Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Special Agent Kevin Millen of the IRS Criminal Investigations division, one of the Federal Government's lead investigators in the Dillon Stadium investigation, has been arrested by the Guilford, CT Police Department.

Millen's arrest stems from an on-line "sting" operation conducted by the Guilford Police Department to apprehend on-line predators targeting under age children. Between January 12 and January 14, 2018, the Guilford Police Department, in cooperation with the New Haven County States Attorney's Office and the Veterans 4 Child Rescue Foundation conducted operation "Not in My Town", a multi jurisdictional effort to identify and apprehend on-line predators using various on line social media platforms to arrange sexual liaisons with children.

According to sources, Millen was attempting to arrange a sexual rendezvous with a 12 year old girl while her step mother would watch. Unbeknownst to him, the conversation was being monitored by Law Enforcement officials, who eventually initiated Millen's arrest

A press release from the Guilford Police Department detailing the operation is below.

In a letter obtained by "We the People"  Connecticut's US Attorney John Durham details the arrest and the involvement of Agent Millen and the charges he is facing  . The authenticity of this letter has been confirmed by the US Attorney's Office. That letter is also below.


  1. throw the book at that pervert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. He would be great to run Luke's department of youth services

  3. Kevin -- You're depth of sources is extraordinary. You're out in front of the media again. No doubt Duckett's case and sentencing will be affected.

    Could you now focus on Dillon Stadium story?? You haven't seen the latest -- Capitol Region Development Authority [CRDA] has partnered with a soccer team and is willing to blow their neighborhood development bond budget on Dillon Stadium and they will also manage the stadium for them. They are doing this for the winning bidder who will give ZERO dollars to the City. Covanta tried to give ZERO dollars and lost the trash plant bid. This deal SMELLS BAD. One would think Dillon is cursed . . .

  4. This is rich. For too long local law enforcement has been taking a beating in the media. Now, its nice to see the feds taking a similar trashing in the media for a change.

  5. Kevin,

    Surprised you haven't followed up on the consultant report on child endangerment released by the BOE from 4 Point Education Partners on 12/22 which said the following:

    "While specific activities in the action plan have been
    assigned to various cabinet members and staff, there does
    not appear to be shared ownership for the action plan
    overall, and many activities appear to be implemented
    autonomously and without collaboration among cabinet

    You broke the story, the victim advocate came in, and the superintendent lost interest.

  6. Federal agent investigating Dillon Stadium affair arrested?
    Former corrupt mayor Pedro Caviar Segarra and Tom Deller The Seller must be celebrating.


  8. Anon 4:59 the case is over and they were not indicted...they are off the hook because if they did something wrong they would have been indicted....Pedro and Deller were stupid and negligent...which is not a crime....then again Wooden and Kennedy were also...you and the rest of the citizens of Hartford keep voting in crooks and incompetent losers....when will you ever learn?

  9. Alyssa Peterson did a lot to uncover the Dillon fraud and deserves to be Mayor

  10. Alyssa @ 9:41AM:

    This is how CRDA functions: they give away nonstop properties, huge tax breaks and $$$, lots of $$$, all in the name of what they call "development". Quiet frankly, in my opinion this is all baloney.

  11. @ 6:50 PM Alyssa deserves to be Hartford Mayor not only because of the Dillongate/Dillon fraud she uncovered. Alyssa should be our next mayor because she knows Hartford and truly understands Hartford and its problem. She will definitely clean up the mess; she will place Hartford on the right path to recovery.

  12. There is much more to being Mayor, clearly we don't have that commitment to the City or a love for the City in our current Mayor, and yes Alyssa does demonstrate that love and compassion, but I think that is because Hartford is her home, not just a step to a higher office or furthering a political career. we need to look for those qualities in our next Mayor (as well as Councilpeople)

  13. WOW, accolades for mayor!! Thanks much, but our next mayor will be an actual manager first and foremost. Someone who can run the City, not run/drive in his City car for his next political career on our dime and our time.

    To 4:12 AM, your comment about giving away lots of $$$ is spot on. CRDA wants to blow ALL remaining Hartford neighborhood development funds on Dillon, up to $10 million, for 3 wealthy white guys whose RFP response included ZERO $$$ for Hartford. And CRDA will manage the stadium FREE for them! That is a LOT of state bond JING to subsidize 3 guys' dream of owning a soccer team. The RFP process was tainted and should die a necessary death.

    Kevin, have you got any more news on CRDA or their property manager Spectra, and the $700K that you reported was still owed to Hartford for police protection? That's one hell of a bill that was allowed to grow by Mayor Bronin who sits on the CRDA Board?!

  14. Alyssa @ 4:34 PM
    Enough with Hartford taxpayers and CT taxpayers financing stadiums and sports teams for big, fat multi-millionaires and making them even richer. Enough already!

  15. As far as I know the head of CRDA takes home more than $200,000.00 a year plus benefits. When his salary was increased they made sure it was retroactive. Poor guy, how could he survive on a $180,000 a year only

  16. Nick Foles is.better than BradyFebruary 5, 2018 at 7:48 AM

    Great win eagles

  17. Me Love Hartford Crash CarsFebruary 7, 2018 at 1:28 PM

    That crazy most crazy woman Alyssa P. For mayor? Are you kidding? Yes yes run. We need someone who will scream at everyone and I mean everyone. I'm serious. She would make an excellent mayor. But I think we should do a bit of a make-over on Alyssa. First stop the hair salon and a big Afro perm. Nothing but a Thang up on North Main could do a number on her. Then onto Puerto Rico for an intense training on How to Be an Honorary Puerto Rican. During this period of acclimation, it wouldn't hurt for her to crash course the Spanish language.

    Ohhhh... Ahhhhh.... We only get to have one non-Hispanic pale face every twenty five years for mayor. And we done used up our one pale face for the next 25 years. I'm afraid she is up against cultural dysentery. Although Alyssa lives in Hartford and really does love this town, why, I can't understand, I would suggest we elect a female person of color who pretends to live in Hartford but doesn't. Hum... Like Cynthia "we need jobs" Jennings city councilor extraordinaire from Windsor.

    Mayor Jennings, please come forward and run for mayor. Your city needs you to lead them to the pig pit OF ULTIMATE DOOM AND CORRUPTION.

  18. Cynthia (Corrupt) Jennings for mayor. Pedro (Caviar) Segarra will look like an angel compared to her.

  19. Me Love- Should Jennings run for Mayor of Windsor or of Hartford?

  20. 12:58 PM:
    Why not Run for Mayor of BOTH, Windsor and Harford? After all, Cynthia resides in Windsor and have her vehicle registered somewhere/somehow in Hartford.

  21. Cynthia Jennings for Mayor of Windsor.
    Cynthia Jennings for Mayor of Hartford.
    Sounds good to me.
