Monday, July 29, 2019


Hartford Police Department body worn camera footage of officer involved fatal shooting from Friday July 26, 2019 VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED FOR CONTENT MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME


  1. I sincerely hope this officer is cleared of this shooting.

  2. I am pretty confident he will be, it all looks justified

  3. Not pointing fingers as no one is responsible for a shooting but this is what happens when you put inexperienced officers in a street crimes unit with an inexperienced supervisor. That unit should be in uniforms and marked cars.

  4. No mayor or police chief will ever prevent a shooting like this... that’s not my point. But at least we could get someone better than Thody and Bronin at the podium. Dear lord what a catastrophe

  5. So if a firearm was found in the vehicle why was the passenger released and not charged with anything ??? The fix is in smh

  6. Look at this savage animal!!!! He had been terrorizing the streets of Hartford for weeks! Thank god Zach sacked up and took care of business when he did! He saved lives, That worthless animal needed shooting and he needed shooting right then, not an hour later, not 5 minutes later, right then! I hope his full of shit mother watches the video over and over. As it plays I hope she thinks about all the different times she failed to raise him right. They should have picked that attempted cop killer up in the morning with the garbage on the side of the hiway.

  7. Where's the sound?? Only a few seconds of each video have sound, makes you wonder what the police were saying as they pulled up or what they radioed in before they hopped out of their cars, kind of weird if you ask me.


  8. Thank God for Zak . Take the SCUM BAG

  9. Kev, It always makes cringe watching the mothers of these obvious shitbags get face time on tv with their blanket statements like “ he was turning his life around”,,,” he had a big heart” ,,”he was a great father”,,,,” he didn’t deserve to die” ,,,this next one is my favorite “ he was no different than any other child who got in trouble once in a while” ARE YOU F%#KING KIDDING ME ??? As a parent of a police officer I wish one time the media would go interview the family and friends of police who are forced into these deadly confrontations with CAREER criminals and get their point of view about their loved ones. While the mother of this thug probably slept comfortably the nights this punk went out looking for trouble ,how many mothers of cops don’t sleep a wink!! May God continue to bless HPD,,,when the shit goes down there’s no department better.

  10. "I dont know why they gunned him down like a dog"

    Precisely why this mentality is the number one issue in policing. Zero responsibility or accountability. Clearly the mom didnt watch the same video as everyone else..... Steal a cops gun and you've already decided you own fate.

  11. 2:39am

    They way it was explained to me is that the body cams are always recording to a one minute buffer, so essentially, when an officer hits the record button to activate the body cam, it automatically saves the previous minute at the beginning of the recording. The audio starts from the time they press the button to fully record audio and video. There is still a human factor required for the body cams that involves officer's in a stressful situation like Friday's to remember to press the record button. There are new technologies coming out that will eliminate some of that and may automatically begin recording when an officer steps out of the car or unholsters their gun or taser.

  12. 10:30PM

    as a passenger in a car, are you always aware of what the driver may have stashed under his seat? Do you open the glove compartment anytime you are a passenger in a car to make sure their are no drugs or weapons? Not everything is a conspiracy on the part of police. The fact that the passenger gave up so quickly probably shows there was no intent on his part.

  13. I don't think any parent wants to admit they failed their child, but this is not a child, He was a 41 year old man well beyond the control of his parents. I feel bad for his family, but his actions were his own responsibility and trying to blame the Police is ludicrous. His mother needs to take a few minutes to watch the video and then look at all the facts, including the 9mm handgun, fully loaded under his seat and the connection to shell casings from recent shootings on Lawrence. Maybe after his 24th or 25th arrest his mother should have started preparing herself for a potential disastrous ending. I guess her comments can just be attributed to human nature and blind love for her child

  14. Make rendock chief of police .. done deal

  15. @7:56 Rendock would at least put the right people in the right spots. He is smart enough to realize that. Thody is Stevie Wonder. Never was a street cop. He’s a shot in the dark - hence the spike in crime. Is it HIS fault? No... But you guys could be in a much better spot as a PD and city with a leader who understood violent crime tendencies and how to combat it. Thody understands Microsoft office and legal updates. Great, take your captains bars back and please take your talents elsewhere. You’re not built for this. The best leaders surround themselves with competent people in all the right places. Not their friends in all the important places. Now, a real chief would have their friends be competent folks in the first place. A certain retired A/C comes to mind who mastered this.... you may see one of his competent leaders come back and oust Thody ;) If I recall that group had a nickname

  16. I have to disagree with your assessment. I don't think necessarily being a great street cop necessarily makes for a great Chief. Those days are gone. A Chief now adays has to be much more of a manager and those legal updates and Microsoft are probably more important than a Chief being a great street cop and well versed in Motor vehicle law. I think if more people were interested in doing their job and serving the City, we would be in a better spot. No Chief is going to be perfect to everyone and half are still going to complain no matter who it is. Why not open your eyes and ask yourself, what has the Deputy Chief you started off mentioning, what has his "street career" been? Taking specialized classes and managing the key system? ANd what has he done to put the right people in the right spots. If his choice for midnight LT's is any example, that's scary. And the next Chief is totally the Choice of the next Mayor I am not sure who the A/C you refer to is, Rosensweig?

  17. Thody sucks. He’s not for the men and women in the trenches. He’s not for the community. He’s selfish and for himself. Always been that way. I can’t believe he was Hartford’s representative at the statewide press conference last week with Law Enforcement professionals such as the highly squared away New Haven PD Chief Tony Reyes. Can we trade?And Kevin I think they are referring to doo wop!!!

  18. You mean the Assistant Chief that always ran the ez-pass tolls in His City car when he was returning from his jaunts into New York City? The same City car and taxpayer gas he took home to Stamford every night? Sure, great choice.

  19. Dustin Rendock better get a good attorney , he allowed a certain Lt to run the academy into the ground. What was done besides that lame four hour class on how not to rub up against other city employees. Civil litigation does wonders for resume presentation.

  20. 4:48 PM

    I think they poked the wrong pitbull there. That is a Civil Trial that will be worth the entertainment factor alone to spend the time and to sit in on. I know that pitbull plays for keeps , and can well afford to

  21. Cavanna vs Mertes is better than Mayweather vs Mcgreggor

    1. TEAM CAVANNA! mertes is a waste. Hopefully she gets what she deserves. That is if rendock doesn't interfere per usual.

  22. Word on the street is Cavanna just bought another locomotive, he’s going to use it exclusively to run over mertes’s career
