Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Hartford is devoid of any real political leadership and here is just one more example. The Southend of Hartford is starting to boil over  on the topic of the contested Democratic Town Committee race. 
Why is a good question and allegations are being fired back and forth from both sides now, and in the end, it will probably be a Superior Court judge who will make the final ruling.
The uproar started over a lawsuit filed by Hartford Attorney John Kennelly alleging improprieties in the obtaining of required petitions by the challenge slate. You can read more about that here  :
Now the challenge slate are claiming improprieties of their own against the endorsed slate. The so called "Peterson Slate" is claiming that petitions were obtained improperly by the endorsed slate and that false addresses were used by "petition collectors"  when they certified the authenticity of the petitions.
One candidate prominently mentioned in the counterclaim is 6th District Town Committee member Jacqueline Nadal, wife of Hartford Councilman James Sanchez. As a side note, Sanchez is employed by the Metropolitan District Commission, also known as the "MDC". The MDC is Chaired by William DiBella, the father of Hartford's Democratic Town Chairman Marc  DiBella.
In the petition certifications, Nadal claims her residence as  646 New Britain  Avenue in Hartford, while her husband, Councilman Sanchez signed off on the petitions as 370 Freeman Street. Do they maintain separate residences since their marriage or is there more to the story?

The true story may lie in  loan documents obtained by "We the People" In which Nadal obtained a loan from the City of Hartford for the property she claims as her residence. In agreeing to accept the loan from the City of Hartford, Nadal agreed to maintain the 646 New Britain address as her bona-fide place of residency

According to sources familiar with the original petitions, Nadal had originally listed her address lawfully on her petitions as 370 Freeman Street and then subsequently "whited out" the address and wrote over it the 646 New Britain address, allegedly to make it appear as thought the 646 New Britain Avenue was in compliance with the residency requirement of the loan.

Further documents obtained by "We the People" showed that the Quit Claim Deed for Nadal and Sanchez's purchase of the 370 Freeman Street residence were handled by Hartford attorney Kathleen "Kate" Kowalshyn. Kowalshyn is also the spokesperson, or "Chairperson" of the current 6th District Town Committee.  The document was sworn to in front of her by Councilman Sanchez and in two locations it shows the "grantee's Address" (Sanchez) as 370 Freeman Street yet in various petitions Nadal swears that her address is 646 New Britain Avenue , the whited out/corrected address on the petitions. Interestingly , in addition to  on the documents Kathleen signed off to as their authenticity, she notes at the top of the document " After recording, please return to James and Jacqueline Nadal Sanchez at 370 Freeman Street..."

 So which is it? Were the election petitions false and an attempt to game the system, or was it a temporary lapse of judgment for Nadal, forgetting where she resides with her husband, the Councilman and MDC employee James Sanchez?

I guess we will have to wait for Judge Shapiro to answer that question and shine some light on how dirty Hartford's politics really are.

And again, in the effort of full disclosure, I attempted to get a comment from Attorney John Kennelly on the matter but I was unable since his Office phone has a recording that "The number you are calling is not in service, the number has been disconnected"

Only in Hartford.

 At least one other source familiar with the 6th District incumbents petition process claims that she knew Nadal was not listing the proper address, and when that was questioned, apparently Nadal claimed that the Democratic Registrar of Voters had told her it was "OK" to list the incorrect residence .
Counterclaim by Defendants 2018-02-14 by Kevin Brookman on Scribd


  1. This is going to be really, really interesting.

  2. People with glass houses incredible.


  4. Really interesting? How about really illegal? Everyone on that slate knows where Jimmy Sanchez lives in his big house because he bragged it all over City Hall. Makes me sick. Commit fraud for 8 grand? Lowlife needs to resign rather than TJ.

  5. Bill DiBella. Marc DiBella. James Sanchez. Jacqueline Nadal. One Big Happy - AND CORRUPT - Family.

    1. The DiBellas and friends are not "one big happy family."
      They act like a mafia, controlling all of us in Hartford

  6. my answer to all this controversy is, let’s take all of these candidates including mayor bronin and his whole family.Have them start at Garden st and Homestead ave at 230 AM on saturday morning and walk to Westland st at the 5 corners. Some of your potential voter base work at odd hours and they should reach out to this untapped voters. save the city money don’t hire any HPD it’s all good your trying to send a peaceful message.

    1. 10:27 PM
      When was the last time all of these candidates walked up and down Park Street any time of the day.

    2. 10:37 PM
      You must be kidding, you want the politicians to walk along drug infested and crime infested Park street. Even Julio Mendoza stays in his little palace of his office at 95 Park. He knows Park street through the window of his luxury car

  7. 10:27 pm
    You forgot to add Hyacinth Yennie, Kate Kowalshin, Maly Rosado to your list. You did not read the counter complaint. They did what everyone else did. They are just as dirty. They all need to get arrested for FELONY D. Read the counter complaint.

  8. Holy Toledo, Batman, is the clean as a whistle, Kate Kowow- shenanigans involved in this here kerfuffle? Say it ain't so.

  9. Nadal had to reside in her New Britain Ave home for five years as a condition of her loan. That five years was up in 2011. She likely had yet to formally change her address from her recent move with the city and thus chose to maintain the other address on the petition, a home she still owns. Please note that both of her homes are located in the sixth district, where she is running.

  10. I saw Maly Rosado with others member of the town committee at the school board hearing last month instead of voicing against the school closing they were busy collecting signatures for there now expose fraudulent Slate We lost Batchelder school because people like this place there self interest as well as there cronies over the needs of the community if that judge has any sense both ballots need to go let's start cleaning Hartford getting rid of these politicians and so call leader who have destroyed the Hartford that we once had this has to change Hopefully it start with the judge doing the right thing Both Slate Have To Go!!!!

  11. KARMA IS A BITCH!!!! Jimmy Sanchez ,you were so proud of your arrogance and stupidity when you chastised a layer off employee for coming before the council and pleading to be re-hired to their animal control position. You demonized her supporters because “they weren’t from Hartford “ ,your an idiot and not a nice person. How ignorant you are ,,,WHO DO YOU THINK ADOPTS AND FUNDS THE FOUNDATION FOR THE DOGS PICKED UP IN HARTFORD??? THE GANGBANGERS,YOUR NEIGHBORS ,YOUR FRIENDS AT THE BAR???Your wife supported your nasty behavior and now looks like she’s mimicking it! Your an embarrassment to yourself and YOUR supporters should be ashamed for themselves and you. I wonder how many free drinks you’ll get now at your local bar when your “holding court” . I’ve heard of putting lipstick on a pick but your a ditch digger in a $500 Men’s Warehouse suit. The city of Hartford is F@#KED !

  12. This is a much bigger story if the registrar is deep in it. Now they wish Kelly got the registrar job rather than Gigi. How the story turns, Jimmy guilty rather than TJ and Gigi rather than Kelly. Screw Mark Dibella and all of his criminals. Mr Brookman how many counts of petition fraud for each of them?

  13. 7:38am

    Let's stop playing the residency games. What is her actual address where she lays her head at night. That is the intent of the question, not how many properties she owns or how many people she can confuse or mislead. Where is her home? that is the question that should be easy for most honest people to answer, with out a bottle of whiteout at the ready to cover mistakes

  14. Let's start connecting all of the dots for the Hartford Democratic Town Committee corruption puzzle. How is it that so many members are sucking off the political teet of Hartford Democrats? Let's name a few, Maly Rosado just happens to land a job with the Hartford Housing Authority making $60,000 a year after her business suddenly "had" to shut down? Might that have had something to do with DMV launching an investigation into Emission testing irregularities? Jimmy Sanchez just so happens to suddenly climb the ladder at the MDC once he became a Councilperson? Phyllis Airey from the 7th District just happens to land a job as a State Marshall , jumping ahead of everyone else. TJ Clarke happens to land a job as the "spokesperson" for the Charter Oak Health Center. Where was his media experience or qualifications for this job? There are plenty more, but that will take up enough space for now

  15. Anon 3:19... that is the way it has always been, except the names are different

  16. The funny thing is; this personality trait welcomes and thrives on noteriety. This cat and mouse game has serial killer parallels. Totally untrustable people where you can see it in their hypnotic unconnecting eyes as they bolster and gloat and then deflect with disassociate language. I swear I get chills around certain people. Pardon the ramble....
    IMHO, it will always be the same until a REAL progressive is elected and makes the greedless UNAPOLOGETIC decisions necessary to right this ship Hartford!!
    It can’t come soon enough, sadly, as it may never.

  17. Kevin, her home is in the 6th district, no matter how you spin it.

  18. 9:59am so why lie about where you live? does honesty and integrity mean nothing to you or is it all about winning , no matter how or what you have to say to do it? I know where I live and if anyone asks me, I can give them an honest answer.

    1. She’s lying because she got a forgivable loan from the city of Hartford for that property... if she stays there as “primary home” for 10 years, the balance of her House Hartford loan (usually the 20% down) is forgiven... they don’t want it to be seen they used a program that’s supposed to help buyers in Hartford not to make a profit on a rental property...

  19. I don't think the charges are strong enough to hold water. But they do illustrate the dishonesty by those vying for public office. Ultimately, it's better to vote into the dtc disrupters instead of party line Aholes.

  20. Hey 9:59 and 7:38 way above, if Mr Brookman got the docs rather than clueless Jenna at the Courant why dont you take the time to read them? Nadal has one of those 10 year city of Hartford loans that Brian son of I.Charles Mathews gives out like candy. They are forgiven after 10 years. Thats why Nadal had to wait another year and a half to get the money granted to her free. Who on this blog would not want 8K cash $$$. If she didnt run for office nobody would have known her dirty little secret. Dirtier secret is read the fine print. She got the loan because of some income qualification for tenant. Brian son of I.Charles Mathews knows loan didnt go to fix the rental unit.

  21. It's time to investigate how was this city loan/taxpayers money was spent.
