Thursday, April 25, 2019


I don't do this often , but here is an essay I was given written by a Hartford educator detailing conditions at Hartford Public High School. Many people, some Police Officers included, have described Hartford High as a powder keg ready to explode. Hopefully the Superintendent of the Board of Education will pay attention before that.

"Roving packs of students wandering the halls" that should get the attention of every parent of a Hartford High student who entrusts their kids to that school everyday.

Thank you to everyone showing the courage to protect the children in their schools


  1. REAP WHAT YOU SOW- Approximately 5 years years ago the Hartford School District was getting bad press because of the large number of expulsions, suspensions and in-school arrests of their student population. So after much thought they came up with a plan. Let's not expel or suspend (out of school) the students unless they did something really, really, really bad. And let's enter into an agreement with HPD that most indiscretions will not require police interaction unless the student does something really, really, really bad. They will be handled in-house otherwise. AND YOU KNOW WHAT??? The following year the District was praised in the press for the substantial decline of expulsions, suspensions & arrests within Hartford Public Schools.

    Hartford Schools are on the road to implosion unless strong leadership and discipline are returned. There are dedicated educators, support staff and administrators eagerly awaiting help from the top.

  2. Dr Leslie and her band of “misfit toys” she calls leaders are watching behind the scenes and targeting those speaking out here and other places against her deceptive and fraudulent practices. She claims to care about our “beautiful and capable children” and spends much time photo opting to create that impression. That is furthest from the truth and those with their eyes open, see through her lies! she or her “leaders” intimidate teachers and other staff with disciplinary hearings, dcf referrrals, wrongful terminations, forced leaves, or other tactics to force out good staff trying to do the right thing and not willing to play her games. Let’s not allow them to silence our voices any longer and let’s stand with those she targets! They are the real leaders! Thanks to this teacher and Kevin for your courage to speak the truth!

  3. Brookman ,Please provide details on the assault and follow-up on the two security guards who were assaulted a few monthes back. I heard about it peripherally but have not seen anything on the tv, in the Courant or here on the blog.Were there arrests,suspensions,expulsions etc. ?

  4. 4:01pM

    I know of one Security Officer who was assaulted at Hartford High. To the best of my knowledge he has not returned to work yet. If any reader has more details, please e-mail me

  5. Hphs modified schedule today ...not enough teachers to allow normal routine. Fist class was over two hours long with no advanced notice

  6. From another HPHS Teacher. Where is HFT 1018? Teachers pay a lot in dues and the officers are unwilling to come, walk the halls and fight for their members. One official visit at HPHS this year. No one knew they were coming to allow the teachers to create questions they'd like answered by our "voice".

    HFT 1018 doesn't even respond to teachers emails with complaints cc'd to building reps. The paying union members are begging for representation based on harrassment by administration. Over and over. From HFT there is silence.

    It is time for change. Current HFT-you aren't a voice in the media representing what HPS teachers face. The media doesn't care, you should.
    How many code yellows this year? Shame on you for not doing your duty for the teachers contributing to your paycheck every 2 weeks. You are too coozy with Leslie. You said she offered nothing going in to negotiations? Why aren't you going in with ludicrous demands also? We can't strike but we can passively resist. We didn't resist. My family and many of my colleagues families are struggling due to the multi year pay freeze while the cost of living and contributions went up. We have less income to pay our bills even though district "leadership" is bloated. They dont serve our community, families or students in any way comparable to classroom teachers. In no way shape or form. Where's the community and political outrage from the union?

    Why is HPHS being reconstituted where every teacher needs to reapply for jobs? Many have held these jobs for decades and have amazing reputations. Only the teachers are at fault(?) for the failure of the HPHS community? Not district leadership, 1 year or less on average school level leadership and the socio-economic issues our HPHS community faces for which we provide no resources or supports? None of our administrators has served here for longer than 2 full quarters.

    Yes! This must make sense. Blame the only stakeholders who have their souls attached to everyday education each day. The teachers go to work to help the children of Hartford. They expect no recognition or acknowledgement and they are often sleepless at night thinking about and trying to help the students they serve. Look at the time and where my heart and mind are on a Friday after a long week. As many readers know we had parent/teach conferences on Thursday. I teach 174 students and had 3 parents show up over the 2 days.

    1. 3 parents over 2 days of P/T conferences...I can't imagine your frustration. And I do think the fact that many teachers are caring, hard working, and conscientious gets lost in the mire of corruption, greed, and laziness that Hartford's education system has become. Thank you for your dedication. I hope it all isn't a lost cause, but if it turns out to be, you can at least say you tried.

  7. @1:34am, while teachers are prohibited from strikes in CT, work action is permissible especially given the significant public safety matter for both teachers and students being ignored by the BOE, Mayor, Superintendent and leadership. walk out of teachers along with students being robbed of their education by those unwilling to take action to stop the assaults and safety issues occurring daily should get some needed attention on these important matters. They have not listened for years and until we have the courage to fight back, doubt anything will change. Dr Leslie takes action when she’s forced or shamed. I say enough is enough and it’s time we stand up to the injustice now!

  8. Resist Do not reapply
