Tuesday, January 15, 2019


The final audit report into Health Insurance coverage in the Hartford Schools, conducted by the City of Hartford's Internal Auditor's is scheduled to be released tomorrow.  The report paints a troubling picture of potential fraud that is now being investigated by law enforcement officials, reportedly to include the Hartford Police and the FBI.

The allegations apparently span the course of several years and may have cost taxpayers upwards of $500,000 per year in improperly obtained benefits. At least one spouse identified as a result of the impending audit is estimated to have received $300,000 in claims while they were not eligible for coverage

 The auditor's also detailed other troubling details resulting from the audit. The report claims that auditor's had to obtain many of the documents independently since the Hartford Schools Administration initially refused to cooperate based on their "privacy concerns". Only after Hartford's Corporation Counsel became involved were the spreadsheet  given to Auditor's.

The report also details troubling information regarding the lack of protection regarding  a spreadsheet that was sent by unencrypted email containing the personal information such as the birth dates and Social Security numbers of approximately 3700 employees. (Has anyone heard of identity theft at the Hartford Schools?)

The entire report, or at least the first chapter of this next BOE saga is below


  1. I find it odd that employees would keep their ex-spouses on their insurance.

  2. I suggest action similar to when caught defrauding the IRS.

    Full restitution of funds. Triple damages, plus interest. Psychological treatment. 100 hours community service. Names published. In good spirit, I'll leave off the last part, felony conviction, but the rest is all fair for stealing from taxpayers.

  3. Kevin, it's just not insurance that the city fails to keep track of, investigate former Crack head fire chief Casseras who kept his city cellphone and computer tablet services long after his retirement.

  4. Lol Vasquez matos leaves florida amid corruption and gets hired by crooked leslie two crooks in power postions.. Bronin its time to step up and wipe the boe clean and start over fresh.. You will regain parent trust once again.. We have high truancy.. If parents believe then truancy will drop.. It easy to hide in central office when you rob or kids blind of a quality education.. If only we could all send are kids to private school.. Hope the fbi holds leslie completely responsible and puts her in jail
    . such a sad story.. Tim sullivan was the best choice.. How much more of this nonsense are we going to take from an incompetent woman.. She should just resign now.. Instead of giving certain parents money to speak positive about her in public...
