Monday, October 28, 2019



  1. Wow,
    I read the NBC announcement regarding g the mayoral forum. NBC reeks of bias as the announcement only list the name of one mayoral candidate then references the others in a distant mannor. Below is an excerpt from the bias NBC announcement.
    "This is the only Hartford Mayoral forum taking place between Democratic incumbent Luke Bronin and his fellow mayoral candidates.
    “This is the perfect opportunity for voters to learn about the candidates looking to lead our capitol city."

  2. I would like to ask each mayoral candidate, "What is your position on Lamont's efforts to install tolls on CT highways?"

    Why or why not have tolls?

  3. President Trump says that NBC is worse than Fake News CNN. Is the alleged rapeist Matt Lauer going to moderate? Or maybe Hallie Jackson, she's clearly unbiased. Or maybe Matt Reiss. Oh that's right, he went to work for a Demoncrat named Lamont. Maybe they can bring in Rachael Madcow from MS-LSD, she's not at all biased. Perhaps they can get Laurence O'Donnell out of the mental institution for a few hours. NBC, Nothing But Crazies!

    1. Well, if Donald Trump said it then it must be true. HAHAHAHA!

  4. My question is "What will you do to lower property taxes?"

    1. The answer will be, " Tell you to move out of Hartford, CT."

  5. How can BassReeves complain about supposed "bias" for Bronin, when the names of the other candidates are literally in the previousw sentence?

  6. Ain’t no one got shit on Dennis House when it comes to bias!!!! Google “Malloy Inaugural Ball Dennis House” ,,,,, there’s Dennis all smiles with the very guy we despise as being one of the most destructive governors in CT history. Now he’s courting Ned Lamont,,,, when Lamont held his very own Woodstock festival he assembled a couple of judges to sit with him to pick the winning band ,,,, Guess who sat at the judges table with Ned ???? That’s right DENNIS HOUSE !!!! Don’t expect any hard hitting political commentary from this brown nosing suckass !!!

  7. Bass Reeves greatest lawman in American history. Amazing the show Watchmen on HBO is paying tribute to him. Shockingly enough theres no curriculum about him in the Hartford School System. HBO delivered bigtime introducing him and the legacy of Black Wallstreet to modern day Americans

    1. Bess Reeves was thought to be who the “Lone Ranger” was modeled after.

  8. In the meantime, Hartford schools are as unsafe as they've ever been. Maybe the new mayor can do something about the incompetent, dishonest, and self-serving board of ed and downtown administration.

  9. Accidently left on body camera ...October 31, 2019 at 6:04 PM

    Thats not the tip of the iceberg foe what this william labelle boucher person said. This idiot is one of the reasons the city will be paying out massive settlements for various disingenuous natured snippets of comments that are inconsistent with the true values of a police organization.
    There is now zero, ZERO chance of any take home vehicle or SID commander spot for turd filth like you. You obviously took no direction from vinni bag of donuts 🍩, with his diluted idiot comments.
    To act as you do william, even after all those 47s with rose were put in the back seat, ( scratch marks and broken cellular devices ).
    Be humble and try to invest in further educating your limited skills...

  10. You are correct, tip of the iceberg. I am not sure who is in charge there and showing leadership. Chief Thody is well aware of the Lieutenant who threatened to "slit my throat" and now another Lieutenant yesterday was threatening to "take me out" and making disparaging remarks against another supervisor and homophobic remarks about a Sergeant. Is there still a code of conduct at HPD. Doesn't look like it and that message needs to be sent from the top, but my understanding is the person at the top has also hade some crude comments, calling me a "cancer" before a recent roll call. Enough is enough, This will be moving forward one way or the other

  11. Lt. Bowszer , william labelle ordered us not to do your little college survey project ...
    Now, What do you think of that ?

  12. When will HPD start enforcing their harassment free policy. The old ways are no longer working it’s almost 2020 catch up. HPD thinks they can say & do anything anywhere to anyone.
    SGT & LTS start doing your job & stop trying to be special friends with your officers.

  13. YESSSSS 11/3 4:11pm Sgt & Lts with their special friends & special treatments - carrying these relations into their personal lives and destroying all they’ve worked for professionally & personally for what? Is getting too close worth the price to pay - loosing career & family
    Time to start shaking it up HPD - move everyone around and watch these relationships start to lesson and folks start working at their job and not on their friendships. Remember the golden rule - don’t shit where you eat.

    1. I said the same thing a few posts ago.
