Wednesday, December 18, 2019


The City of Hartford has been ordered to pay 5 Police Captains an estimated $100,000 dollars in back pay.

 The award resulted in the City's loss due to a grievance filed in October of 2018 by Hartford Police Union President John Szewczyk, Jr. on behalf of his membership, specifically the 5 recently promoted Captains.

 According to the union contract, Szewczyk claimed, that wording required the City to promote the five Captains at the time the vacancies actually became available due to retirements that started to occur almost as far back as March of 2017. The City failed to fill the positions, an apparent violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, for over a year. The positions were actually filled on September 23, 2018 , when five Lieutenants were promoted to the rank of Captain.

The actual Arbitration Award decision is below.


  1. Irony = Union Prez Schefschick wins $95,000 at the labor board this week for 5 Captains trying to oust him by putting up "half-a-brain Rinaldi" who they can control. Only at HPD

    #keepShefshick (if you want a Union)

  2. If thy are owed the money, then they are owed the money.

  3. I like Rinaldi but not in the union President position. He even admits himself it seems like too much.

  4. I agree with the back pay but it seems the calculation of the award for all 5 positions back to the date of the first retirement is in error. The retirements occurred for a period of over a year. If it cannot be determined who would have been promoted when then the calculation should have been the total amount for each position based on the time the position was vacant added together and divided by the 5 individuals. It doesn't seem that each individual is entitled to the maximum amount, as 5 individuals cannot occupy one seat. The city should have had that as part of the discussion and even if they didn't, the arbitrators should have calculated it based on each positions time vacancy. This amounted to unjust enrichment. Maybe that was intended?

  5. If you owe the money you should pay the money .
