Wednesday, February 21, 2018



  1. What about a demotion ceremony for mertes and her sexual harassment antics on video at the academy

  2. Give it some time. Lots of supervisors being moved soon. Rovella’s terribly placed supervisors and commanders have to go!


  3. Thank God Chief Rosado has taken over.
    Take off Rovella.

  4. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 23, 2018 at 9:15 AM

    I wish Chief Rosado well and am pretty sure he will do a good job. He has a tough job ahead of him.

    Too bad he has to be saddled with characters who attack others anonymously. Would not want any of those characters working anywhere near me when I was active.

    To continually bash retired Chief Rovella is a sign of weakness.

  5. Mr. Lyons,Who you gonna chastise next for using the supplied by blogger option of anonymous commentary? I know for a fact that former fire chief Charlie Huertes was dangerously incompetent in that position,,, Mr Lyons , is that statement invalid because it was made anonymously? Your stuck in gear ,move on. I do agree trolling anonymously is nonsense ,BUT if statements are supplied with facts , figures or the obvious than I don’t care who’s name is attached and neither should you. Please learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. You’ll enjoy ,and more importantly , value this blog if you do.

    1. Ten3hfd here. Mr. Brookman is familiar with my name, as well as my viewpoints. So is Mr. Lyons, who, in my opinion, is above your recriminations. Mr. Lyons submits thoughtful, logical opinions and Mr. Brookman, the gentleman he is, sees fit to post them. You, on the other hand, filling blogs with hate and racism from your bunk on the city's dime; the city that you condemn while asking your LT or Captain if you can take city funded fire apparatus go to the credit union on city time; calling people "brother" whilst you disparage their entire race, you? Why are you here? You don't live in Hartford, you obviously hate Hartford, yet you take Hartford's money every week. You, son, are part of the problem. Shut up and let us thinkers get to some answers

  6. 1:46pm

    I think the fact that Chris is a regular commenter, under his own name I think shows that he already does value this blog. His point is well taken though, it is something I struggle with everyday. I wish I could post every comment, but many of them are just hateful and serve no real purpose except furthering some personal agendas, and a good portion of those comments don't get posted. To your point though, many anonymous comments have provided valuable information and exposed problems, so there is still a place here for "anonymous " comments

  7. Sorry I can’t let this go,,,Kevin, Mr Lyons came from a profession that heavily relies on “INFORMANTS” ,,whether it be a billboard enticing people to collect a reward for an “ANONYMOUS” tip to an arrest or the man or woman who jumps in the back of a cruiser crouches down and “rats” on a criminal,,,in some of those cases cops would use their OWN money for the valuable information. And why did the police department that Mr Lyons worked for offer these people the OPTION (as you do Kevin) to remain anonymous?? I’ll answer! To protect oneself,,You risk physical harm,harm to your family, vandalism of your material things,theft of your material things and THIS IS THE ONE MOST PERTINENT TO THE USE OF ANONYMITY ON THIS BLOG ,,,,YOU ELIMINATE THE RISK TO ONES OCCUPATION AND LIVELIHOOD!!!! Mr Lyons ,this is not a personal attack, but I find it most hypocritical of you to continue to be disgusted of anonymous commenting. Where you that disgusted with the informants ? I hope you reply, thanks ahead of time if you do.

  8. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 24, 2018 at 3:23 PM

    First of all I am not disgusted by much and think that anonymous posters are pests.

    And if anyone thinks that they are going to be physically harmed by anonymous posting just don't post. I work in Hartford every day and have since 1981 and use my name. I am not hard to find if anyone wants to discuss any topic.

    As for police work, something that you must see on TV, for anyone to compare anonymous postings of personal attacks of city employees, awful hyperbole and reckless commentary with actual citizens, both legitimate and of the criminal variety providing information to solve violent crimes, to give police information on active drug selling locations and to report on crime hot spots if a big old stretch.

    By the way after 20 years of police work it is pretty easy to obtain information from anyone just by talking. All an officer has to do is try and not treat people badly.

    And thanks for the biblical reference of separating the wheat from the chaff in this season of Lent.

  9. If it’s that easy to “ obtain information from anyone just by talking” Why are so many crimes and homicides unsolved? Are there any officers in Hartford who treat people nicely? What are you saying? What a slap in the face to the majority of Hartford’s Finest.Mr Lyons I know it to be the other way around,most of what I witness is that a good portion of residents in Hartford treat cops badly. So you go ahead and defend Chief Rovella’s shortcomings and I’ll stand behind the cops. THE “NICE ONES” OF COURSE .

  10. This afternoon: One man dead following Hartford shooting.
    Chief Rosado: Welcome to Hartford!

  11. Chris Lyings is a hypocrite! He is backing Rovella because he doesn’t know any better. His actions shows how that era looked out for each other no matter if it was right or wrong. Rovella was never a manager while at HPD and it showed very fast. Chris loves to talk about HPD and the brotherhood but refuses to see the real issues that were happening under Rovella’s watch. Chris continues to rely on the Patrol Officers and Detectives of HPD to do his job because he’s ready to arrest and throw the key away to everyone and anyone that looks at him funny. Rovella was good to a handful of people and it shows very easily. Those that were in the STF, those that were calling the NAACP on him and those that Foley told him to take care of. The rest of the several hundred cops hated Rovella and that is one of the reasons Rovella hardly ever walked out of the Chiefs complex. He came in to the PD through his separate entrance and left the PD via that same entrance. He never addressed the troops, he just didn’t care. Glad he is now long gone and Rosado will show how a Real Supervisor that worked his way through the RANKS does it. Even though it wasn’t with HPD, I believe the skills he has from SP will bring back the comradery we once had prior to Rovella. People that know better don’t ever pay much mind to anything Chris Lyings says nowadays.

  12. DC Foley was on TV again today, almost like any other day. Is he getting an extra buck for all his appearances? Is he a paid "consultant" to Fox 61? If he just spent all that time working to prevent crime maybe we wouldn't have needed him as an expect after crime is committed.

  13. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 26, 2018 at 3:41 PM

    To Anonymous 449

    You put your intellect on the blog every time you type anything. Not too high on the old chart I suspect.

    Your ravings are not worthy of a response.

    Crawl into your hole out of the sunlight.

    By the way I am in Hartford every day if you would like to discuss anything but I'm guessing you won't.

    Since its the season of Lent I won't respond much more

    Have a nice day

  14. It will be interesting to see if Chief Rosado can change from the highway patrol demeanor to street crime/community outreach guy. Let's give him a chance, but then call him out if he fails to connect with the rank and file.

  15. Chris,
    Anonymous February 24, 2018 at 11:26 AM is the same clown who called me out on the Feb 16 post on the DTC Debacle. You can tell by his/her mixed use of regular and capital letter as well as the annoying habit of using three commas instead of three periods. (,,, not ...) Calling everyone out who posts their name but not having the set to do so themselves. To see more on this, go to Kevin's previous blog about the "DTC Debacle". You can see almost everything there is to see from me!!

  16. Mr. Lyons ,I’ve read your challenge before to meet people who aren’t fans of yours in Hartford to discuss anything. Since you have a platform form here on this blog your invitation sounds a lot like a threat. Unless you have a time machine in your basement or you’ve been taking HGH I would advise you to stop, One of those young bucks might take your offer up and meet you for that cup of coffee. You sound a little like Joe Biden inviting Donald Trump behind the gym. Nice thought but that’s about it. Also, why not invest and live in Hartford since your there everyday?

    1. 4:41 PM
      Everybody knows that quality of life in Hartford is miserably low. Therefore, if one works or studies in Hartford it's better to live in a better, cleaner and safer environment, which is to live in any other town.

  17. How is that possibly taken as a threat? Are we that so far past two men being able to talk like adults to explain their position?

  18. Rosado should look into why there are 7 sgts assigned to 40 jennings. And a trip to paris for training??? I guess buckshot went out with a bang !!

    1. DPW has sergeants assigned to it now?

  19. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 28, 2018 at 12:33 PM

    To Anonymous of 441,

    If that request or offer to discuss anything is taken by anyone as a threat then that person is in need of a checkup from the neck up.Ridiculous inference and reading into the written word where no hidden meaning exists. I have a different take on things then others might have because I worked in a time when police officers had respect for each other despite differences of opinion. Different perspective from 37 years of working in the City.

    Have a nice day--That's not a threat either.

  20. Trip to paris for ohare and his club house at c4. Kashmania really “cashed” in with all the prizes thus far. And those non city of hartford rims installed on that shiny nice take home vehicle. Life is good for kash these days. He still eats well long after uncle jimmy has left. A good audit of kronos at c4 should curb some of the fat cat spending. Maybe a nice wakeup call in patrol would help bring the fellas back to reality. I bet the sick list would expand.
    The problem is that a good 30 percent of the dept, uncle jimmys choosen few, have been on the teet for years. Maybe a full work day and justification of job review.

  21. Kevin, the latest talk of the town is the "Trip to Paris."
    What exactly is that trip, is it for real?
    Please help.

  22. When is the long awaited mertes video being released?

    Why is this long awaited oscar caliber video not released yet?

    Why let a certain deputy chief win the battle?

    I guess the zero tolerance city of hartford harassment policy is now a myth ......


  24. Foley will defend the paris trip. Your telling me that no other organization including nypd and the federal government have zero courses to teach drone training? I hope the media gets this. The same guys geting the same rewards. Take home cars with non city owned rims installed. What if a 10-30 happened ? Or even worse? The city insurance plan does not cover alterations to city owned vehicles. I guess kash does what he wants when he wants.
    I really do hope rosado takes a hard look at the 50 jennings crew. Buckshot is gone. Game is over. With the money issues in the city, no one should be going to paris for training.
    Defend it foley. Explain why it is necessary to send four guys to paris. Kash included. He already has a 77 dog and a take home suv with nice new 20s on it.

  25. The paris trip was signed off by rovella months ago. The wheels are in motion. No one can stop the scams.
    What do 77 dog handlers need drone training for anyways ?
    The good ole boys Ride into paris soon !!!

    T H I S I S A S C A N D A L !

  27. I'm a Hartford taxpayer and I'd like to know more about this "Trip to Paris" adventure. Who... What... When...

  28. As of tonight I was told by HPD that they did not purchase the French made drone, so I am not sure the trip comments are legit. I will keep asking and see if I can find out more.

  29. Here’s the reason for Chris Lyons affinity for ex Chief Rovella excerpt from the New Haven Register oh and maybe it is a threat; Then Hartford Police Chief Joseph Croughwell “learned on Oct. 30, 1997, that Russo had approached an investigator in the State’s Attorney’s Office, Steve Kumnick, about working with Russo on the federal investigation of HPD Corruption,” Judge Hall wrote. “Croughwell learned of this from two HPD officers, [Detective Robert] Lawlor and [Sgt. Chris] Lyons, who were possible subjects of the corruption investigation. Croughwell telephoned Russo while Lawlor and Lyons were in his office. Russo testified that Croughwell said to Russo, ‘I have a couple of detectives that want to kick your f***ing ass.”. How did Lawlor and Lyons find out about Russo’s plea to Kumnick for help? Kumnick ratted out Russo to fellow detective James Rovella, who is now the Hartford police chief. “In turn,” Judge Hall wrote, “Detective Rovella notified” Lawlor and Lyons.

    1. Looks like too many individuals/officers/detectives at HPD got their hands dirty. Am I wrong?

  30. So maybe times haven’t changed. Same Clowns same Circus. I’m just glad Moyor Bronin got something right and didn’t give the top spot to any of the current corrupt upper management. City of Hartford will pay out millions for the corruption that is going on in HPD. They were warned several times and did nothing about it. Kevin, can you look into how many actual complaints are pending. We all hear rumors of several CHRO and internal complaints, but we never hear or see anything done.

    1. Agreed plenty pending Dept doesn't follow it's own written policies .

  31. Kev, Your track record sucks! Every time you stand behind ,hob bob and/or become friendly with the “self anointed” Hartford Elites I.E. CHRIS LYONS ,,,,They ALWAYS TURN OUT TO BE CORRUPT,DECEITFUL TWO FACED AND IN THIS CASE A HOOLIGAN WHO DOES THREATEN PEOPLE !!! Hey Chris ,maybe I will meet you in Hartford ,I’ve sized you up and your built like Archie Bunker so I have no fear of “meeting you for a discussion “ .. THANKS 4:40 AM ,,, I KNOW SHIT WHEN I SMELL IT AND THANKS TO YOU NOW I “SEE IT” !!!!! The funny part is ,this former RUFFIAN likes to be arrogant and expose his name like a badge of honor ,,,Well that has turned into a “BADGE OF DISGRACE “ !!! Please reply with your TOUGH GUY BULLSHIT !!!!! Kev, Your best to stay out of this and save yourself from further embarrassment.

  32. Really anonymous imbecile.

    Know your facts twit and try reading the entire file. Like the conclusion.

    By 97 I had known Jim for 16 years. We worked a lot together as patrolmen And detectives. Not many better than him and you most likely fit into the category of under the soles of shoes.

    So have a nice day and I’m always around for discussion. I’ll give your IQ over under at around 80.

  33. I'm also puzzled by this trip to Paris story. Is there any truth to this story

  34. 10:45 I'm with you and I hope someone like Brookman will get to the bottom of this.


  36. Lying Luke is buying votesMarch 3, 2018 at 11:08 PM


    While you are looking into the Paris trip, could you also find out the truth behind Luke Bronin and Dan Malloy concocting a plan to funnel money through the Greater Hartford Arts Council to pay for the Puerto Rican Day Parade. The Arts Council is run by the Governor's Wife, Kathy Malloy. I sure hope Luke has enough cash to spread around to buy off other groups such as the St Patrick's Day Parade and the West Indian Day Parade and if Bronin is the Patriot he claims, he might want to throw some money towards the Veterans Day Parade, they vote also. Another fraud by Lying Luke to try to buy support

  37. I can’t see why he turned his back last November on Hartford’s Veterans Day Parade.
    Perhaps not a vote constituency?
    A damn shame he is technically a Vet. Bet he earned his Purple Heart for that nearly leathal papercut he suffered in ‘The Afghanistan War’ as he grunted it in the Navy Reserve with the Anti-corruption Task Force.
    What a douche!

  38. I wish someone would follow the money for the West Indian Independence celebration last year and expose who paid for what,it was quite the spectacle and I DOUBT THEY RAISED ALL APPROPRIATE MONEYS NEEDED. Why is there ALWAYS controversy surrounding Puerto Rican and West Indian day parades and celebrations? Hate to BE racist but I never hear of shenanigans related to St Patrick’s or Columbus celebrations , Why is that? I’m guessing the shitbag politicians wouldn’t benefit from “trying” to buy a Irish or Italian vote. I also would like to know the number of money spent on the criminal activity related to the Puerto Rican and West Indian parades, I.E. Shootings,stabbings,assaults on police officers, theft related to visiting parade goers, reckless driving (CARAVANS OF CARS,SPEEDING,UNSEATBELTED CHILDREN,SOME WAVING FLAGS OUT WINDOWS,RUNNING RED LIGHTS ,BEEPING HORNS ,HOOTING AND A HOLLERING) I’m sure the liberals in the suburbs who don’t have to WITNESS AND PUT UP WITH THAT SHIT would ,condone/tolerate/endorse and support this behavior stating they these people are “only expressing the love they have for their heritage and we need to accept it wholly” BULLSHIT! At least the Irish have the courtesy to throw up in the gutter and pee in the bushes!!
