Friday, April 5, 2019


Eddie Perez's arrest photo

Nothing would make me happier than to see Hartford's Little Prince dethroned in the upcoming election. In fact, I would have loved to have seen a different outcome four years ago before Luke Bronin's coronation as Emperor of Hartford when he first bought the Mayor's Office and the Hartford Democratic Town Committee endorsement.

Hardly a day goes by when I don't wonder where we would be as a City with Bob Killian in the Mayor's Office and imagine the progress we would be making daily. Unfortunately though, Hartford's politics being what they are, we blew the opportunity to put in our first real "Strong Mayor" since Charter reform.

Again, as much as I would like to see Luke Bronin run out of City Hall, (and Hartford as well) Eddie Perez is not the person to drive him out  Neither of them are 1/100th of the leader Bob Killian is and  neither of them have the understanding and love for our City like Bob.

I won't rehash the whole corruption investigation probe and arrest,  but Eddie Perez did huge damage to the City of Hartford. People want to go after Jussie Smolett for his costs to the City of Chicago, but has anyone ever calculated  the costs of Eddie Perez's corruption investigation and Grand Jury to the taxpayers of Hartford. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on lawyers to represent City Hall employees that were called before the Grand Jury  investigating Perez. And those figures don't include the costs to the State's taxpayers for the investigation to uncover his criminal acts.

And now all of a sudden, Perez sees the opportunity to dethrone a very unpopular Mayor. Isn't  it a little bit disingenuous that we now are hearing Eddie Perez "apologizing" for his indiscretions. I think that is the first time since his arrest, and even since his conviction, that I have heard him apologize. Now isn't that convenient. I guess you only need to apologize to the community you defrauded when it suits your need to fulfill your thirst for political power. Oh ,and just like John Rowland, Perez has apparently found God. Too bad he didn't do that 10 years ago before screwing us over the first time

I am sure we will see constant comparisons to another convicted felon who was reelected to his previous position, Mayor Joe Ganim of Bridgeport. Huge difference between Perez and Ganim
Joe Ganim took responsibility for his actions and paid his dues by spending several years in Prison before returning to his community and starting over.

Eddie Perez never paid a price for his crimes. Not one day in Prison , and until he decided to run again , he never took responsibility. In fact he tried to sue the City of Hartford to recover the costs of his legal defense for raping the taxpayers of Hartford. I am not sure why we would be responsible for the legal fees for his attorneys to defend him against his criminal acts. But most likely about as much thought went in that decision to sue as went into his decision to run for Mayor again. Does he really think we are that ignorant as a Community? We just may be, only time will tell

The worst that happened to Perez is that a Judge recently decided to revoke his ill gotten pension. A pension he received while in Office , his salary being paid by the people of Hartford, supposedly to run the City of Hartford, not to commit criminal acts and shaking down City vendors and businesses.

Eddie Perez didn't even come close to getting what he deserved for his corruption and the last thing he deserves is a shot at fleecing  the residents of Hartford once again .

And just to refresh your memory, here are Perez's felony convictions from the Judicial website
SCN_0009 by  on Scribd


  1. Keep in mind the old adage, "People get the government they deserve".

  2. More wasted time, energy and months of listening to Eddie Perez blow his horn. Perez is a joker. He dose not get it and never has. His campaign will not last long. No one in their right mind will give him money. Stop Now Eddie and go home with weekly pay check that you got handed to you.

  3. Perez says he wants Hartford to be independent of state government. This is a laugh because Bronin got Malloy to take on $500 million in debt service. If Perez wins it just proves there is no cure for stupid.

  4. I wonder what on earth Eddie Perez is thinking. Hartford will never get over the shame he caused. Sorry, former Mayor there will be no second chance.

  5. Fast Eddie was always good to fire and police unions and teacher unions. Let's go Eddie,everyone deserves a second chance just like Joe Ganim.

  6. Just like RB said, Hartford property owners get the government they deserve. Just like George and Weezy did, I finally got a piece of the pie and moved out of Hartford 12 years ago. I took a beating on the sale of my house. Bright side- it would have been worse if I tried to sell that same property today. (I feel sorry for the other true home owners. Have fun selling your castle now. I like how Dan got Luke to take the job, and the Dems voted him in. I would love Perez to get another shot! Why? Because deserve the government you voted for.


  7. When we was little Eddie Perez would steal from
    All the Hartford stores.He wouls steal money and clothes wuth
    his dirty Gang The Ghetto.sons.

    1. Ghetto Brothers not Sons u idiot

    2. Eddie Perez for mayor!!! Send Bronin back to Fairfield county with Malloy!!!


  8. Emory Hightower fondly known as BUBBLES was
    also famous for his Domestics with his ex WIFE.
    He does have an arrest recorrd
    For Family Violence.

  9. Come on Brookman, after all is said and done you will come up with a rationalization to support Bronin. You could always support McGee if you were honestly outraged by Bronin and Perez, but you are going to wind up with Bronin in the end.

  10. Why would I make a choice to go from bad to worse to just fill the Mayor's spot. Bronin may not be my choice, but I think he has more leadership potential than McGee.

    I have a hard time thinking that someone who can't even read and comprehend a Handicapped parking sign would care enough about the people he would represent to be a good Mayor.

  11. Your giving McGee credit. He most certainly read and comprehended a handicapped parking sign. Because he thinks he’s an entitled big shot politician with a big shot license plate, he intentionally and deliberately parked there. Keep it one hundo!

  12. Eddie won’t win. Bronin’s pockets are deeeeep, way deeper than anyone else who wants to deal with this mess also known as Hartford. On another note, Bronin can’t possibly clean up Hartford’s school system with out mandating and enforcing a corporeal punishment method for the student body. It’s a lost cause Lucas. Be careful what you promise or expect to fail.

  13. Like him or not, Perez will be elected Mayor. He will choose a police chief that will garner votes where he needs them, such as the north end. This happened years ago with a guy named Daryl Roberts. Perez has no use for a white police chief with a disciplinary history of fighting Marines, home on leave from Irag (And was not arrested for it). My feeling is that Perez and Bronin will not Thody serve as chief. What has he really accomplished in his career, other than hiding out inside the police department Kevin. Kevin you know al people....your father was a Marine. You once crushed Thody, but now, you compromised your integrity just to have access to HPD political information. Wake up Kevin. We don't need another Rosado. Another house mouse. That's what Thody is. A house mouse. Kevin, please, will you wake the f**k up?

    Ever stop to think that some of these Hartford residents, who are also veterans, also have a voice? Talk to the officers Kevin. They don't want Thody. Going around to community meetings all of a sudden. Fake as f**k. And you let Hyacinsth fall for his BS as well. C'mon Kevin. Talk to the officers. As many as you can. You will hear the following two things:
    1. Who is that?
    2. Thody has always been and always will be about Thody, and no one else.

    C'mon Kevin, are you really gonna advocate another Rosado type, who will just waste our time?

  14. Like it or not Luke Bronin will be re-elected. Perez and McGee or not qualified for the job. Nether of them are rounded. It takes diversity to run Hartford. Bronin has got it. He is diverse. Perez will favor Parkville and Frog Hollow and McGee will just work for the Northend. It won't work for either of them. Bronin will be re-elected. It is sad when we hear I used to live in Hartford. Well, move back than you can have something to say about what happens in Hartford.

  15. Rendock and his GED are ready to run the dept into the ground

  16. Ford is coming back to set the ship back straight. This is a fact of life. Accept it.
    Ford will make promote many fine additions to the rank of Lt.

    Kessler will make a fine Lt commander of the keebler cookie factory .

  17. A- brooks
    B- ford

    Whom will be chief ???????????

  18. Those of you who don't like Eddie Perez - - - who do you want, Pedro Segarra?

  19. if it wasn't for Eddie Perez being a crook and forced to resign, we never would have had Pedro Segarra

  20. C- Thody is the most capable and competent at this time

  21. Pedro Segarra was no saint. He lied time and time again. The Hartford auditors have spoken. Segarra owes tons of money to the City of Hartford. Perez and Segarra both are shining stars in the eyes of the taxpayer.

  22. Mayor Luke Bronin has raised $500.00. Look out Eddie Perez, Brandon McGee and others. All of you assembled together wiil not be able to raise this amount of money. Go Luke you are worthy of another term as the mayor of Hartford.

    1. Mayor Luke Bronin has raised $500.00.

      $500.00 ?

  23. And away we go. Go Luke Go you have the support of many citywide.

  24. Luke Bronin has no chance because Eddie looked after the Puerto Ricans of Hartford and they outnumber just about EVERYBODY...whether you like it or not, Eddie is not looked at as a thief and he WILL get voted back in by his people You call him a thief but he did not steal anything. Tell me who else tried to renovate Park Street. Mayor Mike tore down the projects, unless ghetto trash onto the neighborhoods. That is when crime in Hartford sky-rocketed...your beloved Mayor Mike did nothing to benefit LEAST Eddie made Park Street beautiful by revamping it.
