Monday, March 30, 2020


Our society, the last few weeks , to me, seems to have an eerie similarity to the days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on our Country.

People actually seem to be civil toward each other, good deeds are obvious everywhere and people actually seem to be caring about their neighbors. You can actually be slow to proceed at a green light without the car behind you leaning on their horn.Civility. Why can't we be like this everyday? Even when we aren't facing a pandemic.

W have an elderly family friend who lives alone and she was unable to find toilet paper last week. Me and Mom dropped an eight pack off to her  home. We told her we didn't want any potential exposure so we would leave it on her back porch. She called later to ask how much we wanted and we told her nothing. You would think we gave her a winning Lotto ticket.

I think it made us both feel good. Our friend in knowing that someone she could count on actually was thinking about her and us knowing we did something good, even as small of a gesture as it was.

As the old saying goes, no good deed goes unnoticed, we have received much more back this week than any toilet paper could cost. Neighbors have plenty of free time now and the homemade soups, baked goods, potato salad and much more has been making it's way to our doorstep.  The deliveries are usually prefaced with a phone call asking if we are home and can they leave something for us on the porch.

The doorbell rang the night before Saint Patrick's Day. It was a neighbor who had to cancel her weekend St. Patrick Day party and she showed up with a full corned beef and some vegetables she couldn't use. Mom cooked it and we packaged up Corned beef and cabbage, potatoes and carrots dinners for several other elderly people who were home with the restaurants closed. They were all packaged up and set on  the back porch for pickup. We maintained our social distance,

Today, another neighbor came over to get some of the Irish Bread we baked this weekend, she was carrying Banana bread and a container of potato salad she made for us. We will be baking more, but our grocery delivery with buttermilk won't come until Friday (sorry)

Although the pandemic may be the worst thing many of us will probably experience during our lifetimes it seems to be bringing out the best in many people. I wish, and hope, we can smarten up and continue the civility after this is done.

I only wish that the people that are supposed to be our so called "leaders" would forget the political sniping and start leading by example. That goes for everyone, from our President on down , including our 2 US Senators. There will be plenty of time when all is said and done to figure out who, if anyone, dropped the ball on a situation that no one could have predicted 12 months ago.

 I do have to say though that Governor Lamont appears to be showing some leadership and pulling State resources together and playing very little politics with this disaster. I think Governor Lamont would be well served to continue on the course he has set and resist allowing anyone to hijack his press conferences for their own political gain as was done last week by Senators Blumenthal and Murphy . We all are well aware of their disdain for President Trump, in the meantime people are dying and many more will potentially die while they further their political hatred.

And this pandemic also highlights the stupidity of many people also. I am sure we all, or at least most of us with any common sense, were appalled by the news coverage of "spring breakers" swarming the beaches in Florida, some how figuring they were immune because they were in College and partying. Also the ignorance of Florida's Governor, who waited almost a week before taking action to stop the reckless behavior by closing the beaches.

Most likely out of fear of offending business owners who receive substantial financial benefit from the drunken spring break revelers in their bars and clubs Unfortunately, many of those college partiers are now testing positive and suffering from the Corona virus.

I think another example of Corona stupidity is the testing and reporting of Corona cases in the news. The number of infections reported and the hospitalizations reported are partially due to the low number of initial test results and now that it has been ramped up and more results are received daily the numbers seem to double and triple almost daily. I think those infections were there all along, they are just getting identified and reported on a more timely basis .



  1. It seems in the Last '3' day, gov. Lamont FINALLY CAME TO HIS SENSES, and began to Act like a Governor should ! NO Grand Standing or Guessing, just the honest answers people want to hear !!!

  2. Speaking of Spring Breaker's...

    Dad Bans Son From House After He Partied Over Spring Break ...

  3. Sorry Kev and 8:19 PM but I have to be the bad guy and point out just how ignorant and very late to the responsible party Governor Lamont and other so called leaders were early in March. Please Google “ Ned Lamont Chinese restaurant” and read the top two articles ,better yet just look carefully at the photo Lamont,AG Tong,West Hartford mayor Shari Cantor and others are in ,, they’re elbow to elbow ,face to face,eating family style! The only thing missing in the picture is a bowl of soup with a bat garnish! On that very same day leaders from other states and here in CT were predicting a pandemic and warning the public of the severity of the virus all the while Ned Lamont was shaming those who were minimizing public contact and challenged us to come out and support our restaurants and local businesses . AG Tong is quoted saying “ don’t be afraid to patronize your local businesses” Lamont said “Connecticut is ready to deal with coronavirus” . Now look at Lamont ,a deer in the headlights,following Governor Cuomo’s orders and trying to match his flailing hand gestures with his empty and nonsensical words. It’s a nice feeling for those of you who want to be supportive but please reserve that for someone who earned and deserves it. Lamont is way over his head .

  4. Interesting how Lamont blows off a local news station to go on the national news and look totally unprepared. His answers where that of someone who doesn’t have political experience..... wait a second.... Lamont doesn’t have any experience prior to be governor. Well folks you get what you paid for. Isn’t also interesting how Lamont gave nice state jobs to people who aren’t qualified for that?

  5. Another fine appointment by CT’s idiot liberal voters is Shawn Wooden as state treasusure ,,, early December the idiot DIVESTS CT’s money from 5 gun and ammunition companies. How’d that work out for us ? According to Shawn Wooden this was a symbolic decision as CT wants to eliminate our right to own and bear arms, he even stated he had a relative that was killed by gun violence . Hey Shawn Wooden your supposed to wisely INVEST our money not use it for political gain . How could anyone vote for the treasurer of a near bankrupt capital city?

  6. You can make buttermilk with whole milk and white vinegar or lemon juice. Just type “make buttermilk” in your browser.
