Monday, July 15, 2019


HARTFORD, CONN. - (July 15, 2019)   Hartford Police make quick arrest in Friday evening homicide.

On Friday July 12, 2019, at approximately 10:43p.m., a Hartford Police officer on patrol was flagged down by a citizen regarding a person assaulted. Officers located a single male victim lying on the sidewalk in front of 1972 Main Street. It was determined that the victim was suffering from several gunshot wounds.  The victim was soon identified as twenty-eight year-old Hartford resident, Anthony Wright. Wright was transported to St. Francis Hospital, at which time he was pronounced deceased at 11:17 p.m.

During the course of the twenty-four hours, detectives from the Major Crimes Division, Capital City Command Center (C4) & Crime Scene Division worked tirelessly on the investigation regarding the murder of Anthony Wright.  Late Saturday evening, detectives obtained an arrest warrant from the Hartford Chief States Attorney's Office charging city resident Antoine Keaton DOB 05/10/1992 with Murder and Criminal Possession of a Firearm.        On Monday July 15, Keaton was located by members of the U.S. Marshals Violent Fugitive Task Force and members of the Hartford Police Violent Crime Unit. Keaton was taken into custody without incident and later transport to the Hartford Police booking facility where he remains in custody on a $750,000.00 bond. Keaton will be arraigned at GA14, 101 Lafayette Street on Tuesday, February 16.

Arrested:     Antoine Keaton    05/10/1992    61 Donald Street, Hartford                                                                           


  1. 1994 Main Street is a dangerous place.

    Steven Keaton shot and killed there in 2016.

    Antone Keaton murders another person at the same location three later.

    A coincidence?

  2. Just want to throw this in here but the superintendent claims there's no money for teachers but the majority of the job post this summer have been managerial downtown type....go figure

  3. How do you expect to stop the violence in this City when you can’t even conduct a meeting in the Chiefs Complex without assaulting each other? The Hartford Police Department is a joke!

  4. Hey brookman,
    so just so you know. everyone knows what happened in the complex on 7-16-19. Rodney will have a leg to stand on since the new HPD fight club is going on.
    The green lantern vs the union prez……………….

    when is the madness going to end at hpd ?????

  5. Lantern !!!!!
    Lantern !!!!!
    Lantern !!!!!

    the crowd is cheering for the knock out !!!!!

    I bet you don't post this comment … usual

  6. No more comments on the Chief's Complex issue. There were plenty of people in the room and at the very least it was unprofessional and total insubordination to call an Assistant Chief that in a professional setting, no matter what transpired, The total lack of respect is a major part of the problem there Thody and Medina may not be perfect, but at least they are trying. Wait and see what the IAD investigation bears out.

  7. This incident if true is very bad and I am wondering why there is no more commentary. Not allowed?

    There was plenty of negative commentary about a lot of other officers. Lt. Mertes (no fan), Sgt Barone, Sgt. Torneiro and Officer Stroud. Also a lot of negative items that were allowed to be listed about Chief Rovella, DC Foley and a lot more too numerous to list. If those indiviuals are fair game, why not this story?

  8. Because the lantern has lined brookmans pockets to not run the story.
    No worries.
    When NB gets back, the titanic will have a worth captain at the helm.

  9. So what happened in the Chiefs complex??

    1. Lots of good work happened in the Chiefs Complex! Chief Investigator Cicero will take Fox61 by storm!


  10. We all want to know who was involved in
    the Chiefs Complex and What Did Thody Do?
    Thody should not be acting chief .He is clueless.

    1. Thody is far from clueless. And he has the Hispanic vote in the PD and the community. He just needs to continue doing the right thing. He saw the mess Rovella put the City in.

    2. FALSE! He went along for the ride as Rovella's lap dog so buckshot could put in a word for him to be the next chief. He's only now going to these meetings all over the city because he wants the permanent position. These people aren't stupid. They see right thru his BS. If he does luck into the job, he'll pull his invisible man act again. He's never had this many conversations with minorities in his whole career or life for that matter. It's just convenient now...a necessary requirement for the job. I, cour one an not fooled and none of the cops that have been at HPD for awhile aren't either.

  11. Thody has his bags packed and will be gone by November. Are you telling me that once he gets that nice tasty FBI course in his wheel house, that he would not take an easy gig as chief in mystic ?
    A/C Madena would be my pick to lead this place. But there are too many employees who refuse or just don't care to do their basic work and will use any sort of blame to exclude their proclivities of laziness......

    Once again, the plot thickens like a brookman milkshake. Who will be the next chief of HPD ?

    Who indeed...……..

  12. What’s that homicide counter at now?

  13. Wow. 17 is kinda high.
    Wonder how the 1600 hr meetings about meetings went ....

  14. Hey Kevin, we have no cars left to get to all these homicide scenes. Any word when all those command staff take home Tahoe’s will be coming in? How about all those Ford Explorers Thody and Medina promised patrol? Have they even been ordered? Any update when they’ll be coming in?


  15. Give us an update on the cop shooting
    I 84 with det zak Sherry. Sherry was a hero.

  16. the body cam video is all posted here
