Monday, February 5, 2018



On Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at approximately 9:53pm, Hartford Police Patrol Officers were dispatched to 95 Vine St. on a report of pedestrians struck by a motor vehicle. Responding HPD officers located two female victims suffering from serious injuries at the scene. The victims were transported by ambulance to Saint Francis Hospital for treatment. The 24 year old female victim, Tina Fontanez, succumbed to her injuries at approximately 10:19pm. The second victim 23 years old, Catalina Melendez, was listed in critical condition. Unfortunately her injuries were not survivable. On January 23, 2018 at 6pm she was pronounced deceased at St. Francis Hospital.

Victim 1(deceased): Tina Fontanez, DOB 05/17/1993, of 23 Williams Street, Hartford, CT.
Victim 2(deceased on 1/23/18): Catalina Melendez, DOB 07/06/1994, of 95 Vine Street, Hartford, CT

Responding officers located an unoccupied motor vehicle (2006 Acura TSX color silver) near the crash scene (intersection of Bethel and Guilford) with damage and evidence consistent and with having been involved in the crash. The vehicle was secured and seized as evidence. Additional physical evidence was located on-scene. Detectives from the Crime Scene Division and Major Crimes Division responded to the scene and assumed control of the investigation. C4 analysts have assisted with video evidence.

Investigative Findings:
The suspect vehicle was traveling north on Vine Street. The two pedestrians, who had just exited a cab, were in the travel lanes of Vine St when they were struck. The vehicle fled the scene and was recovered near the intersection of Bethel St. and Guilford St.
A short time later, the registered owner of the vehicle, Lorenzo Ivery DOB 7/14/92, of 135 Dart Street, Hartford, CT, reported the vehicle stolen to police. Based on physical evidence and video surveillance, Detectives were able to determine that Ivery was an occupant, but not the driver of the evading vehicle (including showing up at HPD with auto glass in his hair and clothing). He was subsequently charged with Evading Responsibility with Death, 14-224(a), Evading Responsibility, 14-224, False Statement, 53a-157, Hindering Prosecution 2nd, 53a-166 and Owner Liability, 14-107

Investigation of the incident continued, which included analysis of video footage obtained by the Hartford Police Department Capital City Command Center (C4). Detectives were able to develop a suspect operator of the vehicle during their investigation. The suspect, Nathaniel Jefferson, DOB 10/08/1993, was located and interviewed by Crime Scene Division Detectives. During the interview, Jefferson admitted to being the operator of the vehicle at the time that it struck Ms. Fontanez and Ms. Melendez. Jefferson also admitted to leaving the scene of the crash.  

The HPD Crime Scene Division continued investigating the crash and applied for an arrest warrant for Jefferson. On  Friday, January 26, 2018, an arrest warrant was issued for Nathaniel Jefferson related to his role in the crash that took the lives of Ms. Fontanez and Ms. Melendez.

On Monday, February 5, 2018, Jefferson turned himself in to Hartford Police Officers at the Public Safety Complex and was charged with two counts of Manslaughter 2nd, 53a-56, two counts of Evading Responsibility with Death, 14-224(a), Evading Responsibility, 14-224, Reckless Driving, 14-222(a), Traveling Too Fast for Conditions, 14-218a, Failure to Drive in Proper Lane, 14-236(1), and Operating w/Suspended License, 14-215a. Jefferson was processed by the Detention Division and is being held on a one million dollar judge-set bond.


  1. I don't get it Kevin was he drunk , high what gives did he know the victims ????

  2. Now that Rovella is gone, who’s going to take care of his goons?

    1. Like you don’t think the new chief has or will have his “goons” as you refer to?

  3. This guy is a punk. A PUNK. Put him in jail, Malloy will let him go after in a few months.

  4. Great work by HPD! I'm sure the families will find some solace in now knowing who was responsible for taking the lives of their loved ones. It's sad to think that one moment two young souls are crossing the street happily and the next moment fighting for their last breath. RIP to them both, thoughts and prayers with the families. This story really makes you question where peoples sense of morality went, not only in the suspects' dangerous and immature actions driving the way he did, but also in taking off rather than to render aid. This makes you question your faith in humanity. Thanks for posting Kevin.


  5. I cant wait for Chief Rosado to come in and clean house.
    Thank god Rovella is leaving!

    Please Chief Rosado Demote And fire Racist Rob Ford /Dumb as a box Of Rocks.
    Get Rid of Pork Chop Mertes who used Disgusting Sexual Statements in front of A HPD Recruit class.
    Get Rid Of Hot Sauce GG GARCIA who drove home Drunk to Glastonbury Ct.and Got Away With It.
    Chief Rosado take the Appropriate Action.

    1. And Rodney the illegal rifle dealer gets a pass?

  6. Get up to speed. Chief Rosado took over yesterday. (The rest is pretty accurate though)

  7. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 7, 2018 at 11:10 AM

    So here is goes.

    The new Chief is in office one day and Mr. Anonymous 0730 is off to the races.

    Got to get the last dig in on Chief Rovella. Anonymous should know that Chief Rovella's socks have more experience than he will ever possess.

    As for the other people mentioned if that stuff is true then Chief Rosado should move fast and set an example.

    And finally what is now taken as offensive in terms of commentary in the police department is a joke. I guess no one should ever talk because someone will find any spoken word offensive. Words like Hello, or statements like How are you doing? or the every day What's up?

    But I will agree with Anonymous 0730 that the past academy commander should have been talking about police issues only to the class and not get involved in disgraceful nonsense.

  8. bring back the death penalty

  9. So rewards are still pouring in for the c4 fellas since buc shot’s departure. A bettee present then some crappy bedroom set won on the “Price is right “. Who signed those orders. O’ Hare will be able to show the french who’s in charge. Are you telling me that there are zero droan instructional courses in the entire united states? What next ? An HPD chopper to fly around like a bird.
    Viva la France fellas!!!!! You were able to get a nice trip from uncle jimmy before he left. I applaud you.

  10. Chief Rosado must show LEADERSHIP

  11. End of Days

    I hope your information is wrong or just a rumor. I will try to verify more on this Paris Trip

    1. It's all over his facebook page, no hiding it.

  12. The dog killers got a nice paid trip to France on the tax payers dime?? Unbelievable tbis place is a joke I tell ya smh

    1. I thought the dog killer worked for Brief Cam? Hes been pitching their product all over the world while he is supposed to be on duty.

  13. I feel bad for our local media that they had no opportunity to use their propaganda related to skin color and ethnicity in this horrific incident. Can you imagine if the driver and passenger were “WHITE” !!! ??? I pray one day my message won’t continue to get muddied by those who thrive,love,count on,exploit,profit from,take advantage of,utilize,gain prosperity and notoriety FROM,,,FALSE,ERRONEOUS,DECEIVING AND DISTORTED PERCEIVED “RACISM “

  14. Why does everything have to be about race? The guy killed two innocent women and he needs to be held accountable, no matter what his skin clor

  15. Check out Fox 61 local news: Brian Foley, who loves microphones and video cameras, explaining the ugly story of the school principal taking girls' underskirts pictures in WalMart.
    Good job, deputy Foley. If only you did such job preventing and solving all the murders in Hartford.

  16. Kev, You totally missed the point ! RACE DOES’NT AND SHOULD’NT MATTER ! We who consume information from many sources are extremely aware of the propaganda being delivered daily by the deceitful local media. Recently I heard a news report that a WHITE police officer was “ off the hook” for shooting and killing a unharmed BLACK criminal. NO DETAILS OR CIRCUMSTANCES WERE PROVIDED , “off the hook” means ,,got away with doing something wrong. We who consume information are also extremely aware that statistically (at least here in Connecticut) criminals related to hit and runs ,car theft,assault,murder,etc. are boys,girls,men and women of color. To bad my message got innocently muddied by you Kev. RACE DOES’NT AND SHOULD’NT MATTER . But someone please answer honestly and with a clear head,,,WOULD THE DELIVERY OF INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS ACCIDENT BE DIFFERENT IF THE DRIVER AND PASSENGER WERE WHITE ????? Maybe one of Hartford’s reverends or community leaders can address this blatant propaganda.
