Saturday, October 26, 2019


He wasn't "unavailable" then

This week has been an extremely violent week, but actually there have been plenty of violent weeks since Luke Bronin has been Mayor, and plenty of violent weeks during the tenure of Interim Chief Jason Thody.

Lets do a quick flashback for a second to 2015. That is the year Luke Bronin showed up on the scene to challenge Mayor Pedro Segarra. Most people in Hartford had never heard of Luke Bronin and most would never recognize him, but Bronin proved you could buy an awful lot with a million dollars. You could buy both name recognition and the Hartford Mayor's Office.

Now Pedro Segarra was a nice guy, but a terrible Mayor. I think many people, A/K/A Hartford's political insiders figured out quickly Segarra was more of a Social worker than a solid leader and they were able to steamroll him for their own needs and Segarra produced lackluster results.

Bronin's arrival on the political scene coincided with a very violent pre-election summer. Bronin quickly capitalized on that violence and made political hay from the dead bodies piling up due to gunfire and violence.Segarra was slow to make changes, especially in the Hartford Police Department. HPD was without a permanent Chief at the time. Segarra wasted months selecting a Chief and at one point he conducted an expensive national search spending upwards of $75,000 only to appoint Chief Jim Rovella as the right choice for Hartford's Police Chief.( Not only the right choice, but a great choice)

Bronin capitalized on all of that, especially the dead bodies of homicide victims, making it point to have the Television cameras in tow as he went to vigils and visited the survivors homes of the homicide victims. It worked, he promised to make Hartford a safer City and he was elected as Mayor. And it only cost a little over a million dollars.

I remember the day Bronin showed at at a playground on Cornwall street to use  the prop of a deadbody lying on a basketball court, the man shot in the head during a basketball tournament, to capitalize on the corpse 50 yards away to convince us why we needed change and oust Segarra. What has changed except the Mayors ?   Let me answer my own question...nothing

But, as Eddie Perez's corruption trial revealed the "Gospel of Perez", the felonious Mayor's staff had put together a PowerPoint display to build Eddie's little corrupt empire, or so he hoped. One of the slides stated "Voters in Hartford have very short memories". That is never truer than right now.

I was disgusted yesterday by media accounts that when they tried to approach Luke Bronin for comment on Thursdays street shootout and the killing of 71 year old Grandmother Yvonne Smith, Bronin was conveniently "unavailable" Of course he was unavailable he doesn't want to have to answer for his "efforts" or more appropriately his failures and broken promises.

He doesn't want to have to answer for his revolving door of Department Heads at City Hall and the lack of stability in his Administration. The only Department head who has remained I believe is Fire Chief Reggie Freeman. All other Departments have numerous turnover in Department Heads, including HPD. DPW went without a permanent head for months, actually well over a year, because Bronin was able to use the Fire Chief as an acting DPW Director Luckily Freeman was able to do both , and surprisingly both Departments functioned well, no thanks to Bronin. MHIS, the City's IT Department has been without a permanent director for years.  It is only the City's computers and technology, why should we be concerned about that being managed properly by a permanent Department head?

I think Luke Bronin has a higher turnover rate in his Administration than the Trump Administration, seriously.

It is only the City's computers and technology, why should we be concerned about that being managed properly?

And while Bronin was "unavailable" for comment on the violence this week, his Police Chief was lounging in Chicago at a conference. As the Mayor of a violent City that just experienced a tragedy and several shootings in a 24 hour period, I would think if I was in Bronin's position I would see the value in telling my Police Chief, his presence in the City to maintain calm and hopefully instill confidence and leadership was more important than hobnobbing in Chicago with other Police Chiefs.

But that would take leadership on Bronin's part,

And I am not sure anyone  should believe Bronin's promises that if elected he will serve out the full 4 years of his second term. This is the same guy that was willing to take almost a year off from his full time job as Hartford's elected Mayor to zig-zag across the State in his failed bid to be Connecticut's Governor. How much could have been accomplished during that year if actually focused on the job the taxpayers were paying him to perform. Did he ever offer to give back the salary for the time he was being paid to run Hartford and he wasn't? I never heard that offer being mad.

Does anyone really believe that if John Larson  or (oh please God please) Richard Blumenthal announced  their retirements next spring that Luke Bronin wouldn't be the first one in line to get those positions., despite his promise to the people of Hartford.

Hell, Luke Bronin can't even tell us  the truth about where he is living now, why should we believe anything he says.

Enough is enough, as a City we deserve so much better and not be accepting  the highest bidder for our voting rights.


  1. Kevin,

    When are you going to own your role in putting in Bronin? You pumped up Segarra. You pumped up Bronin and now you are pretending to support J-Stan, who doesn't even mention crime in his political literature.

    Stop. You are not the cause of the problem, but you are part of the problem.

  2. I think you need to check your facts. I was solidly behind Judge Killian and I was extremely disappointed when he dropped out of the race and I still wonder everyday what this City would be like under Bob's leadership. I will take some credit for putting Pedro in Office because I worked very hard to expose Eddie Perez and eventually resulted in his arrest and resignation which forced Pedro Segarra as Council President to take over as Mayor. I quickly learned that Luke Bronin was a liar and played fast and loose with the truth and was a typical politician only using Hartford as a launchpad for his delusions of grandeur for some political career and caring more about himself that the actual people of Hartford he was supposed. I predict Luke will never go much further in politics than where he is now. I have been friends with Stan McCauley for years, and I don't always agree with him, but I can at least trust him as a person of integrity and his word means something, unlike Luke Bronin. Stan has spent most of his adult life here, people know him and he didn't just arrive here as a political launching pad to Washington, where Luke had hoped to be by now

  3. Kevin -- agree with everything you wrote except "Luke Bronin can't tell us the truth about where he is living". What do you mean by that? He has lived for several years in a residential brownstone on Elm St, right across from Bushnell Park. I have been in the building, though not his half of it and seen his wife there, sitting outside having business meetings in the warmer months. Is there a second residence?

  4. Luke the list or Lying Luke

  5. We have heard that Luke has split and is separated and sleeps out of town and your comment seems to confirm the shouldn't effect the mayor race though and has no bearing on his duties as Mayor.

  6. !!:27am

    You don't think the Mayor of Hartford should actually be living in Hartford?

  7. Hey Jason, Chicago Superintendent Eddie Johnson didn’t go to the IACP President Trump speech today because his values aren’t aligned with President Trump, but you did. Is Mayor Bronin award you fled the city in the wake of a crazed shootout with an innocent victim killed to go hobnob and see President Trump speak?
    Well, maybe, just maybe, you’ll take some advice from President Trump. Like President Trump said of Chicago in his speech, there’s no leadership from the mayor and there’s none at the top of the police department, they’re (officers) afraid to do anything. We don’t have the leadership at the top, it’s so sad. You could easily change that to President Trump addressing you Jason and Hartford PD. Jason, did you raise your hand and tell President Trump your one of those sanctuary cities that refuses to cooperate with ICE?
    Well anyways Jason, hopefully you learned something from a true born leader. Being a leader is a trait not easily learned Jason (and Brian), no matter how book smart you are. It’s something you two have obviously not learned and never will.
    Unfortunately I think it’s to late for you to try and apply at HPD, you’ve lost all respect, not that you ever had any respect, and the PD is to far gone.
    Time for change.

    1. Make HPD Great AgainOctober 28, 2019 at 5:40 PM

      I highly doubt Mayor Bronin was aware. While President Trump spoke, Thody should have met with Eddie Johnson at Starbucks to discuss rampant city crime over pumpkin cream cold brews, trenta’s of course, on Thody’s tab since he makes more than Eddie with that double dip pension/salary.

      Johnny Z was disciplined for a Trump 2016 sticker.

      Will Thody be disciplined for attending a Trump speech on the city dime? Wait, nobody in the inner circle is disciplined, so that would be a no.

  8. Mr Brookman.... I suppose Luke ought to live in Hartford...If he does live here when inaugerated is that ok ?

    I think he still has his clothes etc at Elm Street...for now...

  9. I really don't care where he hangs his clothes or who he is sleeping with. What I do care is about his honesty and integrity, which Luke has been lacking in both categories , even before he became Mayor. Why are we always willing to settle for less than we would hopefully hold ourselves to. Do you think the people of West Hartford would settle for their Mayor living outside of West Hartford. I think the answer is categorically NO. So why us?

    Do you think it is a coincidence that Bronin was trying to keep this a secret until after the election?

  10. Someone please answer this question that’s been burning my brain cells for years ,,,,, FREELOADERS ASIDE,,,,, WHY ARE THE REST OF YOU “LIVING” IN HARTFORD???? And please ,NO LAME ANSWERS LIKE ,,,”ITS A GREAT PLACE TO RAISE YOUR KIDS,TAKE IN SHOW,FINE DINING,THE YARDGOATS,THE PLENTIFUL PARKS,THE ARTS ,MUSEUMS,THE CITY IS WALKABLE,ITS SAFE , THE CITY IS COMING BACK TO LIKE IT WAS “. I will not accept bullshit remarks like that or similar,,,, My dumbass knew to get out of there years ago ,WHY ARE DECENT PEOPLE STILL THERE? MARTYRS?????

  11. Kevin, these rants are not helpful. So you hate Bronin, ok. But if you want to vote him out, you need a better alternative to handle the real problems that are not going to be easy to solve whoever is in office. So which is that:
    McCauley, who says his "deep connections" will "bring neighborhoods together"?
    How about Jacobs, who wants to "get out from under the thumb of the state" oversight, but of course keep the state money coming in?
    Lewis, who wants more state money for Hartford tourism and to give to small businesses (cue the political feeding frenzy from professional grifters like Minnie Gonzales)?

    It's not enough to complain, there are no easy answers.

  12. Not relating to any particular individual, but I don't have any earthly idea why the city places such a premium on Hartford residency? There is no company in the world who would willfully limit their talent pool like this. A city needs diverse talent sets to run effectively - Hartford is 18 square miles! How is it realistic to find the skills and talent required to run a Capitol city with everything from technology to public safety to schools in 18 square miles? It's lunacy. You want to say council and mayor needs be represented by residents I'll go there with you, that makes sense. But directors? Come on, grow up. That is a self inflicted handicap.

  13. Another patrol Lieutenant, Kevin, caught red handed last night openly talking crap about you and the blog. Lt Labelle stayed “you are the trash of the city and need to be taken out weekly.” Unreal how these bosses try and pollute and indoctrinate our young innocent officers!

  14. Labele keep telling roll call NOT to take survey. He should not be doing that

  15. Kevin, perhaps you have a cause of action for defamation against lts who say this stuf during roll call?

  16. Ken,

    Thank you, that is being considered now, I am more concerned that Police Administrators, Lieutenants, would make such comments in front of their subordinates and as Police Officer's, I would hope that stating you are going to slit someone's throat or that you are going to take him out may potentially constitute criminal charges for threatening. The homophobic remarks made against another Sergeant seem to support Officer Baerga's allegations of the Toxic environment at HPD. Leadership starts at the top
