Wednesday, April 24, 2019


In the screenshot above, copied directly from the Hartford Schools website, you can see that they represent  Joanne Tremblay- Jackson as the "Director of Support Services- Psychological & Social Services".

Joanne Tremblay-Jackson is also one of the High priced Administrators in the Office of Superintendent of Schools Leslie Torres-Rodriguez.. Tremblay -Jacksons salary , provided in information received through documents received pursuant to a Freedom of Information request is listed as $142,072.00 annually.

The problem is that Tremblay-Jackson is not a licensed Psychologist and representing herself as a Medical Professional or providing Psychological services is a violation of Connecticut State law.

A check of the State of Connecticut Licensing Verification portal confirms there is no Psychologist license listed for Joanne Tremblay-Jackson.It appears that Tremblay-Jackson is neither a licensed Psychologist or a certified School Psychologist

Does anyone at the BOE know how to do background checks? Who is making and permitting these HR decisions?

According to Connecticut State Law, it is a Class D Felony for anyone to represent himself(or herself) as a psychologist or carrying on the practice of a psychologist. Each instance of patient contact or consultation which is in violation of this section shall be deemed a separate offense

Is it time for a criminal investigation into the tactics in the Superintendents Office and potential fraud for collecting a large salary in violation of Connecticut Law?


  1. All BOE employees are fingerprinted. I am assuming that is the extent of their background check..... So, easy, too. Just Google it.

  2. Do you mean the same Google they used for Jonathan Swan, Eduardo Genao or Alberto Vazquez-Matos? I just don't think they care when they are hiring their friends and buddies

  3. Christ.....the futures of people in the hands of the unqualified. Sounds a smidge evil.

  4. Kev,, Trottle back a bit on these award -winning administrators. How soon we forget that 33 of them flew down to Florida to accept their prestigious recognition, ALL EXPENSES PAID ON THE TAXPAYERS DIME!!!!!! I called one out on this nonsense and she had the idiotic defense that she also delivered a “presentation” while they were there,,, I asked on what? How to order room service ! Too many corrupt individuals and entities in Hartford AND too few outlets to expose them. Thank God I can do it here on We The People...In the hopes they read this ,WFSB,WVIT,WTNH,FOX61,The Hartford Courant and every local radio station YOU PEOPLE SUCK AT YOUR JOBS!!!!!!!

  5. @8;39 pm A bunch of them hail from Florida.. no doubt they are hiring their friends and relatives off Hartford and CT tax payers dimes. Heard that uncertified data entry management folks went down their too for a trip . How many folks send administrative assistants on flight based trips to learn how to do their job. Heard that they paid some Florida groups to give conferences up here in Hartford too. Time to FOI the Florida expenditures to and fro KB and find out why the board of education is letting all this money go to adults in Florida while the Hartford schools do not even have libraries for the kids anymore.

  6. 9:20PM I am lookijng into details on the Dallas trip also, Thank you

  7. All the while, our Superintendent admitted at the WECA Education forum last night that all (or most - not 100% clear) of our public schools lack a librarian because we don't have the money. She "wishes" they could afford it, but says the money's not there.

    The reality is that this Superintendent, and maybe prior leaders also, prioritize paying exorbitant salaries to friends and family over the education of our children.

    It's a sad day when we can allow our leaders off the hook with a shrug when they say with a straight face that they can pay someone like Tremblay $142K, that they can pay for junkets to Florida to accept awards, that they can pay $11 MILLION in central office salaries, but can't find the funds to pay for even part time librarians for the schoolchildren.

    The City of Hartford pays an average of $19K per student - one of the highest per student costs in the State - yet have a system that can't graduate literate children with sufficient skills to succeed in college or life. When do we wake up and realize this corrupt system is affecting ALL of our property values and ALL of our futures?

  8. And yet, our Superintendent admitted at the WECA Education forum last night that all (or most - not 100% clear) of our public schools lack a librarian because we don't have the money. She "wishes" they could afford it, but says the money's not there.

    The reality is that this Superintendent, and maybe other current and past leaders also, prioritize paying exorbitant salaries to friends and family over the education of our children.

    It's a sad day when we can allow our leaders off the hook with a shrug when they say with a straight face that they can pay someone like Tremblay $142K, that they can pay for junkets to Florida to accept awards, that they can pay $11 MILLION in central office salaries, but can't find the funds to pay for even part time librarians for the schoolchildren.

    The City of Hartford pays an average of $19K per student - one of the highest per student costs in the State - yet have a system that can't graduate literate children with sufficient skills to succeed in college or life. When do we wake up and realize this corrupt system is affecting ALL of our property values and ALL of our futures?

    And why doesn't the Courant or one of the TV stations do a story on this craziness? Where is the journalistic outrage?

  9. As long as we continue to have and accept her behavior as well as a Board of Education consisting of her puppets, this is what we will get. It is more about the salaries and benefits for her cronies than it is about educating children .The Board of Education members are supposed to be the checks and balances to this and clearly they are not

    1. Of course they can’t, they’re a bunch of ‘social workers’ not MBA holders......Seems like a Cult of Personality without outcome metrics except for money grabbing. I also think our fearless leader has thing for sharp petit latinas. Peace out.

    2. Kevin you are correct, the past and present board members seem to think that they work for LTR. They cosign all of her decisions without question. Luke Bronin hasn't done anything but cry "I want to file for bankruptcy" since he has been in office. As far as I am concerned they both need to go. The Hartford Courant is reporting that the number of minority teachers, administrators and cabinet members has gone up. The lies they report without verification. The only minorities being hired are Hispanic women. Most of the black principals of the past have been sent back to the classroom or forced to retire. If you were in attendance at the superintendents pep rally at the Yardgoats Stadium, you would have seen the sea of white women. They are the face of the majority of teachers in the district. I don't care what color you are as long as your goal is educate the children of Hartford so that they compete with their peers on a national level. Hartford is continuing to fail our children. We have some of the highest paid teachers, administrators and superintendent, but yet our children cannot read on or near grade level. They cannot comprehend what they are reading nor can they compute math. Why do we keep saying that the district needs more money. The district is in desperate need of QUALIFIED AND COMPETENT LEADERS. At the moment the district has a superintendent that is over paid, under qualified and waiting for her next photo opp. Kevin keep up the good work. I applaud you!!!

  10. Throw out the mayor. He appoints the majority of the board.

    1. Facts! Luke is the ringleader.

  11. That's ok the Hartford Central Office has lots of people who want to be addressed as "Doctor" yet their degrees are from CCSU and the Ph.D dissertation was on "The number of Hispanic children who get free lunch and its impact on society".

  12. @Kevin 7:18pm . You are correct its an everyday occurrence at the B.O.E of them hiring their friends and buddies. Overlooking things such as references , finger printing and background checks. If a full background check was done on half of her high paid staff I am sure that room will be empty. I have seen it first hand and they try to hide it. They bring their friends in under salaries higher then someone that has put in over 10 years of service holding a degree and this is facts! So much corruption but so little we can say as many of us fear losing our jobs.

  13. Hartford Schools has not participated in Florida trip (MSA) trips in 2 years..... get over it , move on.....

  14. FBI just raided Baltimore City Hall

  15. Kevin

    Once again you have revealed the rot of HPS Central Office and rest assured they will be watching to see who is sharing the truth with you. The professional educators of Hartford, DO NOT EVEN VIEW THIS SITE from district networks or equipment. They will be watching and the inquisition will arrive at your classroom door.

    Encourage each other to read and add facts to the discussion. It is one of the few opportunities you may have to make the truth known.

    Hartford needs to take this opportunity to purge the central office and the administration ranks. They are responsible for the mess that the school district has become.

  16. They have sent a group to FLA and not for MSA and they have gone to LA this school year too and they have hired a group from FLA to conference up here no doubt all expense paid too FOI all trips for the year 2018-2019 and out of state consultant expenses and you will be surprised who went where and there are no doubt even other trips we do not know about that will be noted.

  17. Hey 9:04 AM ,,,, When you went to Florida,,,,JUST HOW NICE WERE THE HOTEL ROOMS AND DELICIUOS WAS THE FOOD AND PINA COLADAS????? Were you one of the females I saw on Mayor Luke Bronin’s FaceBook page wearing the summer top and sporting your winter belly???? Luke had the balls to boast openly how proud he was that the 33 (I NOW CALL THE “ DIRTY” 3) went down to Florida wasting taxpayer money!!! Isn’t there a Mr Trophy in Hartford ???? Luke could of saved a lot of money!!!!

  18. Central office needs to reapply and the teachers need to interview

  19. Yes cental office is not leading they are corrupting and destroying the ability of teachers to teach

  20. @madame x

    Hartford May have he highest paid administrators, especially at central office, but no way do they have the highest paid teachers. In actuality, Hartford has the lowest paid teachers in Hartford County.
