Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Whether it is Senator Al Franken being pressured to resign from the Senate or Matt Lauer being terminated from the TODAY show, it seems pretty clear that the times are changing in relation to Sexual harassment  and the way it is dealt with.

Even on a local level, Hartford City Council President TJ Clarke is facing fallout for words, some would call banter, between him and a female Council Assistant.

But what is the standard we are supposed to follow? When is improper language and behavior offensive? Is it all the time, every time? Does it depend on the person making the statements and who they are? Is it only offensive when it is a male directing the act at a female? Or can females be also accused of offensive behavior and sexual harassment? Is it only offensive if your comments are directed at someone who is actually likeable and OK if the person them self might be offensive to your beliefs?

 I would have to say wrong is wrong in all of the above circumstances.

Today, Suzanne Hopgood posted the following "Tweet" from her Twitter account.. What if a male asked her to expose female body parts to gauge her influence as a female and assigned her more power or credibility depending on certain measurements?

I venture to say the male would be severely criticized and if we apply the same standard to those comments that Mayor Bronin subjected TJ Clarke's behavior to, I guess we would have to say that "male" was incapable of being in a leadership role. Will that same standard be applied to Ms. Hopgood? Trump is wrong in his behavior but that doesn't make Hopgood's any more acceptable, no matter what her justification may be.


  1. Suzanne Hopgood?!? The lunatic who ran to Chief Rovella about an HPD Officer that had posted his opinions on social media about cronic pandhandling in the City of Hartford. She has got a lot of nerve.

  2. Sorry, TJ, but your 8 "friends" on the City Council smell blood. They know that if Bronin is elected Governor, one of the 8 will be the next Mayor, not you.
    Now, that was simple, wasn't it?

  3. So who is this lady and what does she represent???

  4. she is the Chairperson of CRDA, the Capitol Region Development Authority which manages and controls millions of dollars in State development funds and properties including the XL Center

  5. I don't see this as sexual harassment.

  6. The Lexistazzi are out in full armament I see. She was referring to the male propensity to bull it on the battlefield. She was rightfully denigrating males for our sins of aggression.

    Hum... As I left Trinity College one recent evening a few months ago, after watching a movie with Jennifer, who suddenly and without warning walked over to me in the parking lot where we had left our cars, and plunked a big smooch right smack on my lips. I was absolutely shocked that she didn't ask me first if she could kiss me. Later, I texted her my disappointment with her behavior having sexually assaulted me. I threatened to visit my attorney Bernie to explore a lawsuit.

    Full disclosure: The kissing incident did occur. The law suit threat was made -- in jest. End of fricken story. Go to bed and dream of surgar plums.

  7. Is it me, or why did she use an apostrophe with the most important word in her tweet?
