Saturday, February 10, 2018


When do we  as voters in the City of Hartford say enough is enough. The Hartford Democratic Town Committee is quite possibly one of the most corrupt organizations anyone can find currently in existence. Even the Gambino Crime family now pales in comparison to the Hartford DTC.

Now allegations are being thrown about regarding possible forged signatures on petitions submitted by one of the challenge slates. The process for gaining a seat on the Hartford DTC lends itself to corruption. I still haven't been able to see what many see as the "power" of being a DTC member, or why members want to maintain a stranglehold on the DTC  positions. It is not because members think they will be recognized as making their neighborhoods a better place, most people have no idea who is even on the DTC until they come knocking on their doors looking for signatures to qualify every two years.

Name 5 residents in your voting District who have made your neighborhoods a better place by serving on the Hartford DTC and I'll be amazed if you can name even 2. You might be able to name a few who have taken care of themselves and their families with jobs or contracts though if you have been paying attention .

Now some might call it comical, others might say hypocritical, but lets get back to the lawsuit being filed. I got a couple phone calls regarding the basics of the lawsuit. I went on the the State's Judicial website looking for the lawsuit.  I couldn't find any at first, so I tried to search under the name of the attorney filing the lawsuit, Hartford Attorney John Kennelly . Kennelly has also been a member of the First District Town Committee and is the "go to guy" for any legal action required when the DiBella Aristocracy is threatened with legal action to endanger their stranglehold on the Hartford Democratic Town Committee.

Imagine my surprise when I did my search on the State's website for Kennelly's "Juris number" . A Juris number is similar to the license number issued after an attorney is licensed in Connecticut. Kennelly's Juris number came up and showed that he was just coming off a 90 day suspension of his law license, reduced to a 30 day suspension. The suspension was for misuse  and inappropriate handling of client funds.

Much more coming this week on other challenge slates and the Hartford DTC

Suspension12/8/20171/8/201811/15/17: HHD-CV17-6081451-S - OFFICE OF CHIEF DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL v. KENNELLY, JOHN B. The Court orders that the Respondent shall be suspended from the practice of law for a period of 3 months commencing on December 8, 2017, stayed after 30 days. He shall comply with monthly audits of his IOLTA accounts from January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018. (Sheridan, J)
Reprimand - Court


Court orders that the Respondent shall be suspended from the practice of law for a period of 3 months commencing on December 8, 2017. He shall comply with monthly audits of his IOLTA accounts from January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018. (Sheridan, J)
Attorney complied with CLE conditions.
The 01-0769 Case number referred to an allegation that Kennelly lied to a Superior Court Judge regarding funds available for a settlement to a client.

You can read these cases for yourself by following the link and entering Kennelly's Juris, 413252 Number

The filing of the lawsuit has several flaws on its own, including the "spokesperson" or the Chairperson of the incumbent 6th District Democratic Town Committee being omitted from the following. Kate Kowalshyn is listed on the Registrar of Voters paperwork as a candidate, but she is not listed on Kennelly's lawsuit. (Maybe Kowalshyn is smart enough to stay above the fray , and may the best slate win)

Now if in fact it is proven that signatures were forged or improperly obtained, then those signatures should be disqualified and removed from the count, but to attempt to have all of the petitions thrown out without any proof that they were not qualified voters  frankly stinks, and it disenfranchises legitimate voters who signed the petitions.

And if it is proven that any forgery  or malfeasance existed, the culprit should be dealt with properly, both civilly and criminally where possible. The integrity of our voting system needs to be taken seriously, and a good start would be knowing that attorney's with integrity are dealing with the problem

Arciniegas Slate  on Scribd

Kennelly 16 0546  on Scribd


  1. Keneally is a long time gutter drunk,who lives in his mommy's house and must pay court ordered child support for an out of wedlock baby...I would not use him to shine my shoes

  2. Sometimes you need to be afraid what you wish for. Bringing the judiciary in to shine a light on the Hartford Democratic election process may end up illuminating things that they would have preferred to keep hidden.

    Regardless, the fear and desperation that the Democratic Town Committee seems to be feeling shows that all we need is a little political competition in Hartford and things could be very, very different. The stranglehold on power has brought this City to its knees, while allowing a lucky few to profit at our expense. Let's hope enough residents get involved so that next election every district has competition.

  3. Sorry, Kevin, there's nothing new here. The DTC is as corrupt as the "officials" its members support and vote for.

  4. 8:07 AM , which residents are you hoping “ get involved “ in the next election,,,, THE 20,000 ILLEGAL RESIDENTS THAT BRONIN STATED LIVE IN HARTFORD AND/OR THE DISPLACED PUERTO RICAN ADULTS THAT SOUGHT REFUGE IN HARTFORD ???? Denise Merrill is desperately trying to find a way to let BOTH categories vote! I wonder if they’ll vote conservative??? THERE WILL NEVER BE “FAIR” COMPETITION IN ALL OF THE WELFARE STATE NAMED CONNECTICUT !!!

  5. Wow I have to say Kevin you have done more to expose the corruption in CT more than the news more than the politicians or so called community political social religous leaders sad to say I'm glad I left Hartford it will not get any better

  6. Stop crying and do try to understand that folks like Luke and DiBella are smarter and much more cunning then you and deserve to run and own Hartford, while the rest of you are their servants.

    1. Is DiBella the guy who resides at the Bushnell Tower and uses the same bathroom as his daughter in law?
      Well, not really, just pretending so he can claim Hartford residency

    2. DTC corruption starts at the DiBellas doors and ends at the DiBellas doors. How can anyone trust the system?

  7. 11:41am

    It won’t get any better if we remain silent. We need to keep exposing these dirty deeds

  8. As usual Kevin, your methods of looking at something are much more comprehensive than many local journalists.

    To your point about the "Kennelly" name -- no doubt invoking it has helped John out of many jams over the years. Getting a 90-day suspension reduced to a 30-day vacation was SWEEEEET.
    But let's see if that 'ol family name helps him convince a judge to stop an election. That's pretty extraordinary relief and it doesn't look like case law supports it. I am truly sorry that one signature gatherer hired by a member of the slate has placed a cloud over our team. But stay tuned folks, there's more to come . . .

  9. If there is another 6th District Democratic Town Committee primary election it is a gigantic waste of Hartford taxpayers money. Let these candidates pay the city to open the polls and pay the workers. These are irresponsible people. Maybe 2% of Democratic voters will participate on Primary Day. HDC members are clueless. I agree,the majority of Hartford residents do not know who their Town Committee members are.

  10. 7:07 Hartford residents do not know and DO NOT CARE who their Town Committee members are.

  11. 8:41 I agree, nothing shocking, nothing new here. This's how Hartford operates.

  12. Fixing the Hartford political system is impossible. This is the reason young people do not get involved. People are used and abused.


    Just like dirty Hartford streets getting dirtier.

    No difference at all.

  14. Over the last few decades the custom has been to cheat at this petition one does it better then Hartford

  15. The DiBella's and Ritter's have owned the political system in Hartford at the passing of John Kennelly's tandem with a few others....that is the way it has been since the 70's and you alol are no where near as smart,clever of morality free as they are, so I expect nothing to change until they pass from the scene.Then Hartford will have new "master's" and you will service them instead...

  16. I agree. Hartford residents do not know and do not care about Democratic Town Committee members. Who are they? Don't they just do what they are told? Corruption at its best. That is why Hartford is bankrupt. These people feed off the system.

  17. @12:31 You, Senior O'Toole, you say he pays child support for out of wedlock affair. SO? WTF. He's paying. Get a life.

    The opp slate has gotten a bad rap over one member and that is par for the course in politics. Oh, bring back Betty Knox.

    If there was any decency left in Hartford, and there isn't, btw, people would be throwing bricks and bottles in the streets over the rampant out of control car crashes taking place in ole Payton Place. Legs and bodies flying through the air. When decency died and no one heard. As our foolish little NRZs try to tranquilize the neighbors with good news as the community officers express how things are just swell these days.

  18. The police officers showing up at monthly NRZ's meetings are nothing but a joke. For those guys everything is being investigated, everything is always under control.
    Yeah, right.

  19. 12:10PM

    Your statement may actually be accurate where the way some NRZ's are run is a joke, so the Police are played as pawns, but in an NRZ that is well run and productive, the exact opposite is true. I use the Maple Avenue NRZ as an example, attend one meeting and you will see the positive interaction between the Police and residents and a useful exchange of information that has driven very positive results from everything from positive tips for residents to prevent burglaries or car thefts to identifying and dealing with negative factors in a neighborhood, such as the shut down of Club Sexy on Maple Avenue which was dragging an entire neighborhood down. The police can only do so much, but positive relationships that may come out of an NRZ meeting can make all the difference between success and failure.

  20. Kev, Unless you can create fathers and mothers in a Petri dish at these NRZ meetings ,,,I WOULD’NT BOTHER ATTENDING. Hartford should start discussing planned parenthood in kindergarten,,that might be the only way Hartford can stop the insanity of of a social service dependent capital city that “breeds” all this in civility .

  21. Why don’t they hold NRZ meetings at the sub-station on the corner of New Britain Ave and Broad St ? At any given time there are at least 2 PATROL cars (why are they called “patrol cars” when they are PARKED for hours there) I’ve routinely seen upwards of 4 to 5 in the parking lot. Blinds drawn and door glass tinted black leads me to believe they don’t want the public to see what’s going on and definitely not looking like a place to drop in and discuss safety in the neighborhood,,kinda looks like a strip club from the 70’s ,,,Helton’s or Dealers Choice comes to mind. Maybe they’re doing paperwork from all those productive traffic stops? Let the chiefs handle the meetings,their basically politicians and are capable of telling people what they want to hear and get those “community “ officers out on the streets where they belong and outta the substations where they don’t belong.

  22. Kev, WDRC’s Dan Lovallo and Brad Davis have done it again! They had Luke The Liar Bronin on again with his once a month nonsense visit! One caller asked “where have you been” in relation to vehicular homicide and operator recklessness in the capital city . Luke tells the caller that press conferences don’t achieve much ,that you need action! Does everybody remember Luke showing up at every candlelight vigil while campaigning and providing a statement to the media?? Shame on Dan Lovallo and Brad Davis for allowing him a undeserved soapbox to stand on. Dan Lovallo should have asked “if press conferences are not effective,,, WHY WAS HE AT ONE WITH DICK BLUMENTHAL LAST WEEK TO PREVENT A DEPORTATION OF A COUPLE THAT DOESNT EVEN LIVE IN HARTFORD!!!!! I HAVE COME TO DESPISE OUR “SPINELESS” MEDIA !!!!!

  23. Baltimore legislation just passed a law.amd policy that will now make police officers pay out of their own pocket for lawsuits if it is proven they acted with malice in a police brutality case no longer will tax payers pick up the dime stay tuned folks because if this trend picks up across the nation you will see a mass exodus from law enforcement

    1. No departments pay if the officer acts with malice, because that falls out of the scope of duty. Most state laws specify that the department does not have to indemnify if the officer acted malicious. Connecticut law is actually more stringent because it says if the officers actions are willful and wanton then they won’t be indeminified.

  24. @12:40

    That is a long overdue piece of legislation. It should be extended for politicians who push for and enact programs that are economically harmful to a city.

  25. And then the government will impose martial law and militarize the cities. One step closer to to the impending dictatorship. Alex Jones is right!

  26. Mr . Brookman,Has Dan Lovallo invited you to be a monthly guest on WDRC for either a before or after visit by Lying Luke Bronin??? Lovallo stated on the air months ago that it would be a good idea when I suggested it and that he would reach out to you. I can’t imagine you wouldn’t entertain the offer , so that leads me to believe Lovallo never reached out to you.Too bad ,someone needs to hold Bronin accountable for his continued use of lies to the media. Why do they lay down to these menaces to society?

  27. 2:22

    I appreciate your confidence, but I also think I try to hold Bronin accountable every chance I have

  28. Kevin, i guess I suffer from wishful thinking in that ,what I see and know from this blog will someday and somehow get out to the misinformed public.
