Thursday, April 25, 2019


Hartford Schools Supreme Ruler Leslie Torres-Rodriguez

I am not really sure why the Hartford Schools Superintendents Office continue to play games with Connecticut State Law.

I think we all know that Superintendent Leslie Torres-Rodriguez does  not have the best track record in graduating students who are literate and can fully comprehend and read English. I would think though that people making over $100,000 a year in salary in the Superintendent's Office could comprehend written words and their meaning.

On February 28, 2019 I submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Superintendent's Office requesting specific documents regarding the assault of Hartford Schools teacher Susan Frazer , who was physically assaulted in her classroom by an irate parent, Cassandra DeCosta. Criminal charges are currently pending in Court against DeCosta after her arrest for the assault.

I was specific in my request for the documents in my request..."Any document, e-mails or reports regarding the assault on a Hartford School  teacher on or about December 23, 2018 by a Cassandra DeCosta, a parent."
Today I was presented with documents, which I have confirmed as authentic , which were not turned over to me as part of the documents provided 2 months after my initial request. Surprise, surprise, they just happen to be the documents clearing the teacher Susan Frazer of any wrongdoing after investigations by the Hartford Schools and the Connecticut DCF. Isn't that a coincidence how they just happened to leave out the investigation report clearing the teacher of any wrongdoing and clearly put the blame on the actions of the parent. You can read the reports below and make the decision yourself. Is there any question as to whether my request would or should have covered the investigation report? This information will all be presented at a future Freedom of Information Commission hearing and we will see how the Superintendent defends her actions before the Commission, they aren't puppets like the Board of Education and she can't control them.



  1. This shows how unprofessional and dysfunctional the school system really is in Hartford. It is appalling and abusive that this school district reported the teacher and that Cannon even put this teacher through an investigation process in the first place when there was a police report and charges filed that already revealed what transpired. Talk about zero support for your staff. Furthermore highly doubt this Cannon clown has any urban teaching experience and/or any experience interacting with angry parents in front of a class of kids for that matter.

  2. This really burns my ass. Ms. Fraser acted responsibly, did nothing wrong, and ended up being the victim of both a verbal and physical assault by a parent who clearly has a history of violence and had no business being in the school, especially up in the classroom. If you read the last two sentences of the response by Mr. Cannon you’ll find that he is somehow attempting to lecture Ms. Fraser, not to mention the rest of the teachers in the Hartford school system , on her actions. Clearly, Jill Cutler Hodgman is still alive and well in the Hartford school system in the presence of Mr. Cannon. Even when Hartford teachers do everything correctly they are still lectured as if they did it incorrectly. This is how the department of human resources treats teachers, by order of Leslie Torres. I hope that Ms. Fraser obtains an attorney and files a lawsuit against the Herford school system for what they did and tried to continue to do to her. I hope the state attorney generals office investigates this incident and others.

  3. @8:36 Canon is a total jackass who is way out of line. Huge abuse of power here to take heat off his own departmental failures. His actions and sanctimonious letter display how little he knows about the school system. Maybe if he focused his "investigation" on why there was an absence of his security detail that should have 1. made sure the public menace never barged into the classroom in the first place and 2. should have been available for this teacher's call for help yet was not..would have something to do and really write up... oh but wait that would mean investigating his own incompetence as lousy security oversight to the public schools. Lord God help us they can not even handle elementary school ...imagine what will be going on next year with the huge middle schools. High schools are already close to no go zones..

  4. Giving that the teacher is former military would have to say that her choice to take it after getting no response from Canon led HPS "security" rather than take the parent down hard in front of those students spoke volumes with regard to her putting those kids first. Shame on this district they should be giving her a medal for courage and character in the face of adversity in front of 5th grade class at one of their creepy board meetings not having her investigated by the state for physical neglect and the do nothing about it school system wannabe security expert for inappropriate conduct. Again we get to witness people in charge who should not be who can not see the situation for what it is and what former military could have done to immediately "deescalate" the situation.

  5. How can someone just enter a school and disturb others in midst of their learning how is this not a huge safety issue.
    Isn't this an unlawful entry and an aggressive assault on a public servant

  6. Who is this Canon

  7. 5:58

    Canon was hired to replace Alex Rios because Rios had too much integrity and wouldn’t play dirty for Leslie.

  8. Wasn't Rios the retired State Trooper?

    1. He also worked at city hall (personnel)before leaving to become a trooper...another dirty hookup gone wrong. At least he was smart enough to leave before all of that dirty BOE came out and it will come out if they do a proper investigation.

  9. Rios retired state trooper (supposed) and personal friend of LTR husband.. Now took job at CREC after Colon was put on leave. Then HPS hires Canon. LTR likes to treat teachers like criminals an ego gestapo thing no doubt never had this nonsense prior in a school system no other towns do either.
    Supposed with the retirements of these guys and this is working looking into KB.. because HPS is famous for hiring folks and letting them double dip and finagle their hours as long as its not a teacher.
    Canon jr (unless not up to date) is still on the state police website which in that position would be an odd mistake. But who knows today.
    9/2017 newspaper wrote up the following
    Lt. Col. James Canon Jr., of Windsor Locks, was promoted from the rank of major and will now command the Office of Professional Standards and Support Services, which includes the state police’s internal affairs, training, legal affairs, and labor relations units. Canon, who has been with the state police for over 20 years, most recently served as commanding officer of the Labor Relations Unit.

    Maj. Alexander Rios, of Manchester, who as a lieutenant served as commanding officer of Troop C in Tolland, will be commanding officer of the Labor Relations Unit, taking over Canon’s former assignment. Earlier in his career, he served at Troop H in Hartford and Troop K in Colchester.

  10. The district has appeared to weaponized the DCF process to intimate teachers. False reporting for this purpose is a crime.

    1. Smollett Syndrome- the pathological act of using dishonesty against actual or perceived power in order to control the outcome of a situation. It’s a social epidemic alive and well in Hartford.

  11. A class action is due

  12. Wait, wasn't this the Teacher that claimed to be assaulted? so was she assaulted? or was the bag just snatched from her hand? didn't i read somewhere this Teacher saying she has a shoulder injury and had to endure physical therapy?

  13. 11:03am

    she didn't just "claim" to be assaulted, The teacher WAS assaulted, this was verified by witness statements and the "parent", and I use the term loosely, was arrested for the assault
