Thursday, December 19, 2019


A severe cold snap is upon us and there will most likely be more this winter. Last week the Office of Mayor Bronin announced the opening of a new/consolidated warming shelter at the former Milner School.

It seemed hopeful that at least Hartford's homeless would have a place to go other than under bridges and overpasses.

It was very disappointing last night to hear Hartford's Police dispatchers telling Patrol Officers over the HPD radio that as early as 10:30PM last night , the warming shelter was full and not accepting any new arrivals.

Is this the best Mayor Bronin and the City can do? I thought that school was a little bit bigger than that or is it that our homeless problem is bigger than that?


  1. As a Hartford resident, don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution. Why don’t you and other Hartford residents get on a list for when shelters are at full capacity, and open up your homes for delivery of homeless individuals.

  2. Give them money for a tent and a one way ticket to San Francisco. Problem solved.

    Thanks to Mayor DeBlasio for the inspiration!

    1. I'd strongly recommend constructing mansions in the west end to accommodate Hartford homeless.

  3. -11:14am

    This is not just a "Hartford problem" Why not set the example and post your address and we can start the list with you

    1. Kevin, you sound like Luke with the old, it’s not just a Hartford problem. Stop already.
      If Hartford shelters are at capacity and not accepting anymore homeless, that sure sounds like a Hartford problem to me.
      And for part two, it’s your blog post, not mine. I specifically live outside of Hartford in a nice little suburb specifically so I don’t have to deal with the rampant crime and homeless aggressively panhandling. 12:03 PM’s idea is genius. I work and pay my excessively high CT taxes on everything. The city, state and our elected politicians should be able to put that to use towards homelessness. Other than that, I’m not concerned, so I will not be offering my home. Your the one that seemed so concerned, so it was a suggestion for you and others that have concern.

  4. My crystal ball is telling me some of CT’s inner cities are going to have tent villages within 5yrs. Socialism is alive and well ( FOR NOW ) in CT with increased taxes,fees,tuition hikes,water bills ,etc. BUT as Margaret Thatcher said “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money” ..... My crystal ball also shows me CT’s hotel concierge’s handing out walking maps to avoid stepping on human turds as they do in San Francisco ,Seattle etc. .. the worst vision in my crystal ball is that regionalization is inevitable if we stay blue and liberal ,,,,IS SO ,THAT WILL ULTIMATELY BE THE DEMISE OF THIS ONCE GREAT, CIVIL AND PROSPEROUS STATE.

    1. The homeless are human turds??? Dude you are scum dont forget why your ancestors left jolly ole England they were the turds

    2. Did you even read 8:30 PM’s post before posting a stupid reply that isn’t even what he/she said? It’s pretty clear he/she’s talking about the maps indicating feces locations on the sidewalk from the humans defecating on said public sidewalks. Actually 11:02 PM, clearly your the turd.

  5. 11:02 PM ,,,YOU MUST BE ANOTHER PRODUCT OF HARTFORDS FAILING EDUCATION SYSTEM!!! Let me low brow and dumb down my statement so you’ll comprehend ,SORRY, “understand” what I’m saying. I LITERALLY (actually) MEAN STEPPING ON HUMAN SHIT NOT PEOPLE!! I know your subsidy allows you access to the internet,,,Google “San Francisco Human Feces Map”,,,,, in 2018 they had 28,000 calls to cleanup HUMAN SHIT on their public streets,,28,000 !!!!!! Oh and by the way dummy the first modern toilet was designed by one of those turds from England!

    1. Idiot England didnt even have a sewage system or toilets till the arrival of the the Moors your indoctrination system failed you

  6. Use all the Extra space in the Fire Department old Headquarters, this way Tactical Unit One, will have something to do, handing out sleeping areas, cleaning every morning and monitoring all the homeless taxpayers.

  7. 9::39 AM Thanks for the laugh and your GENEROUS helping of HISTORICAL MINUTIA!!!! (It can also be spelled MINUTIAE but I’m sure YOU know that now after Googling the meaning),,,,, 9:39 AM The only question I have is ,were The Moors EAST COAST OR WEST COAST GANGSTA’S ????? Make sure you don’t step on a TURD on the way to “Grandma’s house on Christmas Eve” !!!!

  8. Do you follow the school system anymore?
