Thursday, March 5, 2020


The 6th District Democratic Town Committee elections were held Tuesday.

 For the most part , the existing current members of the 6th District slate prevailed and the two challenge slates pretty much went down in flames. One slate was led by Council President Maly Rosado with far less than stellar results.

 Roughly less than 10% of eligible Democratic voters in the 6th District turned out to vote.

 There must be a better way. These DTC challenges are a huge waste of money spent by a cash strapped City. Essentially by people looking for some political power and a title.

 They might actually accomplish more by getting out in their communities and neighborhoods and producing some real results


  1. I wish you would do more stories about Hartford Schools. They are in utter chaos right now. They're being run into the ground by Torres and the board. If you truly want Hartford to be a better place, it starts with the people who live there. The way to improve the lives of those who live in Hartford is through education. The education system in Hartford right now is in a sorry state and, regardless of what is coming out of the mouth of the superintendent, is in steep decline.

  2. The problem is its not an education system its an indoctrination system. That only glorifies european history and nothing about indigenous history. As far as the kids are concerned they cant feed their families by knowing Shakespear. We need more trade schools and home economics needs to be returned in schools. Also teach them about credit and debt. These schools are not designed for our kids to succeed period.

  3. Actually, the way to effect change, is to change the current regime. I was not even aware that elections were being held. Why is it not advertised more to the public? Even other city departments are not notified of upcoming elections. It would have been nice if this information was shared.

  4. 1:50 PM ,,,WE NEED MORE TRADE SCHOOLS??? I can confidently assume you haven’t been to a Home Depot recently on any given morning . Please observe the “ contractor” area between 7 AM and 10 AM most of the men are of Mexican descent and work under the table for liscenced/insured contractors who are scamming the system . These men are working for a fraction of what a skilled laborer should make if they were legitimate . Why subcontract out to a professional such as a plumber for $50 bucks an hour when you can pimp out to a desperate half ass laborer living in a motel on the Berlin Turnpike for $20 bucks an hour. Your about 3 decades too late recommending trade school. Those days and livable wages are gone forever.

    1. Not true at all i know plenty of electricians plumbers and truck drivers making excellent pay!!

  5. So it has been brought to my attention that Hartford Fire Department Chief Reginald Freeman has been going to city hall mayor's office to persuade them to give the Hartford Firefighters Union a hard time on negotiating our contract which expires in July. With all we have done for this department meeting your demands and expectations I can't believe you would do that to your own department. Now you are messing with members benefits and salary.How dare you. We were informed by one of the mayor's staff members and also several city council members of Reggie actions. Very low move on his behalf. Go back south where you came from.

  6. 1:36 PM , If electricians and plumbers are making “ excellent pay” and there is a demand for these craftsmen WHY aren’t the able bodied students fresh out of high school acquiring these high paying skills with little or no burden of debt from mostly useless college degrees?? WHY is it that U.S. born plumbers and electricians have a average age of 55 ???? Why are the majority of new truck drivers of middle eastern descent that proven historically to willing work LOOOONNNNNGGGG hours for minimal pay???? 1:36 PM Haven’t you ever been on the phone with a India boiler room full of representatives from USA owned companies??? (Call the Hartford Courant sometime , I’m always stopping myself from ordering chicken tandoori).....lastly , please ,excluding names ,provide me examples of the “ PLENTY” of people you know who make excellent pay ,,,,,please list income,health benefits and retirement plans.... maybe you could also use the contractors at Home Depot or Lowe’s as a resource,,,,, HOPE YOU SPEAK SPANISH!!!!!

    1. Seems all your commentary on here has a racial overtone cry a river. Again i know plenty of american born journeyman truck drivers and plumbers making good money. Im done conversing with a man that thinks he knows everything has no room to learn and having the last word is a feminine trait so have at it.

  7. 10:37 PM What label would be placed on me if I said greyhounds are fast,bloodhounds have big noses ,chihuahua’s yap a lot ,German Shepard’s are smart,poodles have attitudes ,Labrador’s are usually black,samoyed’s are usually white ? Same species ,different breeds . Humans aren’t different?
