Tuesday, August 6, 2019



This past weekend, I was critical of the deceptive false, campaign ad from the Bronin camp. Bronin featured fake Hartford Police Officers played by hired actors to make it look like he had HPD support.

You can read that posting here

That is the furthest thing from the truth and HPD rank and file officers will most likely vote to throw their support behind a convicted felon before they will get fooled by Bronin again.

Well as a resident of Hartford I want to be able to do my part in the Bronin campaign effort.

I attended the National Night out tonight at the Sigourney Street  Boys and Girls Club. HPD was there giving out little foam black and white cruisers, like the little squishy balls you squeeze to relieve stress. In addition they were giving out silver Junior Police Badge stickers. I picked up a few for Luke to hand out to the next batch of actors her hires.

No need to thank me Luke, my pleasure.


  1. Kevin, no matter how much you dislike Bronin, we can't go back to Eddie and his cronies driving Hartford into the ground while enriching themselves.
    Bronin shouldn't have made that ad with actors, but I'm not sure he'd be allowed to make it with real cops. So let's ask the real questions: has diversity in the police force increased under Bronin? Do we have more or less cops on the street under Bonin? I don't know those answers, but that's what matters.

  2. I am very much so not a Bronin fan. But I do agree with 12:09 PM. Bronin is probably the only person that could have facilitated the Hartford bailout at that time. A bankruptcy would have been catastrophic to residents, businesses, the region and all past and present city employees. Bronin is no different than any other liberal Democrat, an advocate of open borders, sanctuary cities, high crime and anti-police. When you weigh that against a former mayor who did defraud and steal from the city, I think the choice should be clear.

  3. I can assure you more cops on the street IS NOT the answer. Transparency & accountability have been abysmal under his administration. BRONIN GOTTA GO..!!!

  4. Under Eddie Perez schools were better,crime was down and he supported the police and fire departments and school teachers. At this point I really don't care if he used a city contractor to fix his home at a reduced cost in exchanged for city contracts. Someone had to do the construction in the city anyways.Most of the contractors in the Hartford area are good friends with someone at city hall .At least Eddie was always front and center when shootings occurred and he always supported our first responders and our citizens. Eddie fixed the north end and the south end of Hartford, not just the downtown area like Bronin. Bronin stripped the police and fire departments from our health benefits . Those who run into danger get thier health benefits reduced meanwhile all of Bronins department heads were given raises.I have zero respect for shitheads like Bronin.

  5. What’s with this boy Jimenez appearing in a Bronin campaign tv spot and also APPEARING TO SPEAK ON BEHALF OF ALL MEMBERS AND ENDORSING LUKE!!!!! Was Local 760 aware of this in advance??? Was Chief Freeman aware of this in advance??? And if so,can ALL off duty fire personel NOW wear their department issued uniform and stand on city property along with using fire department apparatus in the background and CHAMPION ANY CAUSE THEY WANT????? That boy has a lot of balls, too bad he doesn’t use them to FIGHT FIRES!!! Even though Freeman most likely wants Bronin to get re-elected he needs to get this shitshow under control,,Jimenez just set a dangerous precedence for future rogue suckasses in HFD to do whatever they want.

  6. Also. Let's not forget Jimenez claims Bronin helped recruit more firefighters, burning reality Bronin wanted to close three fire stations, and eliminate one shift which meant over 70 positions would have been eliminated and the work week would have gone from 42 hrs to 56hrs and with paying more into benefits meant a pay cut for,I heard the last raise they got was from a contract awarded by then mayor Perez, everyone has a hidden agenda and favors to repay, bronnin gives his out of state friends contracts while Perez cant even sell his house because bronin bankruptcy tactics depreciated city properties including west end area, but not bronnin his home which is assessed at 135k across from bushnell park and with the city's high tech security cameras pointed at his door yes. Try looking for a brownstone in the area for that amount, but what do I know.
