Saturday, March 23, 2019


A lot was made recently after a Hartford Police Officer was transferred out of her assignment as a Community Service Officer (CSO). Immediately the Officer made a claim that her transfer was the result of a sexual harassment claim dating back over ten years byan HPD Captain, Gabe Laureano.

The officer in question , Mirella Gentry, a female officer, only filed her sexual harassment complaint after she was transferred. Apparently the harassment wasn't an issue until she was moved out of her assignment. And the irony is that the decision to move Gentry was made by her immediate supervisor, Lieutenant Lauren Cox, also a female.

Captain Laureano had no involvement in the decision to move Gentry, other than being higher up in the Chain of Command and sitting in on the notification of Gentry when she was informed  of her move.

You can read more about that complaint here;

Gentry's move apparently was instituted after her performance was evaluated by Lt. Cox after Lt. Cox  took over as the Lieutenant responsible for Gentry's area. And the numbers don't lie.

I requested Officer Gentry's performance numbers as well as the numbers  for all CSO's through an FOI request, and the numbers show Gentry's performance at the bottom of the list in most categories.

The figures for a 3 month period from September 20, 2018 to December 20, 2018 would tend to show me that Officer Gentry's move had nothing to do with any sexual harassment or vendetta by Captain Laureano or anyone else, but was purely the result of  Officer Gentry's incompetence and lackluster performance in her assigned area..

As an example, the CSO for my area, Asylum Hill,  had 61 Community Court arrests for the period, compared to ZERO (0) for Officer Gentry. Community Court arrests are the offenses that typically make up the "Quality of Life" type offenses, the things CSO's are meant to focus on.

So lets take a look at actual performance and not how well they can write a CHRO complaint to determine the authenticity  of their work performance. False complaints detract from everyone that truly are victims of workplace harassment.


  1. Gentry lost her protection when the married D/C she was having an open affair with while duty left. Their amorous activities in Keney Park were well known. she was never a great performer, no initiative. Was a dispatcher who gamed the system. Glad Lauren fired her.
    Retired Sgt.

    1. If your going to spit venom at Gentry and Ford and go as far as giving it your “Retired Sgt” signature, why not have the balls and attach your name?

  2. that goes both ways. are you saying what he wrote is not the truth?

  3. No venom. Just the truth. They did not try to hide their affair. It was clearly public knowledge. Some of us just want the truth to be out there without all the public attacks. Being retired doesn't mean I've stopped caring about the integrity of the department. That's why I didn't leave my name.
    Retired Sgt.
