Wednesday, October 23, 2019


After I posted this afternoon about the Investigation underway by the Hartford County State's Attorneys Office, the following statement was released by Interim Chief Jason Thody


  1. why did they have to wait until you exposed it to put out a public statement. Was Thody hoping it would stay quiet so as to not expose his incompetence and lack of leadership? Isn't it funny how he reacts an hour after you posted it and forced his hand

  2. i bet the lantern wishes he never left the big hats. Buckshot and spongebob🧽 still have an ax to grind with hartford. The timing of this is questionable with a city election in les then 30 days . Bronin will be forced to make changes rather quickly with this potatoe🥔 .

  3. Hey Luke! Wasn’t gonna say we told you so about your boy Thody. Or should I said Thea’s boy... but we told you so!!! Should have gotten rid of him when he left as a captain😂 hope he blows the election for you with this excessive use of force on a minority out of town scandal.

  4. Umm, let me get this right, the incident happened in May and now 6 months later , after you posted it this afternoon, Thody decides to become transparent and claim it was his doing to expose the matter? Isn't that odd how that works. I am sure it had nothing to do with the blog for Thody to become transparent. wasn't it the blog that began exposing Joven Gonzalez and his sexual adventures as a Hartford Police Officer also? Is Thody and the Command Staff that out of touch with what is going on right under their noses or do they enjoy the attention from embarrassing the Mayor regularly?

  5. Make Rendock Chief of Police !
    Let him finish off hpd before the state oversight board does ....

  6. This use of force incident was “uncovered” by Bowsza while reviewing a SCU officers body cam. Mind you, Mister know it all Bowsza, has never used force or pulled a UF #. He has sat behind his desk his entire career and criticized good hard working street cops that are in use of force situations weekly (Pillai).
    Bowsza thought it was excessive and took the video to Thody. Thody, another career desk jockey, has never used force or pulled a UF #. These two desk jockeys wouldn’t know what justified use of force was any more than an academy recruit in week #1.
    It’s a real shame these two guys are putting Pillai through this. Pillai is probably the best detective in the city, without a doubt the best VIN detective.
    Pillai has always kept his cool and has always done everything by the numbers.
    I am pretty confident this is Thody blowing this way out of proportion in an effort to show the Mayor he’s such a disciplinarian, when in reality he’s a complete clown. Once again this shows anyone can instantly be trash put out curbside if someone thinks they may benefit (Thody).
    Now it’s a shame the best city detective has to suffer this unwarranted, unnecessary publicity.

    1. Not what happened at all. This is what happens when someone makes a complaint. Get familiar with P&P and stop telling stories please.

    2. I’m very familiar with Policy & Procedure Bowsza, but nobody is more familiar with it than you, I’ll give you that. But come on now Bowsza, you know all to well NO complaint was made. Everyone knows that, maybe you should stop telling stories. You found it during Your command review and good job with that. Your comments are so obvious you should just post with your name.

  7. Mr Brookman, what’s up with the dom Augustino and dispatcher rumors

    1. What’s the rumor?!?! Dom stories are the absolute best! That guy is a story himself!

  8. So we send the information to The States Attorney's office? Is that an Arrest Warrant they sent over? If not, why the hell are they reviewing the incident? If IAD did an investigation and found PC, then write the warrant. If not, and a policy violation was found, hand out discipline.

    1. was out of town. Read the original UOR. But I do agree with your point.

  9. 6:19PM

    Good question, it just never ends. My understanding is that the complaint has been made, and now it has to go to an outside attorney to investigate the complaint. It is further complicated because I understand that after the shell casings kicked down the sewer incident, the officer was on a "final chance" discipline and any further complaints would result in his termination, and I believe he signed that agreement at the time. Time will tell, but it is also my understanding that everything in the complaint is actually recorded on audio recordings

  10. Does anybody have an update on the Christine Mertes complaint???

  11. @Kevin -- have you ever thought of using Google Drive or Dropbox instead of Scribd for the evidence you post? I think its so much easier to access for us than Scribd. By using Scribd we just see an image but need to go through getting a Scribd account to download it. from my perspective -- whether using a smartphone or computer. or Google Drive would be so much easier for the reader. We tap on the link -- and we can get the full document -- no account needed. Ultimately thanks for the hard work.... do what's best for you.

  12. Repeat after me...... KARMA!

    1. This would be proof Mr. Brookman, Hartford drug dealers and convicted felons really do monitor and read your blog.
      The criminal element in Hartford is breathing a sigh of relief right now knowing they can operate much easier now.
      Bowsza feels very good about himself and will put himself in for his first medal ��, if the incident does happen to be criminal in nature, this very well may be the first crime Bowsza has ever solved.

  13. This seems like a giant mess.

    Detective Pillai is an outstanding detective who has made the City of Hartford safer. He and the
    other detectives he works with do this every day. Investigating illegal narcotics selling is a
    dangerous, dirty job and detectives like Pillai deal with the worst criminals in the city.

    Guess what! Physical force is a part of policing. Especially when members of the department
    are trying to arrest drug dealers, gang members, violent felons and for others committing criminal acts.
    It is never pretty but shouldn’t elicit hand wringing months later. If anyone thinks otherwise they are riding a desk and are out of touch.

    When the detective is cleared and he better be I hope he goes to another assignment. Good for him. Bad for the citizens needing his help.

    Disgraceful situation and everyone except Pillai should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. Before we start labeling something as disgraceful, let's use some of that good ole transparency and see that video. Then and only then will we know what is and what isn't disgraceful.

    2. Chris, most of HPD now doesn’t even know you anymore, they can’t relate or understand you. I have first hand knowledge direct knowledge that you were probably one of the best Hartford cops in history. You told it like it was to both cops and coworkers. You knew everyone and you locked up the worst of the worst your entire career. Criminals feared you. That type of fear is gone. Chris, this type of proactive policing and arresting hardened criminals is no longer wanted by citizens and especially liberal politicians, which is all Hartford has. We’ve all seen the trend, hard working cops that aggressively lock up bad guys are labeled cowboys and rogue. The second one thing goes slightly wrong, they’re thrown out like rubbish. Bowsza basically put what he considers trash out, five months later. The new good street cops are the ones on Instagram and Twitter dancing and posing in uniform. If your not sure what IG is Chris, ask anyone under 30 or google it.
      In closing, anyone that wants to work in the Street Crimes Unit or conduct any proactive police activity has lost their minds. You guys upset you didn’t make the cut for the SCU, consider it a gift. Answer your calls for service and go above and beyond servicing the good citizens of Hartford, in which there are many. CT liberal politicians like Minnie Gonzalez and many others, as a whole has really let CT law enforcement down.
      This trend of aggressively arresting police officers and making the police out to be the enemy will take a heavy toll on proactive policing, especially in urban cities.

  14. @Chris Lyons Can you please just go away. When you were a cop nearly 20 years ago a lot was different. You wouldn’t be able to survive in this day and age… Trust me nearly every old time gangbanger that I run into mentions your name and how you used to beat the shit out of them. Stick to your college job or whatever you are doing now… I’ll give it to you you were a great cop back in the day but when you were here you were the best and now that you are gone you are a pest. Your 90’s HPD insight doesn’t matter anymore. You sound like Vinni (nobody wants to be compared to him after he 79’d to slit Brookman’s throat) talking about NYPD (out in left field and insanely uneducated and just DUMB) Do you see who runs this place??? complete dorks who in your day and age would not even get off FTO. Thody and Bowsza ( there will be a coup). Let us handle it, keep your two cents out of it and all will be well. Change is coming I know you are going to reply to this and ask me why I didn’t put my name, but unfortunately with the assassins in the complex now I can’t afford to. My family can’t afford to or I will lose my job and be unfairly targeted. You are retired you can put your name on anything you want and have no repercussions. When I see you I’ll shake your hand as say it was I who came at you hard on the good ole blog 💯

  15. chris lyons (retired HPD)October 24, 2019 at 2:18 PM

    To Mr. Anonymous,

    Maybe I was a police officer in Hartford almost 20 years ago. You might have been in fifth grade but that doesn't matter. Being a police officer is a state of mind that dedicated police officers never lose. I had to leave the job cause I was injured and couldn't do the job I wanted to do. Not complaining but if I was unhurt I would still be there cause it was a job that I loved. I am in Hartford every day if you want to discuss anything.

    I had the privledge of working with many outstanding detectives and supervisors. People you could trust all the time like Alice Malcolm, Mack Hawkins,The Bat and Lefty, Richard Omiecinski, Lt. Bob Cagianello, the late Lt. Richard Poucher and the late Captain Thomas Moore and many others. It was never a chore to come to work and I am sad that police work has come to this.

    To all the hand wringers out there maybe you characters can try to do the job. Just ask a drug dealer to behave and say please to gang members. Being nice is seen as weakness to the crooks every time. And that never changes.

    Have a nice day and if you don't mind shake your own hand.

  16. Pia killing it out there today with the troops! A true leader and commander that should be in a proactive division..........

  17. Alot of cops beat the crap out of people in the late 80s and early 90s in Hartford. I got my ass kicked by a cop in 91. I got off the school bus and the cop was working a PJ at a construction site . I quickly glanced at him and he responded "What da he'll you looking at"? I kept walking and he said "I'm gonna kick ur *ss next time I see you.Guess what he not lying.several months later I was walking from football practice and it was dark already. I see a police car slow down next to me and it was the same cop. He handcuffed me and threw me in back of cruiser and drove behind Colt park and kicked my ass. Then he removed the cuffs and told me to beat it. Then 4 years later in 1995 i see on news he got arrested with another cop for drinking and gambling on duty at Charter Oak package store on Charter Oak Ave. His name was Joseph M. Smith.

  18. I think if you really look at Chris's comments and take it , in what I think, is its true meaning you will understand where he is coming from.

    The people sitting on the second floor in the luxury of their offices, hitting play and rewind on a video on their computer screen have it easy. They never had to make the split second decisions and then be able to go back and play the recording back and pausing to see if they made the right decision. Sadly, many sitting in judgement do wear a badge and a gun and either forget where they came from or were never there in the first place but now seem qualified to play judge, and jury.

    If Detective Pillai was wrong that will come out, but in the meantime the decision should not sit on Gail Hardy's desk and leave him in limbo for years like she has done to Officer Cote on his case.

    It is unfair to the Officer's and also to us as residents to deprive us of the skills of someone like Detective Pillai during that time

  19. Gail Hardy.....She's toast!

  20. Word is this is going be bad. But after gail hardy gets kevin kanes job next friday.
    The timing also will keep the approaching dark cloud from cloaking the election that
    Bronin bought. The front lot will be plump full of media trucks and protestors mid
    November. Thody and his darth vader routine is cute, but long term its going to turn
    Hpd into ringling brothers .

  21. 1:49am
    Hardy is DONE!!!!!! What you been smoking?
