Thursday, October 24, 2019


It is an election year so you aren't supposed to know this, but Hartford is out of control.

Last night was a very violent night in the Capitol City, shotspotter activations were constant, . Two people were shot in the area of South Green Park, another shooting victim showed up this morning at the hospital for treatment and told Police it happened in the area of South Green Park.

And now it continues on today.

A shootout occurred in the area of Garden and Westland Street. Numerous gunfire was reported. Most op the shootout was caught on the Hartford Police Department's C4 Command Center video.

As the shootout was occurring an HPD black and white cruiser came around the corner. Two vehicles were driving up the street apparently shooting at each other and at a 3rd vehicle at the curb , where that vehicles occupants were returning fire.

The first vehicle being chased continued past the police cruiser. the second vehicle following that one, threw their vehicle in reverse and backed up the street, past the car at the curb that was still firing at them.

What appears to be an innocent bystander trying to cross the street to get away from the gunfire is suddenly struck by the vehicle fleeing in reverse at high speed. She is launched and thrown through the air for approximately 100 feet. She also reportedly had a bullet wound to her head from what sources at the scene have told me. Her condition is unknown at this time, but I am being told unofficially it is not good.. Please keep her in your thoughts

It is also interesting from the video that the HPD Officer appears to continue driving and is not seen exiting from his cruiser or returning fire.

It is definitely, I am sure, an unnerving situation to come around a corner and find yourself in the middle of a firefight, What would the response be? Who knows.

But this is the reality of life in Hartford these days, And the reality is that innocent people are being killed as long as this continues.

We will have to see how transparent  HPD and City Hall are and if they have the courage to actually release the video of the real street life in Hartford. It is very disturbing video, but it is reality


  1. I don't blame the cop. Would you return fire? If he shot and killed any of the perps, (whether they were armed, not armed, or merely driving) there would surely be protests, riots and the demand he be fired. His life would be ruined. I don't blame him at all. Its not worth it.

    1. I WOULD have returned fire!!! Every time one of those shitbags recklessly sends a bullet out into the either it endangers the lives of innocent people just trying to live in an area they may not be able to move out of, you want a child killed by the 9th bullet fired when you could have stopped him after the 3rd?? So what? You are gonna get dragged through the mud for shooting a bad guy! Who cares?? You may very well have saved a life! Everyone of the three men shooting in the middle of the street needs a well placed load of buckshot. If you disagree with that after watching the video please quit! Because when one of my loved ones is getting hurt in this savage land called Hartford, I went men behind that heavy piece of tin on their chest that are gonna stand up and do something about it!! And if that means pulling the trigger to protect innocence then so be it! that’s what we are paid to do!

    2. Someone please get this guy a medal and a promotion. Clearly he is the savior hartford needs. You must be a real POS if your going to Monday morning quarterback another cop. Stay safe behind your keyboard. Otherwise go out on the streets of Hartford and starting blasting away at the bad guys Mr. Tough guy. Your moronic in every way possible.

    3. Go work a pj and stay out of the way of the real men doing the real police work. If and when the day comes that the city decides to allow us to do what's necessary to clean the streets, you won’t have the stomach for what will need to be done.

  2. Who is the officer that just sat in his car ??

  3. He already knew they were armed by the gunfire all around him. He may have been looking for the closest sewer to kick the shell casings into

  4. 4:19PM

    does my previous response answer your question?

  5. Kevin, way to stoke the fires. Lot of nerve calling out someone before the facts are in. 4:15 is 100% on point with his comment, about why the office may not have shot.

    1. Fox 61 live shot from the gravel lotOctober 25, 2019 at 8:46 AM

      100% correct Marty. We miss you by the way. Brookman seems to have a vendetta against the officer for some reason. And the officer did exactly what he should have done. He rendered aid also quickly as possible and transmitted vital information which was crucial in apprehending two out of the five suspects. It's easy to Monday morning quarter back when your not in the situation yourself. Kevin you should be more impartial in your posts especially one as such. It comes off as unprofessional when your not. And let's not forget the issue is with the lawlessness in Hartford not the Hartford cop who was there within seconds to prevent further bloodshed

  6. That officer is a coward. He did absolutely nothing to try to stop an active shooter standing next to his cruiser.
    When it was all over, did the officer get out of his cruiser finally to kick all the shell casings down the storm drain?

  7. 4:38PM

    If he did, I am sure the C4 video was of much better quality than the Bodega video that documented the first time he did it

  8. Marty,

    There are plenty of Officer's I support and would not question their decision making. That Officer is not one of them. He is the same officer that kicked shell casings down a sewer so he could get to his PJ on time. That is not the commitment to the City Of Hartford I would hope for from any Officer.

  9. Agostino is the least of our worries... when is Bronin gonna see the light and bounce Thody. Innocent women getting killed due to senseless violence that Thody and his leadership have done nothing to address!!! What the f***. Bad week for Thody, bad week for Dom, worse week for Bronin. Worst week in a while for Hartford.... Luke please do something and make some changes in your department heads. Specifically the one in the corner office at 253, driving the crispy Tahoe.

  10. What time and place is community comstat tonight ??
    Are lite refreshments being served ?
    Is the command staff going to lie to the public ?
    Is bowzer going to sit there and act important?

  11. Place 10 different cops in that same position Dom was in and you’d probably get 10 different responses. With the anti police climate in Hartford thanks to Luke Bronin and other politicians and community activists, I stand behind Dom and don’t blame him. Not to mention Bowsza sitting behind his comfortable desk sipping on his StarBucks pumpkin latte Monday morning quarterbacking officers every move.
    One little mistake and Dom would surely be put out for the trash like others. Dom your to close to retirement for the nonsense to risk being a zero for trying to be a hero, and for what I ask?

  12. The city is out of control alright. You should see and hear what it's like in the schools these days. They are unsafe and unfit for teaching and learning. I'm shocked that there aren't more stories about the chaos that has been unleashed through the district by our top heavy Hartford Public Schools administration.

  13. Time for Rev. Price to have yet another "March Against Violence", that won't change anything.

  14. I bet if there was a pj slip in this innocent victims pocket, maybe a med kit would have been pulled out or at least an attempt to be something other then what this person did. Sad work marlboro.....

  15. RB

    I think you mean Reverend Henry Brown. The last I knew "Rev" Price was doing time for promoting prostitution, although he might be back out by know and preying on the less fortunate in Hartford.

    Reverend Brown does serve a purpose though to bring attention to the violence destroying our City, although many at City Hall would prefer to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist

  16. 9:20PM

    So far HPD is refusing to release the video, which is OK at this time. LT Cicero tonight at Compstat was trying to say the Officer did not take action against the shooters because he was more intent on rendering aid to the poor woman victim. Others who were at the scene tell me that is totally untrue. I guess we will have to wait for the full video to see what he actually did.

    1. Kevin, you know that’s not true because we know you’ve watched the video just like us. Who lies more? Cicero or Thody? That’s a tough question and could be a tie. Cicero is and always has been a straight up liar. Maybe your finally starting to realize this as well.
      I can understand not releasing that video, that poor lady struck and killed by those savages has a family and loved ones, nobody wants to see their mom killed like that. I pray for her and her family.
      On the other hand, people need to see how out of control Hartford city streets are. Tough to digest.

    2. That doesn’t even make sense Kevin. The shooters were in the car taking off before she even finally came to rest a few hundred feet down Westland Street.


  18. That video, which i have seen is probably the worst thing i have seen in 12 yrs on the job. Wait. Just wait. It is very bad. The public will see first hand how great mr agostino really is.... poor woman indeed. Not even a med kit in that “walkbeat cruiser”....i hope the family of this poor woman call salamone and morrelli....
    Good job dom. Nothing but a top notch worth ethic from you as usual ...

  19. OK. I don't usually do this, but this is a tragic incident and the victim needs and deserves our thoughts, not what a Police Officer did or didn't do. I have obtained crime scene photos tonight that do show an officer kneeling over her corpse, appearing to render assistance. If you did see the video as you said, you saw yourself the speed at which the vehicle was fleeing in reverse and also the distance the woman flew all the way across the intersection head first before landing. I don't think any of us would survive that hit , especially not a 71 year old woman. There apparently was a large amount of head trauma that no med bag would help, Lets focus our respect on a 71 year old woman killed and focus on locking up the animals who did this, for a long time. And yes I called them animals They are not children who made a mistake. They are animals that deserve to be caged like most dangerous animals should be

  20. 9:50PM

    you don't know the facts. Two vehicles were headed up Westland Street, a Police Officer was turning onto Westland from Barbour toward the are the cars were shooting from. The first vehicle avoided the cruiser by swerving and continuing straight, The second car was headed straight toward the cruiser head on and instead of a head on collision, that driver threw his car in reverse and backed up Westland street in reverse at high speed, the innocent 71 year old happened to be crossing the street when the car fleeing in reverse at high speed struck her and propelled her through the intersection airborne for probably a hundred feet until she landed head first until the vehicle in reverse lost control and struck the front of a building. It is all captured on video. Now what part of that do you disagree with?

    1. Kevin, your completely missing the driver of the silver Maxima retrieve a gun from the car and while standing just in front of the marked cruiser fire off multiple rounds in a weaver stance at the reversing stolen vehicle. After shooting next to the cop, they get in the car and drive East on Westland St. How can you miss that?

  21. And I will not be posting the crime scene photos of the woman lying in the street out of respect for her and her loved ones at this time

  22. 9:41PM

    I understand where you are coming from and appreciate the sentiment. After an incident like this we need to be channeling our energies where they will be best used to bring about change. Maybe the best thing could be the release of the video so close to an election to open our eyes to what our politicians have made our City and State into. Liberal lawmakers that coddle criminals who think nothing of a little slap on the wrist after a shootout and running down and killing a woman while they are fleeing from the Police. This isn't the first and definitely won't be the last because there is no accountability or punishment in our Judicial system any longer. We have tied the hands of our Police and have required them to be social workers and babysitters for criminals instead of LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. often requiring them to deal with the worst of the worst repeatedly passing through the revolving door of our Justice system due to liberal Judges and lawmakers who weaken our laws every time they are in session. When do we get to fight back. The answer is election day, enough is enough, the change for a dead 71 year old woman and all the other innocent victims can begin with us in a week and a half at the polls.

    If I sound like I am pissed, it is because I am, the video of someone's grandmother flying through the air right before her death at the hands of thugs should be enough to shock every one to their senses. I have seen crime photos of people shot in the head lying in a pool of their own blood and it hasn't bothered me as much as this video. Pure innocence crossing the street meeting EVIL on Westland Street today in Hartford, the City I call home, enough already, take back our City now!

  23. Once the PD makes the arrests on this Gale Hardy will want to know the race of everyone involved before she decides how to proceed. Like she did with Jovan. She is at the heart of why Hartford gets worse. Not many realize this but need to.

  24. I asked that question, the silver car at the curb looked to me like the people around the car were taking shooting stances but I was told that was the car belonging to the woman who was killed. I guess I need to watch this on a large screen, my eyes aren't what they used to be

    1. Absolutely positively not Kevin. The woman who was killed get out of the car to the west of the maxima closer to Garden St. The guy that goes into the maxima drivers side door retrieves a firearm and fires multiple rounds at the shooters fleeing in reverse. How can anyone miss this? It’s clear as day.

  25. 12:25am

    Just blew it up and watched it . The third car down the street parked at the curb the silver car seems to have a thin male standing by the drivers door, and as the stolen vehicle is backing up the he turns and looks like he is getting ready to fire at the car backing up and another male is crouching behind the car, the guy by the drivers door seems to notice the black and white cruiser appears to throw his hands up in the air seeming to surrender, and then when it looks like the officer is not reacting the two males jump in the car and flees up Westland street, the first vehicle was still fleeing in reverse and had not struck the woman yet from what I can see. It was all happening quickly but the officer seems to be stationary along side the silver car as the driver comes out of his shooting stance and they jump in the car and flee as the officer remains stationary in his vehicle, not moving for several seconds

    1. 1000% wrong. You can clearly see the smoke from the gun as the driver of the Maxima is firing at the reversing vehicle.
      I really do not understand how anyone is missing this.

  26. Thody better promote KesslerOctober 25, 2019 at 12:57 AM

    Rendering aid cicero u 🐍???? How many chros is it at now ? 4 or 5.

    Playing games like ur hero spongebob🧽 used to ????
    But foley got more connects then u do. Buckshot will be long gone before
    You try and slither into a kush speaking job.
    Maybe you and vinni can run the food wagon in front of GA14.
    Cup after cup .... after cup .

    Vice one or westland st ?

  27. Mr. Brookman, I also trust and respect a lot of the Hartford Cops. Unfortunately those I do trust tend to be the same ones you don't, mainly because they feed you information anonymously, some have, on occasion been on your $hit list, but quickly realized that a way to get off that list is to feed you information. We can pretend that hasn't ever occurred, but one only needs to go back through past threads to find the names. Enjoy your day.

  28. As long as no politicians or judges are harmed, or doctors wives, deaths are just another statistic. The 'soft on crime' actions of the elected have no consequences to themselves. Either they are clueless, or see the violence and don't care enough about it because it is lesser people (by their standard) being killed. And on it goes. As is said, a fish rots from the head down. Start with Lamont, wannabee Bronin, and work your way down. If this were a crime wave in downtown Greenwich, it would be headline news, and fixed, real soon.

  29. Marty miller and Gravel lot, Marty it is too bad you retired, your clairvoyant skills would be very helpful to HPD. Since we have never met and never even spoke, I have a hard time understanding your claim that you know who my sources are. You may assume you know, you may even think that you know officers I am friendly with, but to say you know where my information comes from is BS. As far as Gravel lot, I will wait for the final report to come out, but at the very least I think it will show that the first responding Officer used terrible tactics and endangered his own life responding to an active shooter situation like he did. I don't think any of us could answer how we would deal with such a situation without being there. At the very least , I hope it is analyzed and becomes a teaching experience for Officers as to what was done right and what was done wrong. These situations are only going to become more common as our society continues its decay

    1. Fox 61 live shot in gravel lotOctober 25, 2019 at 1:27 PM

      Kevin how did the responding officer use bad tactics? Please elaborate. Put yourself in his shoes. Your less than 1,000 feet away from hearing shots fired. What do you do? Do you stop and remain where you are? Or do you try and find where the shots are emanating from? Clearly any trained officer would call it in and proceed towards the area where the shots are coming from. Unbeknownst to the officer he was closer than anticipated. At that point you have literally no clue what you are walking into. You dont know what the bad guys look like, you dont know who has a gun, you dont know what car is a bad guys car or a good guys car. You literally have no clue. Its 100% much eaiser to respond to a shots fired call being reported by a citizen or by shotspotter. You have much more information given to you rather than walking into a gun fight knowing nothing at all. At that point if you are unable to determine who is a threat but can only determine that a person is injured you respond to that party, which was done on scene. As Marty said stop fanning the flames. Take a deep breath and relax. Loose whatever deep seated emotial hatred you have for the officer and be a impartial concerned citizen. And as for him endangering his life, he did what has necessary and expected of him. We are cops. We sign up for this shit. The only person(s) who endangered anyone were the four shooters and the driver of the Kia. Logic, training and experience prevails in situations like that Kevin. Logic and reasonableness is what is used on a daily basis by cops like the one who responded to help his area. That cop did nothing wrong at all. He was a lone officer who was at the right place at the wrong time. Stop with the mishanded judgments. Its beneath you.

  30. Mr. Brookman October 24, 2019 at 9:24 PM
    You are correct, I did mean Rev. Brown.

  31. Thanks, I do respect Reverend Browns efforts, not the other pimp you mentioned

  32. Gravel lot, I think you need to back up and read my next posting

  33. Kev, I appreciate that you owned the bad decision to blog a hurtful assessment of Dom and apologized . It’s hard to believe that less than a year ago Dom along with a retired HFD member took swift action to save the life a individual who was in full cardiac arrest at last years St.Patrick’s Day parade. I wonder if the survivor will EVER question Dom’s decision abilities when faced with prioritizing actions in a crisis. Kev, I hope someday to see you blog on a regular basis just why Hartford is the shithole that it is . THE HARTFORD POLICE DEPARTMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS OF HARTFORD’s DECLINE!!!! When will we solely put blame on the animals breeding other animals that leave them to roam not only Hartford with their deadly and destructive behavior but the surrounding towns. HOW MUCH MONEY DOES IT COST US TO “TRY” AND KEEP CIVILITY IN HARTFORD? So everyone ,PLEASE STOP BLAMING COPS AND TEACHERS FOR THIS BEHAVIOR!!! Hartford should start a new campaign to minimize producing more turds ,,,, “close your legs or put a rubber on it” .. BLAME THE BABY MAKERS!!!!!!

  34. 8:20am,

    You left out one key factor in the official neutering of HPD. Hartford City Hall. Hopefully you find it disgusting that , according to media accounts, when the media went looking for Mayor Bronin for a comment on the killing of a 71 year old Grandmother during a gunfight, Mayor Bronin was "unavailable", Chief Thody jumped on a plane and headed to a conference in Chicago. REALLY? Neither Bronin or Thody seem willing to take ownership of this mess and much of it is their own doing. We have City Council people that are right there holding the scalpel to help neuter HPD even further and if they could find a way, they would probably be willing to totally disband HPD, seriously. Enjoy your conference Chief, compared to Chicago your violence is nothing

    1. Jason Thody has never ever taken ownership in anything that hasn’t worked or is failing. He has always blamed others for his incompetence and failures. Nothing is Jason’s fault.

    2. What is Chief Thody traveling to Chicago for? Chicago, of all places?
      Has Thody already solve all of Hartford's safety issues?

    3. Shootings, killings, no big deal as long as Thody travels in style.
