Friday, February 16, 2018


Just a quick update. The drama between the dueling 6th District Democratic Town Committee slates continues today in Hartford Superior Court.

According to sources familiar with the case, today's testimony may revolve around work done by a Private Investigator regarding residency  trying to build the case that 6th District incumbents knowingly falsified documents.

The attorney for the 6th district incumbents apparently was trying to make the case yesterday that being truthful about the addresses they swore to as their residences didn't really matter as long as they slept somewhere in the boundaries of the district.

Stay tuned as this soap opera continues


  1. So, in another words, it's permissible to lie as long as the lie doesn't change the outcome of the project. Hum... I think not and the judge should take a strong look at this issue and throw out their petitions. Since an attorney is a party to this lapse of ethics, perhaps she should be suspended for a period of time from practicing law.

  2. none of these idiots from both sides are helping Hartford one iota...

  3. That's beside the point, Ben. Really, town committee members only serve their political party. They constantly schmooze each other seeking a chance to advance to leadership. Their duty is to themselves. Oops, I think you're right.

  4. We have one slate that used poor judgement and hire a circulator that wasn’t truthful and comités fraud and we also have the incumbent slate that lies and comités all type of fraud furthermore in the middle of all this we have a councilmen that encourages this conspiracy because he simply don’t want to pay a $7000 loan. If this judge has any common sense and respect the voters of not only the 6th district but also the city of Hartford he would throw both Slate petitions out anything short of that is encouraging this type of behavior and tolerating this social immorality, tampering and gerrymandering of our democratic election process it’s critical that this judge defend our election process by invalidating all the petitions of both slate and let the democratic system select a new town committee that have a higher sense of moral and principal then these shameful candidates

  5. Well , some couple had to replace Terry Waller and Sandra Borges in pillaging Hartford’s money , it looks like they have arrived! Jimmy Sanchez and Jacqueline Nadal !!! LET THE LIES AND STEALING COMMENCE!!! Where and when is the crowning ceremony ?

  6. why cant these slates file a mutual withdrawal and take their battle to the streets where whoever gets the most votes wins? Why do we have to suffer with lousy slates and even lousier lawyers? All this drama and crap only feeds into the perception that Hartford is a shitshow filled with drama and inept and corrupt people.

  7. 12:32 PM
    Hartford IS a shitshow filled with drama and inept and corrupt people.

  8. It’s time to stop ignoring THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM ! The current political climate in Hartford is the byproduct of DECADES OF ENCOURAGED WELFARE GRABS ! These are the sons,daughters,grandsons and granddaughters of earlier arrivals who took advantage of FREE money,housing,healthcare,education and EVENTUALLY, FIRST DIBS ON EMPLOYMENT THAT “WAS’NT” BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS. This was inevitable and is happening in other cities ( New Haven,Bridgeport,Waterbury) who went down this dangerous road. What a sad example and destructive legacy left behind from those who were enticed to live in Hartford for ALL THE WRONG REASONS. WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS NEW CROP OF CRAP IS TEACHING THEIR KIDS?

  9. Jimmy Sanchez and wife appear to be attempting to defraud the city of Hartford. Since the loan was a grant as long as his wife lived at the Ne Britain Ave apartment. Now, the grant must be paid in full. And it appears that Attorney Kowalshean ( misspelled) signed off on it and as an officer of the court, this is a major breach of her duties. It would appear that both slates should be disqualified.


  11. Hey !!! the City was chartered to allow city politicians to defraud the City and grab money....Each new generation grabs money and robs the citizens and Sanchez is no different then the hundreds that already have robbed the City.And guess what, after Sanchez leaves there will be new crooks in office robbing the is the Hartford way

  12. The 4th and 6th Districts Democratic Town Committee candidates need to talk to one another like adults. Primaries are costly. HARTFORD CANNOT AFFORD THE COST. If these people want to act like children they are not qualified to represent the citizens of Hartford. Let all these characters pay for the PRIMARY. Then maybe these so called adults will have respectful and productive talks and compromise. Both the 4th and 6th Dem Districts slates should be disqualified.

  13. 12:18
    You are correct about it: t's definitely the "Hartford Way."
    The difference is that Jimmy Sanchez and wife, just like Fitzpatrick and Montanez, they all cheated, they all got caught.

  14. 3:45pm

    I think you are either confused or misunderstand the issue. The 4th District challenge has nothing to do with this lawsuit (although one of the attorney's mistakenly refers to the 4th district several times in his documents and the final brief) And if there was any leadership on the part of the Democratic Town Chair and others they would have worked for a compromise before it got to this point, but everyone has the right to challenge and run, and what is the price we are willing to put on a PROPERLY run democracy?

  15. Mr Brookman, you did a good job of getting papers that showed the hidden loan of the wife of Councilman Sanchez. You can bet Councilman Clarks wife is not hiding anything. Remember when Sanchez signed a letter for TJ to resign over the conduct of the slutty council aid? Will TJ sign a letter for Sanchez to resign?

    Mr Brookman, can you investigate what is being said by someone on the other story? We all know Sanchez got a fake promotion at the MDC from the other sewer work he did. But what is fake about Phylis Airey? Who got a job at the housing authority and what DMV investigation? Do you know any of this

  16. yes, i do know the answers to the questions you asked. I will be posting more before the DTC elections, including names of many of the members and family members who have benefited from the Hartford Democratic Town Committee

  17. 6:53pm

    just one more question.How can you be so sure "You can bet Councilman Clarks wife is not hiding anything." Why would you think he is exempt?

  18. Councilman TJ Clark and Kelly Kirkley-Bey Councilwoman RJ Winch's Aide should have been fired for harrassment. However, that is not how Hartford power works. In any other employment setting they would have been fired. However, not in Hartford city hall. I agree the 4th and 6th Dem Town Committee primaries should be paid for the people running. It is ridiculous that these people can not have productive conversation. Hartford is broke. This is one of many reasons why Hartford politicians steal taxpayers money. Get a ripe and grow up Democrats!

  19. 12:18 PM ,, I’m assuming you are youthful and innocently naive. I along with others who are long in the tooth ,expect ALL politicians to be self serving,,,BUT,,, there was a time not that long ago that dirty politicians in Hartford knew enough to extend their tentacles of privilege to their friends ,neighbors and most importantly THEIR CONSTITUENTS WHO PUT THEM IN OFFICE !!! Unfortunately “modern day greed” has blinded these upstarts and they can’t see longevity like the Larson’s,Blumenthal’s,DeLauro’s,Malloy’s of Connecticut who started on the bottom rung. So there really is a difference from the Jimmy Sanchez’s and the hundreds before him who robbed their respective towns or cities ,,, those “ old timers” went on to bigger and more profitable dirty politics,,,Jimmy Sanchez will go no further than that pitiful low level position. Refer to comment at 11:11 PM to better understand the reason why Hartford politics is in “Groundhog Day” mode and will never progress.

  20. Someone needs to make UNAPOLOGETIC DECISIONS!

    Anyone with ‘gruff’ BALLS to do it right!

  21. @3:45 p.m.: I believe you don't quite know what you're talking about. The 4th District Alt Slate challengers have done nothing to merit being disqualified. In fact, city Democrats should be thanking the challengers profusely for running against the entrenched DiBella slate and trying to break their stranglehold on city politics, that has--and continues to--put before Hartford's voters candidates who are unfit for their jobs. Their only qualification is to assure the DTC--and especially the chair--that they will never make any waves or rock any boats, and will allow the DTC to control their decision-making. The challenge slate in the 4th is NOT about using election to the DTC as leverage for their personal and political ambitions, or to enrich themselves in any way. They are running an honest and sincere campaign in order to have the opportunity to fix a broken institution that is ethically and morally bankrupt.

  22. 9:22 PM

  23. Judge Shapiro is a brilliant judge with impeccable character. He writes opinions that are clear, analytical, and thorough.

    In this case he must decide who is right, the slate which has the misfortune to be represented by John Kennelly or the slate which has the misfortune to be represented by Ken Krayeske.

    The voters of Hartford deserve to have this matter tried by lawyers who might actually know what they are doing.

    Deep inside, Judge Shapiro must be weeping.

  24. Good luck 4th District Challengers! Hartford citywide Democratic Town Committee is dirty. If any of the 4th challengers win a bad taste in your month will start. The DTC dose not do what is suppose to do. As far as a statewide election candidates are not interested in Hartford. The capitol city pulls out a very low percentage of voters. A DTC Primary is a WASTE of TAXPAYERS money. People running in the 4th and 6th should pay for the DTC Primary themselves.

  25. This situation is stupid. Wasting time and taxpayers dollars is ridiculous. These adults from the 6th District act like children. How can banned Attorney John Kennelly represent the incumbents? Maybe the Judge will throw him out of the court room.

  26. Chief Rosado has a large task. He now knows the operation he was handed. Each of the past chiefs were not bad guys. They all lacked simple negative attributes. Harnett was a cops cop, and would not roll over for fast mayor eddie. Roberts knew everyone’s name but was underminded by his entire command staff. Rovella is a proven detective/ investigator, but thats about it.
    Rosado can make impactful changes.

    1. Clean out the 2nd floor. Start from scratch.

    2. Raise morale in patrol by handling this sick time abuse. If more guys actually come to work. More guys will get a day off. Its simple math fellas.

    3 expand and open more spots in department for movement/ advancement. Rovella played games. Making empty spots. Why does 50 jennings have 7 bosses? Not that i want to work for ar15 rodney in patrol. ...

    4 expand traffic division and send them to accidents. Accidents eat about 30-40 percent of patrol operational budget.

    5 make the cso s go to calls for service. The gravey train is freakin obvious guys ....

    6 expand recruitment unit. Hit every military base in regional area. Why push a slug when u can grab pre trained employees

    Good luck chief. You have a hell of a task ahead of you.

  27. Foley sucks. You know it kevin. Being pals with him de values your stock.
    That idiot is useless. Fake and has reached his ceiling.
    There are more valuable guys in the dept foley should be in jail for the shit he pulled.
    Rosado better stear clear of foley. Foley is filth. I dont care anymore. This dept can succeed
    I love my job. But people like foley became a cop to treat people like shit. Like a 10 yr old on a playground.
    He needs to go. I will write fake letters of praise for foley to better the dept get him out.
    Foley has cost the city millions. And the latest chro complaint will pay out huge trump cash.
    Foley is acid in my eye.
    Be smart brookman. Dump foley. A new horse named west is a promising city leader. Team west

  28. Bronin finally convenes a meeting on car crashes after years of traffic deaths? What a slob. It took him this long to figure a problem existed? But guess what? Who else has the vision and leadership to become mayor? Only one person but Bob Killian probably feels he is too old.m

  29. Well, Judgment is in and the Peterson slate is out.
    For the record,
    1. The Nadal home was purchased solely by Nadal
    2. The "loan" everyone speaks of was conditional of Nadal being a residence of it for 5 years (which has been exceeded)
    3. The "loan" is NOT due until the home is SOLD
    4. Sanchez was promoted fairly and any speculation otherwise has been falsely led by Ms. Peterson herself
    5. Who claims Sanchez was unqualified (though to date he proves to be very qualified)
    6. because the job belongs to a Black Man
    7. Finally, according to the law, where a person has 2 residences, only intent to abandon it is what disqualifies it as a bonafide residence.
    Since Nadal has NOT abanded the property and has NO intent to, her address in the 6th district, whichever of the 2 qualify her.

    1. Was the 12:14 PM comment written by Nadal, Sanchez, their supporter or just someone who benefits from them?

  30. yup- looks like Attorney Krayeske and his clients came to Court with unclean hands and lost

  31. 110% Agreed Jan! About time someone stated the truth instead of fanning the flames of lies with the rest of the bandwagon jumpers. At least Jackie pays her mortgage(s)!


  33. Hey Mr. or Ms. "Anonymous" @ 9:15 pm....I see that person wrote their name, JAN. Unlike you, anonymous, who doesn't have a "sack" to write your own name. Stop the all caps crap too, be a grown up and use upper and lower case...and maybe some punctuation!

  34. Hey Kozi, CAPITILIZING letters,words,sentences AND paragraphs is MEANT to piss you off !!! But more “IMPORTANTLY” ,,,,,,it is MEANT for you to take notice and absorb the content, NOT THE WAY IT WAS DELIVERED !!!!! Funny part is ,,,Your so intelligent,,,You haven’t assessed yourself as to why your stupity allows you to be this gullible!!!!! START READING THE CONTENT YOU WANNA BE “ENLISH MAJOR” Sorry,, English Major . Also ,,,some of the greatest works in literature are signed ANONYMOUS! And PLEASE don’t dismiss the achievements by ANONYMOUS whistleblowers TOO !!!!!

  35. Hey Kozi, With all that integrity you wield around ,,would you mind answering 3 questions ,,,DO YOU WORK FOR THE CITY OF HARTFORD ? WHAT POSITION? ARE YOU RELATED TO ANY POLITICIANS OR DEPARTMENT HEADS ? I’m expecting crickets,,,PLEASE prove me wrong!!!!!

  36. 6:08PM

    Where he works and who sh is related to is not important, but maybe if you leave your info, such as an e-mail address, Kozi can respond to you. It is kind of hard to respond to "anonymous". If you are familiar with Hartford, you would know how to contact Kozi and where she can be located

  37. Ten3hfd here. My name is Brendan. Douchebag at 8:28: None of the world's greatest literature was written by Anonymous,,,,,,NONE,,, . A few good quotes, maybe, but no actual literature. See, this is your weakness; you rely on your own opinion as fact, while ignoring inconvenient real facts because they don't fit with your ignorant world view. Sounds like our Hartford politicians, right? More so , like our federal government. You are actually the type of person you yourself hate; angry, a potential for violence, not particularly well educated ( based solely on grammar and your literature comment), and full of hypocrisy for commenting and condemning a city you don't live in, but whose money you take every week. That seems like a form of welfare to me, no? In your defense, though, if I were filled with such vitriolic, racist rage as you I'd probably post on blogs, too. But if it meant me displaying the lack of true knowledge and grammar that you so flagrantly flaunt, well, being smart as I am, I'd be too damn embarrassed.

  38. Hey there my Anonymous friend from February 23 @ 6:08. Sorry it took so long to get back to your 3 questions as I am clearly being vetted as to my ability to post here. BTW, thanks Kevin. Here goes:
    1. I lived in the City for approximately 16 years.
    2. I am a retired veteran of the great Hartford Police Department.
    3. Nope. Not related to any politicians or department heads.
    Hopefully i have qualified by your standards to have the honour to write on this blog. Anyone who knows me (and they would because my name is here) knows that I LOVE Hartford. I am one of it's biggest fans. I moved recently because of a "compromise"....getting married is full of compromises. I frequent the fine dining establishments in the city as well as telling others how great they are. Jimmy at Salute, Bill and Lynn at Dish/Sorella/Tavern, RePublic, Coyote Flaco, First and Last, Peppercorns, Max Bibo's, just to name a few. I often patronize Mornealt's Stackpole, Moore, Tryon and consider Jodi a friend who also gives back huge to this community. I have season Tix to Hartford Stage, attend the Bushnell on the regular and have season Tix to the Yard Goats. I am their biggest fan! I proudly served the citizens of Hartford as a police officer for 19 years and my dad was a Hartford Firefighter for 22 years. I still now work here in the City but in a somewhat smaller branch of law enforcement. So I hope my resume is up to snuff for you. Even though I no longer reside here, I am still very connected to this community and its public servants. I will always consider it home. I want so much for the City to be great again...I am not related to James Sanchez or Jackie Nadal but they were both friends of mine years before they became city officials. Funny the person who introduced me to them is no longer their friend, instead trying to further her political "career" by dragging them through the mud. All because when James was elected, he didn't bend to her every whim and want. He didn't become her personal ticket to City Hall. I know them and I know there is nothing shady there, go dig up another rock. I have no qualms telling you that the current Mayor and his predecessor are and have been, no good, in my opinion. I want someone with a "plan" to bring this City back from where it is. Over the 20+ years I have been here, I have seen some change for the better but much more needs to be done. I don't claim to know the answers but don't for a minute dismiss me as another "outsider" who thinks they have all the answers through an anonymous blog post. No crickets here buddy!

  39. Kozi,,,,THERIN LIES THE PROBLEM ! You wear those proverbial “Rose Colored Glasses” . Hate to top you but ,,I was born on Annawan St ,raised in the Foster Heights neighborhood and my first apartment was on Arnold St. I believe that if you were able to convince your wife to move into Hartford it would definitely not be on Annawan or Arnold St. I ALSO risked my life in Hartford for over a couple of decades and feel this or not ,I respect you for risking yours too. The majority ( not all ! ) of the residents I served were uncivilized,undeserving,disrespectful and displayed entitlement every shift. I hope you were on the job in a more stable atmosphere than I. Unfortunately your Rose Colored Glasses won’t allow you to see the REST of Hartford. Downtown restaurants,clothing stores and a baseball stadium that might not turn a profit for decades ,do not paint a TRUE PICTURE OF HARTFORD. I wish you could describe in great detail all the FINE establishments on Albany Ave where you can get a side of cockroach or mouse shit with your jerk chicken,,how about a beef patty with coco bread ,you’ll have to walk around police tape from Hartford’s latest shooting to get in the shop,I guess you weren’t patronizing D and D market or Maple Giant Grinder or Ciarca’s Bakery before they BAILED out of “Little Italy” . Too bad you weren’t around to protect my grandfather and his shoe repair shop on Park St from being robbed and harassed and let to his closing shop ,,,MY GRANDFATHER WAS 86 YEARS OLD AT THAT TIME,,,THATS HOW BAD THOSE ANIMALS IN PARKVILLE WERE BACK IN 1985,,, YOU THINK IT TURNED AROUND SINCE THEN? GO MEET MINNIE GONZALEZ FOR SOME AROZ CON POLLO ,I imagine you respect her too.So you continue your ONE DIMENSIONAL VIEW/ EXPERIENCE of Hartford and I’ll keep the REALITY with “naked eyes” ... lastly,,,friends and relatives of politicians are ONE IN THE SAME , I knew you were “RELATED” to Nadal and Sanchez !!!

  40. @8:21

    Most of this long down turn in Hartford is the result of mass migration of the bottom of the barrel from a little Caribe island. And I'm not prejudiced just expressing fact. It's there for anyone to study. Who to blame? Not the people. They are just pawns in the game. Blame the military that wanted an outpost and blame big business that wanted cheap labor.

  41. Stop bothering and harassing Luke, he's too busy strategizing a run for Governor
