Friday, October 11, 2019


This is definitely a bizarre story. What makes it even more bizarre is how this has been handled from the start by the HPD Administration and Interim Police Chief Jason Thody. Read the attached Internal Affairs reports and you will probably be asking yourself "why was this Officer allowed to remain on duty after the first incident?".

Is it another example of the "good old boy network" that many still believe exists within HPD? Why was Officer Joven Gonzalez able to be involved in what the IAD investigator called an "ON-duty Domestic incident" and still remain on duty and not be suspended and his police powers, department weapon and badge be confiscated. Instead Gonzalez was able to remain on duty and keep his weapon, only to use that same weapon to pistol whip and seriously injure his victim  in a hotel room he had rented for his juvenile sex partner.

There are many good men and women serving the City of Hartford as Police Officer's and the Administration needs to deal with the bad apples promptly instead of coddling them to discredit HPD repeatedly.

Another issue, detailed in the IAD reports, is the question of why The Hartford County States Attorney Gail Hardy and retired HPD Deputy Chief, now Hartford County States  Attorney Inspector Emory Hightower refused to pursue Criminal Charges against Joven Gonzalez when requested by Bloomfield PD. Instead Hightower declined and punted the  matter to HPD to handle internally. More of the "good Old Boy" protection network.

Efforts should already be underway to terminate Gonzalez and the paperwork should already be in the works to decertify Gonzalez through POSTC (Police Officers Standards and Training Council) for his documented lies in his official capacity and falsifying records.

Joven Gonzalez I-File #1  on Scribd


  1. To quote our sergeant “hey sweetie” the good old boys will always take care of their boys and the girls will take care of the boys acting like “their girls”
    The inappropriate language & actions happening between the sergeants & female officers is out of control -
    We are like a hen house we all talk and know whats happening and what’s about to happen between these folks - no values no standards just trash and they wonder why their personal lives suffer - wouldn’t talk like that in front of their spouses

  2. HPD needs to take action on the inappropriate behavior and stop playing dumb & deaf. How many complaints need to be made before upper brass opens their eyes and does something?
    Our EAP is a joke - we need an outside company
    Upstairs is joke - if your buddies with them you get a coffee during your “interview” and you’re forewarned about what’s coming
    This blog is great to vent & we know all of HPD is reading it but no one is taking action
    Having 1 give back on harassment doesn’t do anything - that’s a joke in itself.
    Most of us are too embarrassed or afraid of retaliation to say anything. I need my paycheck and the OT/Comp that is handed to me by this Sgt is easy $$$$$

  3. Connecticut statutory rape law is violated when a person has consensual sexual intercourse with an individual under age 16. However, if the offender is a guardian of the victim, the victim's coach or instructor, or if the offender's status gives them authority over the victim and they are over age 20, then the age of consent rises to 18. Children over age 13 may consent to sexual activity so long as the person is not 3 or more years older. Children under age 13 may legally consent to sexual activity with partners who are less than 2 years older. (Big However)

  4. Kevin are you even surprised? Thody is not ready to be THE CHIEF. He was an admin captain. Prior to that he never did anything on the street. He has no relationship with the community, etc. AND, he spent minimum time with stars on his shoulders. Why would you expect him to properly handle this or any serious incident? I trust the man to do my taxes and tell my if my library book is overdue. That’s about it. Joven’s incident is really an incident no one saw coming. He did well here at first but spiraled. No one, including Thody, could have predicted Joven’s relationship with an underage female. Thody could have and should have prevented the pistol whipping and assault though. That’s on him. The violence this summer is on him, the morale is on him. Rosado was in good shape and once he left, the inner circle got stronger. Guys like Vinni, Bowsza, etc having the power cause they take the chief’s out to coffee is asinine. I’ve never seen this place so backwards. Guys graduating last night already want to transfer. Speaking of Bowsza, why haven’t they given you the IAD file on Bowsza’s taco comment? Yet they’re so quick to give you everything on Joven? Something stinks.

  5. 11:00am

    Apparently we are reading the same CT State statutes. I am not sure why Hartford County States Attorney Gail Hardy or Inspector Hightower have a different interpretation. I don't think anyone could argue that Joven Gonzalez was not in a position of authority over the juvenile, especially since he had arrested her previously and was still a Police Officer.

    He should be arrested for his admitted rape of a juvenile

  6. 11:53 am

    You are correct, something stinks and the strongest odor is coming from the second floor. This is exactly what some are calling the "weaponization" of IAD. The good old boys get a pass and others are crucified

    1. ALWAYS has been that way and it'll never change as long as officers, including administrators are allowed to remain in cushy positions for an extended period of time. A rotation of staff is what's needed so it limits the comforr zone to an extent. And that goes for EVERY division and rank.

    2. Change the range staff too! They complain when our guns aren’t even really dirty, and yell at me when I’m trying to shoot at the target.


    4. Really, God help you if you should be involved in the real deal. You'll wish they yelled louder and more often. The little stress there trying to simulate doesn't even come close to the real thing. Oh, one more thing. That gun should be spotless. I'm sure your boots look like your gun. Have some pride. Your a Hartford Police Officer.

  7. Are you implying Joven was one of the good ole boys cause if so thats hilarious

  8. No, read the comments, it is the Bowsza IAD report that they are not releasing (if it even exists). Joven Gonzalez's report was released before the ink was even dry.

  9. How could you even compare Joven Gonzalez to Brian Bowsza? One is an obvious criminal and the other is a hard working man! God I hate this blog and for the people attacking Bowsza for doing his JOB, you are all cowards! If you did something wrong, be a man and face the consequences! Stop being hypocrites, you arrest people who break the law, he writes discipline for those who violate the policies of HPD.

  10. Maybe the hard Working LT Bowsza will be willing to release his IAD report about the incidents regarding his Facebook postings instead of hiding out on the 2nd floor and delaying the reports release

  11. What is really "dirty"? that complaining and yelling may actually save your life one day when that weapon is clean and working properly. A lot different than the days of the previous rangemaster when all it took to qualify was a case of Red Bull or a carton of cigarettes. At least you know the range staff is fair, they will take a weapon away from a PPO as quick as they would a Deputy Chief if needed.

  12. 8:55PM

    I think Interim Chief Thody has put it in next years budget for foot massages and manicures after you qualify to make it a better experience for you. I can feel for you and the stress you feel at the range. probably a lot less stress though than if you get in a situation where you or your back-up isn't competent enough to return fire accurately

  13. There are good cops, and then there are bad cops. This guy is a bad cop who abused his shield , and power of someone in law enforcement.

    1. And..........there are good chiefs, and then there are bad chiefs. Jason Thody is an absolutely horrible chief that has destroyed HPD.

    2. Just like his predecessor despite what all the buckshot fanboys say.

  14. The range master is a bully brute!!!


  16. Can you tell me one thing Thody did to “destroy” HPD? And please don’t say Tahoe’s! When all you babies are driving nice Tahoe’s, you will be happy.
    Thody will he named our next Chief and he will continue to do great things! Bronin knows Thody can change the PD to a better and more effective Police Department.
    My condolences to the Thody family.

    1. Bowsza, I will hold off on telling you the many things Thody did to destroy HPD as I’m sure he and his family are mourning. In the meantime I will be compiling the list for a later post.

  17. 10:56PM

    Did he make you clean your weapon?

  18. I hate to have to point out that all of these folks who are supposed to be providing "over sight" in CT are completely CORRUPT and just collecting STATE Pay and City Checks. They no longer censor "their own" state attorney office is included in that equation and they even permit lawyers across the state to be unethical and inappropriate without censor not just police officials . In fact the CT supreme court ruled that CT residents or in jail citizens have no right to complain about the unethical state attorney review board according to state statute.. We have big big issues in this state people in career positions that are corrupt and happy with the status quo and ZERO oversight. Start there that was needs to change they should all be fired and people who will provide oversight hired by state IG. Not just here either its rampant CSDE offices ,Child Advocate that protects DCF and State courts and medical insurance oversight ..all of them need a shake down and clean up in this state big time.

  19. Does vinni have pride speaking to a minority officer the way he did the other day. I hope that officer takes action.
    Over nonsense vinni. As usual ......

  20. What has this PD become? Giving 3 lazy dudes a proactive position in the street crimes unit. Say what you want about Hebert, but the man made a great gun arrest last night and came back to Patrol positive.... the choices for SCU show just how nervous Thody is that he’s not getting this permanent job? He certainly put 3 people there that won’t make waves and who couldn’t investigate their way out of a paper bag. 50J is a mess. Wait til Vinni gets his hands on it. We are doomed. Thody this was your opportunity to throw hard working guys and girls a bone.... there were folks who deserved those spots. Way to kill morale even more. Police must be buzzing today.

  21. video of Vinny and Labbe inappropriate talk to minority officer
    peoples true self always show in everyone will know!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Leave 444 alone you zero, he is tough on you because what he is teaching you could save your life. He does a great job with all the range master duties and takes his job very seriously, no one can say otherwise. Put your efforts towards getting your qualifications up to par instead of bashing a guy trying to teach you skills that could help you go home safe.

  23. Yeah, I heard that. I heard Lt. Benvenudo made a racist comment towards Officer Omar Jones. I heard Omar Jones recorded him and made a report. Not sure what was said.

    Also heard Officer Guzzie had an unprofessional outbreak at a roll call when those college researchers were hear and Lt. Benvenudo sent him home, on EAP and then sent command staff an email stating Guzzie had a brain injurie. And I guess Guzzie is is on the sergeant's list. Wow.

    Also heard Lt Bevenuto at rolls is trashing Brookman. Well, I guess thats his right.

    So Brookman, can you look into Benvenuto saying racist comments and sending an officer home with brain trauma? If Guzzie has a brain injury, how is he fit to be a police officer, let alone a supervisor. Not sure why he was hired.

    Benvenuto, Guzzie. They suck. Take a looK KB.
