Sunday, January 14, 2018


Here are the Residency forms submitted by City of Hartford employees to affirm their residency.

Take a moment to review them, and if you find anything unusual or know information to be different than what is listed, feel free to contact me with any additional information. 

You can contact me by e-mail or if you wish to contact me anonymously you can do that through the contacts and preface your comment with "please don't post, FYI".



  1. Note to Lieutenant Colonel Rosado. Whatever Lying Luke and Crooked Sara promised you or suggested to you about about a fake Hartford residency, don’t do it. Get a legit address and actually move, or don’t take the job. If you do decide to move from the beautiful town you live in across the river, find a great private school for your children. Don’t try a scam like everyone else has done under the crooked and failing Bronin administration.

  2. I have lived in Hartford for over 5 years now and I have worshiped here for almost 15 so I have a pretty good understanding of what is going on in the city. With my education and corporate working experience, I have learned to look at systems and to see where things are failing. Hartford certainly has its problems and when you look at city hall, as you do, problems abound. But I like to step back and look at Hartford as a whole - not just those under the employ of the city or politically elected but also the citizens, as they play a major role in how the city runs. When I do that I see some glaring problems. One of them is you. Consider your history, you started your blog going after Eddie Perez. Well deserved I am sure and it resulted in Eddie resigning his office. Then we had Pedro and he was fine for a bit but then you turned on him. It was as if you just pulled the old Eddie stories out and changed the names. Then Pedro is gone and now we have Luke. Luke was fine until you decided he wasn't - queue old posts again. Do you see a pattern? I do! Now you are going after people who work long hours and dedicate their time to moving the city forward. Its not as if they are enriching themselves doing these jobs. Trust me there are much easier ways to make money. Someone like Sean F - he spent two years learning the city and was just starting to make momentum. Now that is gone because you sit on your high horse in judgement of all that is good or bad in Hartford.

    All of this makes me wonder, what would make Kevin Brookman happy. When would he think things are good enough to actually start building Hartford instead of just tearing it down. You are now working on bringing down your third mayoral administration. I am sure you will be happy when Eddie is back and you can work on taking him down a second time.

    As someone who volunteers his time to build up my neighborhood and the city, I invite you to change course and start to work on building up our city instead of being some moral purveyor of what is right and start working on improving things. If you spend just a little time looking at history, you'll quickly learn that you will never rid city hall of corruption so why not spend your time doing something good in the world.

    1. Amen! With all that is going on right now with our state budget and Liar-in-Command, why are you putting forth such time and effort into this nonsense. Put your energy into making a difference in the lives of others as these public servants have done. Most of them took pay cuts to move to their current positions. They wouldn't even know what it feels like to work 9 to 5. This is how we thank them? Are you qualified to do their jobs when they throw their hands up in disgust from being constantly harassed? The time and energy being put forth here would be better spent volunteering and making a positive difference in the lives of others.

    2. I am making a difference. And there are plenty of people in Hartford that could do these jobs and they actually care about Hartford and would serve the people of Hartford for the satisfaction of making the City a better place and not just for the over inflated paychecks and benefits

    3. You’re very smug! You know what would make me happy? To live in a city whose reputation is not so horrific that there are people who can’t imagine living here, and will actually lie and falsify documents, risking the negative publicity of getting caught, saying they do when they don’t. And have no fear of disappointing a Mayor who obviously doesn’t blame them in the least, is in on the joke and who would probably have done the same thing if he could have gotten away with it! It’s all just one big insider joke (wink, wink). Every mayor you named deserves nothing but disdain, whether a former gang member or a Rhodes scholar. I can’t speak for him, but if he’s like me, Kevin will be happy when there isn’t a clown posse running the city. Now go resume your “good works”.

    4. Lying Luke’s Clown Posse, sounds appropriate, thanks

    5. Hey 2:41, Kevin Brookman DID NOT turn on Pedro Segarra at all. Pedro Segarra is a life long cheat, a life long fraud. Just look at his history as an attorney, his personal bankruptcy and many other issues. Then look at his time as mayor, the stinky caviar affair was just the beginning of Kevin Brookman's discovery of the real Pedro Segarra.
      As for Bronin of which I was a supporter in the past, we have heard tons of promises, but you can't run a city with promises only. The truth is what we see each and every day here in Hartford.

    6. All you snowflakes love to sweep it under the rug... "Let it go, it's no big deal" you say. Well that's why the city is where it's at you a$$hats. Keep pushing it down the road... until when? Let me guess, when you carpet baggers are gone and milking another teet dry. Do right by....forget it. y'all are a waste of time and your parents hard working funded education

  3. Why not just incorporate some type of monetary consequence for department heads who chose to live outside of Hartford. The money spent on phony addresses could go straight into Hartford’s coffers for the politicians to squander and department heads are not forced into living in a “ shithole” . KEV,,A WIN WIN FOR EVERYONE !!!

  4. 2:41PM

    It seems somewhat appropriate on today, the eve of Martin Luther King Jr Day to quote Dr. King to answer your self serving comment. And I might ask, if you are doing such wonderful things for your community, why wouldn't you want to identify yourself?

    "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

    I choose not to be silent or be oppressed by the bad people, whether you approve or not

  5. Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings has been questioned numerous times to her residency. The fact is that she lives in Windsor. Yet she Has gotten away with this fraud for years. Lair Luke Bronin and Working Families were is the accountability.

    1. 4:20 pm
      Cynthia Jenning is all around fraud. Her Windsor residency was exposed and will be dealt with soon. Very soon!

  6. Kevin, hope you allow this through since it is not really on the topic but more response to 2:41pm

    If the people of Hartford started electing people with integrity and a sense of right and wrong, then maybe Kevin would have nothing to write about. He doesn't lure these people in or entice them to do wrong, they do just fine on their own. Should we just turn a blind eye to it and go on business as usual while the people of Hartford suffer and only the people who care nothing about Hartford and are out just for themselves benefit. Do you think Lying Luke has ever lost any sleep over a family in Hartford who can't afford food for their table or the next family getting ready to bury a loved one after a homicide? He only loses sleep when he thinks it will affect votes or his political career or how he is viewed in the media.

    I will say to you 2:41PM the same thing I say to my co-workers who ask me how am I friends with Kevin, the answer is always the same and quite simple. If you are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about from Kevin and the blog, and if you are doing things wrong and he finds out, watch out because he is like a pitbull when he latches on.

    My friend, keep doing what you are doing. Myself and thousands of other people that also love Hartford, greatly appreciate your efforts.

    1. To your point in the second paragraph, the only ideas Luke brings is to entice businesses to come to Hartford. He has no plan or ideas to uplift the poor. Youth summer employment is his weak attemp at that.

  7. hey 2:41

    you cowardly little snowflake, grow a set of balls and stand for something or eventually your wonderful little neighborhood will amount to nothing if you stand for nothing

  8. Kevin, you have opened up cans of worms many times. Keep doing what you do. These corrupt politicians love fraud. They earn Hartford money and spend it elsewhere. Luke Bronin is one of the status quo. He lies and protects his fraudulant friends. He needs to go back to Greenwich and shine as a lair there. They would run him out of town.

  9. Note to 2:41 PM
    You have worshipped here for 15 years? Thank GOD you were cowardly enough not to identify yourself. Your parish should be embarrassed by your weak words.

    Note to 4:57 PM
    Your post said it PERFECTLY. Therefore, nothing else to be said here. Thanks from a LOT of blog readers.

  10. You cannot build a city up, based on LIES people!
    Thea Montanez lied when she signed that Affidavit about her residency. She lied when she said she pays her taxes in Hartford. Thea is a LIAR, finally someone has exposed her.
    Furthermore, she called Kevin trying to cover up the lies.
    Common sense is, we all know in order to pay your taxes you have to do one of the few things,
    1. pay the bill online
    2. mail in a payment
    3. pay the bill in person
    Thea knew who she was paying her taxes to, as SHE made the payments herself. The town is printed boldly on the top of the tax bill, this is common sense!
    This is no clerical error at all.
    Then she tried to fix the mistake last week and most likely used her power to get the tax assessors staff to change the dates on the documents to cover up where she's been living.
    It is not a secret that Thea lives on 1 Brighton Park Way, Bloomfield with her "boyfriend" and has been living there since he purchased the property back on 6/15/15 according to tax records.
    She also stated she lived there when she got the call that she accepted the position in a published news article in 2016.
    Thea is sneaky and a liar and needs to do us all a favor and step down from her position.
    If Bronin wants a chance to become our next Governor he will do what's RIGHT and fire Thea. She lied, so she should lose her position. What type of example will he be setting for his other employees if she is not reprimanded?
    Kevin thank you for your continuous hard work and dedication for OUR people

  11. How long will it take Liar Bronin to fire his Chief of Staff Thea Montanez? A resignation or termination should occur Tuesday, January 16. In God We Trust and not in Liar Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin. The clock is ticking.

    1. why can't Bronin fire her EARLIER than Tuesday 1/16

  12. Kevin, thanks for the outstanding news you share on your Blog. It is a great value to those of us who are dedicated to Hartford. Great Work!

  13. Not sure if the pertinent ordinance has changed, but at one point in time retirees could be hired back temporarily only for a maximum of 6 months, not sure if it was part-time or full-time, so residency aside, not sure if Byrne and Bayer should still be working for the city.

    Regarding the signed affidavits, many of them are not completely filled out. Some of the employees did not answer all of the questions. I did not scan through all of them, but the first several were not signed at the bottom by whoever it is that is assigned to actually verify the contents of the affidavit.

    1. :02 These people should be investigated. All of them. Enough with the cheaters and liars pretending to do their jobs for the people of this city. They are doing everything for themselves only.

    2. 9:02 What exactly this Segarra administration's leftover Linda Bayer still doing at city hall?
      As far as I remember, she supported all of Pedro's costly mistakes that bankrupted Hartford.
      Dump Her, let's see what job, if anything, she'll ever get in her hometown of Wethersfield.

  14. Seems odd that the present Planning Director from Trumbull lives in a house owned on Westerly Terrace by the old city Planning Director. It is not a two family.

  15. Mike Peters and Eddie Perez were able to find a COS who were born and lived in Hartford. Bronin just dosen't know that many people from Hartford.

  16. Anon 9:04PM.....who are they ?

  17. Kevin, you really opened here a dirty, ugly Pandora-Box. I hope that as a result we'll have a better place here thanks to your reports.
    Great job, man!

  18. I thought once you retire from the city and where collecting a pension you couldn’t work for the city? I’ve heard police and fire can not. Does this apply to city hall? Ie Linda Bayer. Just trying to understand if there is a difference. Also this is not an attack on Linda Bayer just using her as an example since the letter for residency states she was a retiree who was hired part time. So I’m assuming she might if recently retired from Htfd.

    1. Well Rovella (police) retired from the city and came back years later. So I guess they make exceptions depending on the position and the person.

  19. The lights at 93 Elm St. seem off unless needed.....

  20. Is it weird that I fell that the residency policy is totally disillusioned AND want people to be held accountable for breaking it. On one hand Hartford should hire the most talented people regardless of where they live on the other they have a rule that these people know about going in and it should be followed or changed. All of that being said, lying on your residency form should result in immediate termination because regardless of how I feel about the rule, lying should result in termination.

  21. Hey Kevin. I was just wondering, what is your position on residency requirements? It seems the city has different requirements for different departments and positions. Do you have any insight into why there is not parody between the police, fire and DPW?

  22. Let’s make a deal Hartford !! How about” EVERY” JOB IN HARTFORD, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE , GO TO HARTFORD RESIDENTS ONLY. In return, the rest of the state will no longer SUBSIDIZE HALF OF YOUR OPERATING EXPENSES “AND” NO HARTFORD RESIDENT IS ALLOWED TO WORK OUTSIDE OF CITY ! You want to act like a separate nation,,then the rest of us WILL TREAT YOU AS SUCH!

  23. Should this apply to Fire Department candidates? At least 5 from the last and current academy classes lied on several fronts and have NEVER lived in the city. Should candidates at the minimum have to pay taxes, change voter registration, or at least be able to say what color house that they "live" in is? For all of the good that Freeman has done, he condones this and in at least 3 cases has knowingly cherry picked non resident candidates because they are "related" to someone on the job or he is friendly with their father.

  24. Posting anonymously is perfectly fine. STOP harping on those issues. Kevin allows it and one may avail himself of this option at will. Then Kevin dares those who use this option to use their names. Hey, if you don't want people to post anonymously don't give them the option. But don't criticize those who post in this manner.

    Next, residency requirements; Maybe just maybe this requirement is a dumb-ass notion after all and needs to be suspended. Why not seek out the best personal for positions. Why the endless anally retentive fuss? I'm really tired of this age-old argument. Let's just end the requirement. Oh, I know, we must reserve jobs for city residents. Well guess what, there aren't many city residents who have sufficient intelligence, vision and creativity to flourish and succeed in demanding positions. Even the grunt jobs are frequently populated by those who are not being very responsible in these positions. I know when I have to interact with some of them. Conversely, there are many employed by the city who are effective, smart and friendly. But political patronage has lasted through the decades.

    There is one exception to this residency rule; political positions. Yes, everyone knows that Cynthia Jennings does not LIVE IN HARTFORD. If could be proven. She is well aware of this criticism and likely laughs at it since she has covered her tracks rather well. I like Brookman's suggestion of cell pings to qualify residency. But Miss Jennings would simply leave her main phone in Hartford and have someone buy a new service and phone in another name. I suggest placing a discreet cam on a street post pointed at her house in Windsor. That'll do the trick of proving residency. It wouldn't be expensive.

    Let's stop using the city to hire the least capable just because they happen to live in Hartford. I'm really sick and tired of hearing this nonsense.

    Signed; Anonymous

  25. Wasn't there a similar post of residency of the HPS Central Office people?
    I agree with anonymous 8:07am about hiring the best person for positions, but these central office people (Florida, Atlanta, Massachusetts) top earners were hired not because they are the best. It's because they were hired or referred by friends. If you look at their resumes, they're sub mediocre for a 6 figure income.

  26. This is unethical white collar crime. What really gets me is our Democrat Mayor has no problem screwing the with blue collar City employees’ money while enriching his white collared friends who can afford financial setbacks without being honest. Keep weeding out the crooks Kevin. This Mayor needs a Democrat transplant.He is one of these corporate Democrats. Nowhere near a classic liberal or honest progressive. Major corporatist with a major in cronyism. Good fit for Hartford..... It’s time for a real change.

  27. Kev, PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS! I will try and tie it into having TWO addresses. Checkout The Courant today related to Puerto Rican families displaced by Hurricane Maria . Apparently the 183 islanders who chose Hartford (that’s worth a discussion all on its own) to seek shelter are now faced without government funding to pay for their HOTEL STAYS! You see relocating came with a caveat,,when their HOMES were habitable again THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO GO BACK! Now Malloy, Blumenthal and Murphy don’t want play or HONOR the rules! Here’s my question,,WHERE IS MINNIE GONZÁLEZ,ANGEL ARCE AND THE REST OFHARTFORD’s SO CALLED HISPANIC LEADERS WITH THE “MONEY” THEY RAISED THEY RAISED ON PARK ST ??? WHERE IS HARTFORD AND THE REST OF THE STATE COMING UP WITH MONEY TO HOUSE,FEED and BI-LINGUALY EDUCATE 615 FAMILIES??

    1. Ask Julio Mendoza and Angel Sierra, the two moneymakers in SAMA, where was all the money that was collected on Park St. and how it was spent.

  28. Talking residency, I see you list is dated as of Oct. 2016 but what about your new Assistant Fire Chief Reilly? Is he required to be a resident? I think you will find he pays his taxes in East Hampton. Now might have his paper trail covered but I don't think he will be enrolling his kids in the Hartford school system. Also , don't recall any national search or testing for the newly made assistant chief and another 1 coming soon is already a done deal.
    Kevin, did you say Reggie was different, no, business as usual in Hartford and at HFD.

  29. I believe that residency applies to department heads and specific non-classified employees and the Assistant Chiefs are not required to be residents. Chief Freeman has complied with residency since his first day here. There is no requirement , that I am aware of,for any search process. The Chief can fill the positions with the people of his choosing

  30. Kevin, What’s up with the families that decided on the Red Roof Inn as a place of refuge? It’s in the Courant again. There are 49 other states they could have fled to , Why CT and why Hartford? There is a ulterior motive here that needs to be exposed. I saw nothing in Vinny Vella’s half of the story article related to local Hispanic politicians or leaders . As they are evicted from the Red Roof Inn ,why isn’t the Hispanic community opening their homes to these families. If they can squeeze into hotel rooms I’m sure there is more than enough room in the many homes in the community. Does Minnie González or Angel Arce not have a spare room or a couch? Lastly,can you imagine if after storm Sandy the many families displaced in CT flew to Puerto Rico and attempted to stay all expenses paid on Puerto Rico’s dime until power was restored and their homes habitable again but told the government,,” no ,I think I’ll stay here” How do you think that would fly. I’m sure Luke and Sarah Bronin have plenty of room in that brownstone that overlooks Bushnell Park directly at the Red Roof Inn . How ironic is that . COME ON LUKE BRONIN, DICK BLUMENTHAL,DAWILLLIE MALLOY AND CHRIS MURPHY,,,SHOW SHOW ME HOW BAD YOU FEEL! OPEN UP YOUR HOMES!!

  31. As far as residency is concerned, perhaps all applications should be accepted, and if a City resident scores the same as a non-resident, give the position to the person who lives in the City.
    If a non-resident scores higher, hire them.

    1. This is a great idea. Preference vs requirement.

  32. @9:24
    Hey thanks. That is a good solution. I wonder if cheating would take place if both scores were close but the nonresident scored a little higher but the connected resident got the job by having his score bumped up. This is the way things are done in Honest Abe Hartford. Remember school test scores at Betonces School and teacher bonuses? Right on, mida.

  33. Although I am a white male who lives in West Hartford I identify as a Black and Hispanic female who resides in Hartford,,,,DO I QUALIFY FOR ONE OF THE HONORABLE EMPLOYMENT POSITIONS HARTFORD HAS TO OFFER????

  34. Blumenthal in the Courant today is insinuating that FEMA is lying to the displaced Puerto Rican families homesteading at the Red Roof Inn in Hartford, FEMA says for all but 6 families that their homes are habitable and the power is on. DICK and Bronin QUESTION FEMA AS THOUGH ITS A CONSPIRACY! These two shitbags also incorporate statements of allowing them to permanently stay and receive section 8 housing! WHERE IS THE HISPANIC COMMUNITY? Politicians, leaders and clergy should be ashamed that these families are “FORCED” to reside in a hotel room. I know Blumenthal will leave his toney Greenwich mansion and stoop as low as possible for votes from folks who have little or nothing but this is one for the record books! And look at “LITTLE LYING LUKE” following suit with his PHONEY OUTRAGE ,,, What’s next ? Is The Red Roof Inn going to be Hartford’s newest polling place!!!!

    1. These people will do anything to get the Latin vote, and I mean ANYTHING.

    2. Why doesn't Mayor Luke occupying himself with dumping liar Thea Montanez

  35. Staying on the subject of residency, Kev, what is your position on the topic of affordable housing in your Asylum Hillneighborhood ? Usually I don’t pay much attention to Mike McGarry’s nonsense but his editorial in The Courant was SPOT ON the other day. There was a reply in The Courant today by a Sharon Castilli president of The Chrysalis Center condemning McGarry and giving praise to LYING LUKE BRONIN !! McGarry states JUST 9 % HOMEOWNERSHIP THERE AND THE REST “AFFORDABLE HOUSING! Trust me Sharon , COPS,FIREFIGHTERS AND TEACHERS ARE NOT SCRAMBLING TO THEIR REAL ESTATE AGENTS TO FIND A HOME IN THE ASYLUM HILL NEIGHBORHOOD! ESPECIALLY THOSE OF US WHO WORKED IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD! Personally I wouldn’t even take a house for free it meant I needed to bring my family with me.

  36. Kevin, Thanks for your response on the residency requirements for HFD A/C. You are absolutely 100% correct. At least for as long as I can remember Assistant chiefs have not been required to live in Hartford. Matter of fact, the last time they tried to make residency a requirement for this position you led the charge against it (Waller-August 2014). Check it out on your blog, you make some valid points.
    You also mentioned that Freeman can fill the 2 assistant chief positions with "the people of his Choosing". Does this mean the positions do not have to be posted? Again, for as long as I can remember these positions were always posted and qualified candidates were allowed to apply. I say qualified because you had to have experience at the deputy chief level as one of the "MINIMUM" requirements. Do you have any insight to why these jobs were not posted through HR? Or, why now the only requirement for these positions is residency? Or, why Freeman would choose 2 individuals whom would not be qualified to be assistant chiefs in any other department across the country, paid or volunteer?

  37. The number one rule of management is that "you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with" Reggie Freeman is the Chief of the Department and those choices are his, and his alone. It is not a Union decision or a consensus of the rank and file, it is the Chief's decision as to who he chooses and who he thinks will carry out his initiatives and be supportive of his philosophies and who has proven worthy of his trust. Only time will tell if he makes the right choices, but if the last two years are any indication, I trust his judgement

  38. Kev, Have you had your scanner tuned into HFD lately? I had it on a couple a weeks ago and had to listen to a mayday call at what appeared to be a routine structure fire . Does your “ number one rule of management “ work from the bottom up too? If so ,why on earth would Reggie surround those inexperienced new lieutenants with inexperienced new recruits and say nothing publicly about how risky and dangerous it is to firefighters,residents,workers and visitors. The silence from the safety complex on the top floor is deafening. Reggie should have shown true leadership during negotiations and sat at the head of the table instead of next to Luke The Liar Bronin. A true leader would have never let an entire winning team walk off the field. Kev, please address 1:31 PM comment regarding Terry Waller ,I find it a little hypocritical. Thanks.

  39. If your statement "you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with" is true, then Freeman is screwed.

  40. Freeman has exactly what he wants, a bunch of know nothing sheep!

  41. Kevin, thank you for exposing and reporting the Sean Fitzpatrick and the Thea Montanez fraud. Wether you agree with the residency requirement or not is not the issue, THIS IS STILL FRAUD.
    Any reason why Montanez is still employed by the City of Hartford?
