Monday, October 21, 2019


Many of the good things the Hartford Police Department does go unnoticed. This past Friday was one such time.

 On Friday, the Hartford Police Activities league went on a "field trip". Two school buses loaded with youth that partake of the daily PAL program loaded two buses and headed to a South Glastonbury farm in search of the perfect pumpkin.

The farm is owned by the Cavanna Family, the farm was established in South Glastonbury in 1903 and has remained in the Cavanna family since. Two members of the Cavanna family are currently Hartford Police Officers, Sergeant John Cavanna and his younger brother, Officer Andrew Cavanna, one of the newest additions to HPD.

Friday the Cavanna family, Parents Paul and Kathy , along with their sons John and Andy, daughter Kate and several Hartford Police Officers volunteered to host  the PAL program with hayrides to the fields to select pumpkins, take a ride on a diesel train locomotive on the farm and enjoy pizza, cider and all the apples they could eat along with candy treat bags provided by Officer Cullen and his family for all the kids.

Apples, strawberries, Christmas trees and even Maple syrup are the main items produced on Cavanna Farms

Pumpkins aren't normally grown on the farm, but this year Paul and John and Andy planted a field specifically to give to the PAL kids, free of charge their own pumpkins as part of the pre-Halloween event.

It was great to see the excitement on the children's faces, many of them who had never held a pumpkin of their own. It was also great to see them interacting with the Police Officers who volunteered their time. It was interesting to see Lieutenant Lauren Cox explaining to kids what was inside a pumpkin and the seeds that could be toasted..

The locomotive rides were a huge hit as the kids lined up for their turn in the cab of the massive machine. Next up will be the Holiday hayride through downtown for the PAL kids held before Christmas
Pumpkins fresh from the Cavanna fields
Two of Hartfords Finest volunteering their time for the kids
The trainmaster explaining safety to the kids before boarding

"All Aboard" the Grey Granite Railroad


  1. Good times. Good people. Fine looking pumpkins!

  2. The range master is a bully brute ...

  3. chris lyons (retired HPD)October 22, 2019 at 10:46 AM

    Very nice by Sgt. Cavanna.

    He didn't have to do that event and as usual is a credit to the department and the city.

    Nice work.

  4. 11:02PM

    and what are your comments ? bullying and hypocritical, not to mention done anonymously

  5. Great work by PAL and the rangemaster. Unfortunately more bad news from inside 253 High. How are brand new officers, off FTO for 2 weeks, 1... on the softball team???,, and 2... in the police bike class that productive, great cops have waited years for? Unfair Gabe. Word has it this came directly from you? Way to kill your reputation , and more importantly your morale in patrol yet again.

    Please post Kev! For the good of Patrol that you have stuck up for time after time after time.

    Cup after cup after cup of the Bs just keeps flowing from all angles.

  6. I know it is difficult, and there is no guaruntee that it will be taken the way it is meant, but have you tried talking to Captain Laureano, not everyone is perfect and most reasonable people will take the time to listen to constructive ideas. Sometimes people need to see things from a different angle. I think the Captain will be receptive to alternative thoughts.
