” regarding his factual residency fraud. He resigned because he screwed up. He lied on his contract with the City. Bronins looked the other way. No doubt about it! These reporters are dim to believe were are as dim as they write. On another note, these directors make so much money leaves me one question, Why don’t you just buy a house in the city? Greedy asses? Don’t want to help pay your salary? Do you care about Hartford, Bronins’..... we will see, will we not.

    1. Not every director can afford to buy the kind of dwelling the Bronin’s purchased, which is basically a neighbor-less abode a stone’s throw away from the capitol. Must be nice to not have to live amongst the commoners! Everyone knows there are few desirable locations to live in the city for people of Bronin’s ilk.

    2. The Courant fake report tried to convince us that Fitzpatrick ALSO resided in Simsbury.
      Jenna & Bunny, Fitzpatrick resided ONLY in Simsbury.

    3. In the Courant: one day Hartford's DPW Marylin Aponte found out that she must reside in Hartford. Jenna & Vinny forgot that Aponte was DPW deputy, they forgot that she was married to Alex Aponte (in my opinion just another crook), and that maybe Aponte left her job not because of residency issues but simply because she performed miserably, after all, Hartford was filthy during her time as DPW.

  85. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I heard a firefighter was hired in the last class that at the time of hire he was a Virginia Beach firefighter. Prior to that he was a volunteer ff in Granby Ct. How can an individual be a Hartford resident and be working in Virginia?

    Probably the same way a few others have "slipped through the cracks".

    1. A captain's son (Never lived in the city)
    2. A kid who's father has lunch dates with the Chief (Never lived in the city)
    3. (Never lived in the city)
    4. (Never lived in the city)

    Do a quick search the Courant's article about the last academy class and it's graduates and compare the names to Hartford's tax bills. Nepotism > Legitimate
