Saturday, February 10, 2018


HPD Video of a recent Fatal Accident at Barbour and Westland Streets

According to numbers provided to me, Hartford ended 2017 with an almost 160% increase in homicides last year (That number is not confirmed 100% because the HPD website hasn't been updated with accurate numbers since the beginning of November. No year end numbers have been posted yet, even though we are 3 months into 2018)

Some of the blame for that number has to be due to steadily decreasing numbers of Police Officer's on our streets (Thank you Mayor Bronin and City Council members)

The police presence is no where near where it should be, but with that being said , another statistic bothers me much more than the homicide rate.  In roughly the first month of 2018, Hartford has experienced 7 fatal motor vehicle accidents. That number is compared to 9 fatal accidents for all of 2017. I fear being a victim every time I leave my driveway, and not a victim of a homicide as much as a crazy lawless driver on our streets .

There is very little traffic enforcement on the streets of our City. HPD officers are sometimes backed up for hours answering calls and have very little unallocated time to stop these crazy drivers and issue tickets.

The Hartford Police Traffic Division has been doing a commendable job under the recent direction of LT. Gabe Laureano ,but the number of officers assigned to his division have been steadily depleted, to just a handful of officers now. And those handful of officers are also responsible for maintaining traffic order and control at all Uconn games, hockey games and events at the XL center as well as concerts and events at the Xfinity Theater. Add to that the fact that CRDA, the Connecticut Redevelopment Authority is delinquent in paying their bills to the City of Hartford for Police Services  to the tune if almost a $ 1 million dollars

That delinquency was first uncovered here by "We the People"

It is time for HPD and the City of Hartford to collect the dead beat funds from CRDA and put some of that money into increased traffic enforcement on our streets to send a message and an effort to reduce these  traffic deaths and protect from more innocent victims and deaths.

Many of the cars on Hartford's streets are what HPD officers call "Hartford Specials". These are cars that are typically unregistered and uninsured and in many cases the operators have no insurance and their drivers license may very well be suspended or revoked. Your possibility of recovering any loss if you are struck by one of these Hartford Specials is pretty slim , that goes for both vehicle damage or insurance for any injuries you may incur.

With our new Police Chief, David Rosado having just retired as the Lt. Colonel of the Connecticut State Police, there might nor be anyone better suited at HPD to champion the cause of increased traffic enforcement. And maybe if HPD is not equipped to assign additional officers to the Traffic Division due to the Mayor's failure to hire sufficient officers,  it might be time to request some stepped up enforcement from the CSP Traffic Division as well as DMV inspectors to send a message that innocent driving deaths are not acceptable in Hartford.

Otherwise, if we keep on track, anticipate a 1000% increase in traffic deaths on our streets for 2018. I am much more concerned by that stat than I am in a 160% increase in homicides, although neither should be acceptable to us.


  1. CRDA is delinquent in paying their bills to City of Hartford for Police Services (almost a $1 million dollars).
    Guess what, Michael Freimuth, CRDA Executive Director, wasn't delinquent collecting his salary, including his big raise (needless to say: increased retroactively).

    1. Michael Freimuth brings home about $17,000 a month. Yes, a month.

    2. 3:18 with that kind of salary, no wonder why CRDA don't pay HPD or the city of Hartford what they owe.

  2. When it comes to traffic violations in the capital city HPD is typically reactive instead of proactive . These men and women risk their lives daily arresting violent criminals only to see these shitbags walk the very same streets they were apprehended on hours or days later! So if our justice system can’t keep Hartford’s rapists,gangbangers,child molesters,thieves and murderers in jail ,what could they possibly do with a motor vehicle operator who has no license,no insurance,no registration and are sometimes driving stolen cars ? THEY WILL DO NOTHING! As a first responder I would get angry and disappointed with HPD to see driver after driver “get away” with no consequence after being involved in these PREVENTABLE accidents. In most of the accidents I responded to the operators were impaired by alcohol or drugs. Guess how many field sobriety tests I witnessed in 22 years ? NONE ! Now here’s the kicker,,,,in my advanced age and wisdom ,,,I DONT BLAME HARTFORDS FINEST ONE BIT FOR LETTING THESE ANIMALS RUN WILD and am sorry that I didn’t see “ the light” while I was on the job,,,, I pray the men and women of the Hartford Police Department go home safe to their suburban homes at the end of their shift and routinely warn their family and friends to stay outta Hartford so they won’t be part of another one of Hartford’s sad statistic’s. Lastly, I stated PREVENTABLE because HPD has had license plate reading technology for YEARS!! WHY ARE’NT THESE VEHICLES TOWED AND IMPOUNDED???

  3. I worked car accidents for HFD for my whole career. I can recall many instances where drivers were unlicensed, uninsured, unregistered, misused plates and the cop would let them get back in the car and drive away. On one particular instance i raised an issue on it with the cop, i asked him what happens when this shit bag drives away only to hit a kid or kill someone 3 blocks from here?
    The reply, whos the cop you or me? Just worry about your job and ill worry about mine.
    Unregistered vehicles and drivers not new in Hartford.

    1. This seems odd to me. .... in my 15 years I’ve never seen that. Also, did you ever report these incidents ??
      I think HFD should stay out of this post. We would hate to have to bring up drug dealing from fire houses, repeated DUI arrests, felony assaults, hundreds of domestic violence incidents perpetrated by HFD members. Just to name a few. How about when the drive lights and sirens to a call they’re not needed at, after they’ve been canceled. Not only costing tax payer money for gas and equipment abuse but also endanger the motoring public and blocking roads causing further traffic delays.

      But we won’t bring all that up. ....

    2. Really dude . Has the FBI ever found the remains of. Former HPD officer Camacho who is believed to have his mistress murdered along with his out of wedlock child. What about former HPD officer Juan Morales who along with a state trooper Valentin took over $100,000 in drugs from a Los Solidos drug dealer and also took his corvette . States attorney investigators found the corvette at one of the officers house. How a about the HPD officer trying to pick up a young child in the frog hollow neighborhood for sexual encounters while on duty in his police cruiser and internal affairs caught him in action. What about the former Los Solidos member who is a Hartford Cop now. The former Latin king from Jefferson street who also a detective now. I can keep on going. How about former HPD Officer William Lopez who use to beat his girlfriend everyday and pistol whipped her with his service weapon. Look all those names up in the Hartford Courant. There is an article for every single one. If u wanna exposed HFD dirt we can exposed HPD dirt as well.Both departments have pieces of shit in them. To sit hear and bash each other is ignorant and dumb.

    3. Trust me if we are not needed at a call we dont keep responding. We respond because we get dispatch not because we want to go to ur bullshit calls.

    4. If we are not needed tell dispatch to Xray fire then.

  4. Welcome to Hartford and enjoy your stay.......if you don't get murdered,shot,raped ,etc

  5. Good thing millions of dollars have been poured into that C4 camera system so they can give out useless video of crimes instead of doing anything to solve them.

  6. 12:46pm

    Time to update your data, numerous crimes have been solved due to the C4 cameras

  7. 12:47 PM ,,I guess you shined a light on the difference between Hartford Firefighters and Hartford Police , WE WANT YOU TO EXPOSE THOSE SHITBAGS ,ARREST THEM ,SO WE CAN FIRE THEM! Why would we want to “protect” these assholes who steal money from the taxpayers by not doing their job? They I take it that your one of the “law enforcers “ that quickly gets a high or drunk driver into the ambulance to get “CHECKED OUT FOR INJURIES “ so you don’t have to do paperwork (PART OF YOUR JOB) ! What a joke ! Unless one of you guys or family members get into an accident,,,then comes the cavalry,,every patrol car ,shift supervisors,chiefs!!! Please don’t get me started with that scenario! Nice try 12:47 PM But we have seen too much ,,so yea,we have to worry ,cause your not doing your job. Kev,sorry for the tit for tat but this has been going on for decades and needs to cease!

  8. As a East Hartford policeman it's nice to see how well Hartford Police and Fire get along what a joke smh

  9. What is this about Officer Camacho sounds interesting is it a cold case?

  10. 8:14 PM , I hope you never witnessed anything close to this true story (not my version of the truth) but the truth. As E-5 was responding to a box call they came upon a pedestrian laying in the middle of the road after being struck by a motor vehicle, E-5 positioned apparatus to protect victim and crew while they administered first aid and stabilized patient for responding paramedics. Guess what the first responding officer from pd was concerned about ? Traffic flow ! This patrolman angrily and relentlessly engaged the fire officer throughout the duration of the incident,in front of victim,bystanders and ambulance personnel , to a point where chiefs from both departments had to respond and diffuse. Ironically,go try and find the officer who blocked off street with patrol car as you try to gain access to said street and get apparatus positioned in front of or near a structure fire. Thank God the separation from the river keeps our nonsense outta East Hartford.

    1. That officer was ironically arrested and fired

  11. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 12, 2018 at 2:26 PM

    Good afternoon,

    Nice message by Anonymous 7:48 pm. Not.

    City employees should not be bashing each other but the calling of police officers names is too much. Of the names you mentioned in your writing many of them were severely punished for their crimes and bad behavior.

    Sgt. Joe Morales and CSP Valentin each were arrested, lost their jobs, reputation and for a while their freedom. Valentin compounded his trouble with a second drug charge and served a lot of time in jail. I never trusted that character anyway and the case against both men was a dark day for Hartford PD and the State Police.

    The character picking up the young child got immediately fired and that was a quick decision that made a lot of us happy. He should have been tossed into the Connecticut River.

    Camacho was found guilty of Civil Right Violations in a federal investigation and served jail time. That other case is still open and if people with information can find the courage to call police then that awful case will be solved too. Call the Major Crimes Unit and ask for any supervisor.

    City employees who fight, denigrate each other, are disrespectful and mean allow the politicians and "community activists" to split them up so they can watch the nonsense. . Just what they want.

    1. Who are these Community Activists you speak retired decorated detective Chris Lyons? You got names inquiring minds want to know???

    2. You don’t need politicians or “Cummunity Activists” to split us apart. Some of these terrible so called supervisors that Rovella put in place are great at splitting us apart. Chris you need to understand that time has changed and the same people you think are great leaders/supervisors are terrible. It’s all about them and how they can scam more OT into their checks/pension. There’s no more looking out for the troops and doing the right thing by them. Many officers are fed up and are finally fighting back. Some of these so called leaders are now being exposed and let’s see what the public is going to think about it. Stay tuned....

  12. @11:30

    Sorry to read again the numbers of dirt bag cops in Hartford. I've watched them in action, too. We all know they're around. It's like, where and what hole did they crawl out from? Hey, one remedy might be to seek recruits without residency requirements. There are not enough able-bodied and intelligent people living in Hartford to make the grade. We know that. Hartford is an armpit and lost cause. Remember when gentrification was a bad word? When suburbanites were moving back to the city only to displace the po folk and invest in historic architecture? Well guess what. The po folk won. More subsidized housing and include a few crazies for balance. Keep your dirt bag city. And watch out, you just may have your legs severed in an auto crash car caper..

    Pathetic. And so is the political strangle hold of Hartford. And reelect Cynthia Jennings of Windsor, to the Hartford City Council. There, now I'm done.

  13. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 13, 2018 at 8:31 AM

    The usual suspects who deride police under the guise of respectability.

    When I was active it was characters like Reverend Henry Price who along with a lot of other "clergy" protested seemingly all Hartford Police activity. By the way he is in prison for promoting prostitution. Nora Wyatt was another. Kuba Asagi a third and lets not forget Father Louis Paturzo, a defrocked priest. Or Cornell Lewis as another police detractor.

    How's that for names Mr. Anonymous.

    Have a nice Lent.

    1. News flash buddy most Black Christians are full of shit hypocritical and bought and paid for by white politicians and elitists to keep black folks weak and docile and in check Al Sharpton and Messy Jessie Jackson were great at that notice you haven't seen any NOI members get jammed up in scams like that or Morrocan Moors but im sure you did alot to clean up the streets in your day Detective Lyons but in this Age Of Aquarius all truths will be revealed stay tuned its only gonna get better

  14. 7:16 PM , The only people in the “COMMUNITY” who are “ACTIVE” are the FREELOADERS AND CRIMINALS ! WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK?? And if there truly are “COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS” in Hartford guess who they represent literally and figuratively,,,FREELOADERS AND CRIMINALS !

  15. Why hasn't Chief Rosado dumped Foley yet? I hope it is not true that Foley's wife and Rosado are buddy-buddy. If he wants to dramatically improve morale and get rid of a snake oil salesman turned deputy chief at the same time, this is his opportunity.

  16. 3:18pm

    I can think of a couple others I would remove before DC Foley

  17. No, he’s completely right. Foley is by far the worst DC. I wouldn’t even call him a police officer. But he can’t get a job due to everyone but HPD knowing what a snake he really is. Keep pandering to the left Foley and keep talking gun control, maybe someone will hire you. LOL

  18. Whenever Foley sees the news video camera and microphone - he's there, like a magnet, right in front. Hey Foley, why don't you work on PREVENTING crime, do something BEFORE crime is committed.

  19. Hartford is a disaster and in my humble opinion I'd put HPD up there with Camden Police of NJ (google that if you don't know). Every day there's at minimum 20 calls holding so forget traffic enforcement and even if HPD did traffic enforcement the council would be up in arms the minute their kids get tickets of all sorts.
