Thursday, September 26, 2019


I am not sure what Mayor Bronin is waiting for, but maybe he has become accustomed to the revolving door of Department heads in his Administration I hope it changes if he is fortunate enough to get re-elected. He needs to start a search for a stable leader for HPD. Officers are starving for it, and resident's deserve it.

I would normally advocate for hiring from within to fill administrative vacancies, but I think one key position needs to be filled from the outside. I would encourage Mayor Bronin to conduct a national search to fill the position of Police Chief. That goes contrary to what I have believed, but I don't think there is anyone p0resently at  HPD capable of providing the proper leadership to move HPD forward. Morale at HPD, especially among the rank and file is probably at the lowest I have seen it in several years. One person that I thought was more than capable to lead the Department and actually had "Rovella style" vision to build and kick HPD out of neutral (or even reverse) and into overdrive was Deputy Chief William Long. Chief Long was driven out, I mean retired, yesterday.

One other person I think would be a good choice is Assistant Chief Rafael Medina. Medina is a retired CSP Lieutenant and came in with Chief Rosado. I think if Medina put together a good team around him, he could do the job . I think his heart is really in the Patrol Division which is sorely needed right now.

Patrol is the backbone of any Police Department and Medina is not afraid to talk to Patrol Officers or even go out on Patrol with them and more importantly, he respects everyone, no matter their rank. Medina also is a strong believer in accountability and following policy. Now isn't that a novel idea?

I have to admit, I was very disappointed when Chief Rosado left. I felt that Chief Rosado was moving in the right direction and I would have loved to see where HPD would have been after another couple years under his leadership, but we don't always get what we want. I think HPD was culture shock coming from CSP and encountering the HPD culture. I think Medina had the same issues, but he has proven to be fair and consistent in dishing out discipline, something long overdue at HPD.

The first night I met David Rosado, before he became Chief, we had gone out privately and had a great conversation. He asked me what I thought HPD officers were looking for in a Chief. I told him the number one thing Officers had told me was that they wanted accountability. If they did something wrong, they expected to be held accountable and they expected discipline to be fair. I think Rosado did that during his short time here. I still say that Medina was brought in as Assistant Chief to act as Rosado's  "hatchet man" someone that could set a strong tone of accountability as well as showing common sense and fairness.

Much of Medina's time here has been occupied with discipline issues, hearings and internal investigations. We can only hope that if he became the permanent Chief, that tasks would lessen for the next Assistant Chief as the rank and file would realize they had to get with the program and the days of game playing were gone. Don't get me wrong, I am not painting the picture of a Department full of rogue cops, a small minority can cause the majority of the problems which paint the Department in a poor light. Proper leadership would eliminate many of those problems.

Many of my readers might be asking "where is you support for the Interim Chief?" It has dissolved for several reasons. One is truthfulness and honesty.. It is just not there in my opinion. A simple example, OK. When I asked the current interim Chief why HPD was not buying the Ford Explorers for Patrol vehicles rather than the higher priced Chevrolet Tahoe's, he told me the Explorers (all wheel drive vehicles) would require mandated 8 hours of  mandated driver training for all Patrol Officers  operating Explorers.

Mandated by who? No other town or agency I contacted was aware of any training requirements besides the initial training given in the Academy. I asked one Officer from another Department who I knew was driving an Explorer. I asked him what "mandated" training he received before being allowed to drive an Explorer. He laughed and said "NONE, they just handed me the keys". There are other examples, but once you lie to me , you lose my confidence quickly.

The Department is also a disorganized mess. People are more concerned trying to figure out who my sources are and where I get my information instead of admitting the information is correct and doing something to fix it. When I knew there were 20 cars deadlined (broken down and inoperable at the DPW garage) there was more of an effort to figure out who gave me the accurate info rather than putting a push on  DPW mechanics  to get the cars repaired and back on the street in the Patrol Division ( as a side note, there are 21 cars on the deadline tonight and not enough vehicles for every officer in Patrol to have a cruiser). But on the positive side, all of the Command Staff have , or will be getting brand new vehicles for their daily commutes

Despite the highly touted use of body cameras, many officers still have not received training in the use of Body cameras, nor have they been issued. Many uniformed officers still are not wearing the body cameras and  with the exception of ,I believe, traffic  Supervisors, no Supervisors are wearing body cameras, detectives are not being issued or trained in the use of the cameras, even though many of them work private jobs or road jobs where they come in contact with residents. At the very least, every Supervisor should already be trained and wearing body cameras since they are the most likely to be involved in situations where the body cam footage would be very helpful when any complaint might be made.

To show more mismanagement, very few cruisers, if any, have dash cameras in operation. Oh, they are here, they have just been sitting on a pallet wrapped in plastic in the basement of HPD for months, un-installed, collecting dust. You might be given the same excuse  I was given when I asked the Interim Chief about it. They were waiting for new cars to come in before they installed them. Were those the new cars the Interim told me would be arriving in July? I guess I'll have to give him a pass on that one because he didn't say July of which year. No new cars have arrived yet , except the Command Staff Tahoe's

We should be demanding more from our Interim Police Chief, and the next Chief should be tasked with mentoring the numerous capable officers who should be in line for consideration the next time there is a Chief's opening. This is not a position that the taxpayers of Hartford should be paying over a quarter of a million dollars a year for and getting these type of incompetent results for our money.. But then again, we pay that kind of salary for the Superintendent of schools and get dysfunctional results, so why not the Police Department.

I was going to wait until next week to write this post until I went to HPD for the Public Compstat meeting tonight. Once I arrived at HPD we were informed that the Public Compstat meeting that was posted and advertised on social media had been cancelled. Why you might ask?  Because the Mayor was having a Community meeting and he wanted "everyone" there. I can probably recite his canned message better than he can.  Do you think maybe they could have posted the sudden cancellation on social media, nope. Typical

Oh well, I think you get my point, but as a City , our Police Department is too important for us and our future to accept such lackluster results.

Sorry Jason, I  was willing to give you a fair shot, but you have lost my trust and confidence.

And Deputy Chief Long, congratulations in your retirement, our loss is the State of Connecticut's gain, sadly


  1. Little Eric Leonard for D/ C !!!!!!

  2. Thody has long overstayed his welcome. Should have never brought that Turd back. Rosado’s biggest mistake.

  3. If thody was smart he’d invite long back in a month to be A/C and double dip, just like he did. Big loss. Congrats Big Time. Get out of this toilet, you’re the best of the best and the last of the Mohegans who truly represents all HPD means to us all. We are doomed

  4. Why are all the toilets flushing at 50 jennings this fine crisp fall evening ?

  5. some of them should have been flushed a long time ago

  6. Kevin,

    You can't say you weren't warned what a vindictive liar Thody is

  7. Will Chanaka know what real Sergeant's do in Patrol? I wonder what happened there, must be good.

  8. Tahoe Gate Lives,

    I guess they can say "We told you so". At least I put my name to what I say and think, instead of talking behind someone's back

  9. Yo Kev, weren't lookin' into Browsers anti mexican comments Mertez hearing?

  10. Mr. Brookman, your best friend and long time support, Commander Vincent Benvenuto is rumored to be getting a new take home car. Can you ellaboriate?

  11. What does SGT AUSTIN do again? Can you explain?

    1. Answer: Kiss any and every heiny that allows him to avoid shift work, paperwork, crime scenes (police work). He may even use tongue if the heinys are of the fairer complexion and politically connected.

    2. This guy does absolutely nothing all day and the history doesn’t lie. Just check HB records of 730. He oversees a unit of 2 people. What a waste of stripes.

    3. This guy is dangerously stupid, can not make a decision and knows nothing about laws of arrest. Would you rather him out in the street putting officers and himself in danger or tucked away doing nothing putting those stripes to waste?

  12. Everyone is sad in trafficSeptember 26, 2019 at 9:58 PM

    Brockman, how's the fleet doing? Where did Lieut. Pia hide the Tahoes this week? Let's play a game called "hide the tahoes". What a fricken joke. Maybe Pia is living in one of those tahoes. Hopefully, he doesn't take it on his guys tomorrow morning. Cheer up Zarebski.

  13. Oh No, Brookman's Coming!!September 26, 2019 at 10:02 PM

    Hey Brookman, I heard Kevin O'Brien tipped Thody off that you would be attending comstat today and they quickly canceled . Any truth to that?

  14. My initial thoughts were also that Medina would have made a good leader, until he allowed Captain “Gotnobackbone” Coates to be in charge of the Detective Division. The thief... excuse me, I mean Captain Lip Service has never conducted any valid investigation and has no knowledge base to accurately oversee that division. You’d have thought Medina, with his vast investigative background (just ask him) would be able to see what a farse Captain Jelly Spine really is. Chief Long will be sorely missed, he was the only real leader left. Thody is nothing more then a political pawn filling the spot until the right minority chief emerges. He’s a terrible terrible terrible waste and provides zero for this Department. Hopefully one day soon people begin to see that the patrol division is the real work horse of the Pd and that we should be treated as such. The leader that actually sees this will very very very quickly gain the support of the rank and file, until then we just have to sit back and watch as the chiefs complex implodes.

  15. Jason Thody arrived at HPD in the mid 90’s as a young, arrogant, cocky, vindictive, lying, back stabbing, self centered individual that knew everything already. Thody never earned the respect of any of any of his co-workers due to the aforementioned qualities. That lack of respect went through his entire career. A chief is not respected due to his title as such, a chief is respected based on the person he or she is. Thody never was, and never will, have the respect of the rank and file, and Thody knows that. Jason Thody has nobody to blame but himself. Many warned you Mr. Brookman, and I commend you for giving him a fair shake. Good night now, early am PJ.

  16. Welcome Back to Patrol Tuff GuySeptember 26, 2019 at 10:08 PM


  17. D/C Long on behalf of the faction of this department that still strives on the tradition and pride that is the Hartford Police Department we will truly miss your presence. You were the living embodiment of leading by example and a part of the command staff that was truly respected by the rank and file. After twenty five years of dedicated service you looked just as sharp on the way out as you did on your first day on the job. The example that you set to the officers was second to none and was always noticed by those of us that still withhold that pride. You rose through the ranks and always remained approachable and respectful to everyone from civilian employees to the officers on the street. Sir, you are a true leader and the example of the model supervisor that all should aspire to become. Congratulations on your well deserved retirement, your departure is truly a lose to the Hartford Police Department and the citizens of Hartford.

  18. Street Crimes posting today to replace the duds being sent back to Patrol. Another opportunity for the softball team or Laureano’s nephew.... anyone need a bat boy?

  19. BOWSZA and his Tahoe spotted at the Big E today.

  20. AND, rumor has it a high ranking official with a take home car spotted leaving Downtown 10-46 (DRUNK) in take home car..... inner circle Thody will sweep under rug to protect his boys

  21. Dress right dress, ready front, attention to the role............HEBERT

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Oh no..... who is going to look out for Fallon Jr now that the last Fallonite, Billy Long, is gone? Poor kid is screwed.

    1. Junior is as squared away as they come. He’ll be fine.

  24. I have been told that some sort of shuffling of Lieutenants is coming near the end of October, I have also been assured that the take home vehicle policy is being looked and and revisions are expected and several Lieutenants will not be happy with the outcome. I have also been assured that no take home vehicle will be travelling to New York State, despite what you are being told. Remember, it is an election year and this whole issue has become an embarrassment to the Mayor, he doesn't need it to become hotter

  25. 9:55pm,

    I am told one thing he does pretty regularly is talk about me, I am not sure if that is part of his official function or not

  26. What about the intentional damaging of a city vehicle, namely car 3, by gizzie. Complete disregard for city property.
    I hope the hammer is used on that clown .

  27. 10:02PM

    I don't think so, I hadn't decided to go until about 5:00PM and at that time I hadn't spoke with him for a few hours

  28. What is this "Taco-Gate" we keep hearing about? What does that even mean?

  29. 10:06PM

    I was told Chanaka was bounced back also, Is that true?

  30. The green lantern needs to rise. He will carry the torch of hope and freedom throughout the halls of police headquarters. The madness and power struggle that is about to begin will be bloodier then the game of thrones dark episode. Roberts always did a shakeup. Guys and gals get too comfy in those cake spots. I wonder what NB will do with all those desk jockeys and bankers hours super team members?
    The enlightenment by springtime will be a big rainbow above 10-2.

  31. @10:02 Kevin, what else do you and Internal Affairs commander talk about? Hmmmmmmmm. Mystery!

  32. Why is Hebert and Tanaka going back to patrol????

  33. you can't possibly think all of my info comes from the Patrol level, do you?

  34. @Second Floor Source - I am sure there are just as many, if not more, people who provide you with info on the second floor than the first floor....

  35. kash can knock down that wall and put a hot tub in the office.
    Steve does a great job in vin. No need to bring in nypd vinni.

  36. Bowser going have a busy day of looking into blog sources now that loser


  38. Hartford PD is a disgrace. We used to be bad ass, respected, and proud. Now the community know's that we are weak. We have a Chief with zero balls, we have a mayor who won't allow us to combat this violence effectively. We are worse than we have ever been. Our focus is recruitment and facebook.... Shame on all of you on the second floor. You came up under a command staff where we didn;t take crap, yet you let the silver badges take crap. You're allowing our capitol city pd to become micromanaged and everything it never was meant to be. Thody, Bowsza... you are pathetic. We see right through your regime. You're in it for the resume builder. You're in it to help the rest of your crew who've never done a damn thing on the street. No wonder no one respects you. Cars falling apart, nepotism thru the roof, delayed promotions, delayed award ceremonies, copy machines don't work, violence thru the roof, people in the wrong positions. How can you work somewhere for an extended period of time and allow it to fail when you're given the reins? I pray to God the next Chief kicks you out of the PSC. Take Bowsza with you. We don't respect you. I want to work for a Chief who I'd be happy to make look good. Now, I'll sit in my office and do nothing. You have zero accountability where it counts.

  39. About time 50J got a shake up. Street Crimes was doomed from the beginning. The quality guys, they sent to MCD, the average guys, they kept in the unit, and the disasters, back to patrol where they will continue to be disasters. Good thing I45 has motors and Zebra84 Hebert with his minimal experience has ERT cause they need that to boost their complexes and their egos. Mind you, those can both be taken away....... actions speak louder than words. Hope Ash was worth it boys........... Ew.

  40. As soon as people are sleeping with each other in a unit, the whole unit becomes compromised. Should have seen this coming.

  41. Chanaca's recliner at 50J is gonna be very lonely come sunday.........enjoy 210. The seats are ripped and probably hasn;t seen a wash since June

  42. Thody and Bowsza are using secretary Chanda to gather intel on the first floor. Be careful, don't trust her.

  43. Pia is a good guy, give him a break. He's torn between inner circle and the side that brought him up. Spell, Bremser, etc. All guys that crushed Thody, and still would. He'll come around. Quality dude and no one better for Traffic, MCD, VIN, wherever they want to place him.

  44. Between our INTERIM (key word) Chief and our Union President, no wonder everyone with less than 5 years wants to leave and is actively trying. New PPO who was off FTO 1 week ago already in processes elsewhere lol.

  45. Jason C. Thody is a placeholder and will be gone by January.

  46. Note to G99; your own guys can not stand you. Thought you were at one time a great investigator? You need not look far, look within for the leak.

  47. Well i guess the writing was on the wall when we lost that item A on 83 charges code 2 and still MIA. I Bet his homeys used a hacksaw on those cuffs.

  48. We need a national search for a veteran cop who worked in a urban environment. We dont need another incompetent chief who forgot or didnt know how to police in a urban environment like Hartford.

    As for Medina, hes not respected at all by the rank and file. We was tainted at CSP and was tainted when he walked into 253 under Rosado's oversight. He hasn't proven himself to the rank and file and everyone knows hes a laughing stock. It's hard to be respected when your quintessential the ugly red headed step child at HPD and you dont have the backing of a 5ft tall midget.

    But hey atleast patrol is getting 2 new Tahoes!

  49. Morale at the PD is low because of: Paul West, Joun Shipwreck, Kelly Baerga, Zack Freeto,Gentry and so on so on. Those same ones filing complaint after complaint.... the city will spend over a million dollars because a bunch of babies didn't get their way so they (tried and failed) to use the system... Keep hating haters. All you do is motivate those you hate against. Thody for chief? dummies. He never wanted it. He just wanted to do it for a year or so and then leave. Hes making 250k a year right now or more. Whos the one laughing??? Its Gabes cousin not nephew, and the dude is out there killing it everyday. while 3/4 of you slugs sit in your cruisers and play candy crush. Yea we will miss Long, but he had to go. It was the right move for him. Ive been here over 15 years... and guess what? no mater who the chief is the same 10 percent complain. People hated rovella, people hated roberts, rosado, thody... it doesnt matter. cry babies will cry.... booo hoooooo look in the mirror look how represent HPD? attacking each other Behind anonymous. Gabes office is always open. Walk in their and talk to him. You know why you wont? cause your a baby and just want to complan.

  50. How is Hebert gonna pay child support for those 3 beautiful girls he’s got without that shady FBI OT.?!??? Hope trading your kids in for Ashley was worth it.

  51. G99=


  52. Thody’s true colors prevail again. Today at Long’s retirement send off in the compstat room, Thody (and Medina) were not present. How can Thody be that disrespectful to not show for a guy like Long retiring after 25 years. There was not a more competent squared away guy like Chief Long. We’d all like to know, was it Thody that told you the next time you come to HPD you would be a visitor. It was very difficult seeing you choke up. Much respect, Thody will NEVER have the respect you earned over the years. We will certainly miss you Bub. Go Tigers!!!!

  53. GO ORANGE,

    Very valid comments, I am surprised the Chief wasn't there but maybe he was detained at a community meeting attempting to prop up Mayor Bronin, like he did last night. I am, also pleasantly surprised that the D/C MC made the comments he did, maybe there is hope for him yet. I don't need to defend A/C Medina, but my understanding is that he is out of State on a weekend trip he takes annually.

    And again, like I said last night, Best Wishes to Deputy Chief Long on your retirement. A true gentleman and a professional. The City of Hartford's loss is the State of Connecticut's gain. Maybe we could see you back some day

  54. Please keep your comments to the topic, there will be plenty of time for comments about Street Crimes and why their supervisor was bounced on a posting when all the details are available

  55. Shame on Thody for not taking the time to give Long the respect that he deserved. He has forgotten more about the operational side of this job then your entire command staffs combined knowledge. Sending out a two line email 53 minutes prior to the event is unacceptable and a disgrace. Long should have been Chief and we all know it!!!! Enjoy retirement Big Time we don't blame you for leaving this sinking ship

  56. You expect these blog fans to believe that the comments have stalled at 58?
    Do you really believe the thodster will not strike like a venomous reptile !!!!

  57. Kevin you are a dirty loser! Allowing some of these posts to go through while covering up the true posts about that dirty State Trooper Medina and his dirty filthy crew Cicero and Vinny! We all know that they are the corporates of Tahoe Gate and the planned attack of Thody. I know you won’t post this but I’ll pray for God to have mercy on your filthy soul. When the time comes, you will pay for all the wrongs you’ve created. “I feel sorry for your MOTHER!”

  58. I vote that Captain Coates becomes Chief. His inability to adequately supervise and make a decision would fall right into line with what Bronin wants. He would fit the bill perfectly, he could tell the rank and file what he thinks we want to hear then do something totally different that benefits him and Bronin. He would be the BEST for the position of useless pawn. The way he excels at overseeing the Detective division despite not having one ounce of investigative experience is real proof that he can b/s just about anyone. We are used to having a push over Chief, no need to look very far for another idiot

  59. Vinney stop bad mouthing Brookmen to us stick to screaming in radio when stuff happens
    I just about fell in the hole at my pj you yelled so loud during last person shot

  60. 10:23am

    That is the true sign of a coward with no integrity. Someone who has no problem talking about you behind your back, but acts like your best friend to your face, offering you venison jerky and other nonsense, Right Vinnie? Just about every time he talks about me ( or others) my phone is usually ringing within minutes to let me know Vinnie's latest comments. All I can say is consider the source, and don't believe all the tales he tells about his previous career, he is leaving many of the details out.

  61. 6:04am

    That " Dirty State Trooper" and Cicero are more of a cop than you will ever be. You might not like the "Dirty State Trooper" and LT Cicero because they are actually professionals and hold people accountable.

    Both Chief Medina and LT Cicero have no problem picking up the phone and calling me when they disagree with me, or they tell me to my face. That is called integrity and being a man, some lessons your mother and father must have never taught you. As I mentioned in my previous comment it is cowardly to go after me as anonymous. At least my thoughts are attached to my name so you know where I stand and they are not "Anonymous". I had a Police Officer call me Friday afternoon to tell me he disagreed with some of the comments being posted, I have great respect for someone doing that and not hiding and putting their real identity instead of taking cover behind "Anonymous"

  62. Blows my mind you talk about integrity and hiding behind anonymous, yet allow at your control slander to be put out by people hiding behind anonymous..... a little hypocritical isn’t it??

  63. Benvenuto should have gone to Yonkers or White Plains. Somewhere high speed dudes would see right through his crap. If this Trooper wasn't here to accept coffee bribes, Vinni would be riding his tricycle around the parking lot. No one else cares for Lantern except for Vinni. And Lantern has gotten better but still needs to go. Vinni makes racist comments at roll call. Be aware folks. Another Kessler and Barone on the way.... this time with LT Bars.

  64. 3:54pm

    No it is not, at all. Nothing I do is "anonymous" but you must not understand the HPD culture, or you may actually be a part of it. Some of the comments I don't always agree with, but there are a lot of valid concerns in most of the comments and if officers put their names to that the Administration and others would retaliate against them. The comments serve a purpose to effect change when no one else is paying attention. If people actually acted like leaders in their positions, these issues could be addressed internally without the public airing. The blog would be a lot less popular, but I could deaL with that if Officers felt as though they were making a difference and being treated properly by the Administration

    1. 3:54 PM was 1000% Jason Thody. And your reply to Jason was 1000% spot on. Jason doesn’t get it, he never has.

  65. Kevin, everyone is talking about the latest incident with Joven Gonzalez and I assume you are busy fielding calls.

    Can you follow up on the following items:

    1. In Mertes disciplinary hearing, she introduced a Facebook post depicting racist comments towards Latinos made by Chief of Staff and Advocate, Brian Bowser. What is the status of that? If she introduced this material into an official record, wouldn't IAD have to investigate?

    2. Where is Kelly Beagra and why hasn't she been interviewed by IAD? If she hasn't been interviewed, how could Andrew Rodney receive discipline?

    3. What is the status of the original Joven Gonzalez IAD case? Also known as Joven-Gate1

    4. Where are the Tahoes? Why is the Patrol Fleet so crumby? Also known as Tahoe-Gate

    5. Why is Vinny Benvenuto telling everyone he will be commanding VIN in October? Also known as Vinny-Gate

    6. Where is Paul West and why has he not been disciplined?

    7. What is the status of the Mertes Academy sexual harassment investigation?

    8. Why did Chris Chanaka get sent back to patrol?

  66. Pia did you figure out the leak in traffic? Cross your eyes. Only two people had access to the documents and they both retired. C'mon LT, you can figure it out. If the chief didn't insult those two people, all this talk about the tahoes would have never come up. WHo are you loyal to?

  67. Pistol Whip,

    yes, the phone has been blowing up. The incident you are asking about seems to be valid. I am waiting for an official release to make sure I have the details before posting. Suffice it to say, if Officer Gonzalez had been dealt with properly by the Administration and the Chief, he probably would not be sitting in a jail cell now and his victim would not be hospitalized with a fractured skull. In relation to your questions #1,I have heard the comments made by the Chief of Staff were introduced along with documentation. I would think it would have to be investigated , especially if Facebook comments were part of Lt Mertes discipline actions. 2. It is an election year, I doubt very much that Mayor Bronin olr Chief TGhody want to deal with a hot button issue before the election, it will be easier for Bronin to leave it for the next Chief to handle after the votes are cast and the LGBTQ community won't be upset with Bronin.3. Follow the blog tonight, the Joven Gonzalez issue is about to blow up and possibly take others out with him for the way it was handled. 4. Good question, I am still wondering why it was handled the way it was in the first place. 5. What can I say, is it just Vinnie being Vinnie and does anyone believe his stories? I am sure if the Chief knew what he was saying behind his back, it might be a little different story. I think that there are many people, including residents will not be happy if they knew that he was telling people he was going to be taking his new Tahoe home to New York State every night, no matter who says he can't. 6. Last I knew , Paul West was still in pretty rough shape after his baseball bat beating after the fight at his house, we will have to wait and see on that one, if he is not coming back, there is no need for discipline 7. Same answer as #6, if she doesn't come back from her injury, no need for discipline.8. Was Chanaka ever in patrol? can he really be sent back to somewhere he never was?. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for him getting bounced, but I will post the details as soon as I have them all. And that is your daily HPD Disaster's update

  68. NYPD Internal AffairsSeptember 29, 2019 at 8:01 PM

    Vinnie, we love your roll calls. Advocating for excessive use of force and colorful terms for people who reside in Hartford. What a leader. Also, no belt keepers? Odd. Oh and hey, we spoke to a bunch of NYPD folks to confirm your employment record and most of the stuff you said is made stop telling us your new york stories. also confusing is how you bash thody on tuesday, love him on wednesday and then bash him again on thursday. Just pick one....and clean up your wrinkly uniform. Thanks - Magilla

  69. 7:55PM

    Those documents are also available at City Hall if you have the right sources and know who to ask

  70. Lantern can't be stoppedSeptember 29, 2019 at 8:11 PM

    Just curious, do you think Coates is mad that lantern went over him and inserted vinnie and labby in VIN and removed tanaka? Would you classify that as executive privelege?

    Latern - 1

    Inner Circle -0

  71. Any truth to the rumors of the good LT being caught up in a ticket fixing scandal during his NYPD days? Kevin, time for some FOI's to NYPD. Maybe Vinnie could pick it up for you someday before he heads back to Hartford from his New York home in that Tahoe he insists he is going to tell Thody he is going to drive home every night.

  72. and Vinny the Snitch can report his findings back to the Lantern at morning Coffee every day

  73. Chief Medina is a good dude. He's fair and does not like the fact that the Lieutenants and Captains are more focused on PJs than their jobs. In fact, I've heard him say it. He is about the work and I respect that.

  74. Hey hey hey....Leave Vinny alone. He's not a snitch or a rat. He is just a guy who wants to be loved....

  75. 8:15PM

    I don't think enough Officers have made the effort to get to know him because he is considered an outsider. Do you notice that he is one of the few members who actually wears a HPD uniform most days. He is not embarrassed by the uniform and appears to be proud to wear it, unlike most on the second floor who can't stand wearing it. I know for a fact, Medina stands up for his principals and his officers and doesn't go along with what he is told to do if he doesn't agree. He may appear very rigid, but get to know the man and I think you might be pleasantly surprised

  76. What are the chances of Thody actually leaving? No one beleives he would leave. He makes $250K year!!! Thats nearly a $100k than the Mayor! I wouldn't leave if I made that much money....

    Go thody go thody go!!! You are our hero!

    Bowza, get me another steak...hurry up!

  77. 13 rounds on Martin St via shot spotter..., maybe Joven bonded out! Thody probably hasn’t even taken his 83 yet.

  78. I agree with the thodster holding the football for a bit. He is doing a better job then darth vader with the pd.
    The problem is that so many sub par chiefs have come and go. Buckshot was the best in the last 20 or so years.
    Rosado spoke from his heart and did care, but the city is crazy. You need to have thick skin and the thodster has a
    Snakeskin cape. There is no one left. Big time, buyak, and even spongebob had potential to lead the titanic of hpd hope
    Into the future.

  79. Probably the kiss of death coming from me to the Mayor, but I think A/C Medina would set a strong tone of accountability if he were the Chief and he is not afraid of discipline. The problem with Thody is that he is trying too hard to impress Bronin because he wants the permanent job so bad, he is afraid to do what the job actually requires. Chief Rosado had the luxury of already being named Chief and he wasn't auditioning for it


  80. KEV,


  81. Bowsza spotted in take home Tahoe at the West Farms mall tonight carrying out his wife’s Talbots and J Crew Bags, along with a new pair of patrol boots for when he gets booted to 45C upon Thody’s exit. Vinni for Chief of Staff. Jk that guy couldn’t run a race let alone a division. NYPD never let Vinni work the NYC marathon cause he can’t run anything. Bowsza > Vinnie > Police Explorers.

  82. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Here’s some factual information. Craig Stallings has been very vocal against HPD for a very long time. The same HPD that extended him quite the favor that he so easily forgets. In a recent Facebook post Stallings talks about appointing himself police commissioner, or start his own Hartford Police Department. This is ironic because he may have actually tried to do that.
    Several years ago a female that knew DC Brooks from the gym approached him. DC Brooks was still an active Deputy Chief at the time. The female told DC Brooks she met a Hartford Police Officer on the dating site Bumble. This female told DC Brooks she had been conversing with this officer and was kinda creeped out and asked DC Brooks to take a look at the Bumble post in which she had matched with the gentleman. Upon looking, to DC Brooks surprise, it was Craig Stallings impersonating a Hartford Police Officer. Craig had profile pictures of himself with his wife’s HPD matron uniforms laying on the bed in the background and told the female he was a Hartford Police officer. The incident was documented in an HPD Intel file. Stallings was given the courtesy of no publicity and no warrant was ever drafted as a favor. I do not know if a warrant would have been signed or not, but a warrant probably should have been submitted. Maybe this was his failed attempt at creating his own Hartford Police Department. Regardless, he should take a moment to think about what he posts about HPD and remember the courtesy and respect he was given.

    1. Didn't he claim to be some military person too? Might wanna look into that.

  83. HPd is a rock star compared to the board of Ed. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
