Tuesday, January 15, 2019


"Trust me, just follow my lead"

I am still trying to get up to speed on the contract issues ,so this will be a short post, but some things need to be said. Hopefully much more will be available after tonight's Board of Education meeting     ( but I kind of doubt it).

But my big question is this. As if today's release of the Audit report detailing insurance fraud taking place  out of the Hartford Schools Administrative Offices was enough to show the lack of management and incompetence at the BOE.

How can Hartford's Superintendent of Schools Leslie Torres- Rodriguez claim any leadership potential . How do you negotiate with struggling teachers, many of them working second jobs just to get by and raise their families and then claim you are negotiating in "Good Faith"?

How do you tell your lowest paid employees that budget times are tough and there will be no pay raises for at least the next three years. Oh, and by the way, those budget times apparently aren't really all that tough because the Superintendent was able to find enough money to give herself a $10,000 annual raise and boost her salary to reportedly to almost $270,000 per year, and while she wants to take sick days away from you, she has given more to herself every month.

To all of  the Hartford Teachers,  just do what your Union tells you and just go with the flow.

 Better days are coming, at least for the Superintendent.


  1. Torres is a snake its about time she gets called out she never cared she just had a good back story and was hispanic.. She can never stand tall an admit her mistakes but why should she care.. Get her out of the board and make sure she never comes back. Why not clean the whole slate

  2. It's so discouraging...the Board of Ed is inept and the Superintendant has shown ZERO leadership ability or innovation since the day she was hired. Jason DeLusso is right - she's riding on her back story and her Hispanic heritage, and we fell right into the trap by giving her more money and an extended contract because she told us she's worth it (so it must be true).

    Who cares that she hasn't produced any viable results and/or that she hasn't made any effort to create a partnership with the parents and/or that she's doing her best to sabotage the few schools that are successful?

    Yay Leslie! You're probably going to be up for another raise soon. Who cares about giving those pesky little kids a real education, after all.

  3. there will be an exodus of teachers la bruja gets hers and stiffs the teachers

  4. Leslie could care less about building relationships with parents.. My son was assaulted by a bully in one of her schools.. I had to contact the mayors office in order just to get leslie on the phone to speak about the said situation.. When she finally did her response was that she doesn't work for the mayor and i was wrong for having them tell her to contact me because she doesnt work for the mayor.. She is a very rude and unreasonable super.. This is the same super who says its okay to allow school children on a daily basis to play in colt park with out permission from the parents.. Her response was i have no problem allowing children to go off school property during school hours with out parents permission... Where is the mayor in all of this.. Leslie needs to be replaced with some one who truly cares about the children of this district and not just lining her pockets

  5. Torres was only hired to be a puppet for the Board of Education and Bronin. And a nasty little puppet she is. Say anything that is truthful about the happenings at central office and the Board of Education, along with the hush-hush day to day happenings in the schools (teachers being falsely accused by students, teachers being assaulted with no consequences for those students, classrooms being trashed by out of control students, etc.) and she will rain a downpour of vindictiveness on you. I hope the FBI comes down hard on her and all her little yellow-bellied followers that do her bidding.

  6. Worth every 280k a year. Plus bonus and moving exspenses. 3 weeks of vacation days etc. life is good for leslie these days. ....

  7. The answer was Tim Sullivan. Still is.

  8. Kevin please FOI all the top salaries, bennies and supplies IPADS Computers Phones etc.FOI all the trips that were funded as well air.. hotels..for trainings despite city being broke and needing a bail out and the Franklin Ave Open Bar Parties .. then explain why there is not any money for the intended teaching workforce,support services and students. Explain how keeping these folks in the black leave classrooms un-funded and is why the real workforce has no supplies nor do the Hartford students.. Taxpayers need to re-think the BOE who keeps asserting they have nothing to do with any of this and get a group of folks together who follow the money and hold this greedy pack of thieves accountable..

  9. Tim sullivan would be have been better choice. But we all know why he was not picked.

  10. Please Stop posting unsubstantiated statements. This is actually a good blog site. Stop putting your personal feelings into it and provide factual statements, statements that could be supported by something tangible!!!

  11. Why did she get a raise, what exactly has she done for Hartford and then want to deny the teachers any respectable raise and take away sick time.

    What a gig, making more than some Medical specialists,MBA, engineers
    explain that to me

  12. Hartford Is a mess and will always be a mess.

  13. Responding to January 21th post, if you did your research you will see that the superintendent did not get a raise. Why don't you FOI the information and see for yourself! Again, as I stated before this is a good blog site, unless you have something that could substantiate your statement then don't post. Frivolous and unsubstantiated statements are slanderous and takes away the purpose of why this blog was created.

    Furthermore, you shouldn't judge anyone or any position without knowing what it entails or the commitment it takes. The superintendent position whether in Hartford or in another urban district is a thankless job, many of us do not see that but yet we are quick to judge and form an opinion with out having the actual facts.

    What is sad here is that we are quick to criticize others but are hesitant to offer assistance at meetings when we are asked as parents. We continue to worry about our own personal agendas and we are forgetting what is really important here "Our Children!"

  14. @January 24 This superintendent did get a raise and a contract extension. The board approved the largest administration salary in New England and when her contract is up not counting all the paid bennies and extras she walks away in earned income alone with well over a million dollars just off the base salary in 4 years. $260+K per year is a large greenback thank you for a first time super with no teaching experience when the average take home pay for a seasoned super in CT is $194K per year. Your attempts to paint this pretty for her are an epic fail. Then,for this super to send in a team of fools who are also making 6 figure salaries and do nothing of any value for public education or students in Hartford to offer the true work force 0.0.1. and no ppo, HSA instead for all teachers turns the stench of it even more ugly. According to the newspapers, West Hartford HR just eliminated the HSA due to the expensive nightmare it was for their teachers meanwhile the team for the HPS super pushes it for Hartford teachers. This speaks volumes regarding their level of no care research towards the teaching workforce insurance benefits offer. The super continues to hire people with six figure base salaries and incompetent input that adds nothing to the school system while under funding classrooms and supplies for "our children" and short changing their teachers and support services staff. HPS continues to have the lowest literacy scores in the state and nation. Put your advocacy in the right places if you are truly interested in the "children" and not just a puppet for the free pass of high paid foolishness to continue off tax payer and state funding that is truly intended to educate the City of Hartford's children.

  15. When there is concrete evidence the snake always finds away around it.. But soon enough the fbi will have what they need and all those lined pockets will disappear.. So sad we have high truancy and a handful of truly dedicated people working at central office.. People only get mad when they are called out.. What justifies a raise for a superintendent or more vacation time.. Hiring a corrupt assistant from florida or if your well qualified you get passed over for some one who is a friend of hers or her husband... Maybe if you would stop wasting money on assistant's then we wouldnt have to close more schools.. Show face for what it is worth you sit behind a desk and make money for are children to feel hopeless or forgotten.. Do you really have to wonder why truancy is at an all time high? Or why parents have no respect... Hmmm mayor bronin wipe the slate clean and start fresh bring hope back to our children parents and this city... To all members of the board who dont like it come out and speak dont hide being anonymous reacting to truths.. You cant silence strength in numbers... Freedom of speech
