Wednesday, April 24, 2019



It happens much more often than you would think. Hartford School teachers assaulted in their classrooms and schools.

Here is one teachers story of the day she was assaulted by a parent in her classroom in front of students. This is the teachers Victim Statement submitted to the Court after the parents arrest. The parent, Cassandra  DeCosta, is now asking the Court for leniency in the form of Accelerated Rehabilitation, which could eventually erase all charges against her.

The sad part is that even though the teacher was the victim, she was victimized even further by her employer, the Hartford Schools. Clearly, the Hartford Police found probable cause that the assault occurred and DeCosta was arrested for the assault and Risk of Injury to a minor for the incident happening in front of a classroom full of students.

But that wasn't good enough for the Hartford Schools. They added insult to  injury when on February 21, 2019, months after the incident, they notified the teacher, Susan Frazer that she was being investigated for her "inappropriate and unprofessional conduct". Did they read the statements?

Is this the way the Hartford Schools build morale within the staff?


  1. I am just speechless. I know there is always more to a story, but from personal experience, I know that this does happen. I know of a teacher in a school in which I taught in Hartford that was also assaulted by a parent. I think that it has to be next to impossible to imagine that this could happen, but it does. And why in my case did the parent feel justified? Because her kindergarten daughter didn't get to be Citizen of the Month. Yep. how ironic.

  2. That story or ones very similar are happening in most schools. Whatever the outrageous student or parent behavior is blamed on the teachers. I hope other teachers tell their stories. This is happening lot and the district is trying to intimate the teachers in an effort to hide the ugly realities

  3. I agree, that is why I posted it, I know there are many more, but teachers are intimidated by the Superintendents Office and threats of DCF referrals. Hopefully more teachers and employees will continue to come forward

  4. This is really sad. More than likely the suspect will get AR and a slap on the wrist. You go into teaching, police work, etc for all the right reasons then this type of thing happens with what in reality will probably be very little punishment for the parent. Who knows, maybe the judge will throw the book at her. Let's hope so.

  5. If you saw the outrageous behaviors of the parents at the last board meeting and the lack of the board's response to it, you would know that aggression towards teachers is accepted by the district leadership. The really sad part is that the parents at the board meeting are from an anti-teacher group ironically called Hartford Parent University. The board actually contributes to this anti-teacher organization. The chairman of the board is on the home-page of their site. The district has no respect for their teachers and what was allowed or even encouraged to happen at last weeks board meeting makes this quite evident.

  6. That letter that is posted that the teacher received is actually a form letter that has been sent to many teachers that are accused (falsely) of inappropriate conduct. Guilty until proven innocent and the Hartford school system and even when you prove your innocence you are still hung out to dry by carefully crafted “counseling letters“.

  7. Milly Arciniegas Is the organizer of that anti-teacher group. She plucks them out of her parent University. Leslie gives her free pass . Kevin can you FOI her salary for being in charge of that program?

  8. This is how Human resources beats up teachers in Hartford school system.This happens all the time ,they are just afraid to come forward because they have families to feed. Many companies have great human resources departments that care about employees with incentives and supports. That is not the case in Hartford they destroy people and their lives and call it a good day at the office. There is a special place in hell for these types of people.

  9. Do we know the Parent'd side of the story? why was the Teacher "attacked" ? what started the confrontation?

  10. 9:46 Is that you Leslie?
