Monday, April 16, 2018


Slippery Luke gives up

In a move today that was not a surprise for many, Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin abandoned his "exploratory" bid for Governor.

Bronin's sense of arrogance and political entitlement apparently collided today with reality, forcing Bronin to give up his run. Many observers, myself included, often wondered what Bronin's track record as Mayor was that made him feel he was competent enough to run for Governor. Bronin's two years in office as Hartford's  Mayor have not yielded much as far as vision for the City of Hartford's future.

A State engineered bailout of Hartford's crippled finances was largely orchestrated by Bronin's previous employer ,Governor Malloy, and the Connecticut Legislature. Although the bailout provides a short term fix for Hartford's finances, there has been very little, lasting structural change for City government.. Bronin was successful though in painting Hartford's Labor Unions as the major part of the problem in what many saw as a "union busting" effort as soon as he took office. Probably not the brightest move for someone considering a run for Statewide office, where Union support is critical for success.

 Bronin also showed that his word was less than honorable to the people of Hartford. Bronin had promised during the Mayoral campaign that he would complete his full four year term if he was elected, a promise that he quickly opted to break when he announced his  intent to run for Governor. Nopw that he decided to drop out of the Governor's race, his guilty conscience has apparently forced him to reconsider his Mayoral campaign promises.  According to a statement issued by the Bronin campaign,   "as I’ve considered the road ahead, I’ve kept my commitment to Hartford at the forefront of my mind.  After thinking hard and wrestling with this decision, I have decided to end my exploratory committee and stay focused on my work as Mayor.".

At least until another political opportunity for advancement comes along.
And for anyone keeping track, Bronin's Administration has had more turnover in staff than a Trump Whitehouse.

The Bronin campaign for Governor never seemed to gain much traction  statewide, and more importantly even less in Hartford. A major upset came a couple weeks ago when one of Bronin's contenders , Ned Lamont, received the endorsement of Connecticut's current Attorney General George Jepsen.

According to a source familiar with the Bronin campaign, a large amount of the campaign funds raised by Bronin were paid to the firm of another former Malloy insider, Global Strategies and Roy Occhiogrosso. A payment of $66,000 was listed on Bronin's recent campaign filings for "polling". According to the source, those polls showed Bronin running a fourth place finish to other Democratic candidates vying for the Governor's seat, behind Susan Bysiewicz, Ned Lamont, Joe Ganim and Jonathan Harris.

Although Bronin's "exit strategy" claimed that he made the decision to be able to focus on the needs of Hartford and devoting his time to be Mayor of Hartford, it seems like a convenient excuse for his sudden exit. The needs of the City of Hartford seemed to take a back seat recently as Bronin bounced across the State  attempting to garner support for his ultimately failed bid.

Here are the most recent financial  filings for Bronin's campaign.

Here is the Bronin campaign's statement on his demise:


Says, "We’re making progress in our City every single day, and I’m excited to keep working to make a better future for Hartford a reality."

(HARTFORD, CT) – Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin today announced that he will continue serving as Hartford Mayor and will not enter the 2018 Governor’s race.  

“After four months spending evenings and weekends on the road all across our state, I’m confident that there is a path ahead in this primary and in this general election for our campaign.  We’ve gained strong support from delegates heading into the convention.  And thanks to thousands of supporters, we’ve raised enough money to be confident of reaching the threshold for public financing under the Citizens Election Program.  

“But as I’ve considered the road ahead, I’ve kept my commitment to Hartford at the forefront of my mind.  After thinking hard and wrestling with this decision, I have decided to end my exploratory committee and stay focused on my work as Mayor.  

“While our State may be at a critical moment, our city is, too.  Last fall, we were able to build new partnership with the State of Connecticut — marrying new financial assistance with long-term accountability.  I believe deeply that agreement was the right and responsible path, not just for Hartford but for Connecticut.  As legislators and others threaten to undo that work, I want to be able to make the case for maintaining that new partnership without regard for politics.  I want to fight as hard for Hartford in the coming months as I have over the past two years.  

“I also don’t want my status in this race to be a reason for people to condemn or politicize the agreement we reached with the State.  I don’t want anyone to undermine our City as a way of getting at me, and I cannot let Hartford’s future become the casualty of a political fight.  

“I want to thank the many people who supported my campaign, and the many Hartford residents who asked me to stay and continue the good and tough work we’re doing in our City.  We’re making progress in our City every single day, and I’m excited to keep working to make a better future for Hartford a reality.”


  1. Luke please resign as Mayor for the good of the city.

  2. Poor Bronin, he's not running for a free residence at the Governer's mansion by the park.
    He's now stuck at his residence by the 'other' park.

  3. Luke's political career is essentially over. He has pissed off the democratic party left wing and the unions,who comprise about 1/3 of the time you see or hear about him, he will announce a move to DC to work for a think tank or a non-profit.

  4. I agree that Luke's political career is probably over...he is filled with hubris and his own self-importance and treats his staff horribly and is a screamer in the office.. He is not a warm individual and his word means nothing as he was eager to break his "pledge" if he saw a pathway to the Governor's office.I predict he tries to run again as Mayor but falls short to someone new. Then he and his co-mayor wife will put their house up for sale and move back to Greenwich where he will get a job in NYC for some non profit.

  5. I agree that Luke's political career is probably over...he is filled with hubris and his own self-importance and treats his staff horribly and is a screamer in the office.. He is not a warm individual and his word means nothing as he was eager to break his "pledge" if he saw a pathway to the Governor's office.I predict he tries to run again as Mayor but falls short to someone new. Then he and his co-mayor wife will put their house up for sale and move back to Greenwich where he will get a job in NYC for some non profit.

  6. 4:32 Susan Herbst will give Luke a job as a 'law' professor.

    1. 4:46 more like a 'LOW' professor

  7. Kevin- None of this surprises me. Do you think there is any chance that Bob Killian will consider another run for mayor?

  8. Chief Reggie Freeman will run for mayor, he's the most qualified candidate in the city.

  9. too bad he got out of the race, now he will only be able to scream in the governor's office, as a visitor.

  10. @5:01 I think Bob Killian feels he is too old. He isn't but would he have the support of the town committee?

    Go for it, Bob. You're being drafted. You have no choice.

  11. Listen up...the way to beat Luke for Mayor is for someone to start organizing right after the November election.Terry Waller is the man and been having meetings in his house.

    1. "been having meetings in his house"? I hope you're not his speechwriter!

  12. My dog "Lefty" is thinking of running against Luke. Lefty promises to guide the City properly and to get the DPW to clean up the dog poop around Elm Street.Lefty further promises pot for every chicken.Lefty will avoid Greenwich and promises no co-mayor. Lefty will wear a studded dog collar,just like a former Mayor did at those very wild parties.......

  13. Hip Hip Hooray Lt. Geraldo Pagan from E-10 on Franklin Ave from Hartford Fire finally got suspended for 45 days for abandoning new probationary firefighters at two diffrent fires!! After years of hiding at every fire finally he was disciplined. Good job Chief Freeman for holding Lt. Pagan accountable.

    1. Pagan needs to be fired right now ASAP!! Before he gets a firefighter killed.

  14. Lying Luke's plea deal to the media and Hartford residents regarding his decision to not run for governor is more b.s.
    Dude didn't have any support to run for time for. He tried to stoke the political flames, get people thinking that there were people thinking of him. The Hartford Courant, his biggest loudest and most die hard fan couldn't get people to believe his lies.
    Liar Luke should return to Greenwich and work in private practice. I can not suggest he teach as so many politically savvy students and thier parents will constantly correct him and remind him that he failed in Hartford.

  15. Lt. Geraldo Pagan KARMA always strikes back. You tried to sue everyone u have worked with at every firehouse for no reason. The only reason was because you thought you were gonna make your pockets fatter.Are your pockets getting fatter now with your 45 day unpaid suspension??

  16. He'll be gone while Police and Fire are stuck with their sucker of the year contracts.

    1. 1716 too! HMEA and CHPEA pay attention. Can’t increase revenue when half of the property is tax exempt.
      I thought his connections with FED and STATE would’ve translated into relief but NO he screwed the City’s employees instead.
      I’d like to know what his and his appointees benefit packages are while screwing its blue collared backbone. White collar crime. Rich getting richer off those with less. Not quite the public sector’s spirit.
      He’s probably on the wife’s health plan, nice State of CT beneath because he CAN.
      Austerity for everyone else but him because he CAN go without. He and his fiends got it made financially. That’s all he thinks about.
      Ole Greenwich boy and CT’s Gold Coast should just secede from the rest of CT since they screw up the State’s financial demographic.

    2. Luke Bronin got good relationships with the liberals in the State level. Those relationships/ connections are for his own political benefits.

  17. If this is how bad he can screw up a city while he focuses on a bid for governor, imagine what damage he can do if given more time and focus!

  18. Come on now, isn't Luke the smartest person in the room?

  19. Luke got 2 more years as mayor than he's out of here

  20. What exactly is suspending Alpha Male Lt. Pagan gonna do? He isn't going to sprout a set of balls or grow a brain in 45 days. He'll still be a POS when he returns. He needs to be fired , as an above comment stated, or demoted out of the front seat.
    I'm sure he's collecting earned and sick leave, full pay and owsies from overtime. Maybe assign him to High st in some BS position, like uniform deliverer or "strategic something or other". Make him a Captain of some made up spot, with NO TEST of course. Time in grade under the chiefs desk is what matters upstairs.
    Id love to hear Pagans spin on his suspension, I was on a special assignment, I was taking super duper special rescue training, etc.
    He should have never been promoted.

    1. What about the Lieutenant who called training division to inquire why the probationary firefighters dont know how to take fire hydrants and Capt Paterson told him is his responsibility now to train the probies on how to take a hydrant. You would think they were trained at least in the basics. He has stepped up to the plate to train every probie that works at his station and also whatever station he works overtime at. Hes a better man than me , because I would had drove to training and dumped every single new guy at the door and made Capt. Paterson train them.

    2. I don't think cpt. PATTERSON can take a hydrant or do anything else for that matter. He was asleep on the watch desk his very first shift on the job if any of you forgot.

  21. How about the 3 clowns from HFD that got assigned to training division for Hartford Fire Dept today. 3 useless guys that at every fire always ran In the opposite direction. Now they are helping train new recruits what a joke. All 3 think they are gids gift to the fire department. All 3 worked with now assistant Chief Barco at Engine 14. Including one of his relatives. See the connection now.

  22. Anon 1:03- no Luke has lousy relationships with the state level liberals. The AFL-CIO refused to invite him to their conference and the non-union liberals cannot stand him.

  23. Luke has lousy relationships with the people of Hartford (not to mention because of promises, promises and even more promises. As for delivery on those promises - well, that's anot hr er story.

  24. 7:58 pm.
    How can you say good job Freeman when he was Pagans' only supporter over the years despite numerous people telling him how bad he was!

  25. Lt. Barco and Arroyo aren't bad, they care about the department and do train their guys. Someone had to step up to train the last of these poorly chosen recruits in the academy. These new guys that have been coming on have for the most part not been good. Wallace on the other hand takes every opportunity to work in the chiefs office or training or anywhere that's not in the firehouse.

    1. Are you talking about the 14s boys club who play with their play stations all day and walk around in bunny slippers.Yeah i know those kids since they were all probies. They all suck up to Tenney and Barco. Thsts how they get all the inside scoop on where to go

  26. Luke does have fantastic relationships with the people who donate to his campaigns. After the donors checks clear he turns his back on them until the next fundraising.

  27. Hey Kev,
    Remember when you first started your crusade. Your main purpose was to expose the wrong doings going on at city hall. I know that was a long time ago and sometimes we lose focus when we are engrossed in a long battle or become numb from the unending bombardment of stupidity coming from city hall. We are now in oversight and the rest of the state is bailing us out. I think we owe it to them to expose any and all misuse of funds and any other improprieties. With that said, can you look into why the 2 new unqualified assistant fire chiefs are receiving full pay plus their pensions even though there is language in the charter stating that should only be receiving half the salary. This is a waste of 120,000.00 a year.

  28. What is Luke Bronin doing with all the money he raised for his campaign?

    What is Elizabeth Espy doing with all the money she raised?

  29. Dont worry fire mice. Mayor terry waller will save all of you from your rotten selves. Mayor waller will glide easily into office with the northend vote that little luke has pissed away. Im sure luke will march front and center at the june 2 hispanic parade. How much is that weekend gonna cost the tax payers? Im sure the parade organizers have paid their bills up front.
    I hope this over sight board looks into all these shady parade funds. Complete waste for a city on the verge of bankruptcy.
    Oh how little luke will spin this governor race into a savior postion to stand on.
    When terry takes over, all these tax exempt property owners are going to pay the piper.

    1. Terry Waller, that little idiot, for Mayor.
      Sandra Kee-Borges, that little corrupt woman, for deputy mayor.
      People of Hartford - run for the hills.

  30. a reply to 8:58
    It doesn't cost the city a dime more if they hire a retired person getting a pension.
    The pension comes from the pension fund. Which is funded by employees. Whats the difference if one person gets 2 checks or 2 people get one check. The cost is the same. Hiring a person thats not retired doesent save anything. Being unqualified is another issue.

  31. A reply to; A reply to 8:58

    If you reread my post it doesn't say they shouldn't receive their pension. I said they should only receive half of the salary per city ordinance 07-05, 8-8-5; ord. no. 20-13, 12-9-13. Supporting language can be found in the Administrative Chapter of the city charter Article VI Section E, which took effect January 1, 2016. This ordinance was added to prevent unqualified retirees from being hired back by their friends. Hmmm I guess it didn't work.

  32. Luke Bronin is done in Hartford, nobody will vote for him again here. With his poor record he never had a chance to become a governor. What next for him is going back to Rye where he can try his luck to become mayor for the rich.
    Soon there will be a blog

  33. Mayor Waller will furfill all your city of Hartford expectations. New roads. New fire dept. New xl center. Etc etc
    Bronin is done. Im sure come election season he will march in every tax payer funded sham parade. He will respond to every murder scene to help ease the suffering of the innocent families.
    Terry will handle business and shine.
    Terry is the man with the plan.
    Get on board the bus now while u can.

  34. I'd vote for Terry Waller over Luke Bronin any day

    1. I'd vote for Terry Waller and Sandy K-B to be thrown to jail any day.

  35. Luke had to step down. His buddy Tyler Walker is currently unable to steal the election for him.

  36. Anon: 5:42 who is Tyler Walker ?

  37. 10:21am. I was wondering the same thing

  38. 10:21 and 11:41,

    The blog article preceding this one concerns Tyler Walker... Just al little humor, Cheers

  39. Kev and 10:21 AM ,,, HOW SOON YOU TWO FORGET!! Tyler Walker is one of Fire Chief/Acting DPW Director Reggie Freeman’s “FORMER” protégés and rising star in Hartford’s Public Works Department . It was only a week ago that we were all disgusted that this SHITBAG gave up HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN SALARY, BENEFITS AND FUTURE PENSION TO SELL STOLEN FUEL FROM THE YARD AND SELL IT FOR A COUPLE HUNDRED BUCKS!,, NOW YOU REMEMBER?Hence the “ stolen election” comment above. KUDOS TO THE AUTHOR BY THE WAY ,BRILLIANT REFERENCE,TOO BAD TYLER WALKER IS “ OLD NEWS” ALREADY! Kev, I suppose your gonna give Reggie ALL the credit for catching this turd!

  40. Uh Oh Uh Oh say it ain't so. I hear there is dissension in the ranks. Apparently the deputy chiefs whom actually passed a promotional test don't want to be ordered around by no nuttin Rodney. Who didn't see this coming? Maybe the guy who promoted him should have paid more attention in that situational awareness class he hired his friend to teach.

  41. In twenty months Luke and Sara will be out of office. What are they going to do after that

  42. Anon 9:12 PM. Luke and Sara will purchase a hotdog truck and sell hotdogs near their Elm Street bungalow. They have no political smarts at all and maybe Luke should confine himself to just being a staffer for someone As he has lousy political skill and terrible judgement.

  43. 9:12pm
    Luke will write a book describing his accomplishments and great success as mayor of Hartford.

  44. The district chiefs that are there now have no room to throw any stones at Barco
    They didn't exactly grind their way to the top it was handed to them by a mass exodus. Neither Reilly or Barco are worthy of 250 K a yr however.

  45. Bronin's job performance far exceeds any recent mayors of Hartford hands down. Not perfect. I certainly like how he threw TJ under the bus before having all the facts. Even if he woman accuser had high moral character, which is doubtful, for political expediency, he did the Julius Caesar thang.

    "Slippery Luke?" Oh, give me a break. You know who that sounds like.

  46. Kev, WHY CRICKETS FROM YOU REGARDING “SITUATIONAL AWARNESS” CLASS FACILITATED BY CHIEF FREEMAN? This class was/is not mandated by any formal or legal obligation by any entity whatsoever. This class was rushed and pushed thru costing taxpayers a good sum of money ,Reggie’s friend got paid first ( that in itself is unethical znd sketchy), next were the off duty firefighters with their handout and with a snicker last were the OVERTIME firefighters covering the on duty personnel who wanted to “train. There was not one administrator in that safety complex UNAWARE there was a large presence of soon to be retirees in that class. If Reggie felt so strongly about this subject WHY DIDNT HE SENT SOME OF HFD’S TRAINING STAFF TO AQUIRE NECESSARY INFORMATION SO THAT THEY COULD TEACH THIS TO EACH AND EVERY MEMBER? Someone with balls needs to provide the amount of money spent with the breakdown or at the very least provide a guesstimate . Kev, This is a example of what NOT TO DO as a administrator and steward of hard earned taxpayer money. Oh yea I almost forgot a important item related to the “ situational awareness “ class , LUNCH WAS PROVIDED!!!!

  47. 12:18am

    That will be very thin book. So far his accomplishments wouldn’t even take up half a chapter

  48. I understand your distaste for Mayor Bronin. As a city employee he absolutely got off on the wrong foot with us with his unique dictatorial style. But to you honestly think either of the two clowns who came before him had any idea of the financial mess the city was in and had any plans to correct it, or would they have just kept spending as they were until checks started bouncing? I’m not saying he’s any great leader of men; but at least he’s trying to pay off the credit card bill when it comes in.

    Just my $0.02.

    1. 6:01pm
      Mayor Bronin is trying to pay off the credit card bill, but at the same time he is making new, unnecessary, expensive charges.

  49. Just wait for a complicated situation if one should arise, where God Forbid someone gets seriously hurt or dies in the line of duty, Oh the lawyers will have a hay day, with ALL the supposedly "Chief Officers" with NO, NONE what so ever experience, let alone having NOT passed a REAL Test ! NEXT, how about the recently Suspended (45 DAYS) NEW Lieutenant ? The Cowardly Lieutenant who abandoned his crew 2 maybe 3 times, allegedly stole a Department Desk, not to mention a few other items from the Fire House, and The LEADERSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT is going to let him back as LIEUTENANT COWARD! OH what another feast for the Lawyers.

  50. So you think Freeman hiring his friend to put on an unnecessary class was a conflict. Wait until it gets out that he has hired the accreditation organization that he works for to come in and evaluate HFD.

  51. Union President Diaz probation is over. Be A man of your word. Nothing has changed russel Vinnie cookie is still calling shots on line guys . Step up make waves. Don’t forget about stopping by the firehouses.

  52. 6:01 PM As the old saying goes “ YOU MUST NOT BE FROM AROUND HERE “ As Lying Luke Bronin is “paying off his credit card “ with other towns moneys on his perpetual begging with his tin cup tour ( unlike rock bands I don’t think he’ll ever announce a final tour either) ,let’s try to remember “”HIS” CHARGES TO THE CARD! Just months after being elected Hartford sent 33 administrators and teachers to Florida ALL EXPENSES PAID to accept a recognition award ,he was so proud at the time he posted pics and congratulations on his mayoral Facebook page,..Luke’s experience as a attorney allowed him to participate in negotiations with the Yardgoats boondoggle ,thanks to Luke it ONLY COST TAXPAYERS 5 MILLION DOLLARS to run the “SUCCESSFUL” minor league team last and get this! ,they estimate to be “in the red” $ 5 million this year again and for years to come! And that’s with record attendance!Please note that the Yardgoats were going be a economic boost for Hartford, also note that the “preferred” hotel sponsored by the Yardgoats is the Holiday Inn Express on the Berlin Turnpike,in Berlin!!! You can’t make this shit up ! Don’t forget that Bronin put Hartford in a legal mess when he threw Centerplan construction off the site ,it’s ok though, his lawyer friends will charge their fees to Hartford’s credit card,,, Next,,I love this one ! A little over a year ago city council along with Bronin’s blessing voted to spend $250,000 on a bronze statue of Doc Hurley to be dedicated by Rep Doug McCrory in Kenny Park ,costly way to get votes Doug ,don’t you think? We can’t leave out the lieutenant mayor Sarah Bronin’s charges to the card ! Thanks to Sarah it only cost $1 MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE I-QUILT SIDEWALK TO NOWHERE!! What’s the added cost to “the card” to harbor 20,000 illegal immigrants in Bronin’s sanctuary city??? At this point give me back Pedro Seggara ,,,,,Hartford didn’t now it had it so good then,,,,,CAVIAR AND CHAMPAGNE “WAS” A LOT CHEAPER!!!!!

  53. No hope for change hereApril 21, 2018 at 1:03 PM

    The last several Mayors have been awful....presently we have terrible state reps and senators,with the exception of Ritter...with no hope of better people in the delegation...the party members on the DTC are for the most part awful and self-serving ... we need a complete cleaning,but that will never happen...and you all bitch and moan and do not do a thing to make any real change possible.Hartford will continue to be like this for generations.....

  54. @7:41

    Whoever you are, you're not too bright, are you? In response, Luke inherited the yard goats boondoggle. As for the teachers going on a Florida junket, that was the Board of Education. He had nothing to do with it. Further, Bronin has nothing to do with Solomon choosing an outside hotel. Blame Solomon, who did Segarra for all the perks he received.

    Again, the I-Quilt, that stupid invention, had nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with Bronin. And I think it really didn't cost the city but this, I'm not sure of. But it is testimony to foolish and ignorant behavior of Hartford people -- the same kind of mentality that destroyd the early 20th century buildings on Main St housing between Gold St and the next corner; the Lois Poli and Palace Theaters and constructing a concrete wall along the street., I hope you are not one of my ignorant neighbors that I get frustrated with on a daily bases. As to santuary city, I am not supportive of it but I do not believe that it costs the city one dime to feel protective of people who have lived here for longer then you may have been alive and now, they are being used as scapegoats for a government that has ignored its duties for decades.

    Man, you are a creep.

  55. @6:01

    Also, feel little support for Bronin. But he is worlds better then the previous two with sugar cane sun in their eyes. Let's not forget that Little Fast Eddie sold off The Hartford Parking Authority to help balance his budget. Knee Pads Segarra sold an income-producing garage.

    1. Pedro Segarra couldn't even handle his own finances and balance his budget and was forced to file for bankruptcy with help from personal Puerto Rican friend Alex Aponte (didn't Mrs. Aponte get an excellent, ultra high paying job at Hartford DPW).
      To the best of my knowledge his personal loses were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and Pedro basically owed money to everybody.
      I wouldn't trust Pedro Segarra to clean my toilets at home.

    2. 7:49 Pedro's bankruptcy filing was reported in great details in this blog. Looks like Pedro lied in that bankruptcy filing. How can anyone drive a Mercedes when you have a total of $200 or something like that in savings.
      Therefore it was a smart move to enjoy caviar on taxpayers backs. Until, of course, he got caught by Brookman.

  56. 2:45 PM You appear to be dialed in to what ails Hartford thru your very lucid breakdown of who takes the blame for moneygrabs and abuse. So please inform of what group of Hartford residents call 911 close to 20,000 times a year for a medical response? I’m sure you will correct me for this statement but “ I know the majority of the callers are minorities legal and illegal who abuse the system for everything from a stubbed toe to diarrhea,my personal favorite are the pregnant women getting their FREE AMR/AETNA taxi rides to the hospital without a male in sight” . What a way to start a productive life, thanks mommy and daddy for showing me the way! 20,000 illegal immigrants and 20,000 mostly unnecessary 911 calls . WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Please tell me how “ they” don’t cost a dime to the tax payers? I suppose you want FREE college for everyone. Socialism is great unti you run outta other people’s money,,,gotta love Margaret Thatcher !

  57. Politics is a crazy game. Hartford has had no leadership for decades. Mayors, Treasurers and Council members are out for the mighty buck and power. The city deficit is larger than ever. The present City Treasuer is continually looking for a raise. He should go find another job. Maybe the grass is greener there.
    What is the future of the capitol city? Kids are still having kids. Poverty is prelevant and increases everyday. As the old saying goes, Come to Hartford, Connecticut and Get a Free Ride.

  58. Anon 8:28 As I remember Segarra got caught swilling champagne and caviar by the audit commission,not Mr Brookman, though he does a great job exposing scandal.

    1. Audit or No-Audit commission, if Mr. Brooklyn didn't inform us about this rat, Segarra, we would have never known about the Xavier crap and the filth created by this imbecile mayor.

    2. Brookman exposed too many Segarragates to count. Pedro Segarra was one of the most corrupt jerks I've ever known. Not to mention a big liar. Pedro Caviar spent millions of our hard earned money and lied, lied, lied. Remember the hirings of Edwin Vargas niece, Mini Mouse Daughter, his "Done Deal" stadium, to name just a few "sitiations".
      Pedro Segarra should be banned for life from running for office, ANY OFFICE, in Connecticut.

  59. 2:45 PM , This creep is wondering if you gave Bronin a pass on the teachers trip to Florida because it was facilitated by Board Of Education? Did he have duct tape across his mouth ? If he couldn’t stop it on his own why didn’t he expose this unnecessary expense thru the media? BOE would have no choice but to cancel trip once the taxpayers of CT who are subsidizing Hartford’s bullshit found out.Maybe that same piece of duct tape kept Luke from embarrassing Solomon into making a deal with a Hartford hotel? You stated Bronin had nothing to do with IQuilt ,,,Sarah Bronin had no part in it? Sarah and Luke are interchangeable if you don’t see that then your on the highest spectrum of naivety. According to you 2:45 PM LUKE BRONIN HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY OF THE MESS HARTFORDS IN!!! If that’s the case why don’t you run? It seems like you have it all figured out,your perfect for the job!

  60. Ned,

    you need to check your facts. I was tipped off to the dinner by a City Hall source and I FOI'd the documents. Once I received the city credit cards receipts, the auditors jumped on it, but I exposed it first for whatever it is worth

  61. Personally I don't give a damn who or what exposes crime,corruption and waste,as long as they are exposed.

  62. Pedro Peter Maria Caviar Segarra will go down in Hartford history as corrupt-corrupt-corrupt.

  63. Kev, in this NO TRACTION FOR SLIPPERY LUKE segment you added a photo of a happy, smiling Luke Bronin.
    What exactly is he smiling about?

  64. Anon 10:31 AM He is amiling because he feels good about deceiving you ( us)

    1. 2:41 PM. Luke Bronin definitely took us all to a ride

  65. Any idea who's going to be Hartford mayor in the year 2020?

  66. Anon 11:19AM. Sara Bronin will run as she is sick and tired oh her husband screwing up.


  68. Of course Sara can win...she and Luke can raise a million or so and buy off the leaders in the minority community, just last last time.
