Thursday, February 28, 2019


Sexual harassment is wrong, actually any type of harassment , bullying or discrimination in the workplace or anywhere else is wrong.

How do we control the Jussie Smollett's of the world by filing false and frivolous complaints  to cover their own incompetence or shortcomings?

A couple of examples are coming out of the Hartford Police Department. The Officer Baerga complaint has been making the news- recently. The case revolves around a sexual harassment allegations perpetrated , allegedly, by Baerga's supervisor, Sergeant Andrew Rodney. Although I don't agree with the entire complaint, I think there is more than enough to say the complaint is credible. Even Sergeant Andrew Rodney as acknowledged many of the accusations in the complaint occurred.

Now we have another sexual harassment complaint coming out of HPD. This one seems to be looking to ride the coat tails of the doors already opened by Baerga. This one seems much less credible and appears to raise more questions than to encourage believability.

This also is highly suspicious for the timing. It was only after the complaining Officer was transferred out of her Community Service Officer position that she sat down and wrote the complaint. Why?. The complaint is against Captain Gabriel Laureano, the HPD Captain in charge of Patrol Services .  Although Laureano was just the messenger delivering the news to HPD Officer Mirella Gentry after Gentry's Lieutenant made the decision that her patrol performance as a CSO was less than adequate and it was time for a change.

On December, 20, 2018, Gentry was removed from her position as a CSO and was transferred back to Patrol. That was the same day that a southend male CSO was also transferred out of his spot and returned to patrol..

According to sources within HPD, the reason for Gentry's re-assignment was due to her extremely low productivity, not limited to no case numbers drawn, no traffic infractions and overall low community contacts for extended periods. Apparently a newly promoted Lieutenant was assigned to Gentry's area and was not satisfied with Gentry's performance and made the decision to move her. ( a female Lieutenant by the way, not that it makes any difference)

The performance statistics will be posted here as soon as I receive them

Apparently, Officer Gentry's transfer  suddenly caused her to recall back almost 15 years and come up with a claim that Officer Laureano, long before he became a Captain , had made "unwanted" sexual advances toward her. Apparently there is no record of these advances and they are just coming .

It is suspicious that over the years, no one was ever informed of Laureano's alleged abuse. Even more suspicious is the fact that Gentry had relationships with at least one high ranking HPD official and never mentioned it to him? I would think that she would have been comfortable enough to mention it during that relationship to someone who would have definitely been in the position to do something.

I in no way want to trivialize any sexual harassment complaint, but complaints that are made to further an agenda or cover for discipline, damage every person who makes a legitimate complaint after being a victim. I know it is a difficult issue, but there has to be a better way to file a complaint instead of waiting fifteen years and then launching. It is unfair to both the alleged victim as well as the alleged offender.
GENTRY Complaint by  on Scribd
Below is a recent acknowledgement of Laureano's efforts in the Community, submitted by HPD Union President John Szewczyk
SCN_0013 by on Scribd


  1. Stop being blind Kevin.
    I more than believe Gentry. And I won’t slander Laureano and tell his history which is factual.
    You look like a fool with your blind support for Laureano not knowing the factual incidents involving him that only one from the inside would know. I would not be surprised if more were to follow.

  2. She's complaining it's an all boys club yet she originally got the CSO position over the handfull of males that also applied. Doesn't add up!

  3. Is this the same Officer that was having an illicit affair with her supervisor, A married HPD Deputy Chief? Is this the same HPD Officer that was caught by her ex-husband having sexual relations with that same married Deputy Chief behind a bar in West Hartford? Yeah, I would put a lot of strength in her credibility and moral fiber.

  4. Whoa whoa Kevin! Way to go, downgrading a situation because Laureano is your " go to for info"! You both are snakes!
    We can see it didnt take you long to type of such slander..You should be ashamed for discrediting anyone. Good thing HPD has cameras, video doesn't lie. And more #metwo will be out soon!

  5. Martin O'Malley

    Good try, but at least I use my real name and don't hide. You clearly didn't read the complaint, HPD had no video 15 years ago, but maybe there is video of his pat on the back to her recently, but I hardly think that would be conclusive evidence. And Gabe Laureano is hardly my "go to guy" for info.

  6. Since the heat is burning the complex down...
    I vote for eric leonard for our next chief.
    His resume is pretty sweet!!

    - slams doors when frustrated ( in a childish attempt to bully new officers)
    - removed from several ert hits for safety issues ( verified by bones )
    - tears flowing in 608 on duty ( i can change, please dont leave me, why are you not returning my calls )

  7. Rosado thinks he is too good to respond to a lowly officer's email. He needs to go.

    1. That’s what he has his “enforcer” for.

  8. 6:29PM

    I can't answer for the Chief, but I would say there is a chain of command and you can't just leapfrog over that. Where is her Union? Isn't that what you pay dues for ? Or does your Union not talk to the Chief to solve problems


  9. The married Dep Chief where he was appointed from ----is Lieutenant
    Racist Rob Ford. He should never be a chief let alone a Racist cop.
    Mirell Gentry had an Affair with him in a city Owned Car.,
    while she and he were both married.
