Thursday, August 8, 2019


I am not sure if anyone on the Hartford City Council understands the City is broke, and the only reason we are not drowning is and just barely keeping our heads above water is because the State of Connecticut bailed us out. Now Councilman Deutsch has introduced a resolution to potentially give Council Aides ( translated as Patronage appointed secretaries) as much as a $20,000 raise.
This is ridiculous, especially when they tried to cut benefits to the real workers in the City, Police Fire and DPW. The Fire Department even went so far to give back pay raises as part of the "shared sacrifice " to get Hartford back on a stable Financial footing.; Shouldn't the politically appointed  "council aides" share the sacrifice also, especially since none of those positions have any educational requirements or even requisite office skills and virtually no supervision for hours worked or even attendance. 
This is wrong and folly should be abandoned immediately
The City Council and Mayor's Office need to start leading by example and truly make Hartford's finances a "shared sacrifice"
We will see as the Council moves on this

Deutsch Resolution by on Scribd


  1. What are the requirements to be a coucil aide???? And who makes the requirements

  2. Im so sick and tired of this city and their Bullshit

  3. No requirements except being politically connected and probably being able to keep your mouth shut during all circumstances

  4. where are the tahoes????

    500k for new vehicles

  5. Tahoes are at Whelen getting outfitted for the chiefs and captains. NOT FOR PATROL.

  6. send some Tahoes to the aides.

  7. Hartford Fire Department has not had a raise since 2012. We gave up 7 years of raises so far to help the city with their budget crisis. Jason Diaz our union president better not even think of proposing the same crap again. That means ok have gone half my career at HFD with no raises and higher health insurance and higher pension contributions. I make less money now than I did 7 years ago!!!! Yet it seems that everyone at city hall is getting or proposing higher salaries!!!

    1. What 'Budget Crisis' you're talking about? Hartford is spending money like crazy.

  8. Police and Fire call volumes have doubled in the last 10 years. More crimes more drugs more desrespectful people in HARTFORD more bad drivers,more heroin. Less pay and benefits than 10 years ago!! More illegals moving in to Hartford that don't follow our laws!!

  9. Hartford demographics have diffinately changed.Once quiet neighborhoods are now infested with drugs and ruthless criminals.

  10. 11:41PM

    I guess that is how they feel they can afford the $20,000 raises for the Council Aides, funded by HFD's givebacks

  11. Kev,What is their salary and benefits before proposed raise. Pension too?

  12. Yup, this is bad, but a drop in the bucket compared to the millions of $ in city tax breaks Bronin has given to his downtown buddies in the last couple of years. Hartford homeowners have had their property taxes go up two years in a row. But, more shots fired, more blight, more trash is filling the streets.

  13. Kevin i know you not a bigtime conspiracy theorist but you tell me how a Billionaire turns up dead in federal custody??? I knew from day one Jeffrey Epstein would never be allowed to walk into a courtroom and snitch on his fellow constituents. Wanba know why because alot of em are in congress and other positions of power.

  14. Tried to cut HPD's benefits? They already cut our benefits!!

    Our healthcare plan is a high deductible plan. The yearly out of pocket liability is 2k a person, and 4k for couple/family!

    Not only have we not had raises since July of 2015 and won't see any until 2021. We are contributing 3% MORE into the pension since 2018, which will offset those raises for years to come.

    New hires have a laughable pension and would be better off with a 401k or social security.

  15. Hard to believe, but since Obamacare, 4K deductible for family is not a high deductible plan. I have worked alongside people with 12K deductible family plans. Not to worry though, we all kept our doctors, kept our plans, and saved $2500 per year as promised by the democrats, right?

    Hartford is just your typical large government bureaucracy. Waste and inefficiency and patronage.

  16. Yes i agree, everyone should sacrifice a little beginning with the mayors office!!

  17. I’m so sick of Thody and his inner circle minions. We are in more danger and at more risk today because Thody has no backbone and will do whatever the mayor wishes. Thody’s policies, implementation of body cams, and selfish actions are a direct reflection on high crime in the city and low morale at HPD. Time to go

  18. Any police chief does what the Mayor wants. That's the nature of the job. Some Chief's do it better than others.

    Chief Sullivan was an expert at manueuvering local politicians local politicians into doing what was best for the police department and the city. There was a city manager led form of government at that time with a strong city council. That took a lot of work but political nonsense never got to the troops.

    Chief Croughwell was also good at this for 6 of his 7 years as Chief before he got beat down.

    Chief Marquis butted heads with then Mayor Eddie Perez and didn't last long.

    I wouldn't expect Interim Chief Thody to do much, he is not permanent and is more or less a steward of the office until a permanent chief can be named. Maybe it will be him. maybe not and we won't know until after the Mayoral election. Don't blame him just yet.

    He does have no street experience and was hired as an AFIS expert which he was. The people who hired him failed to impress upon him the importance of street experience and he took the path put in front of him. Who wouldn't. Give the guy a break for now.

    1. Jason Thody has only been concerned about Jason Thody since day #1 as a cadet. He is selfish and only concerned about himself. He never supervised a unit, let alone one person. Jason was never a leader and never will be. Jason Thody is the first chief in history to buy all new (over 10) command staff vehicles at a cost of half a million and not one car for patrol. DKR was very good at sniffing out frauds. DKR couldn’t stand Thody.

    2. Ummm, he actually commanded ESD for quite a while....just sayin'.

    3. ESD?! Quite comical. You proved the point being made LoL! Take a look at the cast of characters that “commanded” ESD!

  19. The old ways of policing are gone period with cell phone cameras body cameras you cant just smack an idiot upside an keep it moving. And half of society as a whole doesnt even trust law enforcement anymore. And with a ultra liberal media and documentaries like When They See Us being put out you can forget it. You wanna be a safe police officer with no BS and politics i suggest you go to a small town

  20. That is why there is so much bad acting by career criminals and their supporters everywhere.
    NYPD officers getting doused with water and hit with Chinese food by onlookers to arrests.
    Officers in Philadelphia being verbally abused by crowds of onlookers as yesterday’s shooting
    by the thug drug dealer was active. Daily verbal abuse including street pests who regularly
    tell police they would kick their ass if they didn’t have the badge. Delayed arrests and bad first
    line supervision especially in the NYPD cases. In Philly there was too much going on to break to
    arrest some loudmouth. But those people will get theirs, they always do.

    Note—nothing better than seeing a crook piss their pants when the officer did take off the badge.
    A frequent occurrence was to see the bigmouth cry, beg and whine once it became apparent
    that their big mouth just wrote a check it couldn’t cash. Examples include Charles Turner,
    Jeffrey Merrit, Eugene Harmon and all their male kids who became just like them, felons—end of note.

    Politicians should support police or maybe patrol themselves. But first they would
    have to find their balls. Support law enforcement

  21. That is why there is so much bad acting by career criminals and their supporters everywhere.
    NYPD officers getting doused with water and hit with Chinese food by onlookers to arrests.
    Officers in Philadelphia being verbally abused by crowds of onlookers as yesterday’s shooting
    by the thug drug dealer was active. Daily verbal abuse including street pests who regularly
    tell police they would kick their ass if they didn’t have the badge. Delayed arrests and bad first
    line supervision especially in the NYPD cases. In Philly there was too much going on to break to
    arrest some loudmouth. But those people will get theirs, they always do.

    Note—nothing better than seeing a crook piss their pants when the officer did take off the badge.
    A frequent occurrence was to see the bigmouth cry, beg and whine once it became apparent
    that their big mouth just wrote a check it couldn’t cash. Examples include Charles Turner,
    Jeffrey Merrit, Eugene Harmon and all their male kids who became just like them, felons—end of note.

    Politicians should support police or maybe patrol themselves. But first they would
    have to find their balls. Support law enforcement

  22. What about the "Council Aide" that got herself a $20,000.00 raise? Who also was fired (or not!!!)and doing/roaming around City Hall like a Queen.

  23. Kevin, you should leave Councilman Deutsch alone, HE IS A MORON!

  24. Wheres the story on the sexual assault officer??!!! Why are you covering for Thody??!!! Huge story and you don’t do anything on it?!

  25. 11:15 am

    not covering anything. Each day more and more is being uncovered, once I have it all , I will post the details

  26. That’s not the same as Commanding Patrol, Vice and Narcotics, any street crime or active street unit or
    what was once the shooting task force. Positions of Command are not the same. Responsibilities
    differ as do impact on the street and for the community.

    ESD Command is a resume builder, detectives do the work.

    This individual was not a shining star

    1. Well said. Kozi makes a clown out of herself with statements like that......unless it was meant as a joke.
