Wednesday, February 27, 2019


The flood gates are opening

After I posted last night with some information I had received from a source, I have received numerous e-mails and phone calls regarding terrible conditions for staff members and students inside Hartford Schools , all apparently being ignored by Superintendent Leslie Torres-Rodriguez and members of the Board of Education.

One caller advised me about a teacher who was assaulted in her school by a parent on December 23, 2018. The parent was eventually arrested and charged with numerous crimes, including the assault  on the parent for Assault 3rd Degree, Disorderly Conduct and 19 other counts of Risk of Injury to a Minor.

I was able to readily confirm that information through the State of Connecticut Judicial website and I am awaiting more information from the arrest reports. This is only  the beginning, please keep this information coming so that we can continue to expose the dangerous conditions for staff and students alike, within the Hartford Schools.

As a reminder DO NOT e-mail information from the Hartford Schools internal networks, that can all be tracked by  the Superintendent and her staff. Contact me on your own phone, block the number if you feel more comfortable to talk to me anonymously or text or e-mail me with information.

Thank You for doing your part to expose problems within the Hartford Schools.

I was also told by a High ranking Hartford Police official that the investigation with Jose Colon-Rivas is close to becoming a criminal matter. Does anyone have any more information on this? Is the accusation legit or is it another possible smear campaign to discredit someone that stopped playing ball in the Central Office?
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  1. LTR is a terrible Superintendent, she should be fired by the BOE

  2. Firstly...Adamowski is by no means able to judge; that's the pot calling the kettle. Regarding the school administration, it has to be understood that for decades the administration of the district has been a position of privilege and not service. Yes, there are many outstanding individuals. But as the old saying goes, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely."

    Look no further than the insurance debacle that administrators have turned a blind eye to. The elimination of much central office support to schools under the guise of increasing efficiency (Adamowski). It will not end until there is a culture of servant leadership.

  3. isn't Adamowski the reason we are having serious money issues, wasn't it Adamowski and Perez who had all these schools constructed that we are currently closing now???? Where is he now, he doesn't live in Hartford and suffering the consequences of our financial mess but yet he fooled us as well!!!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Need help? Get out of Hartford!

  5. This superintendent should of never been hired and those of us in the trenches figured that out quite quickly

  6. The constant debacles at HPS rests with Dr Leslie and they are getting progressively worse on a daily basis. With poor leadership at the top, coupled with poor hiring decisions, including hiring your friends Dr Leslie, this is what happens. What I can’t grasp is the BOE’s continued silence on these important issues. Our “beautiful and capable students” are subject to terrible learning environments and educational malfeasance, staff subject to hostile and unsafe working conditions, lawsuits and lawyer fees plentiful and anyone having the courage to speak out subject to smear and retaliation. Is this the HPS the Board and those blindly supporting Dr Leslie envisioned? I think not! And Stallings wants our endorsement for him as Mayor? Not going to happen! Sure as he won’t do anything now, sure as heck bet he won’t be any better as a Mayor. More resources is not the answer Stallings, it’s better leadership starting with the Superintendent. When you get that right maybe the community will see you as you see yourself, a leader!

  7. For the record, Jose Colon was the last remaining superintendant cabinet member that Leslie did not hire or appoint. Looks like a smear campaign and me

  8. Hartford should hire Dr. Nivea Torres who used to lead the State Technical schools. She is an inspirational net generation thought leader. Dr. Leslie and Dr. Torres would be a great 1,2 punch.

  9. "In brightest day, in blackest night,
    No evil shall escape my sight.
    Let those who worship evil's might,
    Beware my power.. Green Lantern's light!!"

  10. Looks like the City of Hartford is finally pushing back by trying to audit HPS central office on the latest scam about investigating Mr. Colon..about time.. hope they look into all the CO cush trips too.. $19+K per student that the student and classrooms never see bc management of the schools is not separated and held accountable from pub ed..smh..
