Wednesday, January 3, 2018



Several sources are confirming that a Hartford Police Sergeant assigned to the gun squad, known as VRT , the Violence Reduction Team ( formerly STF, the Shooting Task Force) is under Internal Affairs investigation  after his actions to purchase an assault rifle from a recent gun buy back.

According to at least four sources familiar with the incident who have verified that Sergeant Andrew Rodney is under investigation for his actions at a recent gun buy back.  Rodney was apparently outside the building when a woman approached to turn in an AR-15 assault rifle . Rodney stopped the woman and allegedly offered her the same amount in cash as she would have received from inside for turning in the gun. Rodney paid her $250./00 in cash and took possession of the assault rifle.

The woman then reportedly returned home. Her husband, I am told, asked for the $250.00 gift card and she told him that she had received cash for the AR15 assault rifle. The husband apparently became upset and said the reason he wanted to turn it in was to make sure the gun was destroyed and "off the streets".

The husband then promptly called HPD to file a complaint with IAD. It is unclear if any criminal charges are pending or will eventually be filed, but one source told me that the Attorney General's Office gave a tentative ruling to prosecutors that a loophole in the law may have made Rodney's actions legal. If so, that loophole needs to be tightened up by the Legislature ASAP

At the very least it would seem  that even if there is no criminality, the charge could be made that Sergeant Rodney used his position for personal gain to acquire the Assault Rifle at a drastically reduced price, not much different than a police officer putting the squeeze on a business owner to get services for free or at a reduced rate, I think that is called "conduct unbecoming"

HPD Internal Affairs Investigators were able to recover the Assault Rifle, so essentially it is "off the streets" and Sergeant Rodney is reportedly out his $250.00 cash for his improper deed.

Hopefully Rodney's actions will not undermine the confidence and trust of Hartford residents cooperating with the gun buy back program or the Community partners who fund and work to make the program successful


  1. Sergeant Rodney is out of his $250? Who cares, Sergeant Rodney is a crook. Get him out of the force.

    1. That’s his punishment? He’s out $250? What a joke! That crook will just steal the money back in falsified OT hours or not being at work when he’s supposed to be! So if he didn’t violate any laws and did this transfer through a loophole, that’s means he legally purchased and owned the assault rifle. So in all actuality, whoever the IAD investigators are that “seized” the rifle from Rodney, stole it from him if he wasn’t reimbursed. So if Rodney was outside waiting it would also lead me to believe this isn’t his first time doing this. FOI his sale / transfer of firearms paperwork, which I’m guessing he did if it was a legal transaction. Now the Lieutenant is there to supervise sergeants.....where was he while Rodney was outside poaching citizens patronizing such a great program such as the gun buy back??? This is absolutely not the first gun Rodney has poached from people doing the right thing and turning in guns at the Gun Buy Back. What a disgrace. Anything less than termination will be unacceptable. The PD’s handling of this is also very questionable.

    2. Let’s face the facts, Rodney is and always has been a complete disaster and has no business being in the position he’s in. Rodney should be terminated and O’Brien should have his head cut off as well with time off and an immediate transfer to patrol or even demotion. This would’ve never happened under any Lieutenant’s watch, had he been doing his job supervising Sergeants instead running around with tactical vests trying to portray a high speed cop, which he never has been.


  2. Rodney should be fired. I bet if he was a white
    Sergeant he would be fired. Again Double Standards.

    1. Definitely agree. Why does Rovella protect Rodney and Mertes? Is there something we don’t know. What in God’s name was Rodney going to do with an AR15? Other than have it stolen from his house in a burglary!!!

    2. @8:31PM

      White, black, hispanic, whatever: Rodney should be fired.

  3. A loophole in the law may have made Sergeant Rodney's actions legal? Are you kidding or may be there's a loophole in somebody brain?

  4. The range master did the same thing with hitlers gun last year. What is the difference. A coverup. Just like the order that chief rendock gave to everyone involved in the mertes sexual assault incident. “Do not put anything to paper” , eh dusty. You better hope it does not reach civil court.

    1. "Hitler's gun" is locked up in evidence waiting for the owner to pick it up, the Rangemaster doesn't have it.

  5. Where are they gonna hide rodney ? Second floor of 50 j ?
    What is the loop hole. A receipt written in crayons signed by rodney ?
    Nothing will happen.
    Good ole rendock will ghost the investigation.....
    Rosado is being handed a bag of misfit toys. Good luck.

  6. Arrest him now!!! Does no one care that this cop just willy nillie walked off with an assault rifle???? That rifle could kill hundreds of people look at vegas!!! Fire Sgt. Rodney!!!!


  7. So if Rodney is not arrested
    and fired Then The IAD
    Investigators should be Arrested and Fired for
    Failure to Supervise And Conduct a
    Lawfull Investigation. Outrageous Rovella does nothing.!!!!!

    A Grand Jury Needs to be Convened on Why IAD And ROVELLA Fail to ACT OR


  8. The ATF should be called in on Rodney's action.
    What Rodney has done is a felony that must be
    Investigated by the State Police And ATF.
    Obviously Htfd Ct Police IAD is inept or incapable of investigating properly.
    They Should Be Disciplined for Failure To Conduct An Investigation.
    Very Disturbing And Corrupt.

  9. Person to person transfer of an AR-15 is illegal in the state of CT. If he didn't go through a licensed dealer it is a crime under state statute. It is also a federal crime chargeable under federal public corruption acts to use your position as a police officer for personal gains. It's time to take a closer look at what's been going on at 50J, no one is minding the store.

    1. That's not true, face to face transactions are totally legal as long as the proper paperwork is done (which includes a background check through the DESPP/SPBI) the fact the gun us considered an assault weapon in CT is of no consequence as active law enforcement officers are exempt from the CT AW Law.....not saying what this guy did is right, it certainly is not but technically the "loop hole" that is referenced is that LEO are exempt and can still buy so called assault weapons and high capacity magazines....something we fought against when the bill was being debated as any law should not exempt a certain class of people....

    2. you are clueless but then again facts are of no consequence for a liberal

  10. When hpd internal affairs went to Sargeant Rodney's house with a search warrant did they thoroughly search his vehicles and home. Did the HPD internal affairs division inventory all weapons found and verify they were legally purchased and owned? Did IAD I ventory?

  11. I don't think there was a search warrant involved. My understanding is that it was a voluntary forfeiture when he was confronted with the existence of a video recording the entire transaction. I would hope that the investigation will continue since sources are telling me this was not an isolated incident and there are other "buy back" purchases

    1. If there’s video, as Foley always cites “transparency”, it needs to be made public now! Where’s Foley’s comments? Do you have the video Kevin? If yes, why isn’t it posted?

  12. 1:11 am “YOU MUST NOT BE FROM AROUND HERE” ! Sorry to be the one to inform you but unfortunately skin color and ethnicity have influence on consequences handed out to Hartford’s shitbag employees. I know it’s not right but a sad fact that will never be reversed . I witnessed this all the time at HFD.

  13. Let's not talk about Sergeants stealing overtime money on pink cards in STF because we all know who was notorious of that before Rodney and rode off into the sunset

  14. My inclination would tell me that there are obviously many more transactions than this....that being the case, I would imagine Rodney has some very serious issues coming his way. There is no way he completed all the transactions in accordance with state statute. The State Police Firearms Unit needs to step in along with the ATF. And where is Rodney assigned now Kevin? Please don’t tell me Rovella has continued to leave him in his current assignment?

  15. I know for a fact IAD investigators were sent to Rodney’s residence at Rovella’s direction in an attempt to get the the assault rifle back and sweep this under the rug like nothing ever happened. I also know Rovella made every attempt to keep this quiet and is extremely upset with your post Mr. Brookman. This type of activity involving cover ups and special treatment for certain individuals would never ever happen under chief elect David Rosado....never!

  16. my understanding is that he is in his regular assignment at VRT

    1. Of course he is, like nothing happened. Rovella is a complete and utter failure. And where is Foley? Instead tweeting about no ticks at Riverside Park, and not sure if that some joke directed towards gays, maybe he should be addressing this major incident and be transparent which he claims is HPD’s motto. I guess transparency doesn’t apply to certain individuals, as your the one Mr. Brookman that had to release this to the public.

  17. The loophole mentioned is that it is legal for military and police to own and assault weapon under the ban. However, they still need to properly transfer (through an FFL) and register the weapon with the state. Hand to hand transactions are not allowed even under the military and police exemptions.

    1. Sounds like we have a problem Houston. There’s a reason CT has such strict gun laws, ie Sandy Hook. One would except a member of Law Enforcement would comply with those laws like everyone else must. There’s no was he used an FFL and apparently there’s video of a hand to hand sale of an AR15 assault rifle.

    2. No FFL needed if it is not an assault rifle by definition.

  18. I know for a fact that there are Federal Prosecutor's and Federal Agents that read this blog, maybe one of them will do the right thing and initiate action to find out how this happened and how to prevent it from happening again as well as holding anyone who initiated possible illegal activity or transfers accountable. This is also bad for the public trust and members of the public who think they are doing the right thing turning in unwanted firearms only to learn that the police are taking or even buying them for themselves and their private collections. Corrective action needs to be swift and strong to show that this violation of the Public trust is not acceptable or going to be tolerated. And if the Legislature wants to show that Connecticut's gun laws are more than just a stunt in response to Newtown, they will quickly close this so called "loophole"

    1. Couldn’t agree more. Sure doesn’t seem like HPD and Chief Rovella share the same sentiment as you.

  19. Chief States Attorney statewide prosecution bureau is the unit that needs to be alerted. There is also an ATF tipline. Make some noise.

  20. And if I remember correctly the "Hitler Gun" issue is a few years old, ad if there was something wrong with it I would hope it would have been dealt with by now. I think the gun was turned in by an elderly woman who was doing it to get the money from the giftcard. The "rangemaster" as you say ,along with his extensive knowledge of historic firearms realized that the gun was actually a historic artifact from the Hitler era and should be in a museum, not a gun crusher. After research and tracking down Federal records for the previous ownership, proper steps were taken to preserve the gun for its historic value, Unlike Sergeant Rodney,my understanding is that the "Rangemaster" never took, or intended to take the gun for his own personal benefit or personal collection. My understanding is also that this was all done with the knowledge of Chief Rovella and on Chief Rovella's request, the weapon was placed in the HPD Property room for safekeeping and accountability, unlike the AR-15 Assault rifle that was taken to be part of Rodney's personal arsenal without the knowledge of anyone at HPD until IAD was made aware through a civilian complaint.....Big difference in circumstances

  21. I can tell by the wording of the comments here that many of the comments are coming from Law Enforcement Officers. If possible can someone try to clarify a few things that make no sense to me as I think about them.

    If the gun purchase was lawful due to a loophole or whatever reason, as HPD says, then how could they go to Rodney's Home and confiscate the gun. If it was in fact a legal transaction, isn't that a violation of his rights to go confiscate his personal property that was legally his without any Court order or warrant? The two don't seem to add up. It was either an illegal transfer and he shouldn't have it or they had no right to confiscate it.

    Or did Rodney just know he was wrong and gave the gun up to make it easier on him? And if he said "No, I'm not giving it up" what would the next step have been?

    1. The M4 rifle was legally purchased. No statutory violations. HPD had absolutely NO right to confiscate the rifle.

    2. Wrong... trade your big hat for a shine box immediately...

  22. A warrant should be drafted for Chief Rovella for larceny in all actuality.

  23. Active CSP

    Thanks, then it sounds like IAD overstepped their bounds . Do you know if the transfer paper work is public information and available through an FOI request? It might be interesting to see if this is an isolated incident or does Sgt. Rodney have a history of transfers from gun buy backs

  24. A DPS-3-C sale / transfer form must be prepared and submitted to the firearms unit. Not sure if they do release to public. Call them at 860-685-8400

  25. Luckily all these misfit toy Internal cases will all not be closed by next month. Rosado has to sign off any and all final internal cases. It will be quite a treat when rosado asks chief Rendock why certain cases has been ghosted. Rosado is aware of the mertes sexual comment case status, basically never opened. Hey Rendock, you are going to have a rough month of feb. Ordering officers not to go to paper? Really? I hope that is not the case. Im sure you will blame buck shot after he leaves so you can save your skin. Hopefully Rosado puts an end to all the coverups.

  26. What is the mertes sexual comment case status? Is foley making snow angels while he searchs for a job?
    Where is the brian foley press release on sgt rodney ?
    I guess this proves why foley is not going to any media outlet for a next job.
    Maybe a walmart greeter or circus clown. That civil lemarc settlement is gonna be huge brian. Multiple six figures. Better start collecting cans and get that nice big house put into a relatives name bj. Good luck in life. Karma suks.

  27. Wow the plot thickens!!!!!!

  28. Is a private citizen allowed to stand outside a gun buy back event and offer cash for guns? If not then how should an on duty officer be able to? He was being paid by the city to run this buyback, not to use his influence as a LE officer to buy guns outside.

    1. Yes, private citizens absolutely have been allowed to stand on public property across the street from CRT and offer cash for and buy guns. It’s happened. They can be asked to leave, but can’t be forced to and they absolutely can buy guns if they complete the proper sale paperwork.

  29. FOI’able or not Mister Brockman?

  30. Active CSP LE, doesn’t know what he/she is talking about. Maybe if it was a handgun he/she would be right, but a rifle in no way can be purchased like that on the streets. Just ask Rovella, who found out one of his Deputy Chiefs was drafting letters authorizing officers to purchase rifles under their badges and Rovella immediately ordered all his command staff to not draft anymore letters for rifle purchases. So basically Rovella doesn’t want any of his officers to purchase rifles. In order for an officer to purchase a rifle, you must have a letter from a Chief allowing you to purchase a rifle under your badge. With that letter you can go to an FFL license holder and complete the transfer. The FFL license holder has to keep that letter from the Chief in his file for his record keeping. Let’s see if Rodney gets a shady backdated letter from good ole Rovella who will break every code of conduct to take care of a certain few.

    1. Your absolutely wrong. There’s a big difference between an assault rifle and a rifle. The M4 was NOT an assault rifle, therefore can be purchased in the manner Rodney did.

    2. Wrong... see below post regarding pre/post ban rifles...

  31. Rifles and Shotguns
    Effective April 1, 2014, per CGS Sec. 29-37a(c), no person may purchase or receive any long gun unless such person holds a valid long gun eligibility certificate issued pursuant to section 29-37p, a valid permit to carry a pistol or revolver issued pursuant to subsection 9 (b) of section 29-28, a valid permit to sell at retail a pistol or revolver issued pursuant to subsection (2) of section 29-28 or a valid eligibility certificate for a pistol or revolver issued pursuant to section 29-36f.

    No such sale, delivery or other transfer of any long gun shall be made until the person, firm or coorporation making such sale, delivery or transfer has insured that such application has been completed properly and has obtained an authorization number from the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection for such sale, delivery or transfer. This sale authorization number can be obtained by calling (860) 685-8400 or by calling Toll Free (888) 335-8438. In additon to the above, the seller may not sell to anyone under 18 years of age, or to anyone the seller knows is prohibited from possessing firearms.

  32. LEGAL transaction

  33. Regardless, WTF was he thinking SMGH!

  34. Looks like active CSP knows what he’s talking about to me. If Rodney called in and got his sale authorization number he’s good to go. Rodney not only holds the law enforcement status, he also holds active military. It appears you don’t know what your talking about.

    1. If he doesn’t have the chiefs letter, he’s in violation depending on the age of the weapon... 430

  35. The Duke Of Hartford CountyJanuary 4, 2018 at 7:01 PM

    So you mean to tell me after all these comments Rodney did not break any laws or violate any policy? You know Kevin sometimes I really question your motives and integrity because this was nothing but a bunch of trollimg from anonymous cops who clearly have an axe to grind and no leg to stand on and I'm the last person to bring up race but no one was calling for termination of Sean Spell for curb stomping a handcuffed suspect but all these lets terminate Rodney commemts are exaftly why there's a need for the Guardians and the Phoenix society

    1. There were no comments by any cops of any race calling for Spell’s termination because he was one of the most highly respected and regarded supervisors in HPD history. I really don’t think the Rodney deal is a race issue. I am a minority and worked for him, nobody has ever matched him. A PCP induced felon was spitting blood as confirmed by Bojka and Torres. Anyone that had a problem with spell was either lazy or envious. Spell always helped anyone. The truth is the place has gone to shit since he left, the fleet is a mess, VRT / gun detectives / intel is beyond a mess. Even Blumes bailed, what does that tell you. There weren’t issues under him like now. His loss is felt by the good men and women.

  36. Will, why don't you just post under your real name and avoid the nonsense. I was going to ask if you actually think Rodney/s behavior was proper, but we already know you are morally lacking, thus the reason you are no longer employed at HPD. And as much as you try, not everything is about race, there are still people that can decide between right and wrong, no matter the skin color. Oh, and how did the Guardians work out for you? Or maybe they chose not to fight for a worthless cause

  37. 6:32PM

    Apparently you know for a fact he did that and also did the proper paprework? And you have no issue with him using his position for personal gain?

  38. May be legal as long as the rifle was made before 1994, and the SGT did the required paperwork. Most likely not. The SGT would be allowed to possess a post ban rifle if he got the chiefs letter and did the DPS3c.

  39. 6:32PM

    Apparently you know for a fact he did that and also did the proper paperwork? And you have no issue with him using his position for personal gain?

  40. A pre 94 gun is approximately 1500.00, so if it was, he profited. If it was made after 1994, you’re looking at 750.00 up... I rember chasing private citizens away when they tried the same stunt.

    1. Bones- solid. All the good crime fighting proactive bosses are long gone, except maybe O’Hare and Pia. Loved working for the old school bosses. Part of the problem now.

    2. 430 is an FFL and he definitely knows his guns. If anyone would know, he would know if the transaction was legal or illegal.

  41. I miss u bones... the good ole days are gone.

  42. A ghetto bird reached out and said the 83 is a M4,model... thus, the rifle needs two things. One, a DPS3c, authorization to transfer, and the Chiefs letter. Chief Rovella is NOT signing those, so...
    Rifle was improperly transferred, not to mention it is not in the spirit of the buy back...

  43. Feb 5 th, i demand chief rosado orders an open Iad investigation into the sexual comments made by Lt Christine Mertes towards academy recruits and hpd sgts.
    Zero tolerance needs to be enforced.
    Rosado is going to have dusty for brekfast. Wonder why heavren has not found a little nest for dusty at trinity yet ? Maybe we can work out a package deal. Foley and rendock.

  44. Reporting for mids and WOW!
    My prediction is, Rodney got sloppy and lazy and failed to complete and conduct proper paperwork and failed to obtain an authorization number for a legal state sale transaction. No way he had a letter from the chief either. After reading CGS 29-37a regarding Sale, delivery or transfer of long guns, Rodney is in violation. I predict CSP preparing an arrest warrant, a class D felony. Reading in the statute, suspended prosecution, is a good possibility for him. Hopefully Rodney has not been doing this other than this occurrence. But hopefully he makes out ok. But shame, shame, shame on Lt. OB for failure to supervise and Rovella for not immediately transferring him.

  45. really swatted the hornets nest with this one. Great sources you have. Nice work lol!

  46. @8:42

    Perhaps Officer Spell was a great cop. And as he was being spat at by a convicted felon, Officer a spell smashed his boot down on the felon's head. Justifiable? One could argue,Myers. But that one incident cost the city a lot of money and it made that convicted felon relatively well off financially. It's important to maintain behavior control at all times no matter how difficult. Officer Spell should have been made personally liable for his actions and sued by the felon. That would be perfect justice instead of citizens being held liable for the actions of a rogue officer.

  47. @7:31

    Getting off subject, but perhaps the occupants of the stolen vehicle that were high on a concoction of alcohol, cocaine and PCP, that rammed cars and ran over and nearly killed an officer should be held liable for the damage and injuries they caused. Liberals always think they’re footing the bill for everything because they pay a few taxes like everyone else does, except like the felons in the stolen car who our taxes support. Or better yet, abolish the police as suggested by the banner just hung over the Merrit Parkway Tunnel and see how that works out.

    1. Not only that, but I’m hearing that the officer struck by that stolen vehicle is now being targeted and harassed by Rovella and Company. Brookman can you look into this?

  48. Agree, that would be perfect justice to start holding the actions of rogue felons financially responsible for the result of their actions.

  49. Looks like an illegal transaction.

  50. What ever happened to the $450,000 dollars of missing ammo when Crabtree was there? That was swept under the rug.

    1. As soon as Rovella exits stage left and Rosado steps in, I’m sure Mister Brockman will have exactly what he is looking for.

  51. @11:54

    I would have lost no sleep if one of the officers had killed him justifiably. That is one guy who should not be a poster boy for police misconduct. I was only mentioning the cost of that boot step and the payment of settlement. What is wrong with this picture. And stop with the crap about liberals footing bills. You don't know who the hell I am. And it doesn't matter.

    1. Nobody is concerned who the hell you are other than yourself by being so adamant we don’t know who the hell you name yourself and don’t make anonymous comments if your going to get so offended!

  52. I'm not "looking" for anything except accountability, and yes, I do think we will get that with Chief Rosado

    1. High expectations for Rosado, which I more than believe he will deliver.

    2. Hope Rosado takes a hard look at Lt. O'Briens track record. This buyback fiasco happened on his watch.

    3. He should also take a look at his drinking problem and constantly patronizing bars in city vehicle.

  53. HPD, under Rovella, has a long track record for moving Detectives around for no other reason but to mess with them. Just ask about the secret “Drafts” the so called Command Staff would have with Rovella, the Division Commanders were allowed to trade detectives for no reason and took that opportunity to get rid of detectives that although were doing a good job in their assignment, the Division Commander had a personal vendetta with him/her and would trade him/her. Next thing you know you were getting an involuntary transfer to another Division with no reason, no documents, no nothing. Just a goodbye and see you later. That really helps the detectives to be motivated in their job and do well. I know for a fact that these Detective “Shake Ups” were created by Rovella. Notice how I call him Rovella, because I would never call him a Chief! You have to be messed up in the head to move people around just to mess with them and then expect those same detectives to go above and beyond for you. The entire Patrol Division were treated like the red headed step child of the department when they are the BACKBONE of the PD! I think the Brotherhood needs to stand up and stick up for each other. Voice your opinions and stand up for yourself. You shouldn’t allow someone to talk down to you or harass you just because they hold a higher rank. At the end of the day we all have a job to do and we should all be taking care of each other. Rovella needs to go and never show his face again. And please take Foley with you!

    1. Absolutely positively true and agree with everything you said. And not sure how or where Rovella came up with that tactic of moving people for no reason. When he was a MCD Detective (highest rank he ever achieved which wasn’t even a tested position) he was never touched. If he had ever been moved just to be moved he would’ve pouted and cried like a big baby and felt destroyed inside. He has some nerve doing that to others. At least Rosado tested and went up through the ranks and has supervisory experience.

    2. Rovella thinks that certain people are just gonna sit back and remain silent. I hope he realizes that there are some people that have nothing to loose and aren’t afraid to go up against his current administration. You know, the people that don’t owe anyone any favors for “being taken care of” throughout their careers. We don’t owe you anything yet you sh!% on us. Noted! LT. Colonel Rosado is probably the best thing that could happen to HPD. At least he’s an outsider with no obligation to take care if anyone. If some other certain HPD personnel did that idiot Foley would have been all over the news claiming his “transparency” bull sh%#.” But no because it’s one of the “golden boys” this will get overlooked and swept underneath the carpet.

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. @Big Boy Pants (with probably something small inside)

    You first, big boy, identify yourself if it means so much to you to know who I am. Didn't your mama ever teach you any manners? Jerk.

    1. You clearly must not have read the response you libtard loser.....nobody asked or cares who you are. Your the one with your thong all up your a$$ who got offended. Go back to reading and commenting on the courant. Dismissed.

  56. Don’t forget the topic of this post- Sgt. Rodney. Nice guy and served in military so I give him respect. However, it’s common knowledge he came out last on the Sergeants test. Rovella skipped Detective William Rivera, an HPD veteran and smart, respected detective top notch detective who should’ve been promoted regardless if he was retiring soon or not. He deserved it and earned it. Rodney, being the astute officer he was, forgot his military points. Another Rovella blunder. Rodney did absolutely no time on the streets because for some unknown reason Rovella always took care of him. He went directly to Rovella’s xo and couldn’t handle that so Rovella sent him to STF/VIN/C4/FVRT/GBB. It’s difficult to say it respectfully, but Rodney is not the sharpest tool in the shed, actually very far from it, and that’s an understatement. There are and were many far more qualified people and Rodney should’ve never been assigned to that position by Rovella in his attempt to hide him and take care of him. Now Rovella must reap what he sow. Seems like that’s happening over and over with him. New leadership, and I use that term lightly in terms of Rovella, will be welcomed Chief Rosado.....Godspeed.

  57. Rendock, looks like all your hatred and bad mouthing of CT state police is gonna come full circle. All the tampering you did with investigations.
    Get your Lieutenant bars ready and start moving into 608 now.

  58. What’s up with you posting everything kevin and not moderating to protect your buddy uncle jimmy?
    He’s on the way out so it doesn’t matter anymore?

  59. You idiots always blame the wrong people! HOW ABOUT BLAMING THE JUDGES , PROSECUTORS AND PUBLIC DEFENDERS WHO ALLOW THESE SHITBAGS TO FINANCIALLY BURDEN OUR SOCIETY. Shouldn’t they be liable for their actions? Or should say INACTION? If these thugs were in jail where they belong then the only one stomping on their heads would be another thug that can’t be sued! WOULD THAT UPSET ALL YOU LIBERALS TOO?

  60. The Andrew Rodney situation is a direct consequence of Rovella placing unqualified and incompetent individuals in specialized units over competent personnel. Just look at all the former STF Detectives who have been promoted to Sergeants. None has served anytime in patrol after their promotion. There is literally a one to one ratio of supervisors and Detectives in VIN. The ratio of supervisors to officers is even worst in the police academy. Rovella's favoritism to his baby pet project formerly known as STF is blatantly obvious. Meanwhile he disregards the morale of the rest of the department. And why is Rodney still supervising FVRT. His credibility and trustworthiness is destroyed. Rovella's lack of action makes absolutely no sense at all.

  61. 4:45Pm I have never moderated comments about the Chief. Others, yes when I thought they were out of line, but Chief Rovella has rarely been a topic of comments here

  62. Foley, ford , and rendock are all lucky uncle jimmy came around. They all have reached their ceilings. All three have major flaws and shown their true colors.
    When uncle jimmy takes the board of ed chief job next month, it will be interesting if he takes any of them with him.
    Rendock hates the state police. That is a fact. He covers up sexual related investigations.
    Ford has issues with his temper and lack of people skills.
    Foley has and will cost the city of hartford a lot of civil litigation due to his juvenile antics. He also is a really poor leader. Fear and intimidation tactics have soiled his family name.
    Rosado, hopefully cleans the 2nd floor. That will give him the best chance to success. I personally am happy for a change. A new chief is needed every 5 yrs or so.
    If rosado comes in and lays down the law and give everyone a chance to spread their wings and so their jobs, then i think he will be better then rovella and roberts combined.

  63. Lt O’Brien has multiple active CHRO complaints against him all stemming from complaints that he failed to conduct his duties and properly supervise. Not a surprise this happened under his watch. It’s about time someone took a look at the clearly pattern issues with him.

  64. I’m paying very close attention to a current incident that Rovella is handling. I have more than enough information to prove that Rovella will never back up and support a Hispanic Officer. Just look at the whole “Sgt. Spell” incident. I don’t know why it’s called that because the force he used would never have caused those injuries to that suspect. Getting back on the subject, the video shows at least 3 different “All Star” Shooting Task Force Officers (White Males) kicking the passenger suspect of the vehicle. Those white officers were then coached by Rovella to pull a Use of Force Number either the following day or days after their Use of Force. So these white officers were coached how to get out of the situation they were in. Poor Hispanic Officer (Colon) didn’t get that courtesy and was thrown to the wolves. So he walked into Internal Affairs Blinded and had to be a REAL MAN and say he was scared to write that he used the force that was captured on the video. One of Rovella’s favorites was then moved to Narcotics, which is just a few steps away in the same office space and was later so called disciplined for documenting his force late. He was then passed up for the sergeants promotion (Don’t get crazy now, Good Ole James Rovella pulled that white Officer to the side and promised him a sergeants badge in the next wave which was only a short 4 months later). The only reason Barone was promoted was because Rovella wanted his guy so bad that he couldn’t justify passing up Barone. The nonsense goes on and on with Rovella. Rovella will discipline a White Officer only if it helps his image look good or is in some way politically motivated. Lucky that the VIN Division has a Drunk Commander that refuses to comply with orders to dress up and wear a suit. Instead he wears a tactical vest and BDU’s where he can hide his nips and drives drunk in his nice Tahoe with the cruise lights on in Glastonbury. He was stopped in that Tahoe while intoxicated but was able to lie his way out of it. The lies are catching up to you my friend. Rovella and Company Must Go!

    1. The best thing Rosado could ever do to restore morale and respect to HPD would be to bring back the #1 respected Lieutenant Sigersmith, the Lieutenant that should’ve been appointed to AC. However Rovella appointed some completely unqualified lieutenants based only on race and favors for Gail Hardy. Rovell tossed Sigersmith out like a piece of trash. Rovella is good at using people and doing that. February can not come soon enough.

    2. I am not a fan of rovella, he completely lacks any supervisory skills required to be a chief. However, to make this racial and say he only looks out for whites is completely false. He definitely looks out for females, blacks and Hispanics more. History has proven that. He looks out for certain individuals based on his relationship such as but not limited to Rodney, Mertes and Crabtree. Colon was just inexperienced, had a bad steward that gave him bad advice, and just inadvertently stumbles.

  65. Someone is not happy with Lt.O"Brien. What is bringing that about all of a sudden?

    1. This isn’t all of a sudden. It’s just been quiet as OB was always just a lump on a log. Ask anyone in MCD how much they liked him.....they despised him. They were thrilled to see him go.

    2. Isn't he Rodney's direct supervisor? He also is responsible for the buyback. That's pretty significant and so is his record for failure to supervise.

    3. Sh@& like that never happened under Lance!
      Why? Because Lance supervised closely and interacted, he wasn’t running around in tac vests with 20 mags, 10 knives, 5 flashlights, 2 guns and a 12 pack of nips.

    Had any citizen conducted an illegal sale/purchase of a dam rifle no less such as Rodney did, rest assured they would’ve been arrested by now.
    Keep up the good work HPD! LoL

  67. What would have happened if someone from HFD with a dealers license stopped by the gun buyback while on duty and bought a rifle on city time?

  68. That a boy team Rovella/Foley....blast out the termination of Lanza on a Monday a.m, just after the weekend so all the media runs with it. A clear tactic to deflect from Rodney. Text book play doing that now the Monday following Mr. Brookman’s Rodney post.
