Thursday, August 29, 2019


 The short and quick answer is nothing has changed, although it has been months since the issue came to light.

HPD Officer Kelly Baerga had filed a hostile work environment/sexual harassment complaint against  supervisors at HPD and the City of Hartford on February 11, 2019

You can read more details here.

Her is the original complaint below:
Baerga Complaint by on Scribd
The bottom line , after all of the complaints, all of the media attention, and all of the the Internal affairs Investigations, nothing, or at least very little has changed.

 Kelly Baerga this week returned to her patrol duties on the midnight shift. Sergeant Andrew Rodney, one of the officers accused of Baerga's harassment still remains in his position as a Sergeant and a supervisor. Despite his Internal Affairs Investigation and a disciplinary hearing, nothing has been resolved. No punishment for his behavior, not even any retraining or corrective action taken. I am told that Rodney's behavior is under review by Interim Chief Jason Thody.

This matter has been hanging in Limbo for far too long. Officer Kelly Baerga deserves a resolution of this matter, and some action should have been taken before she returned to work.If Sergeant Rodney's actions were substantiated, Baerga should not have to face him whenever she goes to work knowing that Rodney's actions went unchecked by "the good ole' boy network" as some have claimed. This matter needs to be resolved one way or the other immediately.

 Rodney should not be protected because of any political status as a member of the Hartford Democratic Town Committee or supporter of Mayor Luke Bronin

A request for an update on the matter made to HPD earlier today has not received a response


  1. Kevin… Are you even surprised. Thody will do anything the mayor wants him to so he can get the permanent job. Sgt Rodney is a avid supporter of Bronin! That’s why nothing has happened. THODY I blame THODY. The reason our department is a mess is because of THODY

  2. Supposedly there's Zero Tolerance Policies throughout the city but they only apply to a certain few. It's not a race thing, a male thing or a female thing, it's a who are u "in bed with" thing. If your connected with the right people you are virtually untouchable. Rodney should've been at a bare minimum suspended and demoted MONTHS ago. Anywhere else he would've been relieved of his duties (fired) but not good ole Hartford. It's business as usual even if a person IS guilty. U don't have to look any further than city hall where it all originates and is endorsed by Luke.

  3. I blame that fool Bowsza. He sets Thody’s agenda. Too bad he is on a witch hunt in the town wrong direction. We need a new Chief, new Chief of Staff. Total shake up. Then you’ll see the inner circle running to put their papers in. Then you’ll see the clowns in the PSC exposed.

  4. After watching the Hartford Mayoral debate, it’s clear Hartford is doomed, even more so than now. Hartford is dead.

  5. Vinny is the leak, fact

  6. Capt Coates I hope you enjoyed your traffic gig tonight. With your dirty hire, and your dirty Tahoe you sat in your car as I drove by. I can’t afford to put food on my table for my kids yet I’m never offered gig’s like that. Unfair. And your precious ISB is a mess while you sit on your throne of lies, I mean Tahoe. Your Kronos must be something special. Pathetic. Too bad you’ll never be a chief so you won’t be able to return the favor to Pia. He’ll be your boss someday anyway.

  7. Baerga need to just quit, period. She sucked as a new cop in jersey. Sucked as a new cop here, sucks way more as a current cop, and will continue to suck as a cop moving forward. Fire that idiot Rodney, then give Baegra 5 grand to leave and never come back.

    1. Wait until she tries to be a supervisor (if she passed the written and oral tests). She will be a non respected, laughing stock. HPD; where you file a grievance, a lawsuit, and still aspire to be a supervisor in the same department. Illogical.

  8. Brian Bowsza has done nothing his entire career and has zero supervision experience. Us officers do not respect you and never will Brian. Do us all a favor and go back to your desk and simmer down. Your tough guy act is not fooling anyone.

  9. Can you imagine how nice it would be to punch Brian Bowsza right in the mouth? It would feel better than climbing Mount Everest!!!

  10. Bowser was a street boss on C for two seconds he was scared so they put him in a desk job and been there ever since we thank you for that

    1. Yeah he was scared... He worked the north end for almost 3 years. Brian is far from a punk but he’s also very smart. Smart guys are needed to rise to the top. Just because you’re some disgruntled street cop that was never noticed because all you did was complain. Why talk bad about someone that doesn’t bother anyone. He has a job to do like everyone else. #BlogThugs

  11. BB is a good guy. If you do your job like you’re supposed to you would have a problem with him. Maybe some of you guys need to look in the mirror and decide if you want to be a Police Officer or a Street Thug. You can’t be both it will catch up to you very fast.

  12. Coates' kronos is a work of fiction but the worst thing is people like him are supposed to set the example. If an officer or detective were to leave their shift early or come in late what could he say, "That is completely unacceptable until you make rank?" It seems like once you get to a certain level there is no oversight and the rules don't apply...

  13. Bowsza spotted at Farmington Rails to Trails loading bikes out of his Tahoe today. Brian - go down to Lia Hyundai and buy yourself a Sonata to carry the car seats and the groceries around in. Not a good look for you when patrol can't even get to a 10-0 without the engine overheating. Remember, character is doing the right thing when no one is watching. Lucky for us Blog Thugs, everyone is watching you fail!

  14. Maybe it i9s time to start selling "#BLOG THUG" apparel. at least they wouldn't have to try so hard and threaten people "back to patrol" for talking to me. Less time reviewing video at Laz and 253 to try to discover my sources.

  15. Brian Bowsza was a north street boss for three years???? You need to recalibrate your desk calculator you are off by 154 weeks!!!! Go back to filing away your policies at your comfy desk #DeskDweebs

  16. Concerned South End ResidentSeptember 1, 2019 at 3:32 PM

    Have you gotten a response back from HPD yet Kevin?

  17. no official response yet, I don't expect much before the election, I think the Administration is hoping it will go away quietly without much attention

  18. PJ Office Scams!!!

  19. Six people shot in one weekend and stabbings too what's the plan? or did we spend all the money on new upper deck tahoes

  20. Chief Thody does not care he was away on his boat that your tax dollars bought all weekend

  21. The Mouth from the South Francis Lugo who always bad mouths Chief Freeman!!!

  22. 12:42

    You have too much time on your hands. Why even make a comment like that?? Looser
    The topic is about HPD

    1. Ooh, whats wrong? Truth hurts? Everyone is sick and tired of your complaining. If you are so unhappy at HFD then leave already. Hopefully you dont work overtime at our station anymore so we dont have to hear your crying all day and night. I am glad I don't have to work with you everyday.I feel bad for your crew that has to put up with your crap all the time!!!God Bless them!!!

  23. Mrs. Lugo you always wanna boss people around everywhere you go. You also give false information to the new firefighters and always want to take credit for stuff you never do.If you wanna be a boss take a promotional test.I forgot you are too dumb to pass one Miss Know it All. Your Local 760 union boyfriends are not around anymore to protect you from your nonsense. We all wonder which union board member your gonna sleep with next???

  24. Lugo A.K.A Jabber Jaw lol!!!someone please crazy glue her mouth shut!!! It will be highly appreciated by the HFD!!!

  25. Wow!someone has finally seen the true colors of the almighty lugo! Lol

  26. Mr. Brookman, obviously I am aware this thread is related to the Baerga incident but it also bears reference to certain inept members of the command staff at HPD. Based on this I feel it’s as good a place as any to call your attention the actions of Captain Michael Coates. Captain Coates is defrauding the city numerous times a week by working private duty jobs during the day and fraudulently entering his “normal” hours for second shift. Captain Coates is NOT ever actually working during second shift he’s simply “on the clock.” I implore you to investigate this. It is not difficult to prove. The residents of this city deserve better and the members of the police department deserve better. Captain Coates is not a “leader” he’s a Liar. He has no backbone and constantly talks out of both sides of his mouth. This man lacks integrity at every turn. His “leadership” (or shall I say lack thereof) is NOT what we need our young and impressionable Officers to fall in line with. He is no less a criminal then T. Johnson and Torniero. Mr Brookman please do us all a favor and request the buildings camera footage reflective of the times he’s entered as his “regular work hours” on second shift, I assure you this is not a hard case of fraud to prove.

    1. That's 5 minutes of your life you'll never get back(typing that^). He's protected and won't be touched. He'll stop for awhile (maybe) then go right back. Like all the others. #itllnvrchg

  27. Baerga from HPD and Lugo from HFD are both the same.

  28. Who do you guys think Brookman is? Columbo!? He couldn’t investigate himself out of a wet paper bag. All he knows how to do is get you babies to talk trash about other cops. He wins every time. The AC is nice and cold in this 2019 Tahoe! Buuurrrr... I’ll take that 3 hour Road Job... Maybe one day you guys can stop crying and study to pass the tests and be able to use this PD for what all the top brass use it for... The more you complain the more powerful we get! Ok gotta go back to my traffic post on OT sitting in my shiny new Tahoe!!

  29. Acccording to the Courant, Rodney's suspended 35 days w/o pay.

  30. He will appeal and win! Just Thody and Company putting on a show to look good for the media. They know that suspension won’t stick. All smoke and mirrors.
