Sunday, September 29, 2019


Joven Gonzalez


 HARTFORD, CONN.  September 29, 2019  Hartford Police officer arrested, held on $150,000 bond.

On Sunday September 29, 2019, at approximately 07:20 a.m., the Hartford Police Department was notified of an off-duty incident involving a Hartford Police Officer. The case was assigned to a supervisor of the Major Crimes Division, as well as members of the Internal Affairs Division. The investigation alleges that Hartford Officer Joven Gonzalez had assaulted a former domestic partner, as well as her acquaintance at a motel within the city in the early morning hours. The male victim sustained head lacerations as a result of being struck by a firearm and had sought medical attention prior to calling police. The female victim sustained minor injuries from being assaulted.

During the course of the investigation, probable cause was developed to arrest Joven Gonzalez. He is currently being held on a $150,000.00 bond, and is to be arraigned on Monday, September 30th. 

Mr. Gonzalez has been subsequently suspended without pay and stripped of his police powers and badge of office. The Internal Affairs Division will be conducting a parallel investigation into the matter.

 Arrested: GONZALEZ, Joven  01/11/1993 20 Willowcrest Dr, Windsor CT

Charges included:
Assault 2nd Assault 3rd Reckless Endangerment 1st Threatening 1st Criminal Mischief 3rd

MY thoughts-

This should have never happened. Gonzalez should have been suspended immediately by Chief Thody after the accusations of a sexual relationship and alleged assault on a female juvenile he admitted to having a sexual relationship with. He also admitted that it happened while he was on duty and took his cruiser to Bloomfield , where the alleged altercations occurred.

Instead Chief Thody opted to put him in Booking, with full Police powers and his department issued weapon, which he apparently used to assault the male and the pistol whipping may have fractured his victims skull from what sources are telling me. I wonder what the settlement will be for that one to be paid out by the City. Gonzalez still had full access to Police computers and police facilities.

You can't make this stuff up. What are we paying for here, not leadership at HPD, that's pretty clear. This should make resident's proud of our Mayor and the way he leads this City.

At least he is now suspended and they have taken his department issued weapon   so I guess he can't use that to bash in anyone else's skull

To read the incident reports about the first Bloomfield incident here


  1. Bring back buckshot .

    1. Nah. He sucked too. He just played the political game better.

    2. He was the best Chief we have had here in 15 years

  2. Clearly, this officer is not in control of himself. Yes, he should have been suspended during an inquiry.... and now look what happened. How often do the officers have to undergo drug testing. At UTC, depending on your job it could be once, upon hiring or annually or more often.

  3. So Barone makes an inappropriate comment and is canned and shamed and fired in 2 months and this dude rapes a juvenile and nearly kills someone and is still here 7 months later??? Nobody to blame but the command staff there.

  4. Donna,

    would it surprise you the answer is never? Commercial Drivers at DPW get tested more than Police or Firefighters

    1. They haven't had random drug testing at hpd since the 90s.

  5. Test city yard and board of ed. Now that would be cute. The city would lose about 2/3 of its staff. Foxwoods did this years ago, check the numbers and see why it will never be done again. In any business, including a poorly run one as hartford , it is not realistic. Plain and simple

  6. This is exactly what happens when the city hires hoodrats at a lower standard to become cops. We all knew this was going to happen. This is the first prime example and certainly wont be the last.

    Once again I'm embarrassed to say in HPD because of this hoodrat turd. 2nd time this turd has embarrassed HPD.

    Stop lowering the standard to be a cop!

  7. I don't want to get off track on this, but drug use and alcohol abuse is a real problem in the Hartford workforce. Turning a blind eye to it only means we incur the costs when things go bad. Maybe drug testing might be somewhat of a deterrent and if problems are detected, maybe treatment rather than termination when they go off the rails eventually

  8. Who is Thody going to blame this on now? Kevin, have you noticed a pattern yet? Thody always places the blame on his own failures, and there are to many to list, on someone else from the past or prior administration. You name it, it’s never his fault, always someone else. My guess would be Rovella hired this kid so Thody will blame him, amongst many other things. Thody did nothing with this out of control cop and he further did nothing to protect the female victim. I hope she reads your blog and gets a good attorney and lists Thody at the top of the lawsuit. It seems like Thody has had several instances where he’s failed to act or take action. Thody really can’t be gone soon enough. He’s single handedly done more damage to HPD during his short tenure as acting chief than any combination of any chiefs have.

  9. Kevin
    We all know they should never of



  11. I know this individual personally, he is no hood rat and he is no drug user. This simply boils down to poor decision making and poor self management. although I do not agree with Jovens actions what I am not going to do is sit back and watch people who do not know him attack him based solely on the color of his skin. it is very embarrassing when this happens to a black man because you people always resort back to your racist roots to pass judgement, instead of just commenting on how the terrible the situation is. what if this happened to a white man ? they are all the same challenged and troubled as their brown and yellow counterparts. humans are humans and humans make mistakes. no matter the situation you should always ask yourself if you know what the person has gone through, if you know their background, if you know what traumatic events that may of lead up to a change in their behavior or even if you know the true full story. as you question yourself and begin to place blame on the commander, the hiring staff, the government , the state and race I am sure you will find that you cannot answer any of those questions . I do not support jovens actions and I really do hope he learns from this mistake and takes away from this how he can become a better person for himself and his loved ones. passing racist judgement on a blog behind your computer is no help to the society. have your opinions.. sure but make sure they are just and humane.

    1. Race Baiter!!!!
      Race Baiter!!!!
      Race Baiter!!!!
      Hear ye, hear ye! I must declare this man is innocent! because he is black!!!! and therefore can do no wrong!!!!

  12. I understand your concern for him, I have not seen anything racist in the comments and if I did they would be deleted. Where is your concern for his wife that he was apparently cheating on and his two young children he is supposed to be a father and hopefully a role model to in their upbringing? Where is your concern for his family and who will provide for them now as he will most likely find himself out of a job and the end of his career/ Where is your concern as to who will provide health care insurance for his children? Who will buy groceries and put a roof over their heads? It is easy to turn everything around and make it racial, but it might be more productive paying attention to what will really matter to the survival of his family, especially if he ends up incarcerated for any period of time. He was given a great opportunity when he was hired and the people of Hartford put their trust in him and he blew it, it is now a little difficult to now see him as the victim. The man with the fractured skull and a juvenile female that he was sexually assaulting are the real victims here.

  13. AnonymousSeptember 29, 2019 at 11:31 PM

    Who said anything racist?


  14. I know JOVEN GONZALES and I worked with him.
    He is indeed a HOODRAT he is also a self centered KNUCKLEHEAD
    who should not of been hired by Htfd Ct Police.
    I feel for his Family but not this low life ignant


  15. There is nothing Racist here.
    Because Joven Gonzales is Black and Hispanic
    and we tell it like it is All whites become Racist.

  16. This department in crisis mode and there is no end in sight under this leadership. Long is officially retired so let's be honest, you let your arrogance prevent you from taking his advice and put him on the shelf. The result is what we see now, non stop controversy, low morale, and poor persnonell decisions crumbling this police department. His advice should not have been ignored. We need to reinstall pride within the ranks, and focus again on what truly matters serving and protecting this community. I for one love this department, this city, and this job and I will not let this poor management strip me of that. We need change, we need leadership, and we need vision to lift this PD from these dark times back into the light. To the cops that came onto this job for the right reasons, hold on, do not give up yet, tear up those small town applications, we together will get through this tough time. I only ask that the powers above take an honest look what has happened over the last year and imagine what this will become if it continues. Hard reset time, clean sweep, bring back our pride, bring back leadership, give us a chief, a real chief. It is time enough is enough. After the clouds.....the sun

  17. Good riddance! I would have won a million bucks that Jovan would be arrested within the year, it's a shame the city hires people not fit for the job based upon city hall preferences instead of just hiring the best candidates....another one bites the dust...thank God!



  19. I believe the person who mentioned racism is doing so because everyone is calling him a hood rat and tsking about drugs and alcohol. Before I saw that person's comment, I was going to ask why where we saying he was a hood rat, and talking about drugs and alcohol when I didn't see anything about that on the article. Are we assuming he used drugs and alcohol and was a hood rat because he is Latin? If yes, that would be racist. And no, I do not agreed with what he did. He should have been suspended that moment they were accusations of child abuse, then investigated, then put in jail. The whole system failed here. And now people are suffering the consequences of a man's bad actions and a broken system.

    But I do not agree than when someone is a certain color, inmediately we must assume the person is a drug or alcohol user and a hood rat. If we are judging without hearing the story based on skin color we have failed. What about that person who killed the wife and dropped her in pieces in Hartford? He was not of color or a hood rat. Being a monster has nothing to do with color of skin. It has to do with personal choices.

    1. You don’t know what the hell you are talking about so you should keep your mouth shut! We worked with this TURD Joven and know he’s a HOOD RAT. The evidence is in the fact he’s in jail!!! I like how you accuse another man of MURDER that hasn’t even been charged with the crime because of all the super detective work you did watching the NEWS. Joven IS a dirtbag savage hood rat!!!!! And is exactly where he belongs! In a cage!

  20. I feel bad for the qualified man or woman that got passed up for a HPD Officer because this guy was able to pull strings to get in.

    1. He didn’t have to pull any strings to get in. Affirmative action minority hiring push so the the police department reflects the demographics of the city it serves. This is the result when you don’t hire the best candidates for the position regardless of race or sex.

  21. 1131. Ok so if you know him personally what steps did you take to guide him to the right path. Seems like you list let him crash and burn.. I believe it's just a bit more than a poor decision he made but a rather extremely stupid decision like the stupid decision he made to start off his own downfall. You say you will not sit back and watch but seems like that's what you been doing the whole time while he made one stupid decision after another. Not one comment was racist other than your are the racist one for blaming race as his downfall instead of his lack of self control and common sense.. let's stop using the race card to justify and make excuses for one's stupid decision making. You should be embarrassed for yourself for your comment which is completely unnecessary and ignorant. I hope he does see the light and cure his inner demons.. However he made is decision and now has to deal with the consequences of his actions

  22. HFD members are driving Commercial Motor vehicles!

    1. So what? Are they not supposed too?

  23. Mayor Luke Bronin’s favorite words are, “We’ve done a lotta work and have a lot more to do.” Every time he says these words, he literally hypnotizes many Hartford residents into believing that he is doing a stellar job and that he cares. Neither is true. What’s most saddening about this ordeal is not the loss of the police officer, not even the destabilization of our HPD, but rather how a minor child has once again and again, loss so much on Bronin’s shift. Mr. Bronin did not care about the minor child who was sexually accosted by Eddie Genao. Rather, he went to great efforts to cover Genao and make sure that he got off the hook, all because it might have made Bronin look bad. I feel saddened that so many people in elected offices look the other way when it’s our children being targeted and hurt. If Hartford votes for this guy, it’ll only prove that his hypnotizing skills are even greater than Milton H. Erickson. Hartford please wake up! Thanks for the update Kevin.

  24. SO Kevin if the term Hoodrat is not racist then please define for the public what exactly does it mean?? And for the record Joven Gonzalez is not listed as Black on his application. He is listed as Hispanic. Kevin you got some real racist Neanderthals that comment on your blog and I can only imagine the comments you don't let through. I find it interesting whenever a White Cop Effs up seriously his upbringing or place of residence never come into play. But when its officers of color now its oh its a city resident and none of those HOODRATS are qualified for the job. I have no idea who these racist White Cops are that comment on your blog which is exactly why I tell my family don't trust any of them proceed with extreme caution and always be respectful do not give those Race Soldiers any reason to draw their weapon on you. Another fine day in the city of Hartford. But in closing in other news The Saints field goal kicker scored more points than the Dallas QB and Running Back LOL!!!

    1. Ok Mr. Sensitive. I'm assuming you live in the City. Id say you have first hand knowledge of what I'm talking about. I wouldn't say that it's a racist comment but rather a term used to describe people who are not willing to better themselves. They are usually able bodied people who would rather milk the system than get a job, No respect for other people and sometimes not even themselves. They steal , cheat and Hussle and don't care who they hurt in the process. They chose to disrespect and defy law enforcement. They chose to shout down and result to violence when things don't go their way. These are just a few of the Characteristics that define what a Hood Rat is. Hood Rats are not defined by their color or culture but rather the decisions they make to be part of a productive society. So I don't hate these people individualy but I certainly hate the decisions they make because we all end up paying for in the end. I hope I could help clarify the term.

    2. Where did you get your definition of a "hoodrat" did you just make it up to fit what you wanted to say?? A "hoodrat" is a female who have sex with everyone in the hood..
      Never Anonymous Rob W....

  25. What I want to know is who did the background on this guy? I'm fairly certain that he didn't get the urge for underage females as soon as he became a cop.

  26. Where were all these hoodrat thug comments when that white sergeant was arrested for selling bullet proof vests to drug dealers and sniffing coke while on the job?

  27. I feel sad for all the Stand-Up HPD officers, no matter their race or sexual preference,
    who are besmirched by the bad apples in their midst.

  28. Maybe he can jump over to HFD? Always room for a few good sh*tbags there. And nobody does any drugs at HFD either!

  29. I heard from my Correction Officer buddies that they ran out of Vaseline in prison tonight. Joven is getting it good, if you know what I mean. Should we be cheering or filled with grief? Seems like he will be walking out of jail with a wider stance.

  30. So why was street crimes broken up? And who’s replacing them officers wise and supervisor wise?


  31. Right away someone says White sergeant.
    No one mentioned Race Other than that.
    These Hoodrats are Disgusting!!!!!!!



  33. I don't know what it means nowadays, but in the town where I grew up (Winchester, MA) a hood rat was someone who hung out in the center of town smoking cigarettes, making lewd comments to women, and being a general nuisance. But they were all white. So....

    1. So...............let me finish that for you. A hood rat is not race or gender specific. Just like an animal, a hood rat can be of any race, color, gender or whatever.

  34. Let’s bottom line this mess ,,, Luke Bronin along with many other intentionally destructive politicians past and present have long been stating that they want the City of Hartford’s employees ( especially cops ,firefighters and teachers) REFLECT THE COMMUNITY THEY STEAL FROM ,,,I’m sorry I meant ,,,WORK FOR!!!! Well , to Luke and the others, your finally seeing your wish come true.... hey Luke was this shitbag one of the many called to THANK them for filling out a application ???? Does anyone else remember that??? What a joke,too bad nobody’s laughing .

  35. You are definitely getting under Thody's skin and plucking his last nerve. Keep it up and continue to expose his incompetence. Thody could not find the time to attend Deputy Chief Long's sendoff Friday but he could find time Monday to attend all of the roll calls to badmouth you, tell Officer's you are a cancer on the Department and not to read your Blog. What is he afraid of? The truth maybe. His days are numbered as he continues to embarrass Bronin

  36. All this race talk, Hpd has equal opportunity for offenders regardless of race. Let’s take a look... you Have Capt. Coates completely defrauding the city with his road job/dirty hires and fraudulent “regular shift” entries (white guy). You have Thody with his assaults, demotions and underage girl infatuation (white guy). You have Paul West (who will never be disciplined mind you) and his trifecta of criminal incidents (black guy). You have Rodney and his illegal assault weapon purchase (black guy). This list can continue indefinitely. The fact of the matter is we have actually have a couple qualified people to lead this Department and they for some reason are commonly overlooked. Gabe should be the Chief, he’s a no bullsh** guy. Powell, Pia, Boisvert, Cunningham, all have attributes that would make them great in the Chiefs complex but unfortunately this city strictly focuses on skin color for these positions and we all know it. I relish the thought of working for a department where the command staff has integrity. The individuals I have named ALL have it and have displayed it consistently in my time working at HPD.

    1. Correction, only Boisvert and Cunningham if they have the education. Can't be a chief with only a high school diploma.

  37. An audit should be done of Captain Coates' Kronis, PJ's, fab entries, and PD surveillance cameras from this past summer to see actually how much money he has stole from the city. He then should have to pay pack the money and resign or face criminal charges. What a fraud!

    1. Coates has a FAT paycheck every week boo hoo! I hope he makes 260 this year.

  38. The city is in a circular spin around the drain. The race baiters and those who want to keep the people of Hartford dependent upon the government system will keep our citizens in poverty with schools that do not permit critical thinking, a government that makes everybody a victim, and a system that enriches the elite that promise everything.

    Police, firefighters, (all first responders), and the teachers of Hartford spend most of their lives trying to help the people of Hartford have better lives yet the top of the power structure wants to keep the people down and dependent. This is a crime that is despicable on all levels. OPEN YOUR EYS PEOPLE OF HARTFORD. The cops, firefighters, and teachers that work to make your lives better are the targets of the Democratic Elites. VOTE THEM OUT NOW.

    Stan McCauley is your bet hope to find success. The thugs like Mcgee and panderers like Bronin who think we are stupid are sucking up to get our votes. Look for somebody that will be interested in you.

    The police and fire departments have been in turmoil on and off for the part decade.

    People of Hartford, you know what we need to succeed. Don't fall for the shady promises of the power elite.

    A police officer with a 17 year old girlfriend?
    Weaver, Hartford High, and Bulkley with daily fights and constant police calls?
    Hartford has a cadre of unless and ineffective principals and administrative leaders.
    It will bring a horrifying result to our city.

    We deserve the results if we let this continue.


  39. Amber Guyger this is why Females SHOULD NOT BE COPS.

    1. Bro she certainly didn’t run from that shooting!!!


  40. Kev
    Just so u know COWARD THODY


  41. Thanks, I am well aware of his comments. I started receiving the calls probably even before he left the roll call room. I should probably thank him because all he does is drive more people to read my blog to find out what it is about. His ignorance can't be explained. Another HPD coward that has no trouble talking behind people's backs

    1. This is not new behavior for Jason Thody. From day one as a cadet and throughout his career Jason has been an immature coward, a liar, and has bad mouthed co-workers behind their backs to no avail. Why do you think nobody can stand him and why he gets no respect. Several very respected members of HPD did warn you, at least you gave him a fair shake. HPD would be in better shape if the fire chief assumed command of HPD until a new chief is found.

  42. 8:48PM

    I have to disagree with you on that one. Plenty of female officers have done the job and done it very well. I am sure there are male officer's that have reacted to similar situations poorly also

    1. Indeed..........Jason Thody, who has about 2 months tops of actual street experience.

  43. Vinnie can't decide what he wants for breakfast tomorrow let alone who he will try to schmooze for VIN / take home vehicle. Latern, Thody, Lantern, Outsider, Thody, Lantern. He is like a ping pong ball. Not the type of guy you want leading a division associated with the FEDS. Mind you, Coates already ruined our relationship with the Feds.

  44. Vinny, Trinity gives us a discount on college classes. Take English. Do you know what a paragraph is? You want to be a big time commander? Send a professional email, put a signature down below your name. 45A / Lantern's shining light is your peak at HPD, just like donut boy in Rockefeller center was your peak at NYPD.

  45. Joven is already posting on social media how HPD could have prevented him from doing this to himself and his family. Joven has already said via social media he's suing the city! Joven's future ex wife suing to. Adios Thody

  46. Vinny has more wrinkles in his uniform than Thody does as days wearing 3 stars.

  47. Clean house at 50j, get rid of all of these turds. New Chief, New Chances, plus, Results.


  48. Kevin,
    We love you in Patrol.



  49. 10/1/2019 @ 4:34

    I reasonably believe you are on to something. Democrat leadership is a failed state. They create problems that aren’t there. They underfund safety and education to acquire crisis subsidy monies. By that time the land they govern is a war zone and everybody is too stupid and brainwashed to fix it. Their Modus Operandi is govern with feeling not facts. Democrats are an undisciplined mess that ruin everything they touch.

    Thank you Lucas for making Hartford more dangerous and dumb. Get your crisis money for the town you ruined but love.

    Don’t govern like a Whack job!

  50. Funny how you post comments about Thody being a racist with NO proof, but you protect Cicero who is a confirmed racist! Your filtering habits to protect your snitches is enough to file this lawsuit for defamation of character.

  51. horrible, the city has lost control. there is a video circulating on social media of the the fights at the NEW WEAVER, but where are all the folks who were cutting ribbons, taking pics and congratulating Leslie for a job well done at that school???? shame.

  52. Brockman, when is anyone going to look into Sgt Morandes use of the N word ? Everyone knows this is documented

  53. I doubt "everyone" knows because this is the first I am hearing of it. Docummented where? Send me some proof please, I tend to doubt it exists

  54. Kevin brookman is like batman. He exposes what is going on at city hall and in the police department. I like Kevin

  55. Morande never used the N word. Look at the person that made the false complaint (St.John). The biggest racist in the department and a big time liar. He comes in second place for being a liar, first place of course goes to Cicero.

    1. Morande did say it BUT he was repeating what a citizen said first. That doesn't absolve him but that's what happened...well over 10yrs ago.

  56. Another typical day at 253 High Street, while HPD Interim Chief Thody was politicking having coffee and donuts this morning, HFD Fire Chief Reggie Freeman was organizing his Departments response to a plane crash at Bradley. What a waste Thody is. Kevin, we all know who the Cancer is and they need to start full scale heavy Chemo on the 2nd floor.

  57. Jeff Morande Is far from a racist. Shawn St. John was the biggest Turd walking here and he’s not missed. He’s also not liked while patrolling suffield’s mean streets. Ask anyone who has worked closely with Morande. Whether it’s his bosses, the officers in his command, or the FBI agents at JTTF. Jeff is not a racist person. If he calls you out or treats you differently, it’s because you are incompetent. It’s not because of your skin color. Unlike many supervisors here, Jeff goes the extra mile to make his co-workers better. He generally cares. Roberts documented Jeff’s alleged use of the N word thru IAD like any Chief would have (except Thody for Vinni) and this was later unfounded. Since then, Jeff worked with and for black FBI agents, Rob Ford as the Blue Hills commander, who loves him, and has supervised Fabian Brooks and Joven Gonzalez, who Jeff really tried to help every shift. No one else did that... Let’s not forget Morande is still loved in Blue Hills by the community members, who are predominantly black in that neighborhood. Morande is not the enemy here. He is the most highly trained sergeant we have based on his military background. Does he go about some things the wrong way sometimes? Yes, but Jeff is a good cop, good boss, and most certainly not a racist.

  58. Remember that time in Teleserve?October 2, 2019 at 11:08 PM

    Does anyone remember when Guzzie played the Muslim call to prayer over the HPD intercom during Ramadan in order to insult Raman when she worked in teleserve? I remember that was clearly racist and Vinny is telling everyone he will make Guzzie the operations supervisor in VIN? that a good idea? Promoting Guzzie, who has spent 80% of his career here at HPD on the sick and injured list seems foolish. Hopefully, Thody skips him. I also hope Vinny stops telling people what and how he will do things for a unit he doesn't work in. So, just to recap folks; Vinny needs to take a break and Guzzie needs to get skipped.

  59. "hurt" my knee playing basketballOctober 2, 2019 at 11:12 PM

    St John hurt a lot of people at HPD. J-Mo, Pia, Sammy....he was a real loser and arguably the biggest liar while he was here. People on the street complained he would rip off drug dealers. Nothing happened. Maybe Sammy can give karma a nudge.

  60. 1:16 PM

    Nice try to change the attention off you. He is the farthest thing from racist and you clearly know nothing about him or his personal life. Only a compete coward would attack a man while he's away in service of his country. You are a zero end of story.

  61. Vinni shaking in his boots based on the blog. Shaking more than a Rockettte at Radio City (reference NYPD). Ever wonder why Luis Ruiz wears NYPD medals but Vinni doesn’t? It’s not rocket Science… After 20+ years in New York City shouldn’t you have something to show for it? My cousin worked with the good lieutenant in manhattan where he vowed to just do this for a paycheck, Vinni Signed on late and off early Oh yeah, my cousin said Vinni was racist so they kept him out of queens and Bronx. Manhattan for you Vinni lot of meatballs to slurp on to your uniform. My cousin also said we are doomed if Vinny takes over a good division

    1. Wait a minute!!!!! Isn’t there a movie about this called “My cousin Vinny”


  63. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Here’s some factual information. Craig Stallings has been very vocal against HPD for a very long time. The same HPD that extended him quite the favor that he so easily forgets. In a recent Facebook post Stallings talks about appointing himself police commissioner, or start his own Hartford Police Department. This is ironic because he may have actually tried to do that.
    Several years ago a female that knew DC Brooks from the gym approached him. DC Brooks was still an active Deputy Chief at the time. The female told DC Brooks she met a Hartford Police Officer on the dating site Bumble. This female told DC Brooks she had been conversing with this officer and was kinda creeped out and asked DC Brooks to take a look at the Bumble post in which she had matched with the gentleman. Upon looking, to DC Brooks surprise, it was Craig Stallings impersonating a Hartford Police Officer. Craig had profile pictures of himself with his wife’s HPD matron uniforms laying on the bed in the background and told the female he was a Hartford Police officer. The incident was documented in an HPD Intel file. Stallings was given the courtesy of no publicity and no warrant was ever drafted as a favor. I do not know if a warrant would have been signed or not, but a warrant probably should have been submitted. Maybe this was his failed attempt at creating his own Hartford Police Department. Regardless, he should take a moment to think about what he posts about HPD and remember the courtesy and respect he was given.

    1. Stop hiding under "Anonymous" and truly show me facts. Also state your name if you have the courage.

    2. Facts are facts, it doesn’t matter where they came from. Craig certainly knows it’s factual as I’m sure you do. Might be a good idea to secure those uniforms in your locker at work.

    3. Kessler for LT!

    4. Ronnie, you saw the facts, did you forget? We went to booking and showed you the pictures with your uniforms and you were extremely upset. We did that out of respect for you, not Craig, because you were in the process for HPD officer. Need any more facts or proof? Or do you want to stop the hemorrhaging now?

    5. Hey Ronnie, how’s it going smelling feet all day now that you are doing it on base salary instead of soaking fat overtime checks to pay for your husbands failed mayoral run. Although rapping during his speech was a nice touch. I wouldn’t let him be mayor of the “jelly of the month club!!!”

    6. OMG “jelly of the month club” wins the Internet today!!!!

  64. Kevin, Is Craig Stallings still a chairman at the Hartford Board of Education? Is that an elected position? If so he should resign immediately this shows poor judgement to say the least. I question if he is an appropriate fit for the position if this true. I would guess this picture will also surface very soon.

  65. News Flash...Sgt hug a thug is going to recruitment. Can’t wait to see the quality of officers we get under his leadership.

    1. I'm a little outta the loop with the nicknames but i'm guessing you're referring to useless Steve Austin??? If so, he'll do anything not to do field sergeant work and have a schedule that allows him to coach his son.

    2. No more spending all day tucked away hiding at 50J while his unit runs the street having other sgts have to step up when they need something. So glad I’m almost out of here. T minus 6 years. Good riddance HPD.

  66. Driving by HPD on 84 today, I saw Asst. Chief Medina aka the green lantern, peering out his window. I don’t know if he was gazing at the highway, reminiscing on his career as a trooper, or contemplating jumping out of the complex to rid himself of Thody’s HPD. Probably the second one... don’t jump Chief, don’t jump! This will all be over soon. Soon, you’ll be on your way out because you didn’t deserve stars in the first place. Yeah, you’re not a bad guy. But you’ve never worked our streets, so you are not welcome in the big chair. Un bend your 8 point hat, turn in your blue uniform, and go work for Enfield PD and retired Colonel Fox. Stay out of roll call, stop doing your limp thru the hallway, and start packing up your stuff. Pack thody’s too while you’re at it. You should have destroyed him in that IA about POST signature sheets while you had the chance. We all know he’s dirty. Now you are too. Good riddance. Back to the barracks you go! Good luck at Aetna. Need help selling your home while we are on the subject?

  67. Here’s a fact

    Hey Craig have you paid off the $6943 court ordered settlement figure you owed CENCAP Federal Credit Union or are you and your wife still paying off the $35 a week wage garnishment?

  68. 1:46am

    I guess I disagree with you and almost all of your statement. Chief Medina has been a breath of fresh air and is light years ahead most of those on the "inner circle" on the second floor. He seems to be fair with discipline and accountability and doesn't play the usual HPD games. Medina is more of a cop than any of the "leaders" on the second floor have ever been or will ever be and has seen and investigated more during his tenure as a Trooper than all of the Command Staff combined

  69. Kevin sorry to say but you need to speak for yourself. Medina is far from a "breath of fresh air" to all of us that work at HPD. Hes just another typical laughing stock upper management type of guy. The guy is a state trooper not a respected Hartford Cop. The guy isnt respected by the troops and everyone is bord by his 30 min roll call appearances where he tries to be "one of the guys". Medina for the love of god please stop with the question and answer b.s. We dont want to talk. We are sick and tired of only seeing Chiefs come down for negative interactions. Please save yourself the entire 3 minute trip from the second floor to the roll call room and please just put out some more time wasting powerDMS nonsense. We all thank you from the roll call room.

    And Kevin just a hint, we need command staff that inspire us to work. Not the regular old laughing stock, incompetent, uninspiring, un-respected command staff. Morale is low. And drops lower and lower when a Medina or Watson show up at a roll call to wag their finger at the hard working patrolman. Leave us the f*** alone.

    I can't wait till all of patrol utilizes EAP for an entire weekend and go off on some PTSD from Medina's roll call appearances. Blue flu EAP here we come!

  70. Hey Ronnie pick up a red book and take a read of C.G.S 53a-130a Impersonation of a police officer, it fits. Punishable by a state prison term of one to five years and a fine of up to $5,000. Better hope the statute of limitations is up, but I hear this was not an isolated incident, yup that's right, more to come shortly. The Internet is forever Craig and so is your investigative file so give it a rest the photoshop defense will not fly. Do some research on what a search warrant is and how it's served relative to internet sites and activity. Digest some of that before your next public comment on the matter. What you were doing was a CRIMINAL OFFENSE, so knock it off already with your nonsense. No one is defending the social media posts made by theses officers in any form and they will be held accountable for sure. This is about your years of negative rhetoric geared towards HPD and how it has gotten old, sorry if you and the wife did not make the cut for the job, get over it already.

    1. Don't forget about their son.

  71. Vinny, I know the blog is getting to you because you’re actually taking my advice on your email etiquette when sending to all sworn personnel. So therefore, you know I’m right. Get your head out of your rear and take our other advice too. You been a cop a long time, maybe it’s time to hang it up. Things are only gonna get worse for you when your boy Lantern gets the ole size 10 from the new 3 star chief. Retire now, you’ll go down a legend like your fellow New Yorkers, Jeter, Patrick Ewing, Joe Namath. Only one difference... those guys weren’t a thorn in their teams side. They supported the good of their Agency and they looked good in their uniforms while doing it! I think the yard goats mascot is hiring for the 2020 season. Suits you well. I’ll put your resume under their door. Lantern can come visit you as director of security. I’m sure Rosado has the hook with his new MLB gig. You’re a shoe in. Just stop causing trouble here. You’re a phony and we all see it. Thanks for keeping Mozzicato’s in business though. Props there

  72. Leave Vinni alone

    In this PD

    Lazy is the new motivated sloppy new sharp

    he master at both plus

    he told everyone on bus ride to NY taking over VIN

    says he making changes get ready
