Thursday, January 10, 2019


Several sources are confirming for me that potential criminal investigation is underway into alleged insurance fraud by Hartford City employees and Board of Education employees.

The allegations are that at least 17 Board of Education employees and possibly as many as 20 City of Hartford employees had been collecting health insurance benefits for themselves and dependents while not being eligible for such claims. Many of the claims apparently resulted in persons staying on the City insurance after a divorce or other event which would have made them ineligible to collect benefits.

Sources familiar with the investigation  stated that the matter is being investigated by several law enforcement agencies, including the Hartford Police Major Crimes Division detectives, the Hartford County States Attorney's Office and the FBI.

Currently, according to sources, the States Attorney is looking at the financial threshold for losses to be pursued for any criminal charges. At least one employees is estimated to have collected at least $700,000 in benefits they were not entitled to , although the threshold may be set at anyone collecting $2,000 or more in benefits they were not entitled to.

We the People first reported on this story in the following post back in August of 2018, although the Board of Education was less than forthcoming in releasing any details


  1. Does anyone remember when the City had a program wherein if a city employee needed a surgical proceeding, the city would pay to fly them to Puerto Rico for the procedure, pay for the procedure and also pay for someone to accompany them?

  2. This once great city has become an embarrassment. Too many instances of corrupt municipal employees (and their family members) grabbing what they can and stuffing their pockets like the fat pigs they are. You think these people really care about the city? Speaking of - when is someone going to hold rJo accountable for the reprehensible behavior of her assistant?

  3. Investigate the superintendent

  4. That's why the city sent out paperwork to verify employee and spouse family status. Communication with that 3rd party company was a joke at first level. Thru hoops and loops was able to talk to someone with a brain. Still the city has no guarantee to anything going forward. Wonder how much they paid for that.

  5. the Superintendant tried to cover up this scandal, but failed.

  6. Nothing will happen. How many folks at the board of education make over 100k ?
    How many have take home cars? Etc etc etc....
    Its the same evil circle of theft. The super will leave with a huge bonus and monster pension. I would not send the kids of my 2nd worst enemy to the Hartford public schools.
    Eddie Perez will fix it soon enough...…
    viva fast eddie!!!!!

  7. Talking about fraud and liabilities. How about the fireman Southerland at Engine 1 driving around a fire truck with a suspended license. This city is corrupt from top to bottom

  8. Leave the "race card" thing alone. Maybe the "race card" is a real thing. Maybe it needs to be played because competency, accountability, intellect, and common sense are inherent traits to some, but not all. I dont know, but maybe...

  9. You cops are pathetic I hope the firemen start airing out ya dirty laundry so now Sutherland on ya hitlist? He must not be part of the good ole boy network. Like the officer who sat in teleserve for years as a drunk An everyone knew it even the dispatchers. Maybe it's time to start a blog dedicated to airing out all police An firemen regardless of ease religion creed culture or status

  10. Well mr. 8pm just gave himself away as a thug

  11. Fireman sutherland has no license. How does he get to work? Better check that rear lot. Lots of shade appearing on the horizon these days.

  12. HFD don't start airing our problems on the Internet like a bunch of gossipy bored women, be united. Mistakes happen we all got issues. Don't give power to where it isn't due. The public thrives off any of our mistakes, screw them. Go to work do your job and keep you're mouth shut.

  13. They trying to stiff the teachers again. Time to exit this place

  14. 7:57am You and others that cover for bad behavior by "keeping your mouth shut" are not helping anyone. Clearly this individual has a problem if the comments are correct and needs help dealing with some sort of substance abuse issue. An EAP referral would probably be of more help to him to address his issue and get some help before he implodes and loses his entire career, or worse, which seems inevitable if he continues on this path. And what about the liability to the City and the reputation of HFD if he crashes or injures someone while driving a City vehicle with a suspended license or while drunk

  15. Very well said, Mr. Brookman. And this comesfrom ten3hfd who lost his job due to drug use and who did drugs with Tony Milledge who apparently is victimized for being black.

  16. Kev, Ask Chief Freeman why HFD has had only one mandatory drug test in more than 30 years. Please don’t accept the cost of administering it as an excuse . Culture,reputation and tradition is a destructive and sometimes lethal combination . Here’s the sad and sober fact for HFD’s top brass , most other major fire departments grew up a long time ago . The title of Class 1 fire department seems more like a punchline to a horrible joke. I feel sooooo bad and have much respect for the few firefighters still trying to save face.

  17. Thankful for the good ole Jersey Boys that are left from E1 to throw one of their own under the bus. Wait Sutherland is not white? Never read anything about Vandetta or Barrette up here when they had to face their challenges. Definitely not a race factor. Now if we can only guess who threw him under....Hard to tell since The Captain, Shields and Schmitt only talk about EVERYONE in the Department. The Gossip Queens of the HFD. No balls to tell it to your face but the internet balls of a Bull. Dont feel bad boys you've taught others to be just like you. Captain Quinones and Cook are not to far behind you, they gossip so much they forget who they gossiped about last. As long as we all know who's who. Hang in there Mr Sutherland, get yourself the help you need. Some of us understand that life isin't easy. It's sad your so called Brothers forget that we are all facing some type of adversity at home when were not at work and instead of helping each other out some bully others so they can make themselves feel better. Makes you think who you actually work for. Sound familiar? Yeah Schmitt wouldn't talk about you behind your back. Nahhh... Welcome to the real HFD.

  18. HFD has always been a gossip machine. Always. It's always been staffed by a majority of good firefighters, but they have a gossip problem. Francis and Mario? Rabid gossips. Vendetta and Buckley? Gossiping jerks (who'd f**k with your food in the fridge). Dalton? Loves talking shit til you talk back, then gets all ingratiated. This is, was, and always will be the nature of every FD in the country. If you fuck up, prepare to be talked about. If you out perform others, prepare to be talked about. Keep your nose clean, do your job, and accept the fact that there will always be gossip. Just be proud and honorable doing the greatest job in the world and don't listen to the jerkoffs. Remember, there are three major methods of spreading gossip: telephone, telegraph, or tell a fireman.

  19. 10:19 AM , I take it your lame and uneducated ass wasn’t around to read the transcript of Billy Smith and Vinny Graves infamous phone conversation. It hit a bullseye related to racist ,homophobic and anti Semitic speech . Since it’s important for you to know and keep track of ,,,, Billy Smith and Vinny Graves are BLACK. You can attempt to sway the outsiders who visit this blog but WE on the inside know the TRUTH and NOT “ GOSSIP”. Do you think Charles Teale (BLACK) who picked up his cousin Mike Holder ( BLACK) from Engine 16s quarters inebriated and unfit for duty would do the same for a unrelated white subordinate ???? PLEASE!! That’s one example out of dozens I can present of TRUTHS and NOT GOSSIP.. 10:19 AM Your fortunate that HFD’s Union Local 760 isn’t allowed to go public with HFD’s most destructive “ problem children” that the rest of us have to work with,the public has to count on and that use up dues money paying legal fees. So 10:19 AM again since it seems so important for you to keep score , local 760 goes to bat for which skin color the most ?? Also ,,which skin color makes the best firefighter??? Take your imagined racist bullshit to another site.
